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February 27, 2025 at 10:59 am #198639
Well, thank you for venturing into new grounds! This does help freshen up this story from the others.
Thanks! That’s the goal!
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 27, 2025 at 5:22 pm #198711I like the section, though again, like we’ve talked about before, you do kind of gloss over everything and summarize it all in a page or two. That’s fine, though, if this isn’t a super important part of the story. It would be nice to get to see some more specifically of the new characters who’ve joined Julian and Leon, since we don’t know them too well yet. I’m excited to see what happens when we get to the next town.
“I like good strong words that mean something!"
February 27, 2025 at 5:40 pm #198720Yeah, I was talking to Linus about that. See, this book is supposed to be fast paced. You meet a lot of unimportant characters and about 50 minorly important ones that show up more than once.
By the 4th book you’ll know the cast well and things may feel less jumpy.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 27, 2025 at 5:48 pm #198724Right. Just make sure to give the readers some regular scenes too, so that there’s a blend between time jumps and regular speed. But you’ve already done this in the sections we’ve read, so just keep it up. 😜
“I like good strong words that mean something!"
February 27, 2025 at 6:44 pm #198728So, I’m assuming Roland lives with Rolf’s family?
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 27, 2025 at 6:59 pm #198729That section from Aelic reminds me so much of the “Winter King”! So far, I think his salvation story was the best! Well, there weren’t that many details concerning Roland and the others… anyway, that’s what I think.
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 27, 2025 at 7:23 pm #198730“Why? Who’s going to read it?”
Wasn’t Julien journaling as well? Maybe he should say something else?
Leon was watching Julian with astonishment. Never had he heard him give such strong and quick responses in an argument like this.
This is by far the most interesting part I’ve read!!!! I love it!
Julian lunged and grabbed the student by the collar, holding the knife poised to stab.
Several people screamed and Johannes started in alarm. Leon gritted his teeth. Here we go.
I LOVE this part!!!!! The point Julian’s making reminds me so much of what C.S.Lewis teaches!
Mark seems most interested in the action and drive of the main events, and his account is by far the shortest and has a fast pace.
Oh, yes. That is a perfect description for Mark.
“The death of Stephen, James, and the others.
Where did James die in the Bible? I can’t recall one…
I love that last part!!!! It was amazing!!!!!
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 28, 2025 at 7:02 am #198736That section from Aelic reminds me so much of the “Winter King”! So far, I think his salvation story was the best! Well, there weren’t that many details concerning Roland and the others… anyway, that’s what I think.
Funny thing is, I wrote this first, so when I read that I was thinking “this sounds so much like Aelic!” LOL
I’m glad you like it. His is one of my favorite stories and I love some of the things that are going to come later on.
Wasn’t Julien journaling as well? Maybe he should say something else?
See, I’m guessing this didn’t read to y’all the same way it does in my mind. XD
You’re the second one to say something. I’ll rewrite it.This is by far the most interesting part I’ve read!!!! I love it!
I love this part to!!! One of my favorites! I love debates, and it was fun to do this. I had the guys throw questions and then tried to really become Julian as I wrote the answers. I got pretty into it! lol
I LOVE this part!!!!! The point Julian’s making reminds me so much of what C.S.Lewis teaches!
Haha! Poor Leon hasn’t had the privilege of reading Lewis….. It is one of my favorite arguments. I’ve just never tried it so…. um… to the point in real life. XD
Where did James die in the Bible? I can’t recall one…
Acts 12:1-5
About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in the church. He had the apostle James (John’s brother) killed with a sword. When Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish people, he also arrested Peter. (This took place during the Passover celebration. Then he imprisoned him, placing him under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring Peter out for public trial after the Passover. But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him.
So I’m guessing you’ve read all three of the newest sections so far? or are you still one behind? I’m so happy you’re enjoying it!!
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 28, 2025 at 8:52 am #198739Ahhh!!! I remember now! Thanks for showing that verse to me. I’m all caught up. Finally. I’m hoping not to get behind in the future because then you have to read a lot more!!!
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 28, 2025 at 8:54 am #198740lolol.
So, any thoughts on the third section? You only mentioned the first and second.
Any guesses concerning the future?
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 28, 2025 at 8:55 am #198741Well, I’m guessing someone is going to get thrown into a colosseum. You have five guys there…some of them are bound to get hurt…or killed. It just has to happen.
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 28, 2025 at 8:58 am #198742Well, I’m guessing someone is going to get thrown into a colosseum. You have five guys there…some of them are bound to get hurt…or killed. It just has to happen.
*shocked gasp* what have I ever done to my characters to make you think such dreadful things!
They technically don’t have a “Colosseum”. Just arenas and amphitheaters.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 28, 2025 at 9:03 am #198743Well, your moodboards did show that.
"He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon
February 28, 2025 at 9:06 am #198744they showed any arena.
Not my characters in it.
We shall have to see.
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
February 28, 2025 at 9:42 am #198746@hybridlore @linus-smallprint @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @liberty
Imperial Winters are not very exciting, so I’m going to try to cover the whole time in this next section. We’ll see if I can pull it off.
The fifteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
December 2nd
The EmpireEarly this morning, I was aroused from sleep by a snowball to the face from our mischievous friend Aelic, who had collected a suitable supply of missiles from the snowfall on the windowsill of our room in the inn. After I threatened to push him out the window, he surrendered the snowballs, and I put one down the front of his shirt and the other down Julian’s back while he lay sleeping.
After that, we went downstairs and were greeted by Rolf and Roland, who quiet needlessly informed us that it had snowed in the night. We went out to look and found the ground covered in a blanket of fine, white flakes almost seven inches deep. The sky is grey and foretells another fall tonight. I don’t know if I’m disappointed or not that our journey has been postponed. While I long to reach all the Empire with the message of salvation, it is lovely to be among brothers and sisters in Christ, and this little town is overflowing with His Spirit.
Roland and Rolf are talking of trying to make it back to their home village before the snow comes in deep. They were considering spending the winter with Rolf’s family and rejoining us here as soon as the snow melts enough to use the road. I see no reason why they shouldn’t go, and neither does Julian. If they are going to go, they had better do so quickly before the storms truly set in. We will miss them, but I believe they should go home and spend time with their family. With the danger of the journey ahead, only God knows if they will ever see them in this life again.
~LeonThe fifteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
December 3rd
The EmpireRolf and Roland departed for their village this morning. It was sad to see them go, but as Leon wrote above, they may never see their family again in this life, and they should go to them while they are this close. They will not be idle but will help in their village as it continues turns to Christ. When the winter is over, we will see them again, and then we will set out on this great adventure God has laid before us.
The fifteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
December 12th
The EmpireWork on copying the Scriptures continues to progress. We are all but confined University now, for the snow is four feet deep and nearer to seven where it drifts. There is plenty of food and wood in here, for the town is always prepared for the winter. Still, it is cold enough that I must keep my ink close to the fire and constantly pause to warm my hands over the flames. And it still continues to snow! I must admit, I have grown accustomed to the mild winters of Ardenta and I was not prepared for this. I don’t know if it is a comfort or not, but Johannes has told me this is one of the worst winters for several years. I shudder to think what it would have been like if we had continued on as we first planned.
Aelic is growing in Christ every day, and it brings me such joy to see his eyes light up when he discovers something new. He is of the quieter sort and reminds me a little of Joseph from back home. Well, from back in Ardenta.
I am surprised I wrote that Ardenta was my home, yet when I think about it, it does feel a little like that. More than the Empire ever did. Still, I don’t think anywhere has ever truly felt like home. Some may see this as a curse, but I understand the blessing in disguise. I have been a wanderer all my life, seeking a home, family, and a place to call my own. Now I see that this only more clearly shows me that this world is not my home. It is not as hard for Leon and me to travel and spread God’s word as it would be for one who felt secure and rooted in one place. God has perfectly prepared us for this task, and though I love it, I cannot help but feel excitement and longing for my home.
My true home.~Julian.
It was late one evening and Julian was wandering aimlessly through the halls of the University. He spotted the doors to one of the libraries and pushed it open. Leon was standing before one of the many shelves, his hands clasped behind his back as he surveyed the scrolls arranged before him.
Julian stepped into the room, letting the door slide shut behind him.
Leon turned at the sound and looked up with a smile. “Looking for a way to pass the time?”
Julian nodded and crossed over to one of the windows. He peered between the lattice-like strips of metal over the glass. “It’s still snowing!”
“I’m not surprised,” Leon replied.
Julian sat down on the bench by the window and propped one boot up on the edge. “Any thoughts about Wiedlisbourg?”
Leon shook his head and moved on to the next shelf.
“Have you been there before?” Julian asked.
Leon nodded. “A few times.”
“For the games,” Julian stated.
Leon hesitated a moment and then nodded again.
“Why didn’t you tell me you used to compete?” Julian asked.
Leon shifted a few scrolls to one side. “It’s not something I’m proud of.”
“But you didn’t even say anything about it when we were young. Before Ardenta.”
Leon sighed. “Things happened during that time that… well, that I would rather forget.”
Julian leaned his arms on his updrawn knee. “I did wonder how you went from championing the gods in tournaments to doing only the bare minimum when it came to worship of them while we served in the army.”
Leon turned to face him. “Like I said, things happened that I’d like to forget. I’ll just say that it was during that time when I believed that the gods didn’t care for men— no matter how devoted they were— and were nothing but cruel and selfish immortals.” He gave Julian a sad smile. “You’ll never know how relived I was when I found out they weren’t real.”
Leon turned back to the shelves and Julian watched his friend with confused concern. Leon was always open with him, and Julian had never seen him in a mood like this. Perhaps the winter is getting to him.
Leon moved on from the scrolls and began going through several leatherbound volumes.
Julian was intrigued and too board to let the matter drop so easily. He leaned forward slightly. “Were you any good?”
“One of the best,” Leon replied, tightly.
“So, you competed in the blood games?” Julian pressed.
“No, I was among the champions. I fought in the tournaments and represented my favorite deity,” Leon replied.
Julian looked at him in confusion. “But I thought only princess and nobles could fight in those.”
Leon nodded. “You’re right.”
Julian was beyond intrigued and he leaned forward excitedly. “Then how could you do it? You told me before that you never knew your father and your mother was a village girl. Did you create and false identity? Were you adopted by a prince?”
Leon turned to face him. “I’d rather not talk about it, Julian.”
Before Julian could reply, a bell rang through the halls.
Leon looked relieved. “It’s time for the noon meal. Come on, we had better go down there.”
The fifteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
December 29th
The EmpireWe have plans to make the town of Lentrenk and the University here a sort of headquarters. It is here that the Word of God will be copied and bound, young men will be trained and prepared to go out into the rest of the Empire, and leaders will be raised up. Copies of Scripture will be stored here, ready to be taken by those setting out into the Empire.
Oh, what a beautiful and glorious work has begun here. To know that we have a safe haven behind us will make pressing on into the Empire infinitely easier. Johannes and Heinrich have already taken much of the leadership in this project and are working eagerly with many of the teachers here. I can’t wait to see how God will use this place.
~JulianThe sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 15th
The EmpireThe snow still lies cold and deep, and the wind is howling and raging about the university. Inside we are safe and fairly warm, though the cold still bites unprotected skin. I am wearing the hat and gloves that Amelia made before we left. Their warmth is comforting, and they remind me of the love of those we left behind. Oh Joseph, Beric, Amelia, little Mercy, Noah, Darrien, Asher, Eric, and Sabina, how I miss you all. It will be a beautiful day when we are reunited once again in the presence of our Savior. I can see the snow driving outside the window and I wonder when it will ever end. It seems that this is a time of eternal winter and darkness. The sun has not shown its face since the first flakes of snow fell. I greatly miss it. Oh, how I long for the morning when I will stand and see the dawn and watch the glorious colors melt into the brilliance of the sun.
Just thinking of that brings to mind the Empire. It is a land lost in frozen darkness, but one day, the sun will rise, and its warmth will melt the ice that holds this land captive, and its light will chase away the darkness.
Truly, truly, the people who have walked in darkness will see a great light!~Leon
The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
January 30th
The EmpireTwo of the long winter months are almost passed. Soon the sun will come again. I know it will. This endless winter will end, and light will shine once more. Oh, I am ready for the end. I long to go outside once more and feel the sun and hear the streams laugh on their way. If one were to be out very long, they would be in danger of freezing! Oh, it is so cold! Julian is right, we have both become too accustomed to the mild winters of Ardenta. Father God, please help us to get through this winter with cheerful and grateful hearts.
I will start right now by saying that one good thing about this confinement is the chance to study together. Everyone is here every moment of the day and night, and these halls echo with the sound of prayer, songs, and teaching. More and more copies of the Scripture have been made, bound, and carefully stored away in strong chests in the storage vaults underground.
Even now, I can hear the sound of singing mixing with the howl of the wind. It is refreshing and strengthening, and I believe I will go and join them.~Leon
The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
February 23rd
The EmpireAt long last, winter is drawing to a close. The snow has stopped falling and the wind no longer blows so fiercely. We now get up when it is still dark out in hopes of seeing the first sunrise of the year. So far, there has been none, though there is a definite lightening in the grey of the eastern sky during the morning hours. As soon as the sun comes, the snow will begin to melt and then we will be off to Wiedlisbourg, and whatever adventure it may hold.
The sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
March 5th
The EmpireOh, glorious and wonderful day! We woke before the light as usual and gathered in the main hall where fires burned on the large hearths around the room. We stood by the windows or dozed in chairs, watching the darkness. Then, to our wonder, a star shone bright and clear in the east and the sky began to lighten. We looked at the star with joy and excitement, for it was the first we have seen since the clouds covered the sky and brought the first snow. Then, to our amazement and delight, the eastern sky turned from pale grey, to blue, to pink, and the most glorious sunrise I have ever seen, unfolded before our eyes! How like God to reward patients with more than we could have hoped for! Instead of a pale winter sunrise, we saw brilliant colors and blinding golden light!
The windows were thrown open, and many of the students insisted they could feel the warmth of summer on their hands when they held them up to the sunlight.
The end of winter is at hand!
~LeonThe sixteenth year of Emperor Haidronias’s reign
March 27th
The EmpireThe snow has almost melted leaving behind only small patches of dirty grey, muddy roads, and small shoots of the hardiest grasses.
Snowdrops and the sturdy spring flowers are already showing their heads, and the endless white and grey is turning to a vibrant tapestry of colors.
I am sitting at the window watching the students race about on the green– which is still brown from winter and as muddy as can be.
Still, it is glorious to be outside, and they prance about like spring colts, eager to be free of this long captivity.
Oh! There is Roland and Rolf coming down the road. Aelic has seen them and is running to great them, followed by Leon.
I had better go down too, I have missed them and am eager to hear how they fared this winter.
Spring is truly here! The winter is over.~Julian
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
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