Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Character Art Exchange in the forum Art 8 years ago
Let me be the 60-somethingth person to say, “@kate-flournoy, the calligraphy is top-notch!”
Also the Joe you drew was great. It’s like it’s a part of him with more to be found and I love how he has his pad and pen 🙂 so Joe -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Character Art Exchange in the forum Art 8 years ago
OO… More to draw.
I’m not as free to draw as I’d like to be, but I’m willing to give some of those a shot if I can 🙂 -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Character Art Exchange in the forum Art 8 years ago
Hey all. I just found out about this and read everything.
You guys are AMAZING! Like super-DUPER AMAZING!! All of it! All the art and characters and everything! I love it!
I was thinking of adding one more character to the mix, just for fun 😉
I kinda share him with @i-j-anderson and @christi-eaton. I give you *drum roll* Joe! (yes his name…[Read more] -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Mr. Nice guy in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years ago
Excellent! I am glad to see this villainous plan really does work! *jots down some notes on becoming a powerful monarch*
Great job! I loved it XD -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Mr. Nice guy in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years ago
Excellent! I am glad to see this villainous plan really //does work//! *jots down some notes on becoming a powerful monarch*
Great job! I loved it XD -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Hi people! in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
@Jason, sorry the link wasn’t working for me 😛
Glad to find another Beauty and the Beast fan! -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Ellen [Short Story] in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years ago
*sobs* It’s *more tears* Beautiful! Excuse me while I have feelings in the corner. *Curls up with computer and reads again*
*and cries some more* -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Hello There in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
Hello @Widdrim. No one sees much of me, but I try to say welcome to all who join our wonderful Kingdom Pen 🙂
Welcome!Oh and I am an INFP. Not big on being part of discussions, but I LOVE reading them.
Welcome once again and enjoy your stay here at KP! -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic *thinks of some uncliche way to say hi* in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
*waves hard because she is out of breath from running into every forum late and saying hi to everyone who she is really happy to see join*
HI! And see you around 😉
*waves again and runs to next forum!*
*notices how she should do more exercising instead of reading and writing…* -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Hi people! in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
*runs in late, again*
Ahoy! Resident pirate here. Welcome!You like Koalas? *big smile* Those are one of my top five favorite animals 🙂
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Hello Everyone!! in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
@aysia-serene, you’re not alone in your lateness! *ponders if that is a real word*
Welcome to KP, @delightinlife! My name is Anne and I am the resident pirate, but I am sort of not always around. Pirating and writing take up a lot of time!
Welcome again! -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Discussion for Video Two: The Importance of Theme in the forum Discussion Questions 8 years, 1 month ago
I think I completely agree with you @aella. I am excited! Now I can make my words count in this world. I want Christ to be heard through me and theme is the key to that door! I am excited to find that key, where ever it is hiding, and use it in every story I write for the Kingdom.
Anne Swiftblade changed their profile picture 8 years, 2 months ago
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Discussion for Video One: Introduction in the forum Discussion Questions 8 years, 2 months ago
I pretty much agree with everyone else. I’m hoping to be able to both detect theme in works of literature and incorporate theme skilfully into my own writing.
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic HUGE Announcement! in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 2 months ago
Signed up! Super excited about this!
One quick question…
Were will I find the forum we will be part of? I don’t see it anywhere.Oh one more question 😛
Just to clarify, will the Beta Tester coarse be added onto as it goes or will it stay as it is now? -
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Daughter Of Eve saying "Hi"! in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 2 months ago
@S-G-Dewey, welcome! Narnia and LotR?? YES! My favorite Chronicle is The Silver Chair (Puddleglum!!) then The Horse and His Boy and then… well all of them 😉
You want to travel the world? Me too. I want to at leased have been on every continent before I am married (so I have a while :)). Besides that I would specifically love to visit Egypt,…[Read more]
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Memories and What They Look Like in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 8 years, 2 months ago
XD @Dragon-snapper, Saw your response AFTER I posted mine!
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Memories and What They Look Like in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 8 years, 2 months ago
Got board of waiting. Really short idea.
You could have different peoples emotions and memories and all showed in different ways depending on the person. So dreamers could have lights, thoughtful and organized people could have the filing system and cubes, a more random and scattered brain full of hand drawn pictures could be the mind of a child.
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Memories and What They Look Like in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 8 years, 2 months ago
Whoops! I forgot the name thingy: @winter-rose
Hey @Dragon-snapper! I like your ideas! Mind if I add just an idea to yours?? *waits for response* yes? *starts typing as she waits*
Anne Swiftblade replied to the topic Memories and What They Look Like in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 8 years, 2 months ago
Ooo… sounds like an interesting plot. I may have a few ideas… 😉
*Sorts through brain until light bulb is found*
Wait! *To self* that’s not a bad idea.What if memories and emotions were portrayed not by orbs but by light-bulb-like things? So the active memories would be “on” and dormant ones would be “off”. Memories being blocked could be…[Read more]
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