AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 1 year, 1 month ago
@keilah-h your comments make a lot of sense. Tbh I haven’t actually read the whole thing in quite a while, I just remembered how I had so many thoughts about the end. I definitely have to agree about the ending-the more I analyze and try to read into it the more I realize it could totally go either way, and while of course I’m a tad disappointed…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather changed their profile picture 1 year, 1 month ago
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 1 year, 1 month ago
Agh! Can’t believe this thread hasn’t been posted on in over a year. I remember I first joined in middle school, and I’m currently nearly halfway through high school! But I have a couple comments and I want feedback!!!
Okay so first, just a quick aside about the show-I have all the old covers of the books, because they are my dad’s and he bought…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Yes, Tink’s eye color does become very important later on. My mom and I were discussing that at lunch today and I sincerely hope they don’t change that part of the story for character design or whatever. Honestly, that might be the thing to turn me off from the show (only slightly exaggerating).
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Breaking/important question: I know Tink has brown hair in the animated series, but does he have blue eyes? From all the promotional art I’ve seen he’s either brown or green-eyed?? Can somebody answer this?
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Yeah, I have seen the short film and really wasn’t a fan of the disproportionate heads of the characters. It’s promising that you say it’s been changed a little, though.
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Thanks! That doesn’t sound too bad. The changes you mentioned do make sense and seem to not have a negative/large impact on the story. I see your point on having the art be more quirky and fun; I guess I’m just not a fan of that art style in general. 🤷♀️ I’m just not a fan of the weird proportions, where the kids have kind of huge…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Howdy! 🙂 in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 3 months ago
Wow! Hello there! Pleasure to meet you; I’m so incredibly glad I found this thread and I’m wondering if there are any steps I need to take to become an official member of the #ProtectionSquad. I have a friend who was writing a story in which she killed a character’s brother, whom I had grown very fond of, so much so that I wrote a detailed revenge…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Hi there! I’d just like to request a little more information on how the plot of the Wingfeather show- I’m pretty skeptical, because I’m nitpicky with the characters and from what I’ve seen the art really isn’t my favorite, and hearing about plot changes makes me even less likely to watch as I am very, very fond of the original books and I thought…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
@whalekeeper that’s so funny your family has the same thing! Ever since my great-grandmother it’s been a funny coincidence- I’m only fourteen, but already feeling the pressure for when I get married and have kids lol!
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Oops, I posted that twice. Working out of my email inbox gets tricky! Sorry about that.
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Wow this is fascinating! I love finding more people who love this series! I’ve thought quite. Alot about my role as an Annieran royal- I’m definitely a Throne Warden, as the oldest of three. I defintly identify with having a lot of responsibility and being gifted at writing and Journaling, although I’m also rather talented when it comes to music!…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga in the forum Book Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Wow this is fascinating! I love finding more people who love this series! I’ve thought quite. Alot about my role as an Annieran royal- I’m definitely a Throne Warden, as the oldest of three. I defintly identify with having a lot of responsibility and being gifted at writing and Journaling, although I’m also rather talented when it comes to music!…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic A Little Help, Please? in the forum Historical 2 years, 7 months ago
Thanks! My main periods of interest are the Revolutionary War and Tudor England, but I have several fanfiction of a historical musical from the turn of the 20th century. I’ll have to check out the books and authors you mentioned; can’t wait!
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather started the topic A Little Help, Please? in the forum Historical 2 years, 7 months ago
Hi there! I’ve been in a massive slump lately, and I’m looking for good historical fiction reads. Several of my current projects are Hf, and I’d like to start another one, but I’ve been stuck reading children’s historical fiction which is great, but really doesn’t go very deep into historical context. I know there is research to be done, but I’m…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic You have the ability to read a book for the first time again… in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 10 months ago
There are so many choices, but I’d have to say Harry Potter. No spoilers, but there are so many things i heard even before reading the books that there were sadly very few surprises. If I could go back and re-read everything with no knowledge of the series, I 100% would!
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic About Me- a Book Reader and Writer! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
My favorite musicals are definitely Newsies and Les Misérables. Funny they’re both about young people fighting against injustice… in part. My favorite John Williams score would have to be either Harry Potter one or three. They’re both so magical (no pun intended!)
Ack you torture me!! If i HAD to read only ONE book for the rest of my life……
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic About Me- a Book Reader and Writer! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
My cousins are mostly out-of-state too, but we love doing shows together. Actually, one time some of us did a Felicity play(based on the second book) from a little kit I got. Casting was rather awkward, because I was playing Felicity and my younger cousin was playing Father. And he had to kiss the top of my head, being a foot…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic About Me- a Book Reader and Writer! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Hello Koshka! I think that’s a pretty name!
A while back I took a colonial sewing class and handmade an apron and kerchief! I’m a sucker for anything before like the 50’s.
Singing is definitely my strongest point! I’ve taken flute and piano but I’m not great at either. I’ve always been interested in violin, though- it’s such a pretty…[Read more]
AnnabethKatherineWingfeather replied to the topic About Me- a Book Reader and Writer! in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Hello Elishavet! Out of curiosity, does that name derive from Elizabeth? My patron saint is Elizabeth the Russian New Martyr!
I’ve also dabbled in play writing. Back when I was homeschooled, my friends, sister and I made up a little theatre company. We preformed a total of two shows, one of which was written by me, but since I started public…[Read more]
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