Writers' Corner #12

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  • #59188
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3515

      @dekreel This time, I shall join you in the quest to write. 😀

      ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @dragon-snapper  Fantastic! Onward! *waves walking stick/pen in air*

        How’s the LOKD3 going?

        You can pronounce it however you want.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3515


          Let me put it this way…


          ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2307

            @dragon-snapper  That bad, huh?
            Actually it’s about the same with the KPA…

            You can pronounce it however you want.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3515

              @dekreel Yeah, tell me about it. XD

              Is the KPA what you’re working on right now? I’m trying to work on my novel, though I keep getting distracted with my my blog.

              I love that gif.

              ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2307

                @dragon-snapper  I decided that I just can’t focus on so many characters at once while still focusing on the main character. Well, then again, look at The Hobbit. XD but there is still no plot, so I am  going to try to write a different KPA :-/

                I just hope I don’t overthink it. I want to just WRITE, and not worry about planning or whether or not I know what’s going to happen.

                I’m writing the introduction for the new KPA, but I don’t have a plot for the story itself. I was thinking maybe they could travel into the worlds of different books (Narnia, Middle Earth, etc.), but I also want supporting and minor characters who are Kapeefers… Maybe I could have hobbits and fauns and things visit the Kingdom of Pen, instead of the Kapeefers visiting them… I don’t know.

                Any ideas for plots?? I’m open to anything 😀

                LOL yes, I love that gif, too! XD

                You can pronounce it however you want.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3515

                  @dekreel Yeah, there certainly were a lot of characters. 😀 I might have to restart as well. 😐

                  Um… suggestions? From one KaPeefer Writer to the next, eh? 😉


                  You could have certain minor and major Kapeefers disappear into those worlds, and then a bunch of your MCs could split up to go save them in those different places.

                  You could have them replace the characters in those other worlds.

                  I’m just throwing out ideas.

                  But like you, I’m stuck.


                  ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2307

                    @dragon-snapper  That Big Hero 6 gif. *dies* FAVORITE. GIF. EVER!! X’D

                    Anyway, thanks! Those are good ideas! 😀

                    We’re in this together!

                    You can pronounce it however you want.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2307

                      @dragon-snapper  I’m going to sign off. I started writing a story. I don’t know how it’ll turn out *shrug* Happy writing!

                      You can pronounce it however you want.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3515

                        @dekreel Alrighty! Catch you around! 😀

                        ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2307

                          @dragon-snapper  @seekjustice  @audrey-caylin  @whoever

                          I’m back. I think (Uh-huh, yep. I’ve taken over the Corner 😛 )

                          You can pronounce it however you want.

                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 32

                            @lady-iliara Sorry I didn’t get back to you, I don’t normally get on KP because it’s super laggy for me… 😛

                            No, I’m not going to the Atlanta one! Shoot! I don’t even go to the West Coast one… my theatre does every other year, but I don’t go. I might sign up one day… I’m on the West Coast so I doubt we would see each other anyway 🙁

                            ISFJ, energetic, writer-crazy, and has-an-unstoppable-obsession-with-The-Aetherlight!

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1486

                              @dragon-snapper @Audrey-caylin @dekreel @Daeus @daughteroftheking I’m working on Rook if anyone wants to join me 🙂

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1819

                                I’m here! @winter-rose

                                Ooh, fancy Writing Team badge. I likey.

                                Writer. Dreamer. Sometimes blogger. MBTI mess. Lover of Jesus and books.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1486

                                  @That_writer_Girl_99 Yay! Whatcha working on?

                                  *Dusts it of* Aye it’s shiny. I like shiny things. 😀

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