By Greta Dornbirer

Where am I?

How can I escape,

From this horrendous black hole I’m in?

A hole called Sin,

Sucking me in,

And no one can help me out.


Light piercing through,

Shining on my face.

There is someone who can help me,

Make me be whom I’m meant to be,

Not just someone,

In the dark hole of Sin.

Jesus, help me leave the dark,

The light is what I want.

You are whom I need.

And for you alone will I bleed,

And sweat, and die for,

Because you died for me.

“Who am I?”

I ask my Lord.

“You are my beloved.”

He tells me,

“You are the one I brought

Out of the dark and into the light.

“I love you,

And I will guide you,

Even through the darkest hole called Sin.

And you will always win.

For I am with you,


“Even if you mess up,

I will never leave.

You are now my child.

And I am your Father.

You are loved.

And you are mine.”

“Don’t worry what others think about you.

They cannot comprehend,

How much I love you,

I made you in my image.

You are like a little bird,

Flying for the first time.

“But I will help you fly.

And you will never die,

For you will live with me forever.

You are loved,

And you are mine.”

Photo_on_11-5-15_at_7.37_PM_#2_(1)Greta Dornbirer is a fifteen-year-old homeschooler. She lives in Ohio with her five younger siblings and her parents. Greta loves writing and is currently writing a novel with her sister, but she has not published anything yet. She has written fantasy and fiction so far, but she would love to try writing adventure and mystery. Besides writing, Greta enjoys reading, acting, singing, going outside, and painting. When she grows up, she wants to become a published author. Greta blogs at
