The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows

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    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3174


      Oh dear! I hope nothing is up with the page, I may re-tag people.

      Interesting . . . this made me wonder if he had been in love with the governor’s daughter, but that didn’t seem right once I saw how the governor interacted with him. 🤔

      Wouldn’t you like to know.


      ack, yes, I missed a word there. When I read it over my brain said it was there. XD



      I didn’t realize Aelic was so young. What are the age gaps between the five guys?

      Ooo, okay. Let me think a moment. 😂 (I have to see how old they were to begin with.)
      Okay, so Julian was about 17-19 in Joseph’s book (I never specified) which makes him in his late twenties now. Leon is a few years older so late twenties to very early thirties.
      Rolf and Roland are around 19-25
      Aelic is 15 or 16.


      Ahha! I played with that sentence so many times trying to make it sound right! I was about ready to chuck it until you saved me!



      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3174







        Re-tagging Y’all. (sorry if you already got a notification) KP was acting glitchy for me this morning, and hybridlore told me the notification didn’t end up getting to her, so I thought I’d be safe.


        There was also a new section from Saturday, not sure if that one went through either.

        No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2089


          ack, yes, I missed a word there. When I read it over my brain said it was there. XD

          XD Yep, happens to me too.

          Okay, so Julian was about 17-19 in Joseph’s book (I never specified) which makes him in his late twenties now. Leon is a few years older so late twenties to very early thirties.
          Rolf and Roland are around 19-25
          Aelic is 15 or 16.

          Ahh, okay. Wow. Aelic’s story sounds even worse now, knowing he was only a young teenager when his people wanted to sacrifice him. We didn’t get a whole lot of detail about that when the characters were introduced. Maybe that would be something to add? (Unless I just missed it.)

          Ahha! I played with that sentence so many times trying to make it sound right! I was about ready to chuck it until you saved me!

          Oh good xD Glad I could help.

          “I like good strong words that mean something!"

          Ellette Giselle
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3174


            I said he was the same age as Ernst, Rolf’s brother, and I said Ernst was about 15-16

            Do I need more then that?

            No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2089


              Probably not, I guess I just missed that.

              “I like good strong words that mean something!"

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3174

                @linus-smallprint   @koshka     @keilah-h      @elishavet-pidyon    @liberty


                I plan on posting another section today as usual, but since no one has been replying to this except for Hybridlore, I’m wondering if Y’all need me to wait a day or two? What do y’all think? I don’t want to completely lose ya.

                No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3174

                  KP is being glitchy.

                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3174

                    @linus-smallprint    @Liberty    @Hybridlore     @Koshka    @elishavet-pidyon    @Keilah-h


                    Lets try this again


                    NEXT SECTION!!!


                    The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
                    April 30th
                    The Empire

                    Leon was not arrested as we had feared, thank God. The Governor only wanted to speak with him, and the results have been unbelievable. The slave market was abolished and the slaves freed. The games dedicated to train and select fighter for the tournament of the gods will no longer reside here. And the whole town is being cleansed. So many have come to Christ and more continue to do so. The temple was destroyed, idols and images burned and broken, holy books and scrolls destroyed along with other books of the past idolatry this town was once involved in. One of the buildings once used as a part of the games is going through refurbishment and will be set aside as a church. We were afraid the unbelievers and the priest would give us trouble, but the priest has done nothing so far, and the unbelievers mostly keep to themselves, though everywhere they turn, their friends and neighbors are waiting to share the truth. This has become a hard town to deny God in.



                                Julian, Leon, and Aelic walked through the large building, looking up at the highly vaulted ceilings, curved stone benches, and the platform rising at the front. “The room is built so that one standing on the platform can be heard in every corner,” one of the workmen explained. “That is why we thought this would be the perfect place.”

                    “God has surely blessed His people,” Leon replied. “This is indeed the perfect place.”

                    “Redemption,” Aelic said.

                    “What?” Julian asked.

                    Aelic paused to look around the room. “It is a place of redemption. What was once used for the glory of the world has now been dedicated to the glory of God.”

                    “You are right, young man,” a voice said from behind.

                    The three turned to see the Governor. He was dressed almost simply and had no guards with him. The three dipped their heads in respect and the Governor joined them. “It is a pleasure to see you sir,” Leon said.

                    “The pleasure is mine,” the Governor replied.

                    “How are things going with the slaves, sir?” Julian asked.

                    “Please, call me Walter,” the Governor smiled. “I wish to only be a brother among brothers here.”

                    Julian nodded respectfully. “Yes sir.”

                    “The slaves are doing well,” Walter continued, in answer to Julian’s question. “None of the masters seem too put out by having to give them up, for the money they get is quiet enough to hire work. Some of the slaves stay, though they are paid fairly. Others leave for new homes, some return to their own, while still more seek to find new work here. There is one youth who has been asking to speak to you, Leon. He says you saved him.”

                    “I did?” Leon asked, in confusion. “I don’t remember that.”

                    Walter shrugged. “He wishes to speak to you all the same. He said his name is Landon.”

                    “Do you know where he is?” Leon asked.

                    “No, but the innkeeper would,” Walter replied. “Come, let us go and ask him.”

                    The four walked out of the building and came to the steps. They were on the last one when Leon spotted the priest walking toward them. “Governor,” the man said, bowing low. “The gods have a message for you.” Before anyone had a chance to speak, he shot his hand out like a serpent striking and thrust it at Walter’s chest. Julian’s reflexes took over and he shoved Walter hard to the side just as the blade in the priest’s hand made contact.

                    Walter cried out and fell to the steps and people screamed and ran toward the scene. Leon leapt forward and grabbed the priest’s arm, but the man twisted and slipped free. He vanished in the crowd and Leon lost him in mere moments. He turned and hurried to Walter’s side.

                    Julian had torn open the governor’s shirt and was pressing his cloak against the wound. It was to the side of his chest, near the shoulder, and wasn’t as deep as the priest had intended. Soldiers were everywhere pushing the crowd back, and soon they had swept around their Governor and were tending to him. The three friends followed them into the Governor’s house and stayed at Walter’s side as the doctors were called to see to him.

                    When they were left alone a moment, Walter turned to the three and grabbed Leon’s arm. “Is it bad?”

                    “No, Julian pushed you out of the way of what would have been a sure death blow. It’s not deep, and they say you will recover soon,” Leon replied.

                    Walter let out a breath of relief. “Thank God,” he whispered.


                    The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
                    May 5th
                    The Empire

                    This morning an attempt was made on Governor Walter’s life. It was the priest, and no one expected it, for he did not openly oppose the Governor or what was happening in the city. The guards are searching everywhere for him, but he is not to be found. Thanks to God, Julian was able to react with enough spread that Governor Walter is not seriously injured, and the doctors say he will recover soon. God was most surely protecting us today.
                    Work on the church is complete, and in two days Julian will speak the first message that has ever sounded in its walls. Several of the men asked me to, but I talked with the Governer and he and I have decided that it would be best if another spoke there first. We both pray that the fame of the White Knight will be dissociated from the message of the Gospel.
                    Governor Walter sent a messenger to Lentrenk with a letter to Johannes and Heinrich, asking if any young men are ready to come and guide the people here and train up leaders for the church. We hope to hear from them soon. If they send leaders, we will be ready to go on to the next town.


                    In the days following, the priest was not found, and several of the rougher, stauncher followers of the gods also disappeared. The Sabbath came, and the people crowded into the building to worship. Governor Walter insisted on coming and was brought in a carriage with guards and surgeons in attendance.

                    It was after the meeting that Leon met Landon.

                    The boy was standing by one of the large windows, and when Leon saw him, he recognized him as the boy he had bought and set free. “Landon,” he said, offering his hand with a smile. “I am so glad to finally meet you. I am Leon”

                    “It is good to meet you too, Leon,” Landon said, smiling as he shook hands. “Here,” he added, holding out a neatly folded bundle. “This is yours.”

                    Leon took the bundle and unfolded it to reveal his cloak. “Thank you.”

                    “You’re welcome,” Landon replied. “Thank you for giving it to me when I needed it. Thank you also, for setting me free, and for showing me where to find true freedom.”

                    “True freedom?” Leon asked quietly.

                    Landon smiled. “I have never met anyone like you, and I began to wonder what made you so different. I talked to one of the young men destined for the games who had been set free after you spoke that day. He told me he had found freedom and salvation in the One True God, and he told me that was what made you and those with you so different. I just wanted to come and return your cloak, thank you, and tell you that I believe.”

                    Leon embraced the boy. “I am so glad, Landon. Thank God!” He let go and looked at the boy. “What will you do now?”

                    “I have a job with the innkeeper for now, but someday I hope to farm,” Landon replied. “I grew up on a farm before my parents died, and I want to go back to farming someday.”

                    Leon nodded. “I pray God will guide you and protect you, wherever you go.”

                    “Leon!” Rolf cried, making his way toward them. “Leon, come quickly, the messenger has returned!”

                    Leon and Landon hurried after Rolf to where several people were surrounding a tired horseman. He was looking about, and when he spotted Leon and Rolf he swung down and came to them. “Here is the letter.”

                    “Thank you,” Leon replied.

                    Landon stepped forward and took the horse’s reigns. “Come and get some rest at the inn, sir.”

                    The messenger looked to Leon. “Do you need me to take anything or bring another message?”

                    “Not tonight,” Leon replied. “Thank you for bringing this.”

                    The man nodded and walked with Landon across the street and down to the inn. Leon turned to Rolf, “Please go tell the others to meet us at Walter’s home.”

                    Rolf nodded and ran off. Leon turned and came to where Walter was being helped into a carriage. “Sir, the letter has arrived.”

                    “Thank God,” Walter exclaimed. “Come to my home and we will read it and the have a meal.”

                    A little while later, the five were in one of the sitting rooms of the Governor’s home. They sat about the fire, and Leon opened the letter and read aloud to them.


                    To Leon, Julian, Rolf, Aelic, Roland, Governor Walter, and the brothers and sisters of Wiedlisbourg.

                    We were overjoyed to hear your wonderful news of God’s work in Wiedlisbourg. We have all been praying for you, and it is a relief to know you five are safe and well, and it is wonderful to hear what God is doing! Things have gone on here as you left them, and the young men continue to study and teach. Five of them are ready to lead in the church, and two are willing to come to you. Their names are Carl Falk and Meinrad Ludwig. They are eager to come and join the brothers and sisters of Wiedlisbourg and will only be a few days behind the messenger. We are so thankful for the work God has done, and we look forward to seeing you again someday. We will continue to keep you in our prayers as we know you will do for us.

                    Your brothers in Christ,

                                Johannes, Heinrich, and the students of the University.

                    “Oh, thank God,” Leon said. “I am so glad they are sending someone, for I have felt an urge to continue on, but I couldn’t leave the people stranded.”

                    “I have felt the same,” Roland agreed.

                    “I am very glad to know that you will not leave until these young men arrive,” Walter remarked. “We will miss you, but I understand that you have been called by God to spread His word. Please come back to us if you are ever near here again.”

                    “We will,” Julian promised.


                                Carl and Meinrad arrived two days later, and with them they brought a large rucksack filled with carefully made copies of the Scripture. These were distributed around the town, and more were promised the next month. The five companions made their farewells and set off three days later for the seaport of Clonabay. It was with great joy that Leon was able to witness several of the freed slaves standing side-by-side with their former masters as brothers and sisters in Christ.

                    When The time came to bid Walter goodbye, Leon found it hard to do so. “I wish we knew where that priest was,” he said in a low voice. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

                    Walter just grinned at him. “We’re all taking risks, Leon. Didn’t Christ command us to look to Him as our Master?”

                    Leon nodded. “Still, I’ll worry about you.”

                    “Don’t,” Walter replied firmly. “My life is in God’s hands. There’s no safer place for me to be, and your fear will not change that.”

                    Leon smiled. “You are right.”

                    The two glanced over to where Julian and the others were talking with several of the new believers.

                    “You know, it’s a strange thing,” Walter began.

                    “What is?” Leon wondered.

                    “As a boy I saw you once. You were a symbol of hope to many of us, but for all the wrong reasons. Now, you are a messenger of hope sent by the King of kings.”

                    Leon glanced at him. “It’s strange how things change. If you had told me back then that I would one day be a fugitive and a traitor to the gods, I would have laughed in your face.”

                    Walter grinned. “If you had told me that I would abolish the slave trade and end the games I would have done the same.”

                    “The ways of God are indeed higher than ours and often unknown to us,” Leon concluded.

                    The weather was fair, and the sky was bright and blue as the companions set off toward Clonabay.

                    Many from the town stood in the road and waved to them until they disappeared. Governor Walter had given the companions money for their journey, and the innkeeper provided them with plenty of food to get them to Clonabay.

                    The five walked along the road talking, singing, and enjoying one another’s company and the beauty of God’s creation about them. That night they camped, taking turns to watch while the others slept.

                    At about noon of the second day, they came to a place where a spring flood had washed away the footbridge over a deep creek bed.

                    “The water doesn’t seem very deep anymore, and I’m sure we can cross those stones,” Rolf said.

                    The others agreed and they slowly made their way down the rocky bank, across the creek, and started up the other side.

                    About halfway up, Roland stepped on a loose stone and slipped. He fell part way down, but Leon grabbed his arm. “Are you alright?”

                    “Yes,” Roland panted. He struggled to his feet but sank down with a low cry of pain.

                    Rolf and Leon pulled him up to the top of the bank and helped him sit out of harm’s way. “What’s wrong?” Rolf asked, anxiously.

                    “I think I turned my ankle,” Roland said.

                    “Can you walk?” Leon asked.

                    Roland shook his head. “No, I’m afraid not. I can feel it swelling already and the pain is too much. I’m sorry.”

                    “Don’t be sorry, you couldn’t help it,” Leon consoled. “Aelic, can you and Julian scout ahead for a good place to camp. Don’t go too far though.”

                    The two nodded and ran up the path.

                    Leon turned back to Roland. “If I take your boot off, we probably won’t get it back on again for a while.”

                    Roland nodded.

                    “I want you to see if you can move it at all,” Leon said.

                    Roland braced and slowly began to move the foot. He sucked in a sharp breath. “I can move it, but it hurts badly. It’s not something I could walk on.”

                    “Don’t worry about walking,” Leon told him. “We just want to make sure it isn’t broken.”

                    “No, I don’t think it’s broken.”

                    “How are we going to get to Clonabay if Roland can’t walk? It’s another two days,” Rolf said.

                    “Don’t worry about that right now,” Leon replied. “Right now, we just need to get Roland somewhere where he will be safe to rest. We’ll talk about plans later.”

                    They heard running steps and looked up to see Aelic. “We found a spot,” the boy said. “It’s not too far ahead and it’s well sheltered and off the road.”

                    “Good,” Leon replied. “Alright Rolf, help me get him up.”

                    Rolf and Leon each put an arm under Roland and pulled the young man to his feet. Moving slowly, they followed Aelic back to the place where Julian waited by the road. He greeted them and then lead the way to a rocky formation sheltered by a few trees. It was back from the road, but not so far back that they couldn’t see it. Leon and Rolf lowered Roland down and helped him to get as comfortable as possible.

                    “The creek runs near here and the water is cold from snowmelt. We could use it to help bring down the swelling,” Aelic pointed out.

                    Julian rifled about in his pack for their cooking pot and handed it to Aelic. “Go and get some then, but for goodness’ sake don’t you fall and sprain your ankle.”

                    Aelic disappeared and Leon crouched beside Roland. “Like I said, if I take your boot off you won’t get it back on for a few days at least. However, if I don’t then we can’t treat the sprain as well. It’s up to you.”

                    “Go ahead and take it off,” Roland replied, leaning back and closing his eyes. “I won’t be moving for a few days; I can tell you that.”

                    Rolf shook his head. “It was always you that went and got yourself hurt,” he muttered. “Ever since we learned to walk, you were always about to do something that would get you killed.”

                    Roland smirked.

                    Leon and Rolf carefully got the boot off while Julian started a fire and looked through the packs for something to eat. Aelic soon returned and Rolf took off his scarf and soaked it in the freezing water. He wrapped it carefully about Roland’s ankle and foot.

                    “Augh! That is cold!” Roland exclaimed.

                    “Aelic, come help me set some rabbit snares. No point in us eating hardtack if we’re going to be here a while,” Julian said.

                    The two disappeared, leaving Leon to watch the fire and fetch some water for supper, and Rolf to tend to Roland.

                    That evening, they ate a soup made from the provisions they had brought.

                    “I hope we get a rabbit in the night,” Rolf said.

                    After supper, Roland slept, and the others drew sticks to determine who took first watch. The short stick fell to Leon, who walked a little way from the camp and settled down. The rest turned in for the night and were soon asleep.

                    The following morning, Aelic triumphantly brought a rabbit for breakfast and the five had a good meal. After they had eaten, they sat about to discuss what to do.

                    “We could stay here until Roland can walk,” Julian said.

                    “We could, but that might be weeks, and our supplies won’t last that long,” Rolf replied.

                    “You could go without me and come back with a horse,” Roland suggested.

                    “Leave you all alone out here with wild animals and brigands? Not a chance,” Leon laughed. “No, I had another idea. What if two of us went ahead to Clonabay and got a horse or something and came back to get you?”

                    “Leaving two behind to guard camp and see to Roland?” Aelic asked.

                    Leon nodded. “That’s what I was thinking.”

                    “I like the idea,” Julian agreed. “Who will stay and who will go?”

                    “I was thinking I can go, unless someone else wants to,” Leon offered.

                    “Aelic should probably stay since he’s good at trapping,” Julian said.

                    Rolf looked up. “I’ll go with you.”

                    “Then I’ll stay,” Julian said.

                    “I’m very sorry you have to go to all this trouble on my account,” Roland put in.

                    Julian smiled. “Don’t worry Roland. We’re glad to help you.”

                    “Alright then Rolf, you and I will start out in just a short while,” Leon said.

                    Julian brought all the packs together and they emptied them all out so the supplies could be seen clearly. “Keep enough food for about five or six days, just in case we’re delayed,” Leon said.

                    “Will there be enough for you?” Julian asked.

                    Leon nodded. “Three days’ worth, and we’ll get more in Clonabay before we come back.”

                    “How expensive is a horse?” Julian wondered.

                    “What would you say, Rolf?” Leon asked.

                    Rolf thought a moment. “About twenty silver pieces. But we don’t mean to buy one, do we?”

                    Leon shook his head. “No, but we ought to come prepared to do so.” He counted out thirty pieces into a separate leather bag. “We’ll save the extra ten for anything we may need to get in Clonabay. Hopefully we won’t use it all, but it’s best to be ready. We’ll leave everything like hats, gloves, and any extra things so we can go faster.”

                    They were soon ready, and Rolf and Leon bid farewell, promising to return as quickly as they could. Then they set off down the road at a steady pace.

                    The camp soon grew quiet after they left. Aelic busied himself with making more traps, and Roland slept some. He tried to deny it, but Julian could see from his expressions that the pain was getting worse. He re-wet the scarf in the icy water and wrapped it about Roland’s injured ankle again.

                    Then he sat down and pulled out the journal to record all that had happened since leaving Wiedlisbourg.

                    No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3174

                      @linus-smallprint    @Liberty    @Hybridlore     @Koshka    @elishavet-pidyon     @Keilah-h


                      Just a heads up to y’all, if KP is acting up and you don’t get tagged, I normally post a section every morning, (save Sunday) baring assassination, the women’s draft (in which case I will go under ground and change my author’s name), or an opportunity to ride horses bareback.

                      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2089


                        I got tagged for both of these, so I’m assuming it’s working again for the most part.

                        since no one has been replying to this except for Hybridlore,

                        I’m just your #1 fan 😉 Well, online fan anyway.

                        Good section. I was right about them meeting the boy again, but wrong about him coming with them. Oh well.

                        When did Leon start calling the governor Walter? I was a bit confused, but I probably just missed the part where you introduced him.

                        Leon mentioned that Julian would preach for the first time in that building, but we didn’t get to see it. It seemed like it might be an important scene, but maybe not.

                        Poor Roland. But his ankle at least makes their journey a little more interesting.

                        Great section! I look forward to seeing the next settlement. Are you planning to connect them at all, or bring back some of the characters later in the story? It will probably be a little tiring on the reader to continue meeting so many characters over and over again. Also, Leon and Julian’s group hasn’t met with much resistance yet (besides the lumberjacks). I’m assuming there will be more later on?

                        “I like good strong words that mean something!"

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3174



                          Oh good. It’s been glitching all morning on my end.


                          I’m just your #1 fan 😉 Well, online fan anyway.

                          You 100% are!!


                          When did Leon start calling the governor Walter? I was a bit confused, but I probably just missed the part where you introduced him.

                          When the governor told him to. XD

                          It happened when they were looking over the building.


                          Leon mentioned that Julian would preach for the first time in that building, but we didn’t get to see it. It seemed like it might be an important scene, but maybe not.

                          I feel like I’ve had a tone of those scenes though.


                          Poor Roland. But his ankle at least makes their journey a little more interesting.

                          You have no idea.


                          Are you planning to connect them at all, or bring back some of the characters later in the story?

                          I’m not answering questions like that at the moment. 😉


                          Also, Leon and Julian’s group hasn’t met with much resistance yet (besides the lumberjacks). I’m assuming there will be more later on?

                          Oh. You just wait.

                          No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2089


                            Yeah, sometimes it looks different and the entire website doesn’t load, but it still works usually.

                            You 100% are!!

                            Nice. 😎

                            I feel like I’ve had a tone of those scenes though.

                            Yeah, good point. Maybe add something in their journal entries about how it went well, and how Leon is proud of Julian? Something like that.

                            You have no idea.

                            Oh. You have no idea.

                            *eyes you suspiciously*

                            “I like good strong words that mean something!"

                            Ellette Giselle
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3174



                              Yeah, good point. Maybe add something in their journal entries about how it went well, and how Leon is proud of Julian? Something like that.

                              Sounds good.


                              *eyes you suspiciously*

                              *grins evilly*


                              No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2089


                                I’m shaking my head at you right now.

                                “I like good strong words that mean something!"

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3174



                                  What? What did I do?” *in very innocent voice.*

                                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

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