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  • #186764
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1103



      Oh whatever. You traitor! making friends with the enemy!



      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

      Andrew McLaurin
        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
        • Total Posts: 16

        Oh, wow. You guys like asking a LOT of questions. Which is good, but be prepared, I am an active debater, HEEHEEHEE!

        Indie or Folk, or just smash them together, then I will be happy!

        The English language is of somewhat appealing to me, may be because I speak it most often. Either that or Sarcasm.

        Loving You, by Jacob Zachary, who is my friend (PLZ CHECK HIM OUT)

        Guitar and the Uke, could play Bass if I really wanted to.

        The Chronicles of Narnia, grew up on them, CS Lewis is the best.

        “Why is the rum always gone?” -Jack Sparrow

        I write Christian songs but fail to put music to the lyrics. Though I am trying to work a big project which may be waaaaaaay out of my league.

        I like arguing with people, respectively (to some degree).

        I mean I like medieval or steampunk.

        1. Jack Sparrow 2. Iron Man 3. Batman 4. Loki 5. Aslan 6. Gandalf 7. Ben Gunn (from treasure island) 8. Mandin (from @RAE ‘s story) 9. Peter (Chronicles of Narnia) 10. Sam Gamgee

        Nope, but @Rae vows to change that…

        6 (USA, Great Brittan, Ireland, France, Italy, and Australia), lived in England for about a year and a half.

        Loki (do I need to explain)

        I draw the most inspiration for Jacob Zachary, AJR, and Josiah Queen.

        That one character that you really get a kick out of.

        Peanut Butter, all day, every day.

        Oh gosh, that was tiring. Thank you all for the lovely introduction.

        "Everything is better when you have cheese."

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3429


          Heh, heh, hehhh 😈 (and because i just discovered there was a villain emoji…) 🦹‍♀️


          I draw the most inspiration for Jacob Zachary, AJR, and Josiah Queen.

          Ok cool!! I haven’t heard of the other two, but I listen to Josiah Queen sometimes. My favorites of his are Garden in Manhattan and The Prodigal.

          That one character that you really get a kick out of.

          Oh yes, I love characters like that. XD

          Peanut Butter, all day, every day.

          You have chosen wisely.


          I cannot understand how anyone can actually enjoy Nutella. 🥲🤢

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1407


            Hey, nice to meet you! I’m hybridlore / Hybrid, a homeschooled junior (in high school), violinist, and I write science fiction-ish YA. (Sometimes it leans toward fantasy or dystopian.)

            I LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia. So good. Have you read the Wingfeather Saga yet?

            Do you do actual debate, like policy or LD, or do you just like to argue with people?


            Also. Is the forum title because of that one commercial — I think Bud Light? Lol

            • This reply was modified 20 hours, 41 minutes ago by hybridlore.

            “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1103


              Josiah Queen

              Oh man! He is one of my favorites ever!!! I love his stuff so, so much!! I need to buy one of his albums to play in my car.

              You should try out Grey Havens. They are pretty awesome! Try the Ghost of a King album first. Particularly This My Soul. So good!!


              Oh gosh, that was tiring.

              You have seen nothing, pal. It’s about to get wild. Just wait for some more people to notice you exist. lol.



              Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 306


                Hello! Welcome to KP!!

                Im Shadow, and it’s nice to meet you! Along with writing, I enjoy drawing, reading, hikes, and baking. I’m obsessed with cats, knights/the medieval era, Cowboys, the Wild West, and old timey songs from Germany, Russia, and Ireland


                If you could meet anyone from history and ask them a question, who would it be and what question would you ask?

                If you could be an expert at any skills, what would it be?

                Would you rather travel to Narnia or Middle Earth?

                Thats all I have for now, again it was nice to meet you!

                "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1057


                  ¡Hola! Welcome to the Kingdom of Pen!

                  I’m called Elishavet around here, and I write…

                  Mostly college assignments, but also rustic, noblebright fantasy ranging from vaguely allegorical tales about questing squirrels to three kids finding their place in a mad world. I like hot tea, cats, and cultural/fun history.

                  As for questions? Let’s try some classics.

                  1. Do socks belong on chair feet?
                  2. Cheesecake or Ice cream?
                  3. Would you rather live in your favorite movie or book?
                  4. What’s your favorite work of C. S. Lewis’?

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  The Ducktator
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 726


                    Arguing with people is great fun. 🙂 Greetings! I am The Ducktator, also known as Abigail, and ruler of a vast ducktatorship. Currently, my fearsome army of tiny ducks and I are trying to conquer the world! I am 15, homeschooled, and a writer of fantasy, romance, and some other random WIPs. Besides writing, I love reading, dancing, and birding. I am also obsessed with ducks and anything duck related! Thou must now answereth thy newbie questions!!!

                    What is your favorite pancake?

                    If you could live in any fantasy world, where would you live?

                    Do you prefer real Christmas trees or fake Christmas trees? Why? (There is a correct answer.😏)

                    If you were a Veggietales character, who would you be?

                    What is you favorite bird?

                    Are you dressing up for Halloween this year, and if so, as what?

                    If an enormous penguin showed up on your doorstep, handed you a can of whipped cream, and told you it was time to fulfill your destiny, would you go with him?

                    Welcome to Kingdom Pen! *vanishes in a cloud of glitter*

                    Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                    The Ducktator
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 726


                      Do you do actual debate, like policy or LD

                      Do you do Classical Conversations by any chance?

                      Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                      Andrew McLaurin
                        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                        • Total Posts: 16

                        @hybridlore I do team policy but I’m going to LD in the spring (#CC). And no, I have not read the Wing feather saga.

                        DISCLAIMER: just because I love writing, doesn’t mean I like reading. I will read a story if someone asks me to, especially if they want me to edit it, but I won’t read a book just for pure enjoyment. Though if really wanted to a would read a book on theology…

                        Is the forum title because of that one commercial — I think Bud Light?

                        I mean, I don’t think so, maybe. “Whaazzaap” is common greeting that my uncle uses. Therefore…

                        Try the Ghost of a King album first.

                        Alright @ellette-giselle, will do.

                        You have seen nothing, pal. It’s about to get wild. Just wait for some more people to notice you exist.


                        "Everything is better when you have cheese."

                        Andrew McLaurin
                          • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                          • Total Posts: 16

                          Oh, crap, I should’ve reloaded my page before sending that, lol. Also I tried the quoting thing (I just copied and pasted), and I failed. Yay… more people to answer questions, lol.

                          "Everything is better when you have cheese."

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1103



                            I will read a story if someone asks me to, especially if they want me to edit

                            oh yes!! We need guys like you! But not reading for enjoyment! Sad life!


                            (and I’m about to die because I, of all people, am the one trying to explain this)

                            If you want to make it easier for us to see what you’re replying to, you can quote us like I did above. Copy and paste the section you are replying to, and then hit the quote button at the top of the message box. Or hit the quote button, and then drop the message into the box. either way. It just helps us see what you’re quoting and what you are saying in response.


                            I bet that made no sense.

                            *runs and hides*


                            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                            Andrew McLaurin
                              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                              • Total Posts: 16

                              @theshadow Jesus, “Why are you here?” Me, “Can I have a hug?”

                              I would love to be an expert in “Me trying to figure out how which chords are going to fit in my songs!!!!” Either that or public speaking.

                              Narnia, Aslan is much cooler than Gandalf.

                              That is a very weird question, to which I answer “NO! They belong on your feet! Warm your toes and not the chair.”

                              What if I am lactose and tolerant… jk. Cheesecake

                              Movie, so that I may fly!!!!! (In Iron Man’s suit)

                              The lion the witch and the wardrobe, though I would probably enjoy the Screwtape Letter’s.

                              I see you are great in power, and I myself am too. For I am the king of the squirrels, and any other small, furry rodents that climbs trees. I hope that we can find peace. But beware, for my army is fierce and cruel, if you begged for mercy then you shouldn’t have started a war. Yeah, but other than that they are very nice, and cuddly too.

                              Buttermilk pancakes, the best ever!

                              I would live far away from all the action, then once it is over, scavenge the battlefields.

                              I want the real deal, okay, I don’t want your fake pine needles that are more work than they are.

                              Larry the cucumber. I still can’t believe @RAE hasn’t seen any of them!

                              Seagulls, they’re the only bird that can harass Yoda. (Only cultured people will get that joke)

                              Ebenezer Scrooge, Lord willing

                              I would start pouring whipped cream in my mouth. (I laughed so hard at that question!)

                              And I do CC, that’s where I met Ruth.

                              Happy SUNDAY! Glory be to God almighty!!!!!!!!

                              "Everything is better when you have cheese."

                              Andrew McLaurin
                                • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                                • Total Posts: 16

                                @ellette-giselle thank you for the explanation!

                                "Everything is better when you have cheese."

                                Andrew McLaurin
                                  • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                                  • Total Posts: 16

                                  Also, no need to run, I don’t bite on Sundays.

                                  "Everything is better when you have cheese."

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