Ariella Newheart

  • @ariella-newheart Yay I’m glad you like it! 🙂
    Hmm.. Let’s see.. Ooh! You can draw Aspen! 🙂 She’s fun to draw. She’s a fantasy character.
    Tall, elegant.. Her race is similar to elves but also different.  She has long, thick, wavy, blue hair. Oh and lots of flowers in her hair! 🙂
    Brown eyes. Her skin isn’t dark but it’s far from light (I’m not…[Read more]

  • Joy posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago


    I thought I’d let you know that I’m going to be on a hiatus from KP until the end of the school year. This place is so amazing, but it’s keeping me from my work. It isn’t healthy for me. I am going to start the hiatus sometime next week after I post the last part of the KPA (probably Easter Sunday). After that I won’t be…[Read more]

    • Okay, Dekreel
      😀 Have a good hiatus, and God bless your writing, too. And good luck with the rest of the school year
      Stan and I will eagerly await the return of the amazing wolf named Dekreel.
      Nope, you aren’t a wolf.
      You’re NOT

      I’m glad you aren’t leaving without finishing the KPA, though! The wait would make Stan’s scales fall off

      • Thanks a lot!
        *cringes* *calms down* THANK you! See @rochellaine? Sam believes I’m not a wolf! 😉

        • I would beg to call to your notice that @sam-kowal did accidentally slip and call you a wolf, before vehemently protesting otherwise, therefore proving that he thinks of you as a wolf, but usually refrains from saying so in order as to be polite and not injure your poor feelings. In that way he is similar to me.
          😉 😀

          • *shakes head*
            You and your law school… 😉

            • Wait…do other people not talk like that? 😀 Haha. I should be “sending you away with a smile” instead of persecuting you, shouldn’t I? 😉
              But to change the subject just slightly, I was planning to tell you this and it seems like a good time now…I know it’s all teasing and fun but if you ever feel that I’m too harsh or annoying or unkind,…[Read more]

          • @rochellaine Oh, you’re making me smile. Believe me. 😉

            Thanks. I don’t think you’re being harsh or unkind at all! In fact, I think you’re putting your law school stuff to good use. Especially with someone as impulsive, slightly snarky, and — dare I say it — implausible as me.

            It’s a little… frustrating trying to argue my cases around you.…[Read more]

    • Fare thee well! *waves handkerchief sadly* I’m going to miss you dearly. See you at the end of the school year! *sets sights on the promise of summer* *trudges off*
      P.S. To answer your question, the episodes I watched of the Fifth Doctor were about Daleks.
      Until next time! *salutes* *disappears in a puff of smoke*

      • @dekreel What is hiatus? Whatever it is, I am sure sorry you won’t be around for so long. But I am glad you are doing what you need to do and just telling us about it. May God bless you writing, dear friend-who-is-not-a-wolf! Be sure to tell us when your back!

        • @dekreel I’m sad to hear that, but I understand completely. Actually, I will most likely be dropping off the Kingdom during the week, until weekends, because of schoolwork. Also, my school is starting state testing in a week. 😐
          I think that they went “Anonymous.” I don’t really know, though.
          “*coughwarrencough*” o.o *blinks* I will, don’t…[Read more]

          • @warrenluther04 I feel like I need to do that sometimes, too. But we’ll see how this goes…
            An MC, eh? Sweeeeet… *grins*
            I don’t have a blog! I said I’d be commenting on OTHER people’s blogs… Sorry about the confusion. Do YOU have a blog? 😀
            Thanks, so much. And you’re welcome. I couldn’t leave you guys living in such suspense now, could I? 😉

        • @ariel-ashira “Hiatus” means I’m taking a break from KP.
          Thank you! And don’t worry, I will totally tell you when I’m back. XD

      • “Promise of summer” has a nice ring to it. 😉
        I’ll miss you, too!! *tight hug*
        Ahh, yes. I haven’t seen that one in awhile…

    • @dekreel I hope you will come back feeling refreshed and accomplish what you were hoping to. 🙂 We will miss you like crazy, but I totally understand your reasons. *hugs* 😉

    • Ah, I used to hang out on KP too much too. You’ll find a better balance in time. Till then, have a great break and I’m glad you’re coming back!

    • @dekreel I understand. *hands you a few feathers for your trip*
      I will miss you too. At we can read the end of your story, unlike the person who is taking why too long on there’s. *cough*
      Wait just a minute!

      So we were racing?! *stares at you* *blinks* Why of the all things that I should notice.
      Oh. Oh. Oh. You have started something…[Read more]

      • @catwing Thanks for the feathers XD

        Umm… Well, I guess it wasn’t officially a race. I mentioned something about racing once but I don’t think you replied. We’re both pretty close together rank-wise, so I thought we’d race and see who becomes the Chosen One next. But now since I’m going away… *sighs* The finish line is yours.

        (Maybe. Unless…[Read more]

        • @dekreel You are welcome.
          I did reply to that comment saying, “no thanks.” Oh well.
          *nods* yes the finish line… *grin*
          (No way. *shakes head* Nope. 😉 )
          I don’t think I’ve actually killed off a MC. I did have a prologue where I killed off the MC’s parents. But then I felt bad and made them an epic back story. 🙂
          My revenge is the fake die…[Read more]

          • I just need 75. (Nice, number. I like fives. 🙂 )
            You need 43.
            (Yes, I counted those because of The GIF Hiders. :3 )
            Wow, you did get ahead. :3

          • @catwing Goodness, I didn’t know! Sorryyy… Well, it was a private race, at least.

            Ohh! I hope you realize that you just did a spoiler alert. XD Unless you’ll drop the idea. (I actually think the fake death is a pretty cool idea. And it’ll go along with my leaving.)

            Little? Huh, yeah. Look at how tall I am. JK 😉

            Looking forward to it!!

            I…[Read more]

            • @dekreel It’s okay.
              *cackles* I never said Catwing Christmas. *thunder booms* I can happen at any given time when you least expect it.
              Yeah, yeah. You’re bigger than me. *pouts* (but probably not in real life 😛 )
              And then she looked forward to her demise…
              Thank you. But it’s 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s for me. 🙂
              7’s are hard… But the perfect number.…[Read more]

            • I have just lost a race I didn’t even think was happening… Wow, that’s a new one. 😛
              You better prepare yourself when you come back.
              I think we may be becoming the next Ethryndal and Snapper. XP
              Oh, my.
              But if so, which of us is Snapper and which is Ethryndal?
              *grins and vanishes*

    • @dekreel Not sure if you’re on hiatus yet or not, but I did find out what happened to Shannon and Emily. Shannon said I could tell anyone who asked- apparently, they aren’t going to be coming back 🙁 That’s why their accounts are dark now
      Anyway. Just thought I’d pass that on. I’m kinda sad too

    • Ahhh I’m late…. >.< See you when you get back, @dekreel!!! I'll be praying for you, my friend. 🙂 Here are some cookies for the road. *sends cookies*

  • Okay, so several people have asked about my personality type.  So I took the test.  Or whatever you call it.  🙂

    *drumroll*  tada! I am a ENFJ-A.

    “With vision and determination, nothing is impossible”. I like that.

    Although I think on other parts they make me sound a little to overbearing and judgmental.  I like following, not leading, but only…[Read more]

  • @ariella-newheart  Oh! Okay so the rank you get depends on how many posts you’ve made on the forums. Here is a list:

    • Bumbling Henchman: 0-20 posts
    • Charismatic Rebel: 20-50 posts
    • Wise Jester: 50-100 posts
    • Loyal Sidekick: 100-300 posts
    • Knight in Shining Armor: 300-1000 posts
    • Eccentric Mentor: 1000-2000 posts
    • Chosen One: 2000+ posts
  • Joy posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    @aislinn-mollisong @ariella-newheart @lady-iliara @0-0enyali0-0 @other-aethasians

    Greetings, Awesome Aethasians!

    I was just watching several YouTube videos of someone playing The Aetherlight, and I wanted to say that I am SUPER EXCITED about it. It looked SO fun! Maybe, MAYYYYYBE I’ll join this weekend. Maybe not. I’m NOT promising it though…[Read more]

  • @rochellaine  Oh. Ohh. Ohhhhhhhhhhh….  o.o

    That’s just what I was thinking! Imagine @seekjustice checking her email, and finding herself buried in spam from Rochellaine and Dekreel XD (Okay maybe not SPAM, but…)
