WIP Idea (still making outline) for Kharvia Anthology S1B1

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  • #127832
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 311


      I feel like I need to go get the trashy map

      Otherworldly Historian
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 235


        Thank you.

        A couple questions…is there an advantage living on one of the continents versus the other?

        There is. Some weather-type stuff (ie the storms) but that is not the main reason. The main reason it is better to live in the eastern one is that it is more developed. Also, some countries have better living standards than others. The main reason the eastern continent is more developed is that they were less impacted by the fall of the Golden Empire and created the Rosse technology first.

        Also, is Karpenta the island?

        If you mean the Sajin Islands those are just colonial holdings of Karpenta (specifically house Ramis which owns them separately from the rest of Karpenta power balances). Karpenta used to have more colonies but they lost them in this one war that happened about 50-30 years before the book.

        Karpenta is located in the main part of the eastern continent between Vapoka and Naijin. To visualize I think it would be somewhat like if you looked at just Spain, France, and Germani’s locations. In this Vapoka would be Spain, Karpenta would be France, and Naijin would be Germany (please note that they are not based on any of these states. If I was doing that the only one I could pinpoint was Vapoka as the British East India Company combined with the golden age of the dutch empire). (Also note that I do not support colonialism).

        Through darkness,
        light shines brightest

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 173


          Karpenta is located in the main part of the eastern continent between Vapoka and Naijin. To visualize I think it would be somewhat like if you looked at just Spain, France, and Germani’s locations. In this Vapoka would be Spain, Karpenta would be France, and Naijin would be Germany

          Gotcha. The reason why I asked if Karpenta was an island is because you had mentioned a smaller island between the two continents. Does this island have a name?


          Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

          Otherworldly Historian
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 235


            The reason why I asked if Karpenta was an island is because you had mentioned a smaller island between the two continents. Does this island have a name?

            There are actually a bunch of little island chains in the middle but I haven’t really named them yet.

            I really need a map but all my attempts (which is like 2 tries for like 15 minutes each) haven’t turned out how I wan’t.

            Through darkness,
            light shines brightest

              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 173


              I really need a map but all my attempts (which is like 2 tries for like 15 minutes each) haven’t turned out how I wan’t.

              That’s okay. Good things take time. ☺️

              Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 76

                I have to say, kudos on your worldbuilding. That’s intense!!!

                Do you introduce all your worldbuilding to the reader the way you did to us in your books or slowly, like one at a time?

                Otherworldly Historian
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 235


                  In the actual book the world-building would not be as much of a lore dump and probably be more one at a time.

                  Through darkness,
                  light shines brightest

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @otherworldlyhistorian @folith-feolin

                    Guys, this looks AWESOME!!! The worldbuilding is super complex and just really awesome!! And ideas for “prequels” are almost endless!

                    Even though I don’t prefer sci-if, the Kharvian Anthology looks amazing and I would definitely read it if you ever choose to share!

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6724

                      @otherworldlyhistorian WOW I didn’t read it all tbh but this worldbuilding is so extensive and amazing!!


                      u may have already been asked and I missed it but…


                      How did u start world building and what is ur process? Ik @folith-feolin helps u with it, but how did u start and keep it all in check.


                      I have a program I use to keep everything in one place, but I am a Plantser, and a HUGE procrastinator, like really bad.


                      That being said, I have this HUGE world to build in my series, and also a ton of characters, and I really really want to build it all and write them but it also feels just…


                      so huge and time consuming and….agh!

                      And I’m like “Well maybe if split it into pieces like only doing characters first or focusing on this first”


                      But even then it’s just….it feels so crazy.


                      And then I look at others And im like “Wow…that’s so amazing…”



                      ANYWAY I’m just wondering where u started and how ur process works. Even tho ur a plotter and I lean a little more on the pantser side (tho I do plan some, thus the title Plantser)


                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 311


                        As for organization, he has a huge doc called like Kharvian something or another where he puts all of his different plots. And I help with some of keeping things straight to an extent.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 311


                          historian is working on a large project so I don’t know when he will be able to answer so I will tell you what I know (@otherworldlyhistorian please come and correct/elaborate on this)

                          Also, I get what you mean about being busy and procrastinating a lot our school regularly gives out 2+ hours of homework a day.

                          In addition, otherworldlyhistorian is a crazy plotter and a lot of a perfectionist (luckily he has me (much less of a perfectionist to help with some of the perfectionism problems 🤓) and it has been 3 plots so far but some were quite short (looking at you first person phase)

                          With that stated, I will begin by talking about the origins of Kharvia. Sooo… otherworldlyhistorian will tell you he has been working on karvia for a year this is true but technically it has been more like 4  if you account for the fact Kharvia is the final evolution of multiple WIPs. The start of Kharvia is about January last year maybe it was November 2021 I can’t totally remember but that’s beside the point. In language arts class I had to do a presentation on king James I (we were about to start reading Macbeth) and that got me thinking about a very much fictional idea about a guy who worked for king James I and hunted witches (I/We were also into the witcher books (albeit I have only had time to read part of the last wish) at that time (if you don’t know what that is its basically a series about fantasy pest control this song for the Netflix series (which I have not and most likely won’t watch) pretty much sums it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waMkFIzvDpE) anyway we liked this idea a bit but we eventually morphed it into more of fantasy were the Roses (named after the war of the roses and who later became the Rosses) hunted the magic people to use their magic to make technology. Then we ended up coming up with a dual timeline approach in which Glaurung (who is weirdly one of the only things that have stayed the same) rules a golden empire in the past timeline and the story of the roses is in the present. (this past timeline was put into storage as potential prequel material but it does help a bit with worldbuilding. Then we ended up porting a lot of stuff from this one wip wich we loved and had been working on for about 3 years at that point (it was a sci fi and was about a great war similar to WWI) into the current kharvia idea thus consuming all of that world-building. Shortly after that a lot of initial ideas regarding time travel were scraped (because time travel creates too many problems and we both kinds of didn’t like the time travel stuff (there will never be time travel in kharvia guys). In terms of world-building the next thing that happened was the mauraziers were made along with a whole lot of development on kharvian religions (otherworldlyhistorian spent a lot of time researching religions as he is almost the full creator of most of the kharvian religions (I was to busy with some other things) and he read a ridiculous amount of really obscure Catholic doctrine (most of which is like stuff from the middle ages that is now decannonized, (I think that is the right word) (we are not Catholic)  and spent a lot of time researching Zoroastrianism. Like a lot of time. Also, he did some research on Islam and Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Christian sects but it was mostly spent on the first two things I mentioned. We also both take a lot of things from our global and AP Euro classes and repurpose parts of them into Kharvia. I will say this Kharvia is like 99% different from where it was when we started. Also, it has moved from very much a fantasy to being basically on the line between sci-fi and fantasy it just depends on how you want to use Clarke’s third law and what Kharvian characters you talk two (ie the Rosse Technocracy says that all of the aether is science and has defined laws and such for it whereas some of the less educated people in Karpenta would say that aether is magic) Also the reason Kharvia has the season structure is that it was originally going to be like 5 books but then we realized that they would be two big and a lot of those books would be separated. So we ended up splitting those up by most interconnected plotlines to create the books within a season.


                          I will say that I think the things that have helped us would build kharvia so fast is that there are two of us worldbuilding it and our favorite pastime/procrastination method is to just talk about kharvia. Also, I will say research helps a lot even if you are not righting hist fic knowing how things that might be similar to what happens in your book happened in real life can be really helpful also researching and talking to people from different religions and cultures and backgrounds can be helpful for creating different fantasy countries and races (it has helped that school has an extremely diverse population and a focus on international studies)

                          I will probably say more later and elaborate on things I skipped but I have math homework to do at the moment.

                          (also I know there is a lot of typos and bad grammar but I don’t have the time to fix it at the moment Grammarly says something like i have 19+)

                          • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Folith-Feolin.
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 311

                            sorry if that is hard to follow or confusing

                            Otherworldly Historian
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 235


                              is very much correct in terms of inspiration. I would say that history is definitely a very good resource for inspiration. One thing he didn’t mention that also links kind of to my motivation for writing Kharvia is that I really enjoy darker fantasy novels as I feel they often have really complex plots and explore deepish themes. I don’t however enjoy the fact that a lot of them usually have problems (ie language). I have also released that a majority of christian writers seem to stay away from fantasy/sci-fi that has darker themes in preference for more light-dark view (yet this is not the case in other genres (his-fic mainly). (Also note that I do not have anything against light-dark fantasy or allegory fantasy).

                              Another big thing that has helped me is reading interviews with writers. Even one who write stuff I would never read (G. R. R. Martin (Game of Thrones)) have had some interesting things. (I read one by him on character deaths that was very helpful where he basically said that when determining if a charcter should continue you need weigh the benefits of them dying (for the plot, death is usually nit a good thing) with that of them living.)

                              In terms of getting work done and plotting I would probably have once considered myself a planser but I used to have big problems with circling. Now my main plotting methods are basically lore brain dumping and plot summaries. The brain dumping is fairly simple. Plot summaries are basically I take and write basically a very long (this takes a small bit) summary of a single plot-line where my main focus is to get it down and edit later. Then I do a little bit of editing before going on to next one. This was probably the most helpfull thing because before I also felt super overwhelmed but after taking it one plotline at a time it has made it feel less crasy. (I will probably have a lot of editing when I finally finish making all of them though as there is a lot of stuff that needs tweaking I also cannot say that this is a good method as I haven’t finished yet.)

                              Also if you want any advice on how to actually make time for writing I would give you two things. One is really good, the other not so much.

                              I would highly suggest getting google docks on your phone or getting a notepad because you can write if you get board instead of just surfing the web. Also I would say it is useful to set small weekly goals (and sometimes use fulfilling them as procrastination to your schoolwork).

                              Through darkness,
                              light shines brightest

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6724

                                @foltih-feolin wow…that’s a ton! Y’all have really thought this out a lot (I mean I have with my series as well but it’s hard to put into words if that makes sense…

                                @otherworldyhistorian thank you for the tips! Those are very helpful!


                                Yea, I have plenty of time, it’s just procrastination and not doing it, to be honest.

                                You both seem to have gotten a ton done and have solid concepts on everything!! Super cool! I don’t read super dark stuff, just to be quite honest, but I also do read stuff that others might consider darker then some. Idk lol! So while I might not read the books you’re working on, your work is so very impressive!!! Like seriously.


                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 311


                                  Thanks and glad we could help!!

                                  I always find it interesting how everyone has their own scale for determining how dark something is. Like how there are some people that won’t read things with los of foul language but will read things with characters who commonly partake in substance abuse and then there are people who are the opposite (Note I don’t judge anyone based off of what they read kind of studying human behaviour is a side interest of mine)

                                  anyway otherworldlyhistory (why did he make that name so long???) task me with writing a common sense media esque chart/review thing for S1 B1 (as we have a very diverse list of beta reader we think It would be courteous also I kind of started doing it for fun and then he thought it was cool) so I will probably put that on here before I share anything. To help people decide if they would be okay reading it. 🙂

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