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March 24, 2025 at 12:59 pm #200656
Dude. You are so mean. 😝
Yes, but Wilhelm is the traditional spelling. 😁 (you still say it Vwilhelm)
Ah. That makes sense.
Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.
March 24, 2025 at 1:42 pm #200660That was awesome!!! I really got sucked into the story again! I was shrinking inwardly for Leon! I thought he really was going to get whipped…again! Then when Dietrich came…I celebrated!!! So awesome!
I also like how you show Leon and Julian admonishing and encouraging the believers from the previous towns. It’s nice to see how they continue their communications and help sort through rising problems because there will be problems! Leon felt like Paul when he was writing about the slaves and masters.
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 24, 2025 at 1:47 pm #200661Oh yay!!! I’m so happy!!!
Diedrich is such a great character. 🤣
Yeah, poor Leon seems to get all the trouble, even though Julian is the reckless one. 😝
I’m glad you liked the letters. I do too. I feel like it helps to keep the connection of the previous towns.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 25, 2025 at 8:58 am #200678@hybridlore @linus-smallprint @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @liberty
Over the next few days, many came to Christ due to the events in the city square. The Sabbath came, and Leon eagerly watched for Marius and the prince. They arrived, and Leon greeted Dietrich, slapping him on the back. “How are you two?”
“Very well,” Dietrich replied.
“What happened after the events in the square?” Leon asked.
Diedrich lifted his shoulders slightly. “Nothing much. A priest came to my father and complained, but my father said I was just being a wild boy and told him to get out. I’ve received a few threatening messages, but I’ve burned them all,”
“What do they say?” Julian asked as he joined the group.
“Things about staying away from the strangers and their new religion, and repenting, and warnings about being cursed by the gods, and this and that,” Dietrich replied.
“And you’re not afraid?” Leon asked with a smile.
“If I chose to let them scare me, my whole life would be one of fear. I have lived in fear of them for sixteen years. I am done with that,” Dietrich said.
Leon smiled. “I am glad.”
“Come, sit with us. Rolf is leading today,” Julian encouraged.
After the meeting, Hans and his brothers came to where Leon stood talking with his friends and Dietrich and Marius.
“Good morning, Hans. How are you, Kurt, and Franz?” Julian asked, turning to great them.
“We are well,” Hans said. He saw the prince and bowed low. “Your highness.”
“Please, I am among brothers here. Call me Dietrich. And what is your name?” Dietrich asked.
“Hans Schmitz,” Hans replied.
Dietrich reached out a hand, and after a moment of surprise, Hans shook it. Dietrich proceed to ask the names of Hans’ brothers and shake hands with them.
“Dietrich and Marius were going to dine with us, will you please join us?” Leon asked.
“Oh no, we have things to do,” Hans said quickly.
“It would be a pleasure to have you and your brothers with us,” Dietrich reassured.
Hans smiled. “Alright then.”
The ten of them had a wonderful lunch together provided by the innkeeper’s wife. Then they sat around the table and talked. “So, how are things in the army, Hans?” Leon asked.
“It has gotten so much better,” Hans said eagerly. “Before it was hard to be alone, and we were on the edge of disobeying military orders. Now, our whole company believes, and so does our Lieutenant. He is able to get us out of many things involving worship of the gods. No one seems to notice, or if they do, they don’t mind. Having our whole company and our lieutenant all believers in Christ is such a blessing. We are able to encourage and strengthen each other all the time. God has truly blessed us.”
“I am glad to hear it,” Diedrich said. He leaned forward. “In time, I would like to talk with you again. Someday I will be emperor, and I want to know how I can help my people. That includes my soldiers.”
“Oh, I’m sure Lieutenant Roth would have far more to tell you,” Hans replied quickly.
Diedrich smiled. “I’ll talk to him then, though I would also love to hear any thoughts you may have.”
Hans nodded and looked down, completely taken aback.
“And what about you, Dietrich?” Rolf asked. “Any new believers in the palace?”
Diedrich turned his attention to the rest of those gathered. “None yet, though one of my servant boys is very interested. He is timid and seems afraid, yet he loves to sit and listen to me tell him about what Christ has done in my life. I pray for him every night, hoping that one day he will believe,” Dietrich said.
“Remember that when God’s Word goes out, it will not return void,” Leon remarked. “We may not see it, but there will always be fruit when we speak as God directs.”
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 13th
The EmpireWe continue our work in the Capital, though now we begin to feel the opposition of the enemy. The priests are always nearby, muttering angrily and watching us with murder in their eyes. As of yet, they have not tried any more attacks, for they know we are under the prince’s protection. I wonder how long they will continue this way before they disregard even his authority in order to stop us. They are starting to lose their power, and I fear they will not hold back for long.
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 15th
The EmpireWe still proclaim God’s Word to the people. There was almost a mob today, stirred up by those that I am sure were planted in the crowd by the priests. Thankfully, Hans’ lieutenant, and several soldiers were passing by, and they calmed the crowd quickly. I feel this must only be the beginning, and I do not dare to think of what lies in the days ahead.
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 16th
The EmpireRoland was preaching in the city square today when temple troops burst in and tore through the crowd, scattering them by force. We made a quick escape during the mayhem and have no wounds except for Rolf’s scraped knee from when he was knocked down by someone in the throng.
Lord, help us. Protect the people and give us strength to continue on!~Leon.
Leon set down his quill and let out a deep breath. He let the page dry and then closed the book. He looked over to where Julian was sitting on his bed, his Bible spread open before him. His chin rested on his chest, and his eyes were almost closed. Leon smiled and walked over to him. “Why don’t you get some sleep.”
“No, I said I’d stay up with you while you prepared for the Sabbath meeting tomorrow,” Julian murmured, trying to rouse himself.
“Julian don’t be silly. I’ll be alright, and you need your rest,” Leon replied.
Julian stifled a yawn with his hand. “I’m not tired.”
“Yeah right,” Leon laughed, playfully pushing him over. “You’re practically asleep.”
Julian yawned again and didn’t sit up.
“Go to sleep,” Leon ordered.
“I can’t get up,” Julian moaned. “I need to take my boots off.”
Leon smirked. “I’m afraid that’s a problem you’ll have to deal with on your own. I’m not touching those.
Julian grinned and swung a playful fist at him before sitting up and bending over to unlace his boots.
Leon dug his Bible from his rucksack and walked to the desk by the open window. He moved the candle closer him, pulling on his gloves. The room had gotten stuffy, and Leon couldn’t handle that. He, Aelic, and Julian had agreed that cold night air was better than suffocating. He looked over to where Aelic slept peacefully, his blanket pulled up over his shoulders. He glanced over to Julian’s bed and saw him wrapped up in his own blanket, his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling evenly.
Leon smiled and turned back to the window. He flipped open his Bible and began to search through the passages to find the section he had been reading over all week. “Lord, show me what to say tomorrow,” he prayed, quietly. “Everyone can feel the danger drawing closer, and everyone knows that it’s only a matter of time. It’s getting worse. Show me what to tell them, because I know they will be seeking assurance and encouragement tomorrow.”
Leon read quietly to himself, sometimes praying in a whisper and other times reading silently. He read and prayed for over an hour. He had been led to study this passage and had been doing so for the entire week. Still, he couldn’t seem to grasp the thing that lingered in the back of his mind. There was something there, but he couldn’t figure it out. He rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn. He was growing tired. Leaning back against the chair, he closed his eyes to think.
Leon was dragged from the warm comfort of sleep by something sharp pricking his leg. He readjusted, shaking his leg, but something pinched him. “Ow!” he exclaimed, bending over to inspect the pricking.
At that moment, something whistled overhead and struck the chair. Leon hit the floor and rolled to a crouch, the annoying pain in his leg forgotten.
Embedded in the back of the chair, the point having driven through to the other side, was a crossbow bolt.
Leon felt a cold chill run down his spine as he looked at the razor-sharp tip glinting in the candle light. Mere seconds before, he had been asleep in that very spot and that bolt would have pierced his throat. Leon swallowed hard and wiped sweat off his forehead with a shaking hand. “Thank You God,” he whispered. He ran his finger along his pant leg, just where the top of his boots came, and something pricked him. Leaning down farther, he spotted a small thorn. It was that thorn that had saved his life. “Or rather, God used that thorn to save my life,” he murmured.
Leon waited for a while, alert for any attack. However, none came. He guessed that the shooter had been an assassin sent by the army or the priests, and since he bent over almost the exact moment the crossbow was fired, the shooter must have supposed he had hit his mark. Leon stayed low as he moved to the wall and then slowly rose. He leaned against the wall by the window, waiting a moment and breathing the cool air to calm himself. Then, he reached out and yanked the shutters closed. Nothing happened, and Leon quickly dropped the bar over them. Then he walked to the chair to inspect the weapon.
Leon reached out a finger and touched the bolt’s end, the cold, sharp steal sending a slight shudder through him. As he looked down at the bolt, a thought entered his mind. They are treating this like war.
At that moment, Leon knew what he had been missing the whole time. “Yes,” he whispered. “This is war.”
When the morning dawned, Leon was waked by Julian’s alarmed shaking. “Leon, look at the desk!”
Leon sat bolt upright, ready for another threat. He looked to the desk and relaxed, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Leon, it’s a crossbow bolt, just lying there on the desk over your Bible!” Julian said, urgently.
“I know,” Leon replied, stifling another yawn. “Someone shot it at me last night.” He rose and stumbled to the wash basin, splashing handfuls of the cold water over his face. When he turned around, Julian and Aelic were both staring at him.
“Someone shot at you last night!” Julian exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Leon replied, rubbing his face dry with a cloth. He began looking for his boots and winter gear.
“Leon! What happened?” Aelic cried. “What happened last night? Who shot at you?”
“I don’t know who it was,” Leon said, sitting down on his bed and pulling on his boots. “I was sitting by the window studying for this morning, and then I grew tired and fell asleep. Something started pricking my leg and I woke. I bent down to investigate at the same moment as whoever was out there shot the crossbow. They must have thought they hit me, for there was no follow-up. The bolt drove into the back of the chair, just where I had been moments before. The thing pricking me was a small thorn that had gotten wedged between my boot and my leg. If God had not placed it there at the right time, I would be dead.”
Julian had gone a little pale, but Aelic was grinning widely. “God protected you Leon, and all with a little thorn!”
“I know,” Leon grinned.
“So, why did you put the bolt on your Bible?” Aelic asked.
“To remember,” Leon replied.
Julain looked at him uncertainly. “Remember what?”
Leon smiled. “You will see.”
Leon let the last strains of the hymn they had finished singing die away. He took a deep breath and rose to his feet. In one hand he held his Bible, and in the other he held the crossbow bolt. “Join me in prayer.”
The people bowed their heads, and Leon began to pray. “Father God, we are gathered here before you in worship. Soldiers, merchants, princes, peasants, servants and families–– we are all here, brothers and sisters, lifting our voices to You. Oh God, hear our prayers, strengthen us, and prepare us for what lies ahead. Speak through me today. Let these words be Your words, not mine. In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.”
Leon looked out over the faces turned toward him. He saw Hans and his whole company, he saw Prince Dietrich and Marius, he saw the innkeeper and his wife, he saw children and adults, peasants and nobles. He fingered the sharp edge of the bolt in his hand. “Last night, while I studied my Bible, I fell to sleep. I was sitting by the open window and had been reading while the others slept. Something woke me from sleep. It was a pricking pain in my leg, and I bent down to see what it was. It was at that moment, that an assassin shot this bolt through the window.” Leon held up the projectile, and gasps rippled around the room.
“The crossbow bolt struck my chair, right where I had been. The thing that woke me was a small thorn trapped between my leg and boot. Somehow, that little thorn had gotten stuck there, and it waited— days, weeks, or even months— until the moment when God, who had placed it there, used it to save my life.”
Leon waited a moment and then continued. “What happened last night reminded me of two things. One, God knows everything, and He is very real and very active in our lives. He used a small thorn to wake me from sleep and save my life last night. I should be dead right now. Can any of you deny that what happened last night was an act of God’s sovereignty and care?”
Those gathered all shook their heads, and many smiled in wonder.
Leon continued. “But there is another thing that this brought to mind.” He paused and looked around the room. “We are at war.”
There was complete silence.
“Today I am going to direct much of what I say to the men and boys in this room, for you are called by God as the leaders, teachers, and heads of families. However, I want you women and girls to listen, for some of what I will say applies to you too,” Leon said. He opened his Bible and thumbed through the pages. Then he stopped, placing the crossbow bolt in the crack between the pages. He read in silence for a moment and then looked up.
“We were not made to live like the men of this world. We were created to conquer, to strive, to work, to fight, and to give up our lives for something eternal. We are called to do all things within the contexts of God’s will. We live in a fallen world that dwells in darkness and death. The kingdom of the evil one has spread abroad throughout the land. We have not been called to submit and negotiate, we were not called to live in security and ease. We have been called to advance a kingdom! To live with passion! To fight for Christ! And to only, every once and a while, lower our swords and look up to see His smile.”
Leon let his Bible tip closed over the bolt. He stepped forward, his voice rising. “I want to fight! I don’t want the comfort of this world. I don’t want a life of ease, of security, and earthly peace. I am not ready to stop fighting, because the Kingdom of God is not built by those who rest in comfort and submission. The war is not won by those who compromise. The land is not conquered by those who live in the peace this world offers. The kingdom is built, the fight is won, and the land is conquered, by those who go out into the streets and fight! “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” The weapons of this fight are not swords, spears, and bows, they are far more powerful. They are prayer, the Word of God, and sacrificial love like Christ’s.
“Rise up, oh men of God! Do what you were called to do. Be valiant and strong! And know that it is going to cost you. If you take you stand beside Jesus Christ and His cause, you will watch the devil come after you–– enduring his attacks from every side and every form. But that is what war is about! Jesus has given us a great commission. We must know what this means. We are called to say, “There is a place where He is not worshiped, there is a place where He is not known, I cannot rest because there is a place where the flag of Christ does not fly.” You must never put down your sword until you can no longer say those words. That is what we were made for. To set aside worldly causes, pursuits, and dreams, and fight this great battle. We must give up earthly peace, comfort, and safety, and be willing to give up our very lives for this fight.”
Leon’s eyes turned to the group of soldiers. They were all in uniform, their helmets resting on the floor near their seats. Several of them had leaned forward— clearly drawn by Leon’s words. “As a soldier, I have fought many battles,” Leon said. “When you are on the front lines, you must always stay alert, you are always pressing forward–– fighting, advancing, conquering. If you sit down to rest or lie down to sleep, the enemy will pounce. They will kill you or drive you to flight, and you will lose all you fought for. Men, we are on the front lines. We are in the midst of the greatest war of all times, and we are standing on the front lines. What an honor, and what a task. When a king or emperor orders a conquest, his soldiers obey. They go out, and they fight. They take ground one step at a time.”
Several soldiers nodded in silent agreement.
Leon went on. “Our King has told us to go into the world and conquer. We are His soldiers, fighting against the enemy, and freeing prisoners from his chains of darkness. This will not be easy, and it will not be simple. This is war. It will not be safe, peaceful, or easy. This is war. There will be no compromise, agreements, or treaties. This is war. We cannot have allegiances to the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of heaven. We cannot stand in the middle. This. Is. War.”
Leon let his eyes move to Marius and Diedrich. The prince was watching him intently, taking in every word.
“This fight will cost you,” Leon said. “It will cost you greatly. In war, soldiers die. They fall in battle; they are taken prisoner and slain–– they die. The enemy will wield all his weapons and all his armies against you. God commands us, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” But He has also said, “The devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.” He knows he’s already lost. Now he has turned his focus of distracting us and convincing the church to keep silent.”
Leon caught sight of Julian. his expression was hard to read, but Leon knew how many thoughts and memories must be going through his mind.
“Many of you will die for your faith,” Leon said. “Look at your brother beside you. He may give up his life in this fight. Consider yourself. You may be called upon to die for your King. There are brothers and sisters in this room right now who will seal their allegiance to our Lord and King with their blood. Are you ready? You cannot enter this fight with divided loyalties. You must pick up your sword and fight for your King and Captain, Jesus Christ.”
Leon looked over the room at the women and girls sitting beside husbands and fathers. “How you do this will differ for each of you. The women are not called to fight in the streets as the men are, but they are called to fight in the home, working side by side with their husbands to raise up the next generations of warriors for Christ. You are called to this fight when with friends, or in the market, or walking down the street. You are all in this fight, and you must all take up arms for our King.
“Listen to me, soldiers of the Lord. This fight will be long and hard, and you will be tried in more ways than you can imagine. But you are never alone! Your Captain will stand at your shoulder and fight by your side through it all. There will be pain, fear, sorrow, fatigue–– and yes, even death. You may be called upon to lay down your life— but never lay down your sword! Some of you here will most likely face a cruel death at the hands of those who serve the evil one. For you, it will be your last fight. If it is your last, then let it be the greatest and most glorious. Pour all you have into that final fight and go down with your sword in your hand, and the light of Christ shining brightly through you for all to see, and the name of our Captain on your lips.”
Leon stepped forward; his voice urgent. “Let them know Who you serve. Let them know Who you belong to. And let them know Who died to save you! Let your life shine for Christ and let your death shine even brighter. Let them know! Live and die in a way that they look at each other in awe and say “What is this? Who lives and dies like this? What do they have? What strength is this, and what light shines so brightly in them?” If you are to die, then die in victory! Face death without fear, for you know Who holds you up, and Who will take you to the other side. Let Christ use your death to win lost and dying sinners to Him!”
“Soldiers of Christ, pick up your swords and join me in this fight. Let us fight with all that we are, with our eyes fixed on our Captain. It is time to stop whispering, it is time to shout aloud to the people! It is time to tell them the truth! It is time to rise up and let them see, hear, and know, what Christ has done for us, and what He will do for them. It is time to conquer, no matter the danger. It is time to fight, no matter the pain. It is time to rise up, no matter the cost.”
Leon opened his Bible and read, his voice strong and commanding. “‘What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the One who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or desolation, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”’
Leon closed his Bible and looked at the people once more. “One day, when we have fought our last fight, we will stand before our King and Captain. We will stand face to face with Him, and then, and only then, we will lay down our swords, and He will say “Well done.” To hear those two words spoken by Him— that alone is worth all the pain, and trials, and sorrow. Those two words are to live and die for. So, rise up, soldiers of Christ. Rise up and fight this good fight. The time has come. The time is now. Speak out, oh church, and do not keep silent!”
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 17th
The EmpireMy heart is still racing from the words Leon spoke today! This morning reminded me of what a wonderful gift God has given me in Leon’s friendship. He is so strong and courageous. To think that he was almost killed last night, and then he turned around and spoke such words of faith and courage! His call to rise up has not gone unheeded. Many have taken up the Sword of The Spirit and have begun wielding it in the streets. Many more wield it in their homes and among friends and family.
I was shaken this morning when Leon told me what happened, but now I am filled with such peace and courage. God truly spoke through him today in a powerful way. The coming time of trials are near, I believe, but after today, we are ready.
I wonder who will be the first to seal their loyalty to Christ with blood. It is a sad thought that we might lose someone dear to us, but I am no longer filled with the sharp fear and dark despair that I once was not so long ago. Looking back, I can already see how God has been strengthening and preparing me for this moment. By trials and sorrows He has been refining me into a stronger, purer image of Him.~Julian
“How are things in the palace?” Leon asked. He and his companions sat around the supper table with Marius and Dietrich.
“They are as well as can be expected,” Dietrich replied. “I have tried over and over to speak with my father about my faith, but he is not interested and waves it off as childish nonsense, as if I am but a little boy.”
“I know that must be difficult,” Julian said. “But Dietrich, there are stronger ways to show your father of your salvation then by your words. Live for Christ. Let his light shine through you ever single moment of the day and night. Your father will see. And, even if he never believes, others will also see. If he has not been called by God, then I’m afraid he will not listen to you. But don’t let that discourage you. There is hope until death.”
Dietrich nodded. “Thank you, Julian. I will remember that.” He turned to Leon. “Three days ago, at the Sabbath meeting, you read a passage about God’s love, and us never being separated from it. Do you remember what passage it is?”
“Yes, it’s in Romans.” Leon replied.
“That passage is very special to me,” Dietrich confessed. “It is so beautiful and strengthening to know that no matter where I am or what happens, I am not alone, and God will always love me. Nothing can separate me from Him. Not even death.”
The others nodded.
“Dietrich, do you think you are in danger?” Rolf asked cautiously
Dietrich thought for a few moments. “I don’t think I am in much physical danger. I am, after all, the only son of the emperor, and the heir to the throne. That comes with a good amount of protection, and it would be very hard to do anything to me and get away with it. Even for a priest. However, I am in spiritual danger, for I know many evil and demonic activities go on in the palace with the priests, and I can feel that weight–– sometimes more often than others, and there are temptations of every kind. One of the hardest is the temple girls. They come to the palace most evenings, and over the past several weeks they have sought me out relentlessly. I think the priests are hoping to cause me to stumble in my faith.” He shook his head. “I thank God that Marius is with me. He has been such a source of encouragement and help.”
“You have been the same to me,” Marius said. He chuckled. “It’s been an interesting last few nights, for Diedrich and I make a run for it the moment we can, and those girls are absolutely furious.”
“Which makes them try even harder,” Diedrich moaned. “At least we’re safe in my chambers. No one is allowed to enter my wing unless I give permission.”
“So, if they cannot silence you, they plan to trip you,” Leon mused. “They are desperate. You aren’t even emperor yet.”
“Well, the most likely know he’ll get rid of them the moment he is,” Marius put in.
“I only wish that I had the power to do more,” Dietrich sighed. “It is unbearable to stand and see all the evil and know that I have no authority to stop it, but someday I will! It would almost be better if I would never be in a place to stop it, for it makes the time that I can do nothing all the worse.”
Leon nodded. “I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that is, Dietrich. But God has put you in this place for a reason and He knows what He is doing. Perhaps, if nothing else, it is to prepare you for the task ahead. Do not give up hope. You are still in this fight, and it is far from over, so don’t lay down your sword yet.”
“Never,” Dietrich grinned. “I will never lay it down.”
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 19th
The EmpireOver the past few days, the tension has undoubtedly heightened. The priests are angry, and they are starting to get more and more disruptive. I believe that soon it will not matter whose protection we are under, even if it was the emperor himself. But we will not put our trust in princes, sons of men who will pass away. We will trust the Lord our God! King above all kings.
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 20th
The EmpireThis evening there was a ball dedicated to the gods that all royalty were supposed to attend. Dietrich and Marius climbed Dietrich’s balcony and took the horses down to the inn. They ate dinner with us, and we had a wonderful time of study, fellowship, and prayer. Dietrich is now asleep in one of the rooms in the inn, and Marius is standing guard outside. I will go and try to convince him to let me trade with him, for I can see he is nearly asleep on his feet.
I can only guess the ruckus at the palace, and the gossip the morning will bring.~Leon
The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 21st
The EmpireDietrich and Marius snuck home in the dark just before dawn. The sun is barely up, and already the chatter and gossip has started. It won’t be long before the whole city knows that Prince Dietrich, the son of the emperor and Heir to the throne, refused to attend the winter ball to the gods. I pray the people begin to really search for the truth of why the prince refused to attend the ball. Perhaps God will use this to bring many more to Him.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 25, 2025 at 11:19 am #200683Wow. That was a great speech!
I like the section. Didn’t really see much except for this, which was confusing…
“I can’t get up,” Julian moaned. “I need to take my boots off.”
But yeah, great job overall! Things are really getting interesting!
"Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.
March 25, 2025 at 11:23 am #200684Thanks!!
Was the little assassination attempt unexpected?
Ah, it was just guy banter. Happens a lot in my house. In fact, that one was directly copied from a conversation between my brothers. One of them was falling asleep on the sofa, but he wanted to stay up with the other one who was completing a test. Julian is insisting that he’s not tired, but Leon told him to go to sleep. Then Julian complains that he can’t sit up to take his boots off, proving Leon’s point that he’s exhausted.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 25, 2025 at 11:26 am #200685Oh yeah. Pretty crazy.
Okay, I gotcha. Maybe rewording it would make the sentence more clear?
“I need to take my boots off,” Julian moaned. “But I can’t get up.”
"Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.
March 25, 2025 at 11:28 am #200686Okay sure. That works.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 25, 2025 at 1:21 pm #200695@ellette-giselle yikes!
That bit with the thorn was really cool.
“How you do this will differ for each of you. The women are not called to fight in the streets as the men are, but they are called to fight in the home, working side by side with their husbands to raise up the next generations of warriors for Christ. You are called to this fight when with friends, or in the market, or walking down the street. You are all in this fight, and you must all take up arms for our King.
I like how you added the bit about friends and markets and streets. I can near guarantee not every female in the Empire is married and has children, unless they have REALLY stringent laws about that, but they certainly would have friends and errands to run, and I’m assuming unmarried women would stick around their parents’ household, or maybe their brother’s if they had one.
So yeah, glad you actually put in “women actually doing female stuff” and not just “well I don’t want my girl characters to be ‘guys with long hair’ so they’re basically just there so they can raise the kids.” It’s so annoying when people do that–try to avoid the “tough girl” trope but go in the opposite direction and kinda make it worse.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
March 25, 2025 at 1:26 pm #200696I’m glad! I like that part too. 😂
yeah, I dislike that side of the ditch as well. Women do have a way to serve God, and while many of them are married, there are some who aren’t of age, or who are still single, or who’s husbands have died. There is a way for single women to serve God.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 25, 2025 at 2:13 pm #200699@ellette-giselle exactly.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
March 25, 2025 at 3:28 pm #200701Hmm. Some of that was confusing to me. XD
While I believe that differences between male and female should be preserved (skirt girl speaking), and that there is a Biblical flow of authority that shouldn’t be messed with, I also believe that women are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers as much as men, even if that ministry might look different than another’s. And I know you weren’t saying that she isn’t called. Just, Leon saying that only some of what he was going to say applied to women felt strange to me. I believe that a woman submitted to God (and his authority in her life) bears His authority in the spirit realm. Maybe I’m confusing what you were meaning. Anyway……you didn’t ask for a ramble into doctrine.
Yes, this is war. I like Leon’s speech. I was getting excited at work reading it. XD
And the crossbow bolt. I’ve heard so many stories like that, but they still awe me.
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First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkMarch 25, 2025 at 7:59 pm #200711Diedrich said.
Um…its Dietrich?
“I can’t get up,” Julian moaned. “I need to take my boots off.”
I love these lines!
At that moment, Leon knew what he had been missing the whole time. “Yes,” he whispered. “This is war.”
*pumping my fist in the air* This is Awesome!!
“Someone shot it at me last night.” He rose and stumbled to the wash basin, splashing handfuls of the cold water over his face. When he turned around, Julian and Aelic were both staring at him.
This is so hilarious! He nonchalantly says those words and Julian and Aelic are shocked.
“Yeah,” Leon replied, rubbing his face dry with a cloth.
“Yeah” seems a bit…modern? Perhaps “yes” would fit Leon/the era better.
Then he stopped, placing the crossbow bolt in the crack between the pages. He read in silence for a moment and then looked up.
Something just hit me…in the New Testament, didn’t Paul say that every man have a word, admonishment, or teaching to edify the church?
You may be called upon to lay down your life— but never lay down your sword!
W.O.W. Leon gave one sharp sword of a speech. He’s really hit some things home for me. Wow, Ellette! How long did it take for you to write that? How much studying?
Those truths he said were extremely convicting…it was truly something I needed to read. Thank you, Ellette!
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 26, 2025 at 7:03 am #200714Well, I think that is where you and I differ in doctrine.
As a reformed Baptist I believe that women are not to teach or hold authority over men, so while much of what Leon said can be applied to the women, it will not be the same as the application the men will receive. If that makes sense.
I have no problem with women witnessing to friends, neighbors and family, or raising up their children to follow God, etc. etc. But they are not to be preachers and teachers. The men are.
And, because I know you’re going to ask, when women are missionaries they should have a different roll then the men. They can teach in schools, they can reach out the women, they can help and bring aid and medicine, and they should not be afraid to speak of their beliefs to a man, woman, or child, but they are not to be the preachers and teachers.
I think honestly this is just a difference of belief between us. 😊
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 26, 2025 at 7:16 am #200716You know what….. i need to stop having characters with varied spelling of the same name. Yes, this is Dietrich. Deidrich belongs to CR. 🙄
*pumping my fist in the air* This is Awesome!!
*claps hands excitedly*
This is so hilarious! He nonchalantly says those words and Julian and Aelic are shocked.
lolololol. I know!!!!
swapping “yeah” right now. Not sure how that escaped me so many times. 😂 (Leon is just really determined to use modern slang!)
Something just hit me…in the New Testament, didn’t Paul say that every man have a word, admonishment, or teaching to edify the church?
Not sure why…. but for some reason I’m not understanding this. Is there a typo…. or am I really crazy?
W.O.W. Leon gave one sharp sword of a speech. He’s really hit some things home for me. Wow, Ellette! How long did it take for you to write that? How much studying?
Those truths he said were extremely convicting…it was truly something I needed to read. Thank you, Ellette!
WOW!!!! I can’t believe that!!!! OH MY WORD LIBERTY!!!! THAT is EXACTLY why I wrote these books! If you are getting anything out of it that draws you closer to the Lord then I am 100% satisfied!
So actually, it may surprise you, but I got it down in close to 20 minutes. It’s something I’ve ALWAYS had a passion for, and I had been listening to something Eric Ludy said, (the War Cry sermon, and I think also Dying Well. I sent them to your sister.) And I was like, “YES!!! A strong pastor who has the RIGHT view of this.” And then I had a bit or an argument with some very passive Christian friends who go to church and pray at the table so they’re going to heaven and that’s all that matters.
And I was really, really just…. I don’t know…. riled up I guess. It was just infuriating to me, and I actually wasn’t angry at them as much as the majority of the modern day American church, because they have let Satan distract them from the fact that they are in a war zone! The early Christians knew this and they knew it well. The church of today…. nope. You ask modern day Christians if they think we’re in a war, and they look at you like you’re crazy.
So, I went home, raced over to my desk, flipped open the laptop, and dragged Leon over to wake up those modern day Christian’s for me. When I sat down I had no idea what I was going to write, and then all at once it just came to me! I didn’t have to look up a single verse or anything! It was 100% God.
So, anyhow, that was where that came from. 😂
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
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