The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton

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  • #63910
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Are you guys ready?!

      I am proud (and terribly, maniacally, crazy ecstatic) to introduce…

      THE KPA!!


      The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton: A Kapeefer Series

      The GIF-hiders: An Easter Story

      Part One: The Dragon who Melted Chairs

      “Welcome to the bestistest place in the Universe!!”


      “Jenna? *whinny* That’s my name!”

      “Stan likes you!”

      “Bleep Bleeeep Boop!”

      “I welcomes thee to the Kingdom!”

      “That’s ‘I welcome thee!’ Mwahahaaaa…”

      Jenna Trapperton was very grateful for the great welcome as she walked up the shore of the Kingdom of Pen, a kingdom of passionate writers serving the Author of the Universe. She loved the fact that she was surrounded by a host of people and creatures alike; one could call it a menagerie.

      A menagerie of awesomeness.

      But, deep inside, she was uneasy. Uneasy that she didn’t belong. She has only written a few poems, some short stories for school, and kept a journal. Whereas, many of the Kapeefers, as the citizens of the Kingdom called themselves, had already written, and even published, wonderful and meaningful novels.

      A man with a brown/grey beard, Josiah DeGrande the Wiser, asked her, “What genre do you write?”

      Jenna gulped and replied, “I dunno… a mix of everything, I guess,” to which DeGrande nodded and replied, “Ahh, interesting.”

      Jenna sighed. If she actually wrote a genre, then maybe she could make conversation with this Wise and important man. But instead, the only thing she could do at the moment was smile nervously.


      A few hours later Jenna settled down into her small hut-of-a-house. It was cramped and simple, yet sturdy and cozy. It contained a fireplace, a small bed, and a desk with a matching stool. “Why a stool?” she idly wondered, “What’s wrong with a chair? I like chairs better.” She decided she would go looking for one later.

      She unpacked her personal items: her journal, a box of sweets, some pens, and Mackie – her potato-sack jackalope stuffed with beans, as well as clothing and other items essential to moving. Once she was finished emptying her pack, she sat in bed with a sigh.

      She loved it in the Kingdom of Pen so far. The Sun (which oddly resembled a yellow, glowing, over-sized raspberry) beamed gently onto the flowing green grass upon the rolling hills. Lush forests were sprinkled upon these hills. There were dragons and horses and centaurs and dogs and knights for her to befriend.

      She breathed in the warm air that drifted through an open window. She peered outside, and saw a beautiful dragon with lustrous, golden scales flying gracefully in the air. She watched it in awe until it soared out of sight. She got up and walked swiftly to the window and leaned out.

      The dragon had flown off, and was now a glimmer in the distance, behind the Castle Regnis. She sighed and started to back away from the window, when she spotted, several paces away, a chair. It was painted a dark red, had white upholstery, and had ornate carvings on the arms and legs. It looked so much more comfortable than that scrawny stool at her desk.

      She opened the door and rushed outside. She paused a moment to take in that wonderful, warm, scented breeze, than jogged toward the chair.

      As she reached it, in her peripheral vision, a light gleamed in the sky. She glanced its way, and gasped, as she realized that it was the dragon, bolting her way. It dove, opened its mouth, and then let loose a huge, blistering flame.

      Jenna screamed, jumped away, tripped, and fell into the grass. Knowing that there was no escape, she clamped her eyes shut and waited for her fate.

      Nothing happened.

      A loud, female voice bellowed, “Sorry! Was that your chair?”

      Her eyes popped open and she looked up to see the dragon peering down at her, hovering in the air. Jenna glanced toward where the dragon had aimed her fire. The grass was perfectly untouched, but the chair was smoking and blackened. The dragon had excellent aim.

      Jenna sat up on her knees and shouted to the dragon with a wavering voice, “Um, no I don’t think it was mine. But I guess I was going to take it.”

      “Oh.” The dragon flew forward just a little and then thumped to the ground. “Well, I’m sorry about that… Or am I?” she smirked a dragon-ish smirk and looked at Jenna with giant, dancing hazel eyes. “You’re Jenna, right?”

      “Yes,” she replied. She could hardly dare to believe that she was talking to a dragon.

      “I’m called Dragon Snapper. But please, call me Snapper.” Snapper grinned, revealing at least a hundred razor-sharp fangs. “As a warning, I have a knack for melting chairs. Or else, why would you have a stool?”

      “Hmm,” was all that Jenna could say.

      A dragon that melted chairs. Could this place possibly get any weirder?

      Ohhh, yes it could.



      I will be posting more parts as time goes on. There are more than ten of them in this Easter themed KPA!


      Jenna Trapperton







      More tags…

        @rochellaine  @lady-iliara  @catwing  @clairec  @seekjustice  @waterlily  @notawriter  @the-real-kapeefer  @0-0enyali0-0  @that_writer_girl_99  @itisastarrynight  @introvert_girl  @inkling-for-christ  @ashlyvye  @ariella-newheart  @perfectfifths  @kate-flournoy  @emma-flournoy  @winter-rose  @skredder  @graciegirl  @everyone-else-whom-i-have-forgot to tag

      You can pronounce it however you want.

      Kate Flournoy
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3976
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 527

          @dekreel Oh my gosh! That was absolutely beautiful! I loved it so stinkin’ much!!! 😀

          "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

          Grace H.
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 199

            @dekreel Awesome! 😀 Can’t wait to see what’s coming up next!

            It's g-h, 2-4-6-8 twice, three 9's

              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 95


              Sam Kowal
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 635

                @dekreel 😀 😀 😀 😀

                😀 😀 😀 😀

                That is AWESOME

                Stan loves it 😛 😛   (So do I, of course)

                XD It’s really funny

                “Was that your chair?” XD I was laughing so hard at that

                I’m so glad there’s going to be more, too 😀 I can’t wait

                I already really like Jenna as a character

                *Giarstanornarak tries to melt chair*
                Also, Daeus has 22 turtles in his signature.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3322

                  @dekreel Wow!  I love it!!!  It’s really cute.  Especially the part about talking to Josiah.  He does seem really awe-inspiring and scary to a newbie who’s heard about him but never met him. (Even to one who has met him in real life…)  😀

                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Rochellaine.

                  "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4238

                    @dekreel I love it. 😀


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3515

                      @dekreel This is awesome! 😀

                      “Well, I’m sorry about that… Or am I?”

                      Thing is, I’d probably say that. 😛

                      ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 194

                        @dekreel This is so great! Good job!

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 123

                          @dekreel Awesome!! I loved it 🙂 I started laughing when she wondered why a stool and didn’t stop after that… 😀

                          Silence! Silence everyone, for the king's speech!

                          Ariella Newheart
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 141

                            It’s great so far, @dekreel! I can’t wait to see more. 😀

                            • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Ariella Newheart. Reason: grammar

                            INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                            *disappears into the shadows*

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 134

                              I love it! Is Jenna yourself, or one of your OC s? Btw Im inactive onKP because my computer isn’t working properly so I have to use my kindle.


                              I can't believe it's not butter!

                              Ben Powell
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 273

                                @dekreel Ah! It’s out!

                                I have to say…well done. I like Jenna’s character.

                                is definitely the best character tho. Kind of like Obi-Wan, just with a frog on his head. 😉 Ooh, then Daniel could be Anakin. It almost fits.

                                I’m looking forward to the next part! 😀

                                A Kapeefer for life!
                                Compendium of KP Literature:

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2307

                                  @kate-flournoy  @skredder  @gh24682468999  @inkling-for-christ  @sam-kowal  @rochellaine  @daeus  @dragon-snapper  @princessfoo  @mnvalentine  @everyone-else-who-commented

                                  Thank you all!! I had fun

                                  You can pronounce it however you want.

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