The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows

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  • #200625
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3466

      @hybridlore  @linus-smallprint    @koshka   @keilah-h    @elishavet-pidyon   @liberty



      The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
      December 10th
      The Empire

      To Johannes, Heinrich, and the brothers at the University,

      Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ

      Such wonderful news! Prince Dietrich, son of Emperor Haidronias, has given his life to God! I can hardly believe what our Lord has done here! What glory and what power! Oh, to think, our land will one day be ruled by a follower of God! Pray for him. He is alone, but for a servant named Marius, and the Lord. He will need strength and courage in the days to come, for this will not be easy, and I am sure temptations will arise on every side, and in every form.
      Also, among us, are now twenty soldiers who have come to Christ— two thirds of Hans’ company! The light is braking through the darkness, and still the authorities have done nothing to stop us! Of course, there is opposition on the streets from people here and there, but nothing like what we had feared and prepared for. I confess, I did not expect to live long enough to write this letter to you. God has been very good to us.
      The church is slowly growing, and I am eager to see what God has in store for us. I wrote to tell you that we are in desperate need of more Bibles! If there is any way someone could bring more, then we urge and plead that you do so. The people are starving for the word of God, and we have given our last one to the Lieutenant of Hans’ company. I hope to visit you again. Perhaps sometime in the near future. I have been praying for your work, and I continue to do so. You are a bright light, and each one of you are strong warriors in Christ’s army. I pray that you will continue the work you have begun. I also urge you to remember to spend time in fellowship and worship together. What you are doing is invaluable, but do not do it at the cost of relationships with one another and God. Rest, fellowship, worship, learn, and pray together. And whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. I pray that we will be able to come to you soon. May God bless you and the work that you are doing.
      In Christ’s love,
      Leon and the brothers and sisters of the Capital.

      It was two weeks before the Bibles arrived with a letter from Heinrich and Johannes, telling of how the work was progressing, and thanking them for their letter. It was good to hear from their friends, and they sent greetings back with the young man who brought them the books.

      Julian, Leon and the others distributed many of the Bibles throughout those of the church who had none and saved the others for those who would come.

      During that time, Prince Dietrich joined them for another Sabbath day meeting, and before all those there, he professed his faith in Christ and revealed to them that he was the prince in disguise.

      To say that the other believes were surprised would be an understatement, and it was over thirty minutes before everyone quieted enough to begin the time of worship.

      Julian and the others had worked for over two months in the Capital, and they knew it was time to take greater steps. They began by speaking in inns and taverns. Often, they were chased out, but sometimes those there listened.

      “We need to do more,” Leon said. “It’s time to stand up and speak with boldness. It is time to speak in the squares and the markets. It is time to speak publicly and widely.”

      “I agree,” Rolf nodded.

      “So do I,” Julian said.

      Aelic and Roland did as well.

      “Let’s pray about this,” Leon told them.

      They spent two days in prayer, asking others to pray with them. Then, on the third day, they went out. Leon had chosen to speak first, and the others would stay with the crowd, talking with them and explaining things.

      As the others finished breakfast, Leon went away to read his Bible and pray alone, and Julian went upstairs to his journal.


      The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
      January 5th
      The Empire

      Today, Leon is going to the market on the east side of the city to speak to the people. To say that I am not frightened would be a lie. I am very afraid for Leon, and I wonder if this will be where it all ends. If it is, I am afraid to let him face it alone. Oh Lord, protect us, give us courage and strength, and may Your will be done. Father, whatever happens today, may it be for Your glory alone. Prepare the hearts of the people who will be there. Let us be a light for You. Father, we give ourselves, this day, and all that we have to You. Use it as You will.


      Julian set down the quill and let the paper dry. Then, he closed the book and put it away in his rucksack. “Julian,” Leon called, from downstairs. “Are you ready?”

      “Yes, I’m coming,” Julian replied. He took one last look around, snatched up his hat, scarf, and gloves, and grabbed his thick cloak from the wall. Downstairs, he found the others waiting for him. Julian fastened his cloak and then pulled on his hat and gloves. He wound his scarf about his neck as Leon spoke. “Let’s pray one more time before we go out.”

      They gathered together and prayed for Leon, each other, and for the people they were about to speak to. The innkeeper and his wife met them at the door. He shook their hands, and his wife had tears in her eyes as she bid them farewell. “Don’t be afraid,” Leon told them. “Whatever happens is in God’s hands. We will meet again.”

      Then the five stepped outside into the cold streets and walked to the east-end market. When they arrived, the place was bustling with the morning trade. Leon looked toward the platform that the emperor’s men and the priests made announcements from. He took a deep breath and looked back at his friends. “May the Lord’s will be done.”

      They nodded, and Julian embraced him quickly. Leon slapped him on the back and then let go. He smiled at Julian and then turned and climbed the platform. Taking a deep breath, he shouted “People of the Empire! Men and women of the Capital. Today I bring you a warning, and a message of hope!”



                  The seventeenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
      January 6th  
      The Empire

      To the church in the Village of Dietenbruck,

      Greetings in Christ.

      We have completed the journey to the Capital and have been here for a while. We have left several churches in our wake, and for that I thank God. Rolf and Roland send their love and greetings to Mr. Klein, Ernst, and Liesl. We continue to keep you in our prayers, and we have confidence you do the same for us. We miss you all dearly. You were the first church in all the Empire, but by far not the last! I pray that you will continue in your faith and follow in the ways our Lord has set before you. You may be small, but God will use each and every one of you for His glory, and your work will not be in vain. I pray that you continue to strengthen one another in the faith and continue constantly in the reading of God’s Word. We pray that God will give us a chance to come and visit with you again. We have many stories to share with you, and I am sure you have many for us.
      Our time in the Capital has been fruitful, and God has worked many wonderful things. Yesterday, Leon spoke publicly to a crowd in the eastern market. They actually listened to him, and several people asked to hear more. We were afraid of opposition from the priests or the soldiers, but so far, we have received none.
      An entire company of soldiers in the Imperial army have now come to faith, the last two believed last night in the market. And one of the servants of the palace also believes, as well as Prince Dietrich himself!
      Pray for us, and all of them. Pray that we will continue to seek God’s will in what lies ahead.

      Blessings in Christ,
      Julian and the church of the Capital.


                  Julian spoke in the Western market the following day. Then Roland took the North, and Rolf the south. More and more were believing, and word was spreading. Julian saw a few soldiers standing to the side and watching when Roland spoke. When Rolf was speaking, he saw more soldiers and several priests. Then, Leon told them he felt God calling him to go and speak in the city square.

      The next morning, they set out. When they arrived, the place was full of people. Julian felt like he could hardly breathe, there were so many people going this way and that. Pushing, shoving, walking, running, buying, selling–– the place was packed.

      They finally made their way to the platform. There were supposed to be a set of steps that were placed there by the soldiers when someone high rank needed to use the platform. These steps were removed to keep commoners off the platform. Leon reached up and grabbed the edge of the structure. “Hoist me up.”

      Rolf and Julian each grabbed one of his legs and lifted. Leon scrambled for a hand hold and rolled onto the platform. He stood up and paused to catch his breath. “Thanks,” he grinned.

      Leon cupped his hands around his mouth. “People of the Empire! I bring you tidings of great joy, and a message of hope!”

      Several people turned to look up, surprised by the unexpected presence of someone on the platform. Then a few began shouting that the strange speakers had come. Others shushed them and still more drew near. Soon there was a small crowd at the base of the platform, and Leon began. He told of the creation of the earth, sin and the fall, and the promise of a Savior. More and more gathered to listen, and Julian and his companions began to wonder through the crowd, talking with the people and explaining things.

      After about an hour of this, Julian glanced up and froze. At the edge of the crowd were several priests, and with them stood two army captains. Soldiers stood around the perimeter of the crowds, along with the temple troops. Julian felt a chill run through him.

      He watched as the priests spoke angrily with the soldiers, constantly glaring toward where Leon stood. Julian looked back toward Leon, wondering if there was any way to warn him, and what he should do. He saw Leon’s gaze drifting over the crowd, and Julian saw him pause and look toward the growing threat, though he never once stopped speaking. He watched for a few moments and then looked to where Julian stood. Leon nodded slightly, then, he looked back to the people.

      “The religion of the Empire is a religion of lies, slavery, and death. It is a false religion, and it demands much of you while never giving anything in return,” Leon said. “The priests control you by fear, telling lies that gain them power and riches. The gods are made by the hands of men, and they are nothing but wood, stone, and metal. There is only One true God. He is the one I have been telling you of! He gives life, forgiveness, salvation, and freedom to all who ask. All you must give is your loyalty and your hearts.”

      Julian watched as the priests gestured angrily at Leon. One of the captains turned and shouted an order, and several soldiers began to push through the crowd. Julian bit his lip until it bled. “Oh God help us. Help Leon!”

      Leon’s eyes darted to the soldiers for a moment, and then back to the people. “We have all sinned, and we all deserve death. Not one of us is righteous, and not one of us can save ourselves. We have sinned, and the punishment for sin is death. But God sent His only Son to die for us, and by His blood we are made clean. By His sacrifice, we are forgiven and made new. All you must do is confess your sins, call upon the name of the Lord, and you will be saved! He will forgive you, save you, and set you free! Never again will you have to pay atonement, sacrifices, or gifts to a god. They are not gods, and the One true God already paid the price for you! Come to Him! Come and you will live! He will save you from the punishment of death! Though you die here, you will live again with Him in the place He has prepared for you!”

      The soldiers had reached the platform. “Cease your talking and come down now!” one shouted.

      Leon ignored them. “God has given me freedom! Christ Jesus has given me life! He alone do I serve! He is my God, and I am His!”

      “Come down or we’ll make you!” another soldier commanded.

      “It is not too late,” Leon continued. “But, not one of us knows what the next moment may bring! Do not delay, for you know not when your life will end. If I die here today, I know I will live with Christ forever. What will happen to you if you die? Do not wait!”

      The soldiers had clearly finished waiting, and now several were hoisting companions up onto the platform.

      Julian couldn’t breathe, and he clenched his fists so tightly that his nails drew blood from his palms.

      Leon ignored the soldiers and kept on going. “Call upon the name of the Lord, and you will be saved. He will take you as His own, and He will hide you under the shelter of His wings. He will never leave you or forsake you. He will forever be at your side, no matter what may come!”

      Leon’s words were lost as two of the soldiers tackled him from behind and pinned down. They bound his hands roughly behind his back striking him several times as they did.

      Julian watched in anguish and tears blurred his vision. “Oh God help him,” he whispered.

      One of the soldiers yanked Leon up to his knees, and the other–– one of the temple troops–– drew his sword. “Who are you!” he shouted.

      “I am Leon Fischer,” Leon replied calmly.

      “How dare you speak against the gods! You are in the Empire, fool!” the guard spat.

      “This Empire belongs to the One true God and He alone do I serve. He has called me here to bring the truth to His people,” Leon replied, loud enough for all to here.

      The man pressed the tip of his blade to Leon’s chest, hard enough to draw a trickle of blood. Leon did not cower but looked the guard straight in the eyes.

      No one spoke, and the crowd held its breath, waiting in thrilled silence to see how this drama would end. “Leon Fisher, take back these vile words of blasphemy or pay the price,” the guard snarled.

      “I will not,” Leon retorted.

      A gasp rippled through the crowd, and a few cried out in astonishment.

      “Kill him!” one of the priests yelled.

      “No! Don’t kill him. Flog him and let that be a warning,” one of the captains retorted.

      “Run him through!” another priest screeched.

      “We have no cause to kill him,” the other captain shouted. “Give him fifty lashes and jail him.”

      The crowd gasped.

      Julian felt like he was going to be sick. Oh God please!

      The soldiers on the platform dragged Leon to his feet, and one of them stripped off his hat, scarf, and cloak. As they began to tear off his shirt, a voice rang out from behind the crowd. “Unhand him!”

      Everyone spun about, and cries of astonishment filled the air. There were four soldiers and a young man on a brown horse. In front of them, a boy dressed in gold and black with a mask over his face held the rains of a black stallion, who chomped against the bit and pranced in place.

      “It’s the prince!” several people cried, and the crowd scattered to let him through.

      Prince Dietrich road through the crowd and came to the foot of the platform. “Did you not hear me?” he demanded.

      “You Highness,” one of the guards said. Three of them bowed low, while the other kept a hand on Leon, dipping his head.

      “I said, let the prisoner go,” Dietrich repeated.

      “But your High––”

      “Unbind him and let him go,” Dietrich commanded. “Or do you dare to defy your prince?”

      The soldier shook his head and then nodded. One of the men cut Leon’s hands free, and then they let him go and stepped back.

      Leon gave Dietrich a relieved grin. “Thank you, your Highness.”

      Marius rode to the princes’ side and pulled his horse to a stop, looking up at Leon in concern. Dietrich rose in the stirrups and held out a hand. Leon stepped forward and grasped it, and Dietrich leapt up out of the saddle. Marius leaned over and grabbed his stallion’s rains before the horse could bolt.

      Leon pulled the prince up onto the platform, and Dietrich turned to face the crowd, raising a hand to silence their surprised chatter. “Listen to me, people of the Empire,” he called out.

      Silence fell, and every eye turned to the prince.

      Diedrich spoke. “I am Prince Dietrich, son of Emperor Haidronias, and I stand before you today a new creation! I am free because of Leon and those with him, and their boldness to speak the truth, but even more than that, I am free because of what Jesus Christ did for me.”

      Dietrich took a deep breath and then reached up toward his mask. As he lowered it from his face, the crowd cried out in fear and astonishment, and several people screamed, while others threw their hands up to shield their faces.

      “Look at me!” Dietrich cried out. “I am no god! Nor do I have any gods or goddesses in my line! Look at me! I am a boy. I am just like each of you. No great power has been given to me! No reverence to me is due! I am the same as each one of you.” He lifted his mask and flung it away from him. It fell and shattered on the cobblestones below. The sound was defining in the silence.

      “I stand before you today, a mortal man, with no power in his blood,” Diedrich continued. “And I am here to tell you that I believe! I believe in the One true God, and His Son, Jesus Christ! I believe in Him with all my heart, and I have been saved. I am a new creation in Christ! The old has passed away. I am free!”

      He held out his hand toward Leon. “He tells the truth! Leon has come here to bring us the truth and light that God has sent Him to give. He speaks of the only way of freedom, salvation, and redemption.” The prince spun and pointed a finger toward the enraged and stunned priests. “They lie!” he yelled. “They tangle you and ensnare you in their webs of lies! They have built an Empire of deceit, feeding on your fear, and prospering from your blindness. They will destroy you! They offer nothing but darkness and death. But Jesus Christ offers life! He is the way the truth and the life, and there is no other way. Come to Him and be saved.”

      The crowd was stunned to silence.

      Dietrich crouched on the edge of the platform and, with Leon’s help, carefully slid down onto his stallion. He took the rains back from Marius with a nod.

      Leon pulled his cloak, hat, and scarf back on, and then slid off the platform, dropping down a short distance from the prince. He walked over and looked up and Dietrich. “Well done.”

      Dietrich smiled. “I thank God he had me ride out today.”

      “So do I,” Leon laughed. “Thank you for saving me from a very nasty encounter.”

      “You’re welcome,” Dietrich said. He turned his horse and road back through the crowd, Marius at his side. The people backed away, some staring up at the prince in awe, while others still shielded their faces.

      Leon walked over to where Julian and his friends stood. “Come, let’s go while they’re still stunned.”

      They quietly left while the crowd’s attention was still on the prince. When they were safe, Julian let out a breath of relief. “Leon, thank God!”

      Leon laughed shakily and slapped Julian on the back. “I’m alright. God was watching out for us.”

      “Your lip is bleeding,” Rolf remarked.

      “Is it?” Leon asked. “My face is so cold I can’t feel anything.”

      “Let’s get inside and have something hot to eat,” Roland suggested.

      “Yes. And thank You Lord for sending Prince Dietrich to save Leon,” Rolf added.

      “Yes Lord and thank You for giving him the courage to stand up and speak what he believed,” Leon agreed.

      The five friends returned to the inn, full of thanks. But Leon knew they had now made enemies.

      Nothing would ever be the same.



      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5970

        @ellette-giselle oooooh

        things are REALLY heating up now!

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        Ellette Giselle
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3466


          Oh yeah!

          I’m assuming you’ve read Saturday’s section and today’s?

          No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5970

            I read today’s. Gonna have to go back for Saturday’s.



            sometimes I miss a chapter if I see it, mark it as important, but then it gets buried in my other emails.

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2212


              Ooh boy. This was a powerful section. Good job.

              But Leon knew they had now made enemies.

              Nothing would ever be the same.

              Dun dun dun……. 🫣

              The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3466


                Oh! Well that would have made this chapter confusing! 😂

                No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3466


                  Thank you!!!

                  Did you think I was gonna take out your favorite character? 🙃


                  (It is you who picked Leon as their favorite, right?)

                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2212


                    Second favorite. Julian’s first. 😉 (Ian was up there too, but you got rid of him… 😢)

                    I wasn’t sure… I thought he was going to get a lashing. Again.

                    The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3466


                      Ah, maybe it’s someone else I know who likes him best. I didn’t kill Ian! He just dropped out. That’s better!


                      ah yes… I’m not that cruel.

                      For now.


                      The prince may have put himself in a precarious position, no?

                      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2212


                        Still sad. 🥺

                        For now.

                        Yeah, yeah, yeah.

                        Probably. I don’t know what the king (and everyone else at the palace) is going to do once they hear of this… 😬

                        The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3466


                          I could kill him if it makes you feel better. 😁


                          yeah, will have to see what the emperor says. He’s gonna 100% hear about it after some of the enemies the prince made today. (mainly the priests)

                          No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2212


                            *shakes head at you*

                            Oh yeah, emperor, not king.

                            Uh oh… poor Dietrich.

                            The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.

                            Ellette Giselle
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3466



                              Uh oh… poor Dietrich.


                              No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                              Linus Smallprint
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 971


                                I know you are curious, so here was my thought process while reading this:

                                With him was a young man who appeared to be in his mid to late teens.

                                Another teenage boy? How many does she have and why is she introducing another one? Or is she? Because if this is the prince in disguise then she couldn’t just go change his age.

                                “It’s good to see you too, Julian,” Marius replied. “I would like you to meet a friend of mine, Wilhelm Baumann,”

                                *Forgets about his princlyness* Wilhelm? She should a a ‘V’ for Vwilhem. (A nickname for one of my firends)

                                Wilhelm took another breath to steady himself. “My name is not Wilhelm Baumann. I am Prince Dietrich, son of Emperor Haidronias.”

                                Oh, right, so I guess he was the prince after all.

                                The soldiers on the platform dragged Leon to his feet, and one of them stripped off his hat, scarf, and cloak. As they began to tear off his shirt, a voice rang out from behind the crowd. “Unhand him!”

                                Everyone spun about, and cries of astonishment filled the air. There were four soldiers and a young man on a brown horse. In front of them, a boy dressed in gold and black with a mask over his face held the rains of a black stallion, who chomped against the bit and pranced in place.

                                “It’s the prince!” several people cried, and the crowd scattered to let him through.

                                Having the heir to the throne on your side is helpful. But I’m sure the priests have something up their sleeve.

                                The five friends returned to the inn, full of thanks. But Leon knew they had now made enemies.

                                Nothing would ever be the same.

                                I feel like you could show this better. Maybe Leon looks over his shoulder, sees several priests glaring at them and/or whispering to each other, and feels a sense of dread.

                                Good sections!

                                Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3466



                                  Another teenage boy? How many does she have and why is she introducing another one?

                                  Dude. You are so mean. 😝


                                  Yes, you’re right. I can’t just go change his age. Thank you!


                                  Yes, but Wilhelm is the traditional spelling. 😁 (you still say it Vwilhelm)


                                  Having the heir to the throne on your side is helpful. But I’m sure the priests have something up their sleeve.

                                  Yes…. to both of those.


                                  I feel like you could show this better. Maybe Leon looks over his shoulder, sees several priests glaring at them and/or whispering to each other, and feels a sense of dread.

                                  mK. I can do that.


                                  Glad the sections are good!



                                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

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