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Ellette Giselle.
March 22, 2025 at 7:37 am #200581
Wait…is this the second book in the CR series? Or a new story you haven’t told me about?
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 22, 2025 at 7:43 am #200582Something I haven’t mentioned. I’m doing it between any possible sequel to CR.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 22, 2025 at 8:16 am #200583*squealing with excitement* I can’t wait to hear about it!
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 22, 2025 at 10:00 am #200585@hybridlore @linus-smallprint @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @liberty
The next Sabbath, Hans did not return, but Julian was pleased to see Marius slip in and sit down. With him was a young man who appeared to be in his mid to late teens. Marius leaned over and whispered something to his companion who nodded. Julian turned his attention back to Leon, who was leading the morning worship.
The small group of believers began to sing, and Julian joined them. He could feel the rush of strength and excitement flow through him. It was the way he always felt before charging into battle. Several boys had begun to drum a rhythm on benches and overturned crates, and the people began to stamp and clap. Julian felt the surge of adrenaline race through him, and he sang all the louder. When the girls broke off and began to echo the words of the men in a high harmoney, Julian was sure that in all the emperor’s palace, there was not a sound so beautiful as this worship.
“Mighty Lord, extend Your kingdom,
Be the truth with triumph crowned;
Let the lands that sit in darkness
Hear the glorious Gospel sound,
From our borders, from our borders
To the world’s remotest bound.By Your arm, eternal Father,
Scatter far the shades of night.
Let the great Immanuel’s kingdom
Open like the morning light;
Let all barriers, let all barriers
Yield before Your heav’nly might.Come in all Your Spirit’s power;
(in all Your Spirit’s power)
Come, Your reign on earth restore.In Your strength ride forth and conquer,
(Your strength ride forth and conquer,)
Still advancing more and more,
Till all people, till all people
Shall your holy name adore.Till all people, till all people
Shall your holy name adore.”When the time of singing had ended, Leon stood up and opened his Bible. “Today I want to read a passage the Lord impressed upon me. It is in the book of Isaiah, Chapter 50, starting in verse 5.” Leon cleared his throat and then began to read.
“Behold, You shall call a nation that You do not know,
and a nation that did not know You shall run to You…Leon continued to read, but those first few words stuck with Julain, and he turned them over and over in his mind. A nation that didn’t know God will run to Him. Could it be that we are part of that nation? Will the Empire turn?
When the meeting ended, Julian made his way toward Marius. “It’s good to see you!” he exclaimed, slapping the young man on the back. “I am so glad you were able to return.”
“It’s good to see you too, Julian,” Marius replied. “I would like you to meet a friend of mine, Wilhelm Baumann,”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Julian Damoss,” Julian said, shaking hands with Wilhelm.
Wilhelm nodded and then stepped back. Julian noted he wore the garb of a stable boy and seemed a slightly ill at ease. It was no wonder, for he had probably been paranoid of people since he was young, knowing his masters could and would mistreat him if he didn’t do as he was told. The thought brought a flickering of anger with it as Julian thought of Leon. Julain forced the thought away. “I see by your dress that you work with horses. Do you like it?” he asked.
Wilhelm shrugged.
“I used to ride horses all the time, I know how much care they require. You must be well trusted to allowed around them,” Julian said.
Wilhelm shrugged again.
“Will you and Marius join us for a meal?” Julian asked.
Wilhelm looked to Marius, who nodded. “It would be our pleasure.”
Aelic joined them, and Marius introduced him to Wilhelm. Aelic began talking to the boy, and Wilhelm seemed a little less shy around him. They began to talk about horses, and Julian saw Wilhelm actually grin. The boy’s shoulders relaxed, and he began to talk with Aelic.
Julian stepped to the side with Marius. “Where is he from?”
“The palace. I met him when I was in the stables. He is a kind boy but does not get to go out very often due to his work,” Marius replied, quietly.
“He seems shy,” Julian remarked.
Marius nodded.
“Speaking of the palace, how is the prince?” Julian asked.
Marius’ face tightened. “He is no better.”
“Did you get a chance to speak to him?” Julian asked.
“Yes,” Marius replied.
“He is intrigued.”
“Does he seem open?”
Marius shook his head. “No, he doesn’t. But he has not forbidden me to speak to him about it.”
Julian nodded. He knew this would take time, but still, he was anxious to know what would happen in the future. He looked back at Wilhelm and Aelic. “I’m glad you brought him.”
Marius smiled slightly. “I might as well try to touch the lives of all those in the palace. Not just the prince.”
Wilhelm and Marius joined Julian, Leon, Roland, Aelic, and Rolf for the midday meal, and Julian was pleased to see some of Wilhelm’s shyness slipping away. He seemed to like Aelic and Leon the best.
Julian wanted to ask Wilhelm what he had thought about the teaching that morning, but something told him to let it be.
After the meal and some more time spent together, Wilhelm and Marius bid farewell and set out for the long walk home.
“I hope he believes,” Julian said, watching their diminishing figures from the window.
“So do I,” Leon said. “I like him very much, and someday I hope he will trust us and really open up. We talked for so long, yet I feel I barely know him.”
“He must not be used to talking to strangers if he is a servant in the palace. Who knows what sort of punishment he would get for that,” Julian said.
Leon’s face tightened and he nodded sadly.
The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
December 1st
The EmpireTo Amarin, Oswin, Clemens, and the church in Clonabay,
Greetings in Christ.
It has been too long since I last saw your faces, heard your voices, and fellowshipped among you. Roland and Aelic say the same and dearly miss you. Leon and Rolf tell me they long for another chance to fellowship with you and regret the shortness of the time they were able to spend among you. You will always be a church dear to my heart, for it was in Clonabay that I went through one of the greatest trials I have ever had to face— the loss of my dear brother Leon, and our companion Rolf. You were always there with me, helping me, and encouraging me in my time of deepest doubt and despair. I will forever thank God for your love and kindness to me. Though Leon and Rolf have now been restored to us, I will never forget the lessons I learned during that trial.
I pray that you are all doing well, and we all continue to keep you in our prayers each day. I know that you are in a town full of darkness and evils of many kind. Yet, you are also in a town that men and women of all lands and nations pass through. You are a great light to many countries and nations, if only you will listen to the voice of God and do as He calls you to do. Be bold and let your lives shine for Christ. Do not fear. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God shall go with you. He will always be with you. Draw closer to one another during this time.
You are soldiers and warriors for Christ. Wars are not won from safety and peace. Wars are won by those who go out into the streets and fight! This battle will be long, it will be wearisome. Trials and hardships will come. But in the end, Christ has already won, and we are merely fighting for the lives of those around us. We are safe, and God will deliver us from death and into eternal life. Be bold and speak with courage. Do not fear. Go out and preach the good news!
Brothers and sisters, it is time to stop whispering. You live in a burning world, and there are people sleeping around you. It is only a matter of time before the roof caves in, and it’s all too late. But while there’s still time, what will you do? It is time to rise up and call out to those dying around us. Will you stand and watch this world burn, or will you rush into those flames and cry out to those around you to fly from this danger and death, and into the salvation that is waiting for them. Lift up your voices, church of God!
We will pray for you, and we ask that you pray for us. Pray for our country, for our soldiers, for our Emperor and his son. Pray for the people of the streets and the people in the castles. Pray for us. May God’s peace be with you all.Your brother Julian, and the Church in the Capital
Time passed, and the days grew colder. It was harder to walk up and down the streets with the news of Salvation, for the air was sharp as a knife and the cold was brutal. Still, day after day, Julian, Leon, Rolf, Aelic and Roland trudged throughout the city, spreading the Word of God everywhere they went. The were cursed, praised, despised, believed, rejected, followed, loved, hated. Still, they pressed on, and slowly, the church grew.
Marius continued to come to the Sabbath day meetings, and with him came Wilhelm. The stableboy was starting to relax around the companions, and Julian often saw him with Aelic, the two of them laughing wildly over some joke.
Then, one Sabbath in the second week of December, Hans returned, and with him were his brothers— Kurt and Franz. That day, Hans accepted Christ as his savior, and three days later, he brought his brothers back to Leon and Julian. They spent many hours talking, and at the end of their time, Kurt and Franz also believed. Thus, three more were added to the church, and joy spread. Hans and his brothers where the type didn’t take things lightly. They saw what their salvation did for them, and they felt the Spirit of God in them. They wanted this for the soldiers around them, and so they started with their company of thirty. Every day, one or other of the brothers came to the inn with a soldier in tow.
At first this unnerved Julian a little, but after a time he grew to expect the soldiers arriving an-announced and knew that he had nothing to fear from them.
Two more weeks passed, and that Sabbath sixteen soldiers joined came to the meeting, and all but three believed. Those three returned to the inn and requested to talk with one or other of the five companions. By the middle of the week, they too had surrendered their lives to Christ. God’s Spirit was clearly at work, and it spread like lightning among the company of soldiers.
One evening, the innkeeper’s wife came to the room where Leon and his companions had just finished supper. “There are two young men who wish to see you,” she said.
“Please tell them to come in,” Leon replied.
“Who is it?” Rolf wondered.
“Most likely soldiers,” Julian chuckled,
The innkeeper’s wife soon returned, and with her were Marius and Wilhelm. After the companions greeted them and the two were seated at the table, Leon spoke. “Tell us, to what do we owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?”
“Wilhelm asked to come and see you,” Marius replied, looking over at his companion.
“What can we do for you, Wilhelm?” Julian asked, kindly.
Wilhelm looked up at them and took a deep breath. He glanced at Marius, who nodded. “I have a confession to make.”
Julian glanced at Leon.
“Go ahead,” Leon said, gently.
“I lied to you.”
Leon raised an eyebrow. “About what?”
Wilhelm took another breath to steady himself. “My name is not Wilhelm Baumann. I am Prince Dietrich, son of Emperor Haidronias.”
There was a long, stunned silence. Leon felt his mind reeling. Prince Dietrich! A stable boy?
Surprisingly, it was Aelic who found his voice first. “Why did you tell us your name was Wilhelm, and that you were a stable boy?”
“Dietrich never said he was a stable boy,” Marius cut in. “I told you he was from the palace, which was true; and that he and I had met in the stables, which was true; and that he could not get out much due to his work, which is also true. He never answered any of your questions about being a stable hand, if you will remember, Julian. The only thing he lied about was his name.”
What Marius said was true, and it silenced them all.
“So… why? Why not tell us who you were?” Leon asked, after a long time.
“I needed to see and hear the truth for myself. If I had come in as the prince, none of you would have treated me as I needed you too. I needed you to think of me as your equal, because I needed to see everything,” Dietrich said.
“He has a point there,” Rolf admitted.
“So, you really are Prince Dietrich” Julian asked in amazement.
Dietrich smiled and nodded.
“You aren’t really as shy as you acted,” Aelic said skeptically.
Dietrich laughed. “No, I’m not. I wanted to listen more than speak. And if I talked, I would probably have to tell more lies to hide my identity, and I didn’t want to do that.”
“Does your father know?” Leon asked.
“He knows that Marius and I go out riding once or twice every week, but he doesn’t care what I do,” Dietrich replied.
Julain didn’t know what to say, and he just stared at the stable-boy prince.
At last, Leon found his voice. “So, after all this time, what conclusion have you come to about all of this?”
Dietrich was silent for a long time, staring at the table. At last, he looked up. “I believe what you say is true.”
Marius sucked in a quick breath, and Leon saw the joy that flooded his eyes. His own heart began to race. The future Emperor believed!
Dietrich looked straight at Leon. “I want to believe. With all my heart, I long to follow Christ. But something is trying to hold me back.”
“What is?” Leon asked.
Dietrich looked away. “I’m afraid.”
Leon leaned forward and laid a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Tell us.”
“It was a few months ago… my sixteenth birthday,” Dietrich said.
Marius went ridged.
Leon held his breath, knowing that Dietrich was on the edge of telling the horrible events that he had kept so secret.
Dietrich took several deep breaths, and then he began. “The priests came for my inheritance ceremony. I was so frightened of them, and there was something so dark and evil about them… with them… in them. My father gave me over to them, and they took me. We came outside and entered a carriage. I was blindfolded, so I know nothing of where we went. We got out at our destination and came to a building. I remember the halls echoing and doors opening and closing. Then I was brought to what sounded like the center of a room and left there.” Dietrich fell silent.
“What happened?” Leon asked, his voice tense.
“I… I don’t remember everything. There was chanting and smoke, and strange perfumes, and everything was so dark. I couldn’t see anything because of the blindfold. I wanted to reach up and rip it off, but I was too terrified to move. I felt and heard the evil all around me, and it was crushing and suffocating. I don’t know how long that lasted. Then, someone grabbed me and dragged me deeper into the room. hands took my blindfold off, and I saw darkness, fire, and evil shadows. One of the priests cut my hand and forced me to press my palm against something, though I couldn’t see what it was. Then they began their chanting again.” Dietrich stopped, and closed his eyes, breathing slowly.
Leon saw the horror and anger in Marius’s eyes, and he knew it reflected his own. He tightened his hold on Dietrich’s shoulder. “Tell us what they did.”
Dietrich spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “There were more voices, and then there was sharp pain. Someone yanked my head back and forced me to drink. Then they let me collapse to the floor. I lay there and begged the gods for death to end this horror. I remember nothing until I woke back in my own room.” His voice caught and his hands shook slightly.
“I tried to forget, but the evil of that place still clings to me, and I still feel that darkness inside of me. That horrible night haunts my dreams. I fight them, and sometimes I get free, but then I am drowned and choked by the evil there.” Dietrich looked up at Leon. “I have to get free. I have to find Jesus, for I know He is the only one who can save me. But, every time I try to pray, a sickening terror fills me, and I don’t dare. I need you to help me. Please!”
Leon nodded. “You are right, Dietrich. He is the only one who can save you. We will pray with you, but this is something you must do on your own. No one else can confess your sins and need of salvation”
Marius put an arm about Dietrich’s shoulders. Aelic rose and laid a hand on his back, and Roland joined him. Julian reached and laid his hand on one of Diedrich’s shoulders, and Rolf placed a hand over the other. Closed his eyes and spoke. “Father God, we need You. You know the horrors Dietrich has endured, and the evil that has been inflicted upon him. You know Lord, You know.” Leon could feel Dietrich starting to tremble, and heard his breath quicken. “Lord Jesus, help us. We need You now. Come and save this boy. Heal him, Lord. Heal him and save him.”
“I’m afraid,” Diedrich whispered. “What if He’s like them?”
“You know the truth, Diedrich,” Leon said firmly. “Oh God, help him see the truth!”
“I can’t! Oh God help me! Please help me!”
Leon rested his hand over Dietrich’s head. “In the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the One true God, I break the chains of evil about this young man. In Jesus’ name, I command any and all powers of the devil to leave this place. He is not yours and never will be! What was done to him has no power against the name of Jesus Christ.”
“Oh Lord! Jesus Christ, save me!” Dietrich cried out hoarsely. “Free me and save me! Rescue me from this darkness and save me. Help me! Help me to believe! I believe, Lord! You are the One true God, and there are no other gods. You alone can save, You alone are God. Oh God forgive me. Oh Lord, save me.”
Dietrich covered his face with his hands, shaking and sobbing. Leon could hear the whispered prayers of those around him. He saw Marius pull the prince into his strong arms, his lips moving in fervent prayer. “Father, bring peace to us all. Fill Dietrich with Your Spirit and protect him from the evil one. Give him strength and courage. Help him to believe and never let go of You. Strengthen his faith.”
Leon could feel the peace that filled the room, and he continued silently praying. At last, Dietrich lifted his head slowly sat up. His face was pale and streaked with tears, and his clothes were damp with sweat, but when he raised his head, no one could mistake the freedom and peace that filled his eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered. He covered his face with his hands. “Thank You Jesus! Thank You!” He wept softly, and Leon felt his own eyes fill with tears.
At last, silence fell over the room, and Dietrich wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve. “Thank you, Marius, for bringing me here,” he said, looking to his friend. “And thank you all for praying with me.”
“Of course,” Julian said.
“Welcome, little brother,” Leon said, slapping his shoulder.
Diedrich smiled and then laughed. After a moment, he spoke. “It’s going to be hard, isn’t it.”
“What is?” Julian asked.
“Follow God and living in the palace.”
Leon looked at Marius, who nodded slowly. “I’m afraid it will be,” Leon said.
Dietrich took a deep breath. “The freedom and peace I have right now is something I could never give up.”
“Is it something you are willing to die for?” Leon asked, soberly.
Dietrich did not reply for a long moment. Then, he spoke. “I could never go back to that darkness I once lived in. It is better to die for what is true then live in a world built of lies. Yes, I would die for this.”
“You must be ready, Dietrich. This will be hard. I don’t think your father will like this, and even if he doesn’t care, I know the priests will,” Leon said. “There will be festivals to the gods and ceremonies. It will be dangerous not to take part in these, but you must be fully God’s or not His at all. You cannot do both. When the time comes, will you stand your ground and trust God, no matter what happens and what they do to try and force you to give this up?”
“Yes,” Dietrich replied firmly.
Marius laid a hand on the prince’s shoulder. “I will stand with you to the end, Dietrich.”
“Leon, what must I do?” Dietrich asked. “Now that I am a follower of Christ, what can I do to help the others?”
“You must pray,” Leon said. “God will show you what to do. Shine as His light in the darkness of that palace. Live for Him.”
Diedrich straightened. “One day, when I am Emperor, I will cleanse this land. I will destroy ever idol and temple. Every shrine and image. Everything that has anything to do with the wicked beliefs of this land.”
“There will be much opposition to this, but I know that you will trust God through it all,” Leon said.
They talked for another hour. Then, Prince Dietrich and Marius prepared to leave. Before they left, Julian ran upstairs. He returned with one of the last Bibles they had and gave it to Dietrich. “Read this often, and God will show you what to do.”
Diedrich nodded and took it. “I will. Thank you.”
Then he and Marius went out into the night.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 22, 2025 at 11:11 am #200586Great section!! 🥰 I liked the Wilhelm-actually-Prince-Deitrich twist. Pretty cool that he’s now a Christian… but it’s going to be very dangerous.
By the way, congrats on the publishing house! The website looks great!
The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.
March 22, 2025 at 11:16 am #200587I liked the Wilhelm-actually-Prince-Deitrich twist.
Did you see it coming?!?!
Linus will say he did. 100% 😂
Pretty cool that he’s now a Christian… but it’s going to be very dangerous.
Ya don’t say?……………
Aw thank you!!!! I’m so glad! What do you think??!
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 22, 2025 at 1:53 pm #200592No! But just watch him. XD
I wasn’t expecting there to be a twist like that.
Yeah… 😅😬
It looked really cool! It must have taken a long time to write out all the stuff on the pages. Did you design the website or have someone else help?
The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.
March 22, 2025 at 1:55 pm #200593Yay!! I’m glad I caught you by surprise at least. 😂
It took about a month honestly. I learned web design so I could do it. I was motivated.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 22, 2025 at 1:56 pm #200594Yep xD
Oh, wow! Cool!
For some reason, my phone just recommended me to type “Cadwicks” … 😂😂 Lol. Who knows why.
The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.
March 22, 2025 at 1:58 pm #200595Haha! You typed it a lot during TVON
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 22, 2025 at 1:59 pm #200596Yeah… I guess I typed your name in your tag a lot before the Cadwicks. I don’t know. It just surprised me 😝
The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. 😎 Beware.
March 24, 2025 at 8:24 am #200619“Careful?” Leon laughed. “Julain, I never thought those words would cross your lips.”
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 24, 2025 at 8:25 am #200620I know! It took Leon getting captured to sober him up a bit I guess.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
March 24, 2025 at 8:31 am #200621Wilhelm took another breath to steady himself. “My name is not Wilhelm Baumann. I am Prince Dietrich, son of Emperor Haidronias.”
That is so funny! When Wilhelm was first introduced, I actually thought, “That may be the prince…but in disguise!”
“One day, when I am Emperor, I will cleanse this land. I will destroy ever idol and temple.
Oooh!!! He’s about to become the Josiah.
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
March 24, 2025 at 8:53 am #200622Really?!?! You called it?
Oooh!!! He’s about to become the Josiah.
Maybe so!
So, is he your new favorite? I was pretty sure he would be.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
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