Writing a Series

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      So, Iā€™ve loved seriesā€™ for a long time, and TBH, thatā€™s probably what Iā€™ll always want to write (or at least Duologyā€™s or something)

      While I technically have had a book published, Iā€™m not really selling or advertising cuz I wrote it a few years back and itā€™s not something I really want to sell yet ya know?

      Anywho, not sure who all here writes series, but I thought Iā€™d come here first to ask a question and for some motivation to help with said question, and to open up for any tips or talk about series writing.

      1. What do you do, when youā€™re a bit more excited about a later book in your planner series, then the one youā€™re currently writing? Obviously, Iā€™m going to write the first one, but just wanted to know if anyone else has had this same ā€œproblemā€ and what can motivate you to keep working.

      Also, other tips or questions are welcome


      Linyang Zhang
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        @godlyfantasy12 Me? Since I have a tight writing schedule, I think, “Ah, I’m very excited that by this time next year, I’ll hopefully be writing ‘this’. Also stuff like, ‘If I don’t finish this now, then I can’t get to that.'”

        Lately, it's been on my brain
        Would you mind letting me know
        If hours don't turn into days

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          @godlyfantasy12 Well, I came to the right topic! šŸ˜‰ I am a proud series writer–currently working on the third (or, technically, fourth, if you count that one short story…) installment in my six-novel Daughters of the Seven Seas series. That, and pretty much every other project of mine happens to be a series…or at least a duology. I can’t help myself!

          So, I have DEFINITELY experienced that. Like, almost every day. It’s difficult to tamp down that kind of excitement, you know? What I usually do is, when I’m pumped for the next story, I’ll go ahead and do some outlining, scroll through Pinterest for inspiring pictures (well, I do that anyway šŸ˜‰ ), and–depending on how far along I am in the first book–maybe write a few scenes for it. The best thing to do is get focused on the story at hand–your favorite scene in it, favorite character, best part of the chapter you’re currently writing, etc. Of course, you run into wanting to write a particular part of that book while you’re still in the first few chapters…but that’s easier to deal with.

          Is there anything else in particular pertaining to series writing that you’d like to know?

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @gracie-j Thanks! Donā€™t really at the moment…weā€™ll, maybe one thing lol.

            So people say to have ur MC learn something at the end of each book (or something like that) and then learn something else in the next one. I get what theyā€™re saying, but any idea for having your character learn something but keep her lie going on thru the series?


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              @godlyfantasy12 IĀ totally understand that issue. Four out of six books in my series focus (mostly) on my character Rina. Now, I pretty much resolved all of Rina’s issues in Book 1, so keeping her story going was difficult. I didn’t want her to suddenly become evil again (she’s a pirate/privateer), nor did I want to kill off certain characters. So, I had to stretch things out. Sure, she may have stopped being a pirate and become a Christian in the first book, but that doesn’t mean she won’t struggle with that in the future. It’s also helpful to have several villains from her past to throw in every now and then, or have certain loose ends in the first couple books that won’t be resolved until later on.

              Your issue’s kind of on the flip side, so my advice would be to list the things your MC needs to learn before their arc in complete. Say they (1) have an arch nemesis they need to forgive (as in, learn forgiveness), (2) a childhood mistake they need to resolve (as in, learn to heal/let go/become a better person), and (3) a prophesy they need to fulfill (as in, learn courage and faith or something. (You can fill in these examples with something more emotional, depending on your MC’s struggles.) Then stretch those out. Maybe the prophesy is only half-fulfilled by the end of Book 1, leaving one loophole that you can resolve in Book 2. Your MC heals from their past in Book 1, but their arch nemesis shows up in Book 2, opening that wound again. Make sense?

              Rina needed to (1) learn mercy and grace, and be redeemed from her life as a pirate; (2) forgive her old enemy; (3) let go of piracy completely; (4) learn to trust God above everyone else. At first, it looked like all of those lessons could be learned in Book 1, but with the addition of new situations and old villains returning, I was able to assign one lesson to each of the four books. And, of course, she never stops learning.

              So, Ara (1) needs to save her family, (2) needs to follow God’s will, (3) needs to overcome her anxiety, (4) needs healing from her snake bite, (5) needs to fall in love with her best friend (just assuming that one šŸ˜†). If you decide to do a trilogy, maybe (super popular, would probably work the best), I would stretch out those five things over three books. She doesn’t have to learn somethingĀ entirely new, just a different part of the same thing. I mean, the Bible is very nuanced. We think we know everything after hearing the gospel in Sunday School, but we’re learning more about life, God, Jesus, etc., everyday. Same goes for your MC’s arc.

              Maybe in Book 1, she’s able to save her family, but toward the end, her anxiety/self-doubt puts them in danger again. In Book 2, she finally saves them, but her confidence is depleted and her snake bite has gotten so bad that she’s about to die. So, in Book 3, she overcomes her anxiety, learns to trust God, is completely healed, and lives happily ever after. Capisce?

              These are just examples, by the way. You do you.

              “Lessons” don’t always have to conform to our idea of what a lesson should be. Maybe it’s something physical instead of emotional, external instead of internal. And lessons can be learned unwittingly. You may not notice that your MC has such-and-such issue until she’s faced with such-and-such problem. Make sense? I know that’s happen to me with Rina before, and it makes the lesson so much more valuable and realistic, because I’m learning it with her and for her, you know?

              Hope that helps!

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @gracie-j thank you!

                I think one of these days Iā€™m gonna wanna list out my plans/plot (1, so everyoneā€™s on the same page and 2, cuz itā€™s fun lol)

                So back when I was working on another project (that flopped some) my MC had anxiety (because thatā€™s something Iā€™ve struggled with so I want to get that story out) and my mom told me, because I was struggling with the subplots and other characterā€™s arcs overshadowing his arc) that heā€™s the one who suffers silently, and sometimes thatā€™s the worse. So throughout the books he helps others, but he doesnā€™t receive his true help until the end


                So I think thatā€™s kinda what Iā€™m gonna go for with this series.

                You wanna hear some more about it? Idk if anyone cares but I love talking about it lol


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                  @godlyfantasy12 Definitely list it out! I’d love to help you in anyway I can!

                  Oh, yeah–really love that idea. I would stick with that, because not only would it extend your plot, but it would make your character most relatable and loveable.

                  I would love to hear more! I know how it feels to wanna gush endlessly about one’s books. Kinda difficult when none of your family is into reading… šŸ˜‰

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @gracie-j Awww, well u can gush on about it here, although, TBH, Iā€™m one of those ppl who prefer talking about my own stuff then listening to others….šŸ˜…šŸ˜… but thatā€™s just me! Lol!!

                    So ive mentioned before itā€™s a seven book series, and Iā€™ve already got ideas for each book.

                    The first one is in Araā€™s home (for a few scenes) and then in my circus land, where Jocelyn lives.

                    Araā€™s destiny is to go on a journey to one day defeat an evil she doesnā€™t really understand (because she doesnā€™t know exactly what or who this evil entity is) she doesnā€™t know how long sheā€™ll be gone, and canā€™t return until itā€™s through.

                    Sheā€™s allowed to choose one person to take with her, besides her family, so she chooses her best friend November.

                    Now, November struggles because he feels he isnā€™t brave and, while he doesnā€™t show it in the first book too much, he becomes overprotective of Arabella because he loves her and feels guilty for her being snake-bit.

                    This snakebite, btw, grows with her anxiety and can cause pain, making an already difficult mental challenge into a physical challenge.

                    As she goes thru the land however, she ends up restoring peace, along with her friends) in those said lands.

                    in the first book, and my circus land, she uncovers the truth about a ā€œmonster attackā€ that happened years prior, and proves Jocelyn (another POC characterā€™s) innocence in the murder of her uncle.

                    Through each new land (until book 6) there are things leading up to the one sheā€™s supposed to defeat (Corvina) and subdue (the Destroyer) for a time, because the destroyer is actually the reason for the unrest in all of these lands as heā€™s put things in place to disrupt and cause evil.

                    So from book one, Jocelyn joins the group. (I know this is a lot, and if y donā€™t read u donā€™t have to lol! But I enjoy writing it all out XD)

                    I think Iā€™m gonna do a desperate post for each (or most) separate book.

                    So thatā€™s a bit about the first one!

                    Also, In the first one, Ara ā€œmeetsā€ Corvina, but doesnā€™t really know her yet. Ā And Corvina kinda represents those who are under the control of evil against their will, those who have lost all hope and are like puppets. So sheā€™s a very sad character herself šŸ˜ž


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      ONTO THE 2nd BOOK BECAUSE Iā€™VE STARTED AND WILL NOT STOP!!! (Oh btw, when I start talking about my WIPs, itā€™s hard for me to stop unless I just run out of stuff to say/write XD!!!)

                      So in book 2, my three characters (Arabella, November and Jocelyn, along with Jocelynā€™s pet/best friend Nyx) travel into rocky, snow terrain with forests.

                      Here, Wolf shifters live. The three find themselves caught in the midst of a rebellion being led by a shifter named Grimm (POV Character) who is ridden by grief because of the loss of his baby sister Mirella. He leads the group against the now warrior dictator-like Arden and Kainda, the Alphas.

                      (Kainda is based off of Jezebel)

                      Theyā€™ve tried to kill of all Omegas (youngest or flawed wolves) who are quite ā€œunredeemable.ā€ Luckily, the rebellion were able to save some, but they couldnā€™t save them all.

                      One of them was Grimmā€™s sister Mirella, who was born deaf.

                      From there, Arabella and the others decide to help the rebels take back their pack, and loose the control of the Alphas.

                      (havenā€™t decided if the wolves have their own prophecy about a brown-haired maiden, AKA Arabella or what lol)

                      A bit of tension starts to arise between November and Grimm and a bit more of Corvina is shown, but not fully revealed to everyone yet.


                      (U want me to continue or stop?)


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1789

                        @godlyfantasy12 You can continue! It’s sounds like you’ve got everything mapped out pretty good there! It sounds so interesting. I like that you’re introducing new characters and setting with each book, kind of encompassing a lot in one series.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @gracie-j Thanks!!

                          Im really excited about the third one!


                          So Grimm has joined the group, and now they are in Fairy Land. Theyā€™re thrown into a war that has now become just a dislike of each other.

                          You see, the Fairies who represented the sea wished to live in it, and so traded their wings for tails becoming the Met, which upset the other fairies.

                          They then became even more divided Jen those representing life and earth formed their own group called the Pixies.

                          Now, the leaders of these three different groups lives in one land which is compiled with the different terrains.

                          So, in the clans, there is what is called Flits (the Mer refuse to call them that) and these are ā€œlesserā€ then others.

                          For fairies, who represent the mountain, stone and air elements, they prefer strength and are harsh and cold. To them, Flits are those who are ā€œweakā€.

                          Enter a new POV, Paxton. Heā€™s a young fairy boy, who, after he was born, was changed by The Destroyer, so his wings were burned into his skin, so he cannot fly. (He doesnā€™t know the destroyer did it until later. He thinks itā€™s just a birth defect)

                          Hes bullied and shy, and scared, and this worsens when he becomes a pivotal part of the fairies starting their war (which Corvina helps push along)

                          For the Pixies, The destroyer and Corvina use their love of gold and shiny objects.

                          Anyway, the group has to stop the war boiling between the groups. I think Corvina is introduced a bit more in this one, where Ara finally meets her for real.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Donā€™t have all the details figured out for everything, especially not these last ones.

                            book 4 is where Dolunay, or Luna, is introduced. She is a Moon Elf, and the last of her race. They were wiped out by dragons because they were worshippers of God. Havenā€™t exactly figured everything out on this one. Unless something changes, no more POV characters will be introduced


                            Book 5 (which Iā€™m excited about!!) introduced the SnowBlaze elves. Worshippers of themselves, and the most dangerous of elves, this book will definitely pack a punch!!


                            Im planning on betrayals, misunderstandings, fight scenes maybe, dragons, and snakes! More with Araā€™s snakebite would be so cool here, and by the end, ur in a bit of a tailspin, and Araā€™s life (which has been slowly rising) begins to take downturn.

                            Book 6 is like one large All Is Lost beat. Things continue to go down, but Ara continues on to Corvinaā€™s castle, where the final showdown will take place.

                            This is when a certain character makes a huge sacrifice, and things fall apart.

                            At the end, however, Ara rises, with the help of those left.

                            book 7, one big finale. This is where Arabella faces off with Corvina, but….things arenā€™t always what they seem.

                            And now, using all that sheā€™s learned, and discovering her arc, along with others, she helps Corvina overcome her own lie, and they face down against The Destroyer, together to restore peace for a time.


                            Whatcha think?


                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              @godlyfantasy12 Ooh…sounds great! That’s a big project–how do you keep it all together?

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @gracie-j Ehhh mainly in my brain lol. I have a large three ring binder for the overall series, but most stuff is in my brain. I have character sheets (and names for extra characters) for the first and 2nd book in that binder, but not yet for the characters in the others (figure Iā€™ll wait till I know more and get closer to those books)

                                Iā€™ve got big plans, thatā€™s for sure! Iā€™ve also got a duology in my brain. Iā€™m thinking of working on the first one when I finish the first draft and set it aside for a bit, I may outline the first of the duology and then get back to this big series. Just when I need a break or have to wait for edits or whatever I can work on it.

                                I think Iā€™ve already got the titles for the Duology (unless something changes). Iā€™m gonna name them after their POV characters

                                (1) Tempest

                                (2) Reven

                                (and it may end up being a trilogy. Weā€™ll see.)

                                Agh Iā€™m obsessed with writing! As u can tell, got lots of ideas! One of my fav parts tho, TBH, is probably coming up with ideas.

                                Those first brainstorms, when a story is just coming together, is so incredible and just thrilling for me! It makes me SO excited! I think thatā€™s some of the reason I get so excited for the next books is because ideas are still building!


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                                  @godlyfantasy12 I feel ya, girl! I just love that feeling of inspiration when you come up with a new, never seen before, world-changing idea that will become the most-read book in the history of the universe!!! Or, well, when you feel like you’ve just come up with that idea. šŸ˜‰ I’m coming up with new ideas everyday, so I’m overloaded with new and different stories to try out one day!

                                  You writing right now? What chapter are you on?

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