Active 5 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 842
Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman’s terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out. View
hybridlore - "Hey, I’m a chosen one now! When did that happen?"
-GRCR- - "♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫"
Keilah H. - "@rae @theshadow THE LAST TF2 COMIC IS OUT!!! I CAN NOW FINISH MY FANFIC FOR YOU!!! No joke, I’m super excited cause y’all seemed to greatly enjoy it and I can’t wait to finish it for you!"
HighScribe - "An artist I follow on Spotify released a new single, and the cover is an AI picture of a hand. It doesn’t even have the right amount of fingers. Whhhhyyyyy ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ It hurts my soul."
MineralizedWritings - "@ellette-giselle Hi! (I can’t get into my email so I’m messaging you here lol) I’m watching a historical fiction anime called The Vinland Saga rn, have you seen it? Idk I thought you might like it, it’s a sienen […]" View
Cloaked Mystery - "@rae I finally made some progress on your song. I emailed you the pdf. Sorry for letting it sit for so long!"
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ - "https://editor.reedsy.com/s/p8SdhuQ @keilah-h @whalekeeper @esther-c @grcr @theducktator @theshadow @anyone-else I JUST WROTE A NEW CHAPTERRR"
TheArcaneAxiom - "@felicity @otherworldlyhistorian @kyronthearcanin @folith-feolin @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @sarahsmile @godlyfantasy12 @sarafini @gwyndalf-the-wise @freedomwriter76 (Whenever your back Freedom in case your […]" View
Ava Murbarger (Solfyre) - "Life has been kinda crazy lately. I started YWW, and everything else in highschool (a total of nine other subjects), I’m starting up a new schedule to better fit in writing, reading, school, etc… And though I […]" View
Light - "@godlyfantasy12 Hii <33 How are you doing? Just was thinking abt you 🙂"