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  • #165640
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      I just did some research and found out that, XD. That does make sense, though. I’m just not sure how the mechanics are going to work behind the starfighters in a new idea I’m following, and that popped into my head. Do you have any suggestions?

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      Cloaked Mystery
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        So your idea requires sound to work in space? I’m not sure I follow completely.

        I can’t personally think of a good way for sound to work in space, unless you’re fundamentally changing physics. Given that sound propagates only in media, as in real life, the only thing I could think of is having space be actually filled with gas, although that would probably have incalculable impacts on the universe.

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          Oops, my bad! I mean suggestions for other ways they could work. Yeah, that would require a lot of changes to this world XD

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            • Rank: Chosen One
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            It doesn’t require sound to work in space at all, it just needs some way for starships to be powered.

            The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

            Cloaked Mystery
              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Oh, so, these spaceships you’re creating run on sound somehow, and you want help thinking of a different way to power them?


              • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Cloaked Mystery. Reason: Lag

              🏰 Fantasy Writer
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              Cloaked Mystery
                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Oh. How is sound working in space related to this? I’m a bit confused.

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                  Oh, so, these spaceships you’re creating run on sound somehow, and you want help thinking of a different way to power them?

                  Basically XD. It was just a random idea that I had, and I wondered if there was any actual way sound could be used like that. But yeah, since there isn’t, I need to come up with a different way that they work or else just not mention it in the story, if that made sense.

                  The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

                  Cloaked Mystery
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2874


                    Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m not sure if sound could be used to power something, but if it could, I actually don’t think the lack of sound propagation in space would be a problem, because the sound would work inside the spaceships, so unless they need to use sound from outside, it could still potentially work.

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                      Hmm, maybe? XD I think for what I was thinking of, it would need to have some sort of impact on the area around it, so yeah, I don’t think it would. Thanks, though!

                      The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

                      Cloaked Mystery
                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        No problem!

                        🏰 Fantasy Writer
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                        Cloaked Mystery
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                          Okay, so I have a calendar system developed for my planet Adonial.

                          Adonial orbits its sun in a period of 360 days (which are the same length as ours.)  The year is split into nine months of forty days each. The months are:

                          Eid, Eoj, At, Per, Kaul, Sec, Pal, Thul, and Vam.

                          An additional custom the Adonian calendar uses is that every 5,000 years is considered an “Age.”

                          The calendar is counted from the founding of Arvendor. That day is considered 1 Eid, Year 1, Age I. (Those of you familiar with my WIP may also note that the month names are derived from the names of the Eivir: Eidershon, Eojold, Atmor, Percaro, Kaulo, Secrivis, Paligen, Thulac, and Vaminin.)

                          Funnily enough, using this calendar system, my birthday would be on Kaul 20. What’s significant about that? It is exactly halfway through the year!

                          🏰 Fantasy Writer
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                            Cool! That’s really funny about your birthday, too.

                            If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              That’s so cool!!


                              Funnily enough, using this calendar system, my birthday would be on Kaul 20. What’s significant about that? It is exactly halfway through the year!

                              How funny!

                              ♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                                Yeah, I missed your conversation with @jonas until now, but if I’m understanding you correctly, your wanting to power spaceships with sound. Sound as a force has been used to manipulate objects in precise ways, but they would have to be ridiculously light, and the cases where we have done such a thing, it’s an object surrounded by speakers, instead of being covered by speakers. This wouldn’t be viable in space, even if it’s close to a planet. There may be particle mass that can produce sound, but the farther away you get from the planet, the less dense the gas gets, and therefore the more power you’d need to make the ship work. It may function as a mode for propulsion, but a very weak one against much better alternatives. You can change physics, I have in my world, sound for example is actually a physical particle instead of a bunch of particles vibrating off one another.

                                So I’m still confused as to what your asking about what could power the ships though. Are you talking about forms of suspension and propulsion through space? In sci-fi, there’s endless routes you could take, so what are you looking for specifically?

                                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                                  Wond makes an approximate rotation of 357 Earthling days, but I’ve not decided if it’s off that number by a day or just a couple hours. Notice my use of the word Earthling, for I haven’t even totally decided if a Wondian day is different than ours (most likely is). I’ve only been working on the origin planet of Wond for about a year, so it is kinda on the lower end of developed.

                                  Well if you have the months and days worked out already, it’s going to be 357 Wondian days regardless if a Wondian day is equivocal to an Earthling day, if it is off by even a few hours of an Earthling day though, it’s not going to be close to 357 Earth days.

                                  There are four standard seasons, though I am contemplating creating a portion of Wond that has more or less. Most likely won’t happen.

                                  That could be interesting. The mechanics of how a planet movies around a sun usually causes it to have only four seasons, because of it’s axial tilt, but other anomalies could allow for different characteristics in particular regions.

                                  You like math. Yes, you could take the math stance with it, and I had a small math design when I created it, but I got one out of thirty problems in my math right last time I did it. Summary, I flunk math. I have not delved much into the math side of the months or the Realn, so this question must remain unanswered until further notice.

                                  Very well😅

                                  The Nameless Things are races or singular beings, usually immortal, who have dwelled on Wond since the Starlight Ages. They are similar, with slight differences. They’re basically the special races that I don’t want to bother giving names, but still want them to do something and be there when i need them for plots.

                                  Interesting. So is Nameless just a working name since you don’t want to name them, or are they truly ineffable beings?

                                  Your system is very confusing, I can see why it is taking you a while to finish a calendar. Wond is simple, but then I still have to figure out the tri-solar system of the Realn.

                                  Yeah, I mean, I could work them out if I wanted to, the Septrum has just become such a big project that I’m putting my effort in different places at different times. A tri-solar system sounds really cool! That would have very intriguing effects on the calendar. And Moons is a whole other can of beans!

                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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