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Cool! Yep, I’m still here. *handing you a cup of coffee (or whatever other drink you prefer)*
Awesome! Meet ya here tomorrow, then!
Great! Thanks for the coffee:)
No problem! Good luck with your writing. I think I’ve got the Jerusha plot problem figured out.
That’s awesome news! Good luck to you too:)
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Hello all! I am going to begin writing for the day, in case anyone is interested in joining me 🙂
Yep, I’m here!
@joy-caroline @abigail-m
Give me five minutes and then I’m totally ready to get this writing stuff going!
God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.
Sounds great! Let us know when you’re gonna set the timer, Abigail. When Issa gets back, of course!
@joy-caroline @abigail-m
Alright, I’m ready when Abigail gives the go ahead!!!! LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!! *passes around snacks and bottles of water*
God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.
YAY! Let’s go!
@issawriter7 @joy-caroline
*Accepts water* Setting timer for 15 minutes annnnnnnd….. GO! 😀
@joy-caroline I’ll join! Thank you so much for asking!!!!!! 🙂 I have to go empty the dishwasher real quick and then I will come right back.
"It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
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