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      *Blast of Trumpets*

      I’ve been doing random research (per usual), and I wanted a place to info dump without talking my family’s ears off. Then I got to thinking how many other Armature Lore Masters (history addicts) may be in a similar conundrum. Thus this forum came to be.

      This is a place where all of us can share our latest finds, or just jabber about history together.

      Want to rant about the types of riding boots used in 1830’s America? Be my guest.

      Need to reign in a few characters currently trying to rewrite the past? Go ahead!

      Discovered a new way to gather info? Please share!

      Have a question which you know should be out there but just can’t find? Here’s a group of fellow researchers to help scan those pesky search engines and thumb through ancient volumes. With a broader spectrum of research methods, we’ll be able to gather better information with less the struggle. After all, history is a large and bottomless ocean; it’s rather easier than not to lose ourselves and the information we find in its depths.

      Welcome to this province of the kingdom!

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2066

        And now to invite some citizens of this kingdom.

        @felicity @freedomwriter76 @joy-caroline @gracie-j @elishavet-pidyon @you-reading-this @anyone-else

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
        Fork the Gork

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 812


          Thank you lots! This is going to be an amazing topic!

          I am currently researching the 2014 conflict between Russia and Ukraine, because I want to get the backstory of what my characters went through.

          He must increase, but I must decrease.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2066


            Oooo, that sounds amazing!

            I’m currently researching the medieval Rus and Slavic tribes, medieval Celt and Gaelic nations, modern militaries, and civil war dress. (The first three are for one series, the last for historical sewing)

            However, I fell down a rabbit hole yesterday (what I can random research) and ended up with American Jewish History. Not even sure how I got there, but very interesting.

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Koshka.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 812


              I have a book suggestion for you! Poland, A History by Adam Zamoyski. It would give you some background on Slavic tribes. However if you are leaning more towards the Rus tribes, then it might not be as helpful.

              Do you do historical sewing? I am very interested in it and love Edwardian fashion (late 1800’s, early 1900’s). Civil War dress is also very fascinating!!

              I like your name for random research- rabbit holes 🙂 Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. 😀

              He must increase, but I must decrease.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2066


                I’ll have to check that out! One kingdom in my current WIP is based off the Slavic nations. More Rus tribes then others at the moment as that’s where I’ve done more research, so I need to branch out.

                Yes! I am working on my first actual kit, an American 1861 day dress (I have all but the dress itself and accessories done), but I love clothing history in general. The Edwardians had some beautiful creations. If you want to get into historical costuming, I’d love to help as much as I can! It can be a little daunting at first when you don’t know where to look.

                Why thank you! It does, doesn’t it?

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                Fork the Gork

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2066

                  Is this it?

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @koshka. AMAZING topic!!! Why didn’t any of us think of this before!?!?!?!? XD

                    Anyways…what you’re researching sounds soooo cool!!!! 😀

                    . Ooh, very cool!!! 🙂

                    . @felicity. Though right now I’m trying to write and haven’t been doing too much research right now, I was doing some research not too long ago and figured out about these things from WWII which did intrigue me. 😉

                    • Battle for castle Itter. A battle that occurred only a few days before Germany’s surrender in the Austrian Alps, it was a battle where American and Wehrmacht troops joined together to save high profile French prisoners from the Waffen-SS’ clutches. I thought it was really interesting! And great story inspiration. XD
                    • Berga Concentration Camp. Now, this was a normal concentration camp…but what made me interested is the fact that Berga was known for holding American POW’s and was where many American soldiers who were Jews or just “looked Jewish” were sent, and where many were starved, beaten, worked, and killed. Something interesting that you don’t find in the WWII history books.
                    • Heuaktion. A Nazi German operation where 40 to 50 thousand Polish children aged 10-14 were kidnapped by German occupation forces and transported to Germany as forced laborers. Again, starting to be book inspiration…and more character development for my boy Jezyk…

                    So yeah…those were some of my WWII research things…honestly, I want to know more about them… 😉

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 812


                      Yes that’s it!!

                      Yes! I am working on my first actual kit, an American 1861 day dress (I have all but the dress itself and accessories done), but I love clothing history in general. The Edwardians had some beautiful creations. If you want to get into historical costuming, I’d love to help as much as I can! It can be a little daunting at first when you don’t know where to look.

                      Wow that sounds like so much fun!!! Thank you! I’m curious where you get the fabric? The only historical piece I’ve made was a simple Edwardian walking skirt, and I used a plain grey cotton (from Walmart). Blouses/shirt waists scare me, but I want to try them too.

                      He must increase, but I must decrease.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 812


                        Battle for castle Itter.

                        Hmm Interesting! Never heard of it!

                        Berga Concentration Camp

                        That’s really sad. I could see you adding it into one of your books! Like, making one of your American guys (NOT EZRA. Don’t even think about it.) get brought to Berga because they “look Jewish”.


                        This makes my blood boil to read!!!!!!!! Because some of my ancestors could’ve been those children!!!!! Thankfully my great great grandfather came to America in the 1800’s, but we still had family over there during WWII. That’s an awful lot of children!!!!! Jezyk…I’ve never heard you talk about him before! I’m glad you’re writing about a Polish character. I feel like there’s so many stories that need to be told about the Polish people. They just got run over and smashed to peices in WWII.

                        He must increase, but I must decrease.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156


                          Hmm Interesting! Never heard of it!

                          Me neither until I found it! XD

                          That’s really sad. I could see you adding it into one of your books! Like, making one of your American guys (NOT EZRA. Don’t even think about it.) get brought to Berga because they “look Jewish”.

                          I love how you made that point about Ezra. xD 

                          And yeah, I was kinda thinking about it… 😉 But not Ezra…tho I do have an actual American Jew…but I think I love him too much for him to be sent to Berga. XD

                          This makes my blood boil to read!!!!!!!! Because some of my ancestors could’ve been those children!!!!!

                          YESSS!!! Me too!

                          Thankfully my great great grandfather came to America in the 1800’s, but we still had family over there during WWII. That’s an awful lot of children!!!!!

                          Yes, way too many children. *shakes head* 🙁

                          Jezyk…I’ve never heard you talk about him before! I’m glad you’re writing about a Polish character. I feel like there’s so many stories that need to be told about the Polish people. They just got run over and smashed to peices in WWII.

                          Oh, yes, Jezyk. He’s actually German, however…he was stationed in Poland for a while and fell in love with a Polish girl there…who then mysteriously disappeared…

                          and she’s gonna show back up in the book.

                          Haha…character development for them both.

                          Jezyk is only 16…and horrified by the world around him.

                          Because I’m totally “not” planning a book for Jezyk and Edyta…XD

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2066


                            Whoa. I haven’t done a lot of WWII research, but those make me want to stick my nose in there too.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                            Fork the Gork

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2066


                              Alright! It is now on my wishlist. =)

                              It is wonderful fun! I’d recommend starting with your base layers (chemise drawers, corset, petticoats…all the ‘unmentionables’), that way you can get a feel for how the patterns and fabric work without worrying about messing something up. The base layers will be covered, so if the sewing looks awful no one will know. Also, all the outer layers will need to be made fitted over those base layers, so it’s important to start ‘at the skin’ if that makes sense.

                              As for fabric, I’ll drop a couple links to some lists I use. You can find good fabric almost anywhere, you just have to be more careful in some places. There are also some weaves which weren’t made yet, so that’s another thing to be careful about.

                              Also, Prior Attire is run by an amazing historical interpretor couple, that are experts in their field. Their YouTube channel is great for research, it’s what actually got me into historical costuming. (She does start out with the base layer, shift or chemise, so it can be a bit awkward at times, but she she makes sure it’s clean. Other content ishues would be British slang, humor, and some profanity in a few videos.)

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                              Fork the Gork

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2066

                                It’s not letting me drop the links. Ugh.

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                                Fork the Gork

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2066

                                  The Historical Fabric Store



                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                                  Fork the Gork

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