WIP Idea (still making outline) for Kharvia Anthology S1B1

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    Otherworldly Historian
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 235

      Ok. So I mentioned a bit about my main WIP series The Kharvian Anthology in my welcome forum and a couple of other places. I have been working on it for probably a year or so and am in a kind of outline phase (I am a plotter).

      So the entire series is actually a group of serieses that all happen at relatively same time and which I am planning on writing in waves (as opposed to going all the way through one before the others). These waves are called Seasons after the tv show method. Each one mostly centers around one of Kharvia’s main countries but I am planning a few that are more organisation/character focused.

      The world of Kharvia is made up of two main continents (which need names but are currently being called East Kharvia and West Kharvia). Most Kharvian religions (which is mostly Syjism) generally agree that the continents were originally connected. The exact reasons for the separation differ depending on who you talk to but most will also agree it was not an immediate thing and happened over time. This helps explain the smaller island between the continents.

      The western continent is slightly smaller than the eastern one. It also lacks the political organisation. Most of the western continent is ruled by colonial power of the Rosses and the Vapokans (who are both eastern nations). There are a lot of warlord houses who fight amongst themselves for control and are remients of the failed Golden Empire (a corrupt theocracy led by the maurozir of man, Glaurung, which fell apart very far back in the past). The Miejin Republic, a far eastern island state, has however begun to rise in the east after a rapid industrial campaign. The eastern continent is also characterised by (basically hurricanes but they need a special name) that sweep for. east to west and provide nourishment to the soil. They end in the divide, the area between the two continents. There are also some crops that are unique to the western continent and isles.

      The eastern continent is full of a group of 4 very powerful nation states. There is the republic of Naijin which is a very corrupt oligarchical government rulled by an aristocratic republic. There is Vapoka which is a major commercial powerhouse and also corrupt colonisers run by a merchant republic. Then there is the Rosseian technochrocy which is on a separated but close large island which is a super industrialized meritocracy that is basically run by the state operated Rosse Corperation. They are also the leaders of Aethrine technology.

      Lastly there is Karpenta which is what S1B1 is mostly about. Karpenta has a very complicated house system in which the countrys power is divided amongst six houses. The houses are House Ramis which is legislation and trade, house Fey which is food production and justice and spying, house Ikov which is military and policing, house Yucen (c pronounced like s) which is technology and study, house Kol which is basically artisans, and house Cairff which is the mine/farm laborours. House Fey and house Ramis are the most prostiegouse and hate each other. House Ikov is generally nuetral but their leaders can be swayed with cash. House Yucen generally follows house Ramis while it plotts with some of the Ramis higher ups to form a more unifyed state. House kol is looked down on by everyone else and house Cairff is looked down on even more. You generally can join a house by passing its entrance exam but if is very difficult for people who don’t already have family in a house to join it. There is also a uprising brewing within Karpenta. House Ramis also own the illustrious colony of the Sajin Islands which are the only place the coveted textile Xiav grows.

      The world of Kharvia also has 5 moons and the Oskrion complex (also known as the broken moon even though it is technically not a ‘moon’). All of the moons are color coded and emit a different type of Aether. Everyone in Kharvia can siphon the Aether form the light using their ‘aura’. Only certain people can use this aether to gain special abilities. The light emitted by the Oskirkion Complex can be held in certain stones and is used in the Rosse technology which replicates the Aethrine abilities. In Kharvia people who can naturally use Aether (except for the Anim-Rae) are looked down on and people who can use all of them, called Glaurae, are actively hunted and killed because they are seen as a threat to non-aethrine society.

      The moons are coloured and powered:
      Increased senses and endurance
      Making of temporary unbreakable energy objects
      push/pulling power
      Emotional reading
      (This one sounds cutsy but is actually quite formidable if you are good at manipulating people)
      Projection of images
      Emotional projection
      Regeneration (brings you back to state up to 24 hours previously) (has auto kick in)
      One way telepathy (only sends)

      There are also six Maurozirs. The Maurozirs are these immortal beings that are kind of like Valar from tolkien but diffeent. The Maurozirs once lived with Eiren (basically Kharvia’s version of God) but they left to go to Kharvia (which Eiren told them not to do) They are all trapped in Kharvia until the end times and mostly lost their memories of before they entered Kharvia. There are six Maurozirs and all but the sixth one is tied to one of the moons. The ones tied to moons get the power of that moon and are revived on that moons full version. They also have a ‘Heart’ which is this gem which is bonded to one person and can be gifted to another or themself. Whoever is bonded can summon the gem and whoever is gifted it can use that moons power/have more reserve if they already can use that power. The ‘Heart’ stones can be given to a new master or become bonded to who killed the old master / touches the gem after the old master died.
      The sixth Maurozir is named Glaurung and is basically an immortal human that rebirths and has a continuing string of memories.

      The last world-building thing I should mention are the Anim-Rae which is a very disorganised only pink aether wielding country that is mostly just a collection of really spread out city states. They are travelling merchants/performers who are commonly thought of as pacifists but were once a great warrior empire. They have one leader for each of the five city states.

      There is also a group of fanatical only red aether wielding city states. They have their own cult religion and are mainly mercenaries.

      (I hope that wasn’t too much of a lore dump)

      I shall now actually talk about S1B1’s plot. It is set in Karpenta and follows a myriad of plot-lines.
      The main ones are:

      Tieren Ramis: Tieren and his single mother used to live as members of house kol. Tieren’s mom-gets killed in a mob riot which leaves the near adult Tieren all on his own. After his mom dies he inherits a large Ramis estate in the Sajin Islands that his mother had apperently recently gained from his deceased and estranged grandfather. Tieren goes to the estate hoping to make a new life for himself where he can be powerful and live a life of luxury. As Tieren tries to make profits and start his new aristocratic life he must deal with the dangers of court, his families dark past, and his moral struggle between success and doing what is right for the overworked and abused Cairffs of his farm bringing him to question the very government he has staked his life on.

      Nycla Kol (pronounce c as s): Is the daughter of abusive parents who are also drug traffickers. Nycla has suspected herself of having Aethrine abilities but hides these not wanting her parents to exploit her and out of fear that she might alert a Glaurae hunter. When things go wrong and the government arrests them Nycra uses her abilities to escape. She originally wants to try to be on the right side of the law but again and agin she is drawn back into the criminal underworld as she tries to keep on running from her past and try to make a new honest life for herself.

      Karci kol: Karci runs a business with her husband. Due to the increasing taxes and problems faced by small kol companies that cannot compete with the large state run house of Yucen. Karci and her husband Kien struggle with economic problems. When Karci’s estranged sister asks karci to help her it provides Karci with the ideal opportunity to fix her economic problems. What Karci originally thinks is a smuggling operation slowly drags her and Kien into the the Karpentan revolutionary movement and forces Karci and Nyra Ramis (Karci’s sister) to confront the problems that drove them apart.

      Thadra Ramis: Thadra is the in charge of overseeing Ramis shipping operations. She is also married to Timurlyn Ramis who is mute and the brother of house Ramis’ leader. Thadra teams up with a young RIA (Ramis intelligence agency) (basically the Ramis secret police) agent named Veercin Ramis to try to stop problems with smugglers. Yet as Thadra and Veercin dig deeper Thadra releases that the conspiracy theories of a revolution which Veercin had been ridiculed for may have some merit to them.

      Aerith Ramis: is the child of Fronde Ramis who is the leader of the Ramis operations in the Sajin islands. Aerith goes to basically collage on the mainland. He is commonly mocked for his silver hair and blue anim-like eyes. Aerith dislikes this but knows that the rumors that say he is a half-anim born of his mothers affair are probably true. (This is very bad because of obvious reasons as well as anim-anyone else marriage or half anim children are not tolerated by Anim society). Over the times Aerith returns to his home and his time at the school he begins to investigate and glean that the control of the Sajin Islands is a thing only lightly held by house Ramis and that his mother may be central to the plots surrounding the isles.

      (There are about 2 more main plot-lines that I haven’t gotten enough work on to finalize one is a spy within house Fey and the other is this Anim person who is part of the anim Nationalist movement. There are also a good number of sub narrators Frond and maybe Veercin.)

      Through darkness,
      light shines brightest

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 311

        And now to tag some people (I was collecting tags as he was writing this post)

        @booksandbeakers @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @willow-woodrow @whalekeeper @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings @koshka @freedomwriter76 @ava-blue @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @sarafini @orielle21 @loopylin @starofthenorth @arien


          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 311


          Otherworldly Historian
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 235


            Thanks for tagging people.

            Through darkness,
            light shines brightest

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3062


              Wow, this world-building is so extensive! I like how you really thought of everything. Is this the shared series with @folith-feolin or your own? I might have missed something because that was a lot of reading, but do you guys have a currency yet? Or does it very by location?


              Lol 😂 It must be fun putting together such a complex series!


              All of the character’s seem super interesting! The character that is half Anim, what is his other side? Is it another canine-like creature?


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 311


                I help with world buildings and write songs and poems set in the karvia universe also I write the appendixes

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 311

                  Also fun fact part of this originated from a story about King James I

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3062


                    Cool! I always like books with songs in them a lot, it makes the world feel a lot more real.


                    Otherworldly Historian
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 235


                      helps me a lot with idea generation and editing but Kharvia is mostly mine.


                      I might have missed something because that was a lot of reading, but do you guys have a currency yet? Or does it very by location?

                      Ah. So you wish to know about Kharvian economics. This is a bit confusing but their economic theory is kind of different from ours. The Kharvians each have different currencies per country but unlike in the real world their currencies are not backed by precious metals but instead backed by the state’s ability to fulfill their ‘credit’ through their state-owned goods (or available). Most places have a national bank now. Hopefully, this makes sense.

                      The character that is half Anim, what is his other side? Is it another canine-like creature?

                      That would be cool but no. I chose not to do shapeshifting as an ability though. By half-anim I more meant that one of Aerith’s parents (his dad) is an anim and the other (Fronde) is not. Also because of genetics (which the Kharvians don’t understand) then Aerith wouldn’t be able to use the green Aether and would mostly just look different. The only real thing that makes the anim different from other green aether users is that they are a super inclosed society so they all look different.


                      Through darkness,
                      light shines brightest

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3062


                        Yeah, I kind of get the economics thing now!

                        That would be cool but no. I chose not to do shapeshifting as an ability though. By half-anim I more meant that one of Aerith’s parents (his dad) is an anim and the other (Fronde) is not. Also because of genetics (which the Kharvians don’t understand) then Aerith wouldn’t be able to use the green Aether and would mostly just look different. The only real thing that makes the anim different from other green aether users is that they are a super inclosed society so they all look different.

                        Ah, I see.


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 311


                          yes, it is very fun.



                          also you left out some of my favourite charecters



                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 311


                            someone ask him to explain how the genetics of the magic system work

                            Otherworldly Historian
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 235


                              That is not highly relevant. Also, I am not a geneticist and all of my stuff is limited to freshman BIO.







                              But fine. It would help clarify.

                              You can only have one of the aethrine abilities or be a Glaurae and have all of them. I was kind of thinking (and this is all speculation since the Kharvians don’t understand BIO all too much) that the aether users have some way to Athersynthasize (like photosynthesize) the Aether they take into themselves into storage that their bodies can use to perform the special abilities later.

                              Through darkness,
                              light shines brightest

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 807


                                Okay, so if you ever publish please tell me because this sounds like a world I gotta read about! It’s amazing! That’s a lot of stuff!


                                yes, it is very fun.

                                I bet! You two remind me of my brother, we’re working on a universe together but with seperate books. It’s so fun! I love worldbuilding so much, and I’m glad y’all do to 😀

                                someone ask him to explain how the genetics of the magic system work

                                Yes! How does that work?

                                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 173



                                  WOW!!!! That was super interesting. I can see how that would have taken much time and effort to develop. You definitely have me hooked.

                                  So the entire series is actually a group of serieses that all happen at relatively same time and which I am planning on writing in waves (as opposed to going all the way through one before the others). These waves are called Seasons after the tv show method. Each one mostly centers around one of Kharvia’s main countries but I am planning a few that are more organisation/character focused.

                                  I like your idea here….the writing in waves (seasons) part.

                                  A couple questions…is there an advantage living on one of the continents versus the other? Also, is Karpenta the island?

                                  Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

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