Writers’ Corner 01

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  • #87354
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @scoutfinch180 I’ll be honest with ya…you could probably submit it whenever. I’d recommend early on, because you never know what others might catch (good or bad) before you’ve revised it a lot. Then, if you wanted to, you might could ask for feedback once you’ve made some changes. *shrugs* Whatever works for you works for us. May I ask what you intend to do with your short story once you’ve completed it?

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          I’m here! Got outta church a few mins ago! What are you up to today? Church was awesome, and got me excited to write more. Hopefully I’ll still have that excitement once I get home 😂.

          I wrote the prologue yesterday. It’s not very long and my mom and I are gonna print it out so she can help me with some stuff. So today I’d be starting chapter 1.


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1789

            @godlyfantasy12 Nice to see you! I’m doing a little of it all. Just wrapped up a blog post I’d started last night about the flat earth theory. I’ve been home from church for a few hours now…

            I’m sure you will! Congrats on finishing the prologue! Will you be sharing some of your book on here? Let me know how the writing goes!

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6691



              Maybe….but I’m still a bit wary lol. If I do, it’ll probably be later on. I’ll see. I’d like to see what my mom thinks of that, lol.


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @godlyfantasy12 Of course! But don’t ever be afraid to share with us–we’d love to give you some feedback and even beta read once you’re finished!

                Scoutillus Finch
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 413

                  @Gracie J.

                  I’ll probably share it once I’ve fixed a few things I’ve noticed.😊

                  I don’t exactly know what I intend to do with my short story. I have always liked the sound of publishing my work, and I feel I’d like to submit something to KP one day, but right now with school and all I don’t know if it will work out for me. But I always desire to grow in my craft and I really appreciate feedback positive or negative. I also know I enjoy sharing my work with my mom and sister when they want to and I think it is something they will like, but they aren’t always available. Also, this short story a project my Mom said I could do for English class (Yay homeschooling!). And while I really like the sound of publishing, I am a hobbyist at this point in my life.


                  I’m so glad that you found the sermon at your church so encouraging! I love it when that happens!

                  Good job on your prologue! It must be so exciting to start work on a fantasy novel with an idea of the direction your book is going to go.

                  We crazy people are the normal ones.

                  Scoutillus Finch
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 413


                    Also, thanks for the tip! I’ve been polishing like crazy!

                    We crazy people are the normal ones.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1789

                      @scoutfinch180 You’re welcome! I know how you feel as a hobbyist–that’s how I started out about five years ago. I told myself to wait until I was 16 before I started actually writing, but when I was roughly eleven, I sat down and starting writing a full-length novel. Scrapped it. Tried writing another one. Scrapped it. The cycle repeated until I ended up finding that one story I couldn’t live without writing. I’m sure that once you find that story–and you’ll know it when you do–you’ll be able to commit more! Publishing will work itself out in its own time, but I do recommend working toward it.

                      Actually, my mom counts everything I do while writing as school. Since I’m constantly researching history, math, social studies, culture, mythology, and the Bible, etc., for my books and blog, I can encompass it all. Homeschooling is the best, in my opinion.

                      @jenwriter17 @alia @valtmy @dekreel @seekjustice @rochellaine Are y’all around today?

                      Scoutillus Finch
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 413


                        Thanks for the tip! I have found a story i deeply desire to write one day, but I am still gathering ideas because all I have is a character I love and his family, a few friends of his, and a world that is incomplete. I might buckle down on his story once I’m out of school, but honestly I would rather start work on smaller projects and build myself up to bigger things.

                        It’s so awesome your Mom counts your writing as school too! Homeschooling really is the best. I learned a lot more in homeschool than I ever did when I was in Public school (my mom busted my sister and I out of there when I was in the fourth grade). have you been homeschooled your whole life, or did your family escape it too?


                        We crazy people are the normal ones.

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1789

                          @scoutfinch180 I should have started with smaller things in the beginning, but that didn’t occur to me… 😆 I have a lot of ideas that I’m waiting on–for research/maturity purposes–myself.

                          It is awesome, isn’t it? Actually, I went to kindergarten for fourteen weeks before my mom felt God calling her to take me out. Ten years later, and here I am! The happiest homeschooled tenth-grader you’ll ever meet! 😉 I count myself as a lifelong homie (totally just made that term up; homeschooler is too long), since fourteen weeks of kindergarten isn’t very long at all. I am definitely so glad that my parents took me out! I don’t know what I would’ve done had they not.

                          @rochellaine @alia @godlyfantasy12 @valtmy @seekjustice I’ll be on for an hour or two if anyone else is…

                          Scoutillus Finch
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 413

                            That is so cool!

                            I am going to be brave and very soon share my short story on the forum for people to critique. Is there a way I can put a word-doc into a post?

                            We crazy people are the normal ones.

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              @scoutfinch180 Yay! I don’t think so… You can just copy and paste the story into your post here, or you can share the link to it on Google Docs. (If you don’t use Docs, which is what most everyone here on KP uses to share or submit their stories, you just can access it through your gmail–assuming you have one–account, paste your story into a doc, then share the link here.) Whatever works for you. I wish there was a way to link to a Word doc, though…hmm…

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1789


                                I’m going to see if this works real quick…

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1789

                                  Nope. Apparently actual docx links aren’t considered links anywhere but in my website builder. Well, there are ways to share your story that should work much better than that! 😉

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