The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows

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  • #197188
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1966


      Oops, sorry. I was waiting for class to start and in a hurry, so I wasn’t thinking through my writing.

      What I meant was, do your characters need to make the right choice? Or should they mess up a couple times, possibly showing that God can work through even our mistakes, and working on character flaws. Although, you did already show a couple mistakes, so you might want them to make some good choices now.

      As for planting a church in a high persecution area, what do real life Christians do? Pray that God would lead them to the right person, and give them the right words to be a witness. They have to consider, not only their safety, but the safety of the people they speak to. Someone might be hungry/receptive, but if they are overhead it could put whole families or even communities in danger. They have to be discrete and sensitive to the Lord’s guidance.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3009


        Okay, that makes sense.



        Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1966


          I am really enjoying the world building. Keep it up!

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
          Fork the Gork

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1991


            Does this mean we won’t get a new section today? 🥺

            'Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3009


              aw, thank you!!!



              Well…. I was working on a project I need to get done….. but I’ve never been one to resist puppydog eyes.


              Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 456


                My thoughts on Section 2:

                “We don’t believe in the gods of the Empire,” Julian cut in.

                There was a stunned silence.

                “We worship the One true God,” Julian explained.

                I think Leon should be the one to try explaining things. It would seem to fit his character…and give him something to say since he doesn’t say anything until “Julian, run!”

                After a time, they slipped out of their hiding and waded a little way down the river before finding a place they could climb up on the opposite bank.

                Perhaps a mention about how high the water was? I was just thinking that later on it mentioned their packs as dry and putting a small sentence there would help connect that. When I first read about their packs I thought, “Didn’t they just come through a river? Wouldn’t they be wet? It didn’t click until I reread that the river mustn’t have been very high. I just imagined them to be thrashing through deep water.

                Also, maybe a mention of their wet clothes? With Leon writing, he wouldn’t want to get his paper wet.

                Lastly, I especially liked how you portrayed the wolves. In many stories, the wolves are way too aggressive and immediately attack. While there are instances of wolves attacking people, a common wolf’s engraved instinct is to flee, not attack. And fire…another huge enemy to wild creatures.

                "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3009



                  I think Leon should be the one to try explaining things. It would seem to fit his character…and give him something to say since he doesn’t say anything until “Julian, run!”

                  Leon is still trying to gather his thoughts and figure out what Julian just jumped into…. lol.


                  Got that about the river.


                  Haha! I’ve had others complain that the wolves DIDN’T attack! XD.


                  Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 456


                    I just read your latest section. I was struck by how German their names are!😂 And…you created another Ernst?

                    Haha! I’ve had others complain that the wolves DIDN’T attack! XD.

                    Then, I’m extremely glad I told you my input. The animals do not have to attack every single time! *shaking head* So unrealistic.

                    "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3009


                      Yeah, it must be the fact that I’m breaking a story trope where the wild animals always attack.

                      Yep! This is a German/Roman hybrid. The German just hasn’t come out much until now.


                      And…you created another Ernst?


                      Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 456


                        Great! That’s a great trope to break.


                        Ernst is the name of Josef’s son in CR, right?

                        "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3009


                          Ah, so it is.

                          I forgot they had the same name! lol.

                          Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3009

                            @hybridlore   @linus-smallprint    @koshka   @keilah-h    @elishavet-pidyon   @liberty


                            NEXT SECTION!!!

                            (Sorry, things are crazy right now. Otherwise I would have posted one yesterday too)


                            The next morning, Leon and Julian woke early. The two sat and read their Bibles for a time. Then Julian sat down beside Leon on the edge of his bed and bowed their heads in prayer. “Father may Your will be done this morning. We trust You, only help us, whatever may come,” Leon prayed.

                            “Yes Lord,” Julian murmured. “Use whatever happens this morning for Your glory. Open the hearts of Bernd, Rolf, Ernst and Liesl. Bring them to You,”

                            The two rose and Leon crossed the door, laying a hand on the knob. “You ready?”

                            Julian nodded, an eager spark in his eyes.

                            Leon drew in a deep breath. “Alright Lord, be with us.”

                            The two stepped into the hall and walked to the dining room. They could hear Liesl in the kitchen working on breakfast. Ernst sat on the edge of the table, talking to Rolf, who was under the table trying to fix something. Bernd came into the room and greeted Julian and Leon with a nod.

                            Liesl came to the doorway and called to her father. He joined her, and after a few moments both reentered the room, Liesl carrying a cup of whine and a plate of bread. Ernst jumped down, and Rolf scrambled up off the floor, banging his head on the table as he did.

                            Bernd led the way into the other room, and Julian and Leon exchanged glances. For a long moment, neither moved. At last, Leon breathed a silent prayer and moved to the doorway.

                            Julian followed him, but not until after he had spotted the door leading outside. When the two looked into the next room, they saw Ernst and Bernd on one knee, and Liesl standing nearby with the plate in her hands. Rolf, as the eldest son, was pouring out the whine before the shrine built to the goddess of the household, his head and shoulders covered with a long piece of linen cloth edged with embroidery.

                            Leon clenched his teeth, and Julian took a deep breath. Rolf bowed low and backed several paces away before straightening and daring to turn his back on the little golden image of the goddess. He spotted Julian and Leon. “Come,” he said in a low voice. “She knows you are here, and she is waiting.”

                            Julian shook his head, and Leon spoke. “No, Rolf.”

                            Ernst started and Liesl gasped. Bernd slowly turned to look at them. He rose, glancing with fear at the goddess. Then he made a shoeing motion with his hand. Liesl hurriedly set the plate down before the shrine, bowing deeply, and then scrambled from the room. Rolf and Ernst joined their father. It wasn’t until they were safely in the dining room that anyone dared to speak.

                            “Are you mad?” Rolf asked in an angry whisper. “You’ll bring a curse on us all!”

                            “I’m not mad,” Leon replied. “And no curse will befall you.”

                            “What is the meaning of your refusal?” Bernd demanded.

                            Leon sat down at the table, and the rest did likewise. “Sir, not many years ago, I believed as you and your family did. I was extremely loyal to the gods, and I worshiped and honored them with zeal. In fact…” he paused and glanced at Julian. Then he took a deep breath and continued. “I became a champion in the tournament of the gods, fighting for the honor of my favorite deities.”

                            Julian started slightly and looked at Leon in surprise.

                            Leon continued. “Julian and I were soldiers in the army, both from a young age. We were sent— along with Julian’s brother, Adrian— to fight in the Ardentan conquest. We were stationed in the Capital when the war was over. While there, a young man was taken prisoner. He was a Vendailian. His crime: leading the people in worship of a God not from the Empire–– A God that he claimed was the one true God.”

                            Leon let the words hang in the air for a long moment. Liesl was watching him intently from where she stood in the doorway. Rolf and Ernst were eyeing them warily. Only Bern’s face was unreadable as he sat across from Leon, listening in silence.

                            After a moment, Leon went on. “Aaron would not deny his God, nor would he work with us to unite the people under the gods of the Empire. When sentenced with death, he was still unwavering. He was full of courage and faith, even to the very moment he was killed on the steps of the Pantheon. Adrain was greatly influenced by what had occurred, and he went to find other believers of this One God. He listened to them many days and accepted their God as his Savior and King. He was arrested, and for two days he was brutally interrogated as the soldiers tried to force him to turn back to us. Like Arron, Adrain willingly and courageously gave his life for God.”

                            Leon glanced at Julian and saw his mouth had tightened to a thin line, and his eyes were narrowed against tears. No matter how long it had been, he knew that memory tore at his friend. Julian caught his eye and gave a slight nod for Leon to go on.

                            Leon turned back to the Kleins. “Many of us were stunned, for Adrian was never the sort who would have—or even could have—stood so strong. Several of us agreed that it had been the power of someone or something that gave him the strength to die so courageously. We sought out the truth, and we found it in the One True God. For several years, Julian and I stayed one step ahead of the men of the Empire, spreading God’s truth over all Ardenta. When Ardenta was freed, we enjoyed peace for a time, but then God called us to come back to the Empire and share His truth with our people.”

                            “And what truth is it that you have come to bring us?” Bernd asked, slowly.

                            “There is only One God, and Him alone must you serve,” Julian broke in. HE glanced at Leon, who nodded for him to go on. Julian continued. “In the beginning, God created everything. He created the first man and woman and placed them in a beautiful garden. There was no death, pain, or sorrow, because there was no sin.”

                            Liesl moved closer now, her eyes turned on Julian. She stopped by her older brother’s side.

                            “God told them they could eat of all the fruit in the garden, except one tree,” Julian explained. “If they did, they would die. Now, there was an enemy of God. He was once an angel, but he desired to be God. Because of this, he was cast out of heaven along with his followers. Satan disguised himself as a serpent and came to the woman. He told her to eat of the tree, and she would become like God.”

                            “Did she?” Liesl asked, softly.

                            “She did,” Julian said. “She believed him— over the One who had created her— and ate the fruit. Then she gave some to her husband. Because of this act, sin entered the world. God cast the man and woman out of the garden and no longer walked with them, for He is pure and holy, and cannot be in the presence of sin.”

                            Rolf opened his mouth but then stopped. Julian looked at him questioningly. Rolf thought a moment and then spoke. “I… I understand… I think. But it almost seems… cruel.”

                            “Not cruel, just,” his father correct. “It’s justice, Rolf.”

                            Rolf fell silent.

                            “Your father is right,” Julian agreed. “It was justice, but justice laced with mercy. Instead of killing them, God slew two animals in their place. But death had still entered the world, and one day, they would die. However, in the curse and in the justice, God made a promise and gave mercy. He said that the seed of the and the serpent would war with one another from that day on. But God promised that one day, a Savior would come from the woman and deliver the people. Many, many years passed, and then God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to be born of a virgin. He was fully God, and yet fully man.”

                            “How can that be?” Ernst asked, startled. “When a god and woman have offspring, the child is half god and half man— not fully both.”

                            Julian smiled slightly. “I’m afraid that this is a mystery I can’t explain. Some things we must take God’s Word for. But I will tell you that this was the only way He could deliver us. He must be human so that in human nature he might on our behalf perfectly obey the whole law and suffer the punishment for sin, which is death. But he must also be God so that in divine nature his obedience and suffering would be perfect and effective. Do you understand?”

                            Ernst nodded cautiously, but he still looked a little confused.

                            “Christ lived a pure and perfect life, never once sinning,” Julian said. “Then, He died, taking the punishment of all sinners then, now, and forever. He, the perfect Lamb, was sacrificed in our stead, and by His blood we are cleansed.”

                            Julian looked up and saw there were tears glistening in Liesl’s eyes. She noticed him and turned away, wiping her eyes with the black of her hand. Rolf glanced at his sister. “Liesl?”

                            “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t know why… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry.”

                            Rolf patted her back comfortingly. He glanced at his father. Bernd turned to Leon and Julian. “Perhaps we should finish this story later.”

                            “No!” Liesl exclaimed. She flushed and looked down. “Please, Papa, can he continue?”

                            Bernd looked at her closely, but after a moment he nodded.

                            Julian gave Liesl a slight smile and then went on. “We could never pay for our sins. The only way to live would be to go through life without ever sinning. One sin— in thought, word, or deed— and we would die. The But Christ lived that perfect, sinless life. And then He died for us. For all our sin. He took our punishment. But death could not hold him, for He has power over sin and death, and after three days, Christ rose from the grave. He appeared to many, and He charged His followers to go through all the world a tell others the good news and the truth of Salvation.”

                            Julian looked at the earnest faces around him. “This is the truth that we have given up our freedom to bring to you. And we have done this gladly, for it is the truth.”

                            There was a long, long silence. At last, Rolf looked up at his father, his face a little pale. Bernd was watching Leon and Julian with a strange expression. At last, he spoke. “Tell us more.”

                            Julian smiled with relief and Leon breathed a silent prayer of thanks. He got up and left the room. A few moments later he returned, a book in his hands. He laid it on the table, placing his hand over it. “This is the Word of God, and it is in these pages that all we have told you is written.”

                            Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                            Ellette Giselle
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3009



                              also, if KP glitches and you don’t get all the notifs, I try to post at least once a day, so if you check I’ll most likely have posted something between 5:00 in the morning and noon.

                              Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                              Linus Smallprint
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 854


                                also, if KP glitches and you don’t get all the notifs, I try to post at least once a day, so if you check I’ll most likely have posted something between 5:00 in the morning and noon.

                                Gotchya. I assume this dosen’t include Sundays?

                                I will read the section you just posted later today.

                                Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 456


                                  Nice! Did you study/read about instances where Christians first talked to unbelievers like your scene above?

                                  "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

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