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  • #111674
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 141


      np! And I can’t wait to hear what you come up with, if you decide to share!

      "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
        • Total Posts: 11

        So basically I’m wondering on some story planning and world building at the same time.

        This underwater kingdom used to be really peaceful and full of joy. It had a kind and just queen to rule over it. Most of the sea life might seem normal, but there are also mer people and magic horses that live under the water. The magic horse that rises out of the sea has a brother and sisters that used to work for the queen. But an evil force came into power, and captured the queen and the horses, leaving the mer people and other sea life in fear.

        The evil one (not sure what exactly he is yet) agreed to let just one horse go and he would keep the rest for their power. He released the horse that this story is mainly about on the terms that he would never completely leave the kingdom except for a few minutes every seven years. So every seven years, the legend goes that he rises out of the water at Kylemore Abbey, Ireland. My story says that the reason he does this is that in the few minutes he’s allowed to leave the water, he is looking for someone to help him deliver his people from this evil. But anyone who sights him is afraid. Eventually, my main character end ups doing it.

        Sorry for the rant. Still in the planning stage



          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 141

          No need to apologize! I understand that urge and need. Every writer has it at some point. 😉

          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

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