What’s your favorite type of villain?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      What’s your favorite type of antagonist? Dark lord, mastermind, monster, criminal, etc.

      My favorite is the reflection villain.

      A villain who is one, personally connected in some way with the main character, and who has a lot of similarities with the main character.

      Like the villain is the image of what would happen to the main character they gave into their weaknesses. When the main character sees the villain they see a horrify picture of who they may possibly become.

      It just makes the whole story have so much more emotional depth. I feel so much more when I’m reading or watching those kind of stories. Everything that involves the villain and main character just hits so much harder.

      Plus, I’m a sucker for metaphors, and you know that reflection villains can be a goldmine for such things. XD

      So what about you? What is your favorite type of villain/antagonist?

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        L O K I


        Nuff said.


        *clears throat* Aside from that wonderful masterpiece of a villain-turned-antagonist-turned-hero-turned-savior-of-the-universes…I do agree with you that the reflection villain is a very good type of villain. To be honest, all villains with any kind of depth to them at all are terrific villains because, believe it or not, I like villains. Hence why most of my main characters duel as villains. Sometimes they’re their own villain, which just makes things more interesting.

        But, in speaking of Loki, my all-time favorite villain is the villain who is redeemed – the villain who isn’t as bad as he seems – the villain with truer (and oftentimes purer) motives than the “hero” – the villain who thinks he’s in the right (and possibly is). Or the self-perceived hero who is actually a villain… Hence why Loki is my favorite. (And why I still like Megamind to this day. Admit it – great character, great movie.)

        Or, you know, the villain who is literally out of his mind and is as evil as they come. Like the Joker. Who’s just evil for the sake of being evil…and is insane because, like, he wouldn’t be the Joker if he wasn’t.

        Basically, I just like a really well-done villain who doesn’t exist for the sole purpose of plot and making the hero look good. Because admit it – Loki and the Joker really make Thor and Batman look like idiots sometimes. Plus, they have better fashion sense.

        Linyang Zhang
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          @kathleenramm Oo, foils! Gotta love those.

          Mine is probably the villain who knows what he’s doing is wrong but does it anyway either for a higher reason or to prove a point. Basically the villain who has a conscience but has higher ideals. Not sure how to phrase it quite right. You don’t see it often.

          Also, I like the secondary villain who betrays the main villain for a good cause but dies immediately. Like, redemption arcs for henchman? That I can get behind.

          I also admire extreme loyalty in subordinates so, y’know…

          I also enjoy the crazy villain. The kind who does evil for evil and who laughs and is insane… Like Christopher Nolan’s Joker. Yeah. Joker carried that whole movie. In my opinion, while backstory is good I also think that no backstory can be fun.

          Also, I’m usually a pretty villain-inclined person, so I’ll always be looking for reasons to like the villain.

          And, like, hot villains…

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            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            Oh yes I love it when the antagonist and protagonist mirror each other thematically.

            I like unexpected villains (e.g. killer being a child or sweet old lady). I’m also fascinated by villains that have unique and interesting motivations because the power-hungry, petty-jealous-rivalry, sympathetic-because-I’m-doing-this-for-my-family and for-the-greater-good types can get old fast. I prefer villains that are more grounded and relatable, villains that are intimidating and frightening in a this-could-be-you way.

            I also enjoy villains that actually enjoy their villainy instead of moping and angsting, the kind that does terrible things but with so much glee and charisma it’s infectious. These usually don’t need any sympathetic backstory or reasons shoved in so they’re fun to read and write about.


            Ooh I think I have a self-aware character like that who does bad things even though he’s also the character mentally closest to the thematic truth in the story. He’s aware the world around him sucks but uses his knowledge and advantages for selfish purposes. Whenever anyone tries to challenge him, he’s able to rip them apart because he can see right through them and point out their own failings. He’s a joy to write, though he’s probably more of an anti-villain. 😀

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              (This might be a boring answer – I hope it isn’t!) But my favorite villain is the one who has ACTUAL good reasons for doing what he does.

              The kind of villain with a really compelling, tragic backstory that makes us sympathize with him and relate to him so much we actually root for him. We can’t help empathizing. We can’t help feeling sorry. We don’t want this villain to come to a terrible end at the hands of the hero – we want him to have a GOOD ending, be freed from his bitterness and anger, experience redemption, and learn that his past does not define him. We feel our hearts being wrenched and twisted when that doesn’t happen – and ugh it’s just so powerful and emotional!

              I can’t stand the stories where the hero kills the villain and it’s all good (except for the White Witch in Narnia; I was totally fine with that one). I want the hero to show kindness and love to the villain, because that’s what will ultimately make me fall in love with a hero and hold him in my heart for the rest of my life. (AKA one of the biggest reasons I love Valjean from Les Mis so much because he saves Javert’s life.)

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                I’m not sure what category Gollum falls under? But he’s by far my favourite villain

                I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

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                  Honestly my fav fav fav villains (book wise) would be those who are kinda snarky and sarcastic, and are more of an antagonist then a villain I guess. Like….you literally love them and they’re hilarious but then they go and do selfish stuff. Sorta like Loki. (Mainly guys…..cuz…..I like da guys…..ROFL)


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    I ALSO ADORE JOKER LIKE AHHH

                    Joker and Harley…..YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! (And Joker does have sad backstories)


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      I must say that I go against the grain and like the powerful villains who don’t have sympathetic backstories and are just evil. Jadis is by far one of my favourite villains because she gives me such chills, particularly in The Magician’s Nephew in the city of Charn. Villains like Mother Gothel from Tangled who are powerful and complex and charismatic, but still very evil. Those are the ones I enjoy the most. I don’t mind sympathetic backstories and likeable antagonists and anti-heroes, but when it comes to the “Big bad” I lean more towards the classic villains, though like any character I do like them to be interesting and well rounded people on their own.

                      INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

                        • Rank: Wise Jester
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                        This is a tricky one for me since I love all of the types if done right. But villains with a redemptive arcs would probably win since I’m sucker for people realising their mistakes and doing good instead, even if it’s the smallest act. It gives me hope that people can change (which isn’t impossible in real life though very unlikely) and it shows how even villains have another side to them, that they are human and complex and do have the ability within to do good and be selfless. There’s something so powerful with villains getting redemption and I love it (probably the one I’ll use the most or something related with my own villains). 🙂

                        Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin
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                          Whoever was the villain of Shrek.

                          I haven’t watched it yet though but I’m sure he is preeetty epic.

                          Flawless and handsome (as ruled by my grandmother.)

                          Natalie C.
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                            I think I like villains that change for the better. But not the ones that are all mopey about what they did as villains (although those can be done well). More like the ones who are running out of a burning building while the hero is still inside, then turn back to help them because “Shoot I have morals now.”

                            And Loki. I like Loki. 😀

                            Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              Sorry, but can I just say that @not-so-secret-secret-assassin with the Shrek joke (again) literally just made my day?

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                                So much yes on character who don’t feel like they were solely made for the plot! Those are my favorite kind characters whether they are a villains or any other type of character.

                                (Oh, and your not the only one who had their day made by the Shrek joke by @not-so-secret-secret-assassin haha. XD)


                                People don’t talk about the henchman that dies right after betraying the man villain enough. Their life was far more in danger than the hero’s life ever was, yet they still made the right choice in the end. They are not particularly common, but yeah, I’m always moved by their sacrifice whenever they do show up in stories.


                                Ooo, so many great points in that short paragraph. XD I too love it when the author switches up the usual villain stereotypes. It’s so refreshing and interesting.

                                Also your point about disliking mopey villains… yes. I agree wholeheartedly. XD


                                I’m right with you on the tragic backstories. I love a good backstory that demonstrate how the villain came to this point. Like, what happened in their life to make them this way?

                                Yes, and showing love to the villains is so Christ-like. As God calls us to bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Sometimes yes, the most loving thing to do is to kill or imprison them so they no longer do more evil in the world, but if they still have hope for repentance, I love it when the hero shows mercy and kindness.


                                Gollum is one of my favorites as well! I think he would be a reflective type of villain. As he is very similar to Frodo. Gollum was what Frodo would end up like if he gave into the Ring. A poor Hobit who’s mind, body, and spirit became corrupt from the Ring.

                                That’s partly why Frodo showed so much mercy and sympathy towards Gollum. As Frodo saw himself in him.


                                Haha, you gotta love a character that makes you laugh right? XD


                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                                  As much as I love complex backstories, I totally understand what you mean by big-bad-powerful villains. They feel so strong and powerful like if they say they rule the world, you’d believe it.

                                  Because they are so much more memorable. And it forces the protagonist to grow and become stronger to defeat them.


                                  I love what you said about liking all types of villains as long as their done right. I feel like that’s true with a lot of things in writing. Like it’s less about the what, but more about the how.


                                  Yeah! Redemption arcs can be so hard to pull-off, but when done well, they’re awesome.

                                  Do you have any particular redemption villains that you like?

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