6 years ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 141
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@valtmy The society in which the main character lives revolves around promises that are binding for life. Some characters have willingly given up their freedom, others do all they can to keep their freedom. I hope to convey that the only true freedom is found in Christ. (This is a fantasy book, so God is called Yehoveh, the Ancient One, or even Truth)
Thank you for the advice about foil characters! I think I’ll start writing down the character arcs in more detail and go from there. I watched a webinar about this subject a while back, but I had forgotten that foil characters are often similar in background or personality. Hm, that actually fits for two existing characters of mine.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@valtmy I’m doing a bit of both, actually. The character involved in the aforementioned plot twist is who I’m writing at the moment, but I’m also creating a new character who may be a foil. The theme of this story is “freedom,” and the story revolves around the question of what freedom truly is and how to obtain it.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel @jenwriter17 @catwing
I’m formulating a plot twist that could possibly make readers cry. Also, does anyone have any tips for making good foil characters?
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@jenwriter17 Horse training? That’s cool. My sister takes riding lessons, and I take art lessons from the same lady who teaches her. 😛
Are you still researching character names?
Nope, I’m just catching up on emails before I head off to get some actual writing done. The names I decided on are Neela and Lorcan. Lorcan is a scribe with knife-throwing skills who is also very musical and has synesthesia (he can see colors when he listens to songs). Neela is his extremely introverted little sister. I’m still working on developing her character. (It’s hard because she doesn’t talk much to anyone but her brother.)
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@jenwriter17 Yeah, for a little longer. I was able to find names for two characters of mine. 😀
What are you researching?
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@jenwriter17 *waves* I’m doing research, too.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel Huh, I’ll have to ask Ace about that. Or maybe we should tag Xonos here to ask him ourselves. 😉
*glances at screen, jumps up from chair* YES, I finished French! That was…relatively painless. Appareil photo and quatre-vingt dollars will haunt my dreams, but at least I sort of understand. xD
Wow. How far are you through editing? Do you enjoy editing?
About four chapters into a thirty chapter book. And I haven’t even gotten to the parts that need edited the most. *wince* And yes, I enjoy editing very much. I’m what I call an “obsessive editor” who hates to share her work (even with alpha and beta readers) without polishing it to the epitome of perfection. I know that’s never possible, but my perfectionist side disagrees. It’s something I struggle with.
It was great to talk to you guys. I’m going to my other computer for a while, the one where most of my writing projects are stored. (It doesn’t have internet and thus I cannot actually talk to you guys whilst writing.) Wish me Aether! *waves*
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel Yeah, I do remember! *searches through notes* If this is correct, we had that conversation on January 21st, 2018. Waitaminute, Xonos did WHAT? And he succeeded? That’s crazy! xD
Ooh, I think I’ve heard of the concept of pomodoro timers before, just not the actual name. That does sound helpful.
@jenwriter17 Yes, it is awesome. When I tried to reach the site to find a certain article and couldn’t, I was very much dismayed. Now I can browse the archives to my heart’s content (and perhaps be more a little more active on KP in the process).I have set the goal of completely editing my first book by the summer to send it to beta readers. (I don’t know if I’ll ever have another chance to do it since I anticipate life will get crazy very soon.) Reading The Blue Sword also jolted me out of writer’s block on another project, so I’m doing that for the word war on SE. *glances around warily* Err, am I allowed to speak the name of that place here?
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
Hello, @jenwriter17 ! Good to see you again!
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel I really don’t like chemistry. Despite my alter-ego’s penchant for making smoke bombs and other strange concoctions, my brain just can’t understand that stuff. My least favorite subject used to be pre-calculus, but it’s getting easier as I go along.
Did I really say that?
Yes, you did! I have the evidence. I even know the day that the conversation took place: December 19th, 2017. (That’s not creepy at all…. >.>)
Have you ever heard of a pomodoro timer?
No, what is that?
Ohh yeah! My mom told me about Robin McKinley just yesterday. She said I’d like it. I’ll definitely read some books of hers (his??) someday.
Wow, that’s a funny coincidence. O.o I’ve only read one other of her books, The Hero and the Crown, which is the prequel to The Blue Sword. I personally think the latter is better, just ’cause the characters are so well done.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel Yeah, you make a good point. That reassures me a little.
What is your least favorite subject in school?
Y’know, I still remember when we first met on Ace’s doc and I asked you for advice on procrastination. Your advice was to lock my books up in a case and tell myself I could read them after I finished my writing project. 😛
I don’t think I’ve heard of that book. Who wrote it?
The Blue Sword is by Robin McKinley.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
College is coming up and I’m pretty terrified.
Same for me, actually. I’m terrified that I won’t know enough and that I won’t be able to transition well…
I just finished The Blue Sword last night. It was SO VERY good. I would highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t read it already.
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel Well, people are creating a lot of new rp topics and I’m concerned about the spam that they are generating. I don’t really know what to do about it, though.
I’m doing all right. Still struggling with self-discipline and, on top of that, hard-core anxiety.
Ooh, anxiety is never fun. I’m sorry about that. 🙁
I’ve been doing a lot of blogging lately, so that’s fun.
Oh yeah! I have your blog bookmarked! It’s awesome to see you’ve been keeping it up. 😀 Have you read any cool books recently?
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
@dekreel I’ve missed you, too! I still skulk around the Aetherlight forums sometimes, though not as much as I used to. 😛
I’m very well, thank you. Currently doing a French lesson and contemplating writing. How are you? What projects have you been working on lately?
INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*
Oh my goodness, the website is back up! I couldn’t access the articles or anything for a while there. O.o
Aaaand I haven’t been here in forever. Is…anyone still around?
@dekreel @jenwriter17 @catwing ?INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.
*disappears into the shadows*