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- This topic has 212 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago by
January 14, 2025 at 4:48 pm #194465
ok, I’ll make sure that I’ll write him that way 😉
and I kinda made it that way too (um… the charrie does, intentionally trip him tho.. anddddd….. acts lazy…)
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
January 14, 2025 at 4:50 pm #194466@the _lost-journal
Oh boy
I CAN’T WAIT TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to think when you first introduced this topic but now, I’m so glad this exists!
Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
#AnduthForever (💕)January 14, 2025 at 5:05 pm #194467January 15, 2025 at 2:42 pm #194625Glad you like my little group of half-animal crazies. lol
I don’t think i could kill any of your characters, except maybe Medic, because he’s just…creepy.
LOL yes. He’s nuts. (Compared to canon though, I haven’t written the half of it.) He’s a freak, but he’s at least a goofy freak.
Soldier is a ticking time bomb that he himself pushed the ‘detonate’ button on.
This. This is a very accurate description.
Sniper is Aussie, and Aussie’s are awesome
I’m glad you like him so much! IDK it just makes me weirdly happy that someone else does.
funny thing that happened earlier that kinda has to do with this subject: My dad was showing a compilation of Australian animals getting into people’s homes–kangaroos, a koala, a thing that might’ve been a wombat, a big snake climbing up the rough surface of a door. And he was like “So you’re still sure you wanna visit there?” (cause I’ve brought up taking a trip there a couple times) and I was like “This only made me more sure.”
For some reason I was more surprised that Australian suburbs look exactly like Floridian ones much of the time……
…but my brother calls Florida “the budget version of Australia” all the time so I guess it makes sense. (His reasoning? We both have big animals who would very much like to kill us but somehow haven’t, many of which are reptiles; torrents of mosquitoes, and a humorous nickname for said mosquitoes; a warm climate; lots of beaches that people love to visit despite the fact that they’re the most dangerous beaches in that respective region of the world; and there’s some other stuff but i can’t remember it right now.)
And I like Huntress.
yay! I was honestly kinda worried that not too many people would (cause, y’know, that tends to happen to OC’s–especially ones that are based partially off their creator’s personality on top of being shipped with a canon charrie), but pretty much everyone I’ve talked to about her thinks she’s pretty cool.
And while I wouldn’t call Scout my favorite, I did almost cry when I thought he was going to die so…deep down I guess I like him too.
I’m pretty sure my like 3 other readers of this fanfic can say the same. Scout can be obnoxious as scales but deep down, it’s hard to hate him.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
January 25, 2025 at 2:38 pm #196041@hybridlore @keilah-h @rae @loopylin @arcticanimals @Esther-c @jonas @theducktator
This should be everyone reading the story (if not, I apologize in advance), so here’s the next chapter!! Hope you all enjoy, please vote by February 1st!
Chapter 2
A delicious intent
The alarms blared, and each contestant changed into their team clothes and, after breakfast, walked into the stage seating.
“Well Olympians, you’re up first!” Allen guided them up and each into their seats.
“I really hope I stay in!” Ziporah whispered to Vitaliya.
“Don’t worry! We’ll be okay! I am sure all the voters were cheering for you!” Vitaliya comforted.
“Sure, sure, like they would cheer for a vandal!” Antin rolled his eyes.
“Um… maybe we shouldn’t make enemies? Ya know?” Alwin looked at Ziporah and Vitaliya in a worried way.
“Okay, let’s reveal the votes! Daiwa and Robert, you are safe with zero votes!” Allen smiled. “Great…” Daiwa said disappointedly. “Next, also with zero votes, is Jaydan and Alwin!”
“Wow, I honestly thought that I would get out!” Jaydan walked down off the stage.
“Vitaliya, you are safe with one vote!” Allen turned towards Ziporah and Antin.
“Who would vote for me?” Vitaliya wondered as she walked down.
“Ziporah and Antin, one of you will be going home! And the person is…” Ziporah froze as Antin sat there without a worry. “Ziporah!” Allen called out.
“Oh, I guess I won’t win the prize after all.” she said glumly.
“The votes were 4 to 1!” Allen explained.
“Of course they were!” Antin walked away confidently.
“Well Ziporah, are you a vandal?” Allen inquired.
“I, am…. NOT a vandal.” Ziporah shrugged.
“Dang it! Why would people even vote for her?” Jaydan asked.
“Next is the Athenians! I’ll just cut to the case. Calvin, Callum, Eithne and Josephine, you all are safe with zero votes!” Allen gestured for them to leave. “Kyomi, you are safe with only one vote! Now… Kozue, Edvaldo… with a one-point difference, the person going home is, Edvaldo!” “What?!” They both were very surprised.
“Welp… I wasn’t the vandal either, you guys gotta step up your game.”
“Wait… Josephine, where were you?” Kyomi turned towards her.
“Oh, when we were getting ready to enter the boats, I realized my shoe was untied, so I bent down to tie it but when I looked up you guys had zoomed off already.” She explained.
“So, we would’ve lost even if we hadn’t lost Calvin?!” Eithne lamented.
“Yup!” Allen yelled, interrupting their conversation
With two contestants already gone, the bus was slightly less full as the rest boarded it. It would take them to the kitchen where the baking competition would occur.
“I can’t believe Ziphora is gone already.” Vitaliya said. She sat next to Alyona, with Katerina across the aisle.
“It was bound to happen at some point.” Alyona shrugged, and frowned. “I’ll miss her though.”
“Well, I intend not to lose.” Katerina declared. “I’m not going to make it to the end then get out like a loser.”
“Don’t get your hopes too high.” Alyona reminded her as she leaned back in her aisle.
“I wonder what it’ll be like when one of us have to leave.” Rosamund mused a few aisles away.
“I guess one of us will have to if we’re on different teams. Don’t worry when my team wins, I’ll share some of the prize with you.” Beatrice responded. Rosamund looked past her sister and waved.
Beatrice glanced back, “Who are you waving at?”
“Blaze.” Rosamund replied, smiling as she turned forward.
“Oooh, a boy.” Beatrice smirked, “You like him?”
“We’ve known each other two days. He’s nice.” Rosamund responded, paying no attention to her comment.
“Well, this is lovely.” Kozue grumbled, furiously drawing in her sketchbook. “Our team is already losing and it’s not even the second challenge.”
“Hey, it is what it is.” Nathan replied, leaning his head against the window and staring out. “Who knows, maybe your team will win this time.”
The bus arrived at the kitchen and the contestants entered the doors.
“Welcome contestants!” Allen greeted them as each team found their table. “Today’s competition is simple: bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies for our judges under an hour. Whichever team wins will get five thousand dollars added to their team and the chance to swap a teammate from another team. Remember, if you’re the vandal and succeed at sabotaging you will have one thousand dollars added. Good luck!”
With that, Allen took a seat by the judges and the timer commenced.“Okay guys, we can win this if you all listen exactly to what I- ROBIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Rachel yelled.
Robin looked up from the cupboard containing the ingredients, “Don’t chocolate chip cookies need flour?”
“That’s powdered sugar!” Rachel took a moment and smiled gently. “Go put it back and stay at the table. I will grab the ingredients, and you all will stay put.”
As Rachel left for the cupboard, Robin leaned against the table and folded his arms. “Talk about control freak.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining if she knows what she’s doing.” Katerina replied, “I’ve never baked in my life.”
“Same.” Robin agreed.
Nathan nodded, “Me too.”
“Wait, how many of us know how to bake?” Katerina looked around the table. A feeble hand came from Boyan and Blaze. “How much do you know?”
“Eh.” Boyan said.
Blaze shrugged, “I used box mix once to bake brownies.”
“We’re doomed.” Alyona moaned.
“Hand me the half teaspoon, Eric.” Edgar said. He sliced the extra flour off the cup measurer, and, with one hand, poured the flour into a bowl, and with the other took the teaspoon. He began pouring the baking soda into the bowl, then stopped. “This is the quarter teaspoon.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?” Eric asked, holding the other spoon measurements.
“No, you buffoon, I said I needed the half teaspoon!” Edgar shook his head, muttering under his breath.
“What gives you the right to call him that?” Quinn questioned angrily.
“Because your friend is an imbecile.” Edgar replied, as if that should’ve been obvious.
“Calm down guys, you’re costing us time.” Bea reminded them, gesturing to the clock for reference. “We only have fifty minutes.”
Antin strolled in and observed his surroundings. “Getting to know the place so you can find ingredients faster?” Robert asked, expecting the answer to be a yes.
“Nope, I don’t think I am going to really do much, ya know?” Antin stretched.
Robert stared at him. “No? I don’t know, you have to help this team.”
“Must!” Edgar corrected as he walked by. “You must help this team.”
“You aren’t even on this team!” Antin yelled. Edgar shrugged.
“Well, since I am the best on the team, I figured I shouldn’t do much. I wouldn’t want to waste my energy on a useless competition. You understand, right Alwin?” Antin and Robert looked over at him. Alwin didn’t answer, apparently fascinated with the floor.
“Right Alwin?” Antin said harsher and more demanding than before.
“Uh… yeah?” He said uncertainly.
“See? I will just be sitting here with Alwin. Enjoy baking!” Antin smiled and leaned back on the counter. Alwin seemed to mouth the words ‘I’m sorry’ as he joined Antin.
Robert grimaced, ready to punch something but he stopped himself before doing anything.
The judges (who happened to be Ziporah and Edvaldo), watched the teams scurry around. Ziporah slipped away from the judging table and went over to her friends, Alyona and Katerina. “Hey guys! What are you up to?” Ziporah asked.
“We realized that we are doomed.” Katerina answered.
“Why?” Ziporah questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“None of us know how to bake cookies!” Alyona said, mixing some sort of batter in a small bowl.
“What are you doing?” Katerina pulled Alyona back a little to see.
“If we can’t win, then I won’t let anyone else win!” She said, her eyes lighting up with glee. “I am making the most vial, but invisible, concoction! I will go around and pour it into other team’s batter and make theirs ten times more disgusting!” She finished mixing and began to pour it into separate cups.
“Alyona, that’s… that’s genius!” Katerina praised.
“WHAT! NO! That’s cheating!” Ziporah looked horrified.
“Is it though…?” Alyona challenged, setting down the bowl. Before Ziporah could answer, Blaze noticed the strange substance and picked it up.
“Is this for the cookie batter?” he asked. The girl’s talk had turned to bickering, unaware of his presence. He glanced around, Rachel had gone to get chocolate chips, shrugged, and poured the contents in, and began to mix.
“Well, you can’t do anything about it!” Alyona pulled away from her friends, grabbed the cups and snuck over to the Athenians table.
She poured in one of the cups and giggled like a little schoolgirl. Unfortunately for her she was noticed by Josephine.
“HEY!” She ran over and tackled Alyona.
“OOF!” she fell over, launching the batter in the air and splattering over them.
“What was that for?!” She pushed Josephine away.
“I am not losing again!” Josephine took some flour and threw it on Alyona. Alyona scowled, grabbing more flour and throwing it at Josephine. They began to throw flour back and forth, like a cat fight. Eventually Josphine pushed Alyona back down.
“Oh, and you got me all messy with whatever this stuff is. Thanks a lot.” She stood up, found a napkin, and wiped the batter off, pausing a moment to try it. “Mmmm, this tastes better than I thought!” she admired.
“Wait, what?” Alyona tasted some of the battery substance on her and was shocked. “Oh no, I think I took the wrong cup!” She ran over to her own table and tasted the batter. “BLEH! What is in that?!” She hurled.
“Uhhh, just this stuff I found on the table…” Blaze froze. “What was it?” he stared at the batter.
“What happened to you?” Katerina asked, looking her up and down.
“Stuff.” Alyona said, storming off to the bathroom.
“Where did Josephine go?” Kozue asked as she mixed the dry ingredients.
“I think to go clean up, she and Alyona got into a fight just a second over there.” Kyomi responded. She finished beating the butter, sugar and eggs, waiting for Kyomi to add the rest of the ingredients.
“Who knew a baking competition could get so heated?” Eithne commented, retrieving a bag of chocolate chips from the pantry.
Antin extended out his foot and tripped Robert as he was running by. Robert shot daggers at Antin, all Antin did was smile mischievously. “I am gonna help our team Antin…” Alwin said slowly.
“What? Why bother… They all are the reason we lost any way!” he snapped.
“But WE’LL be the reason we lose if we don’t help out…” Alwin spelled out.
“Fine, go into the pantry and get some ingredients. I will bake the batch.” Antin stood up and went around to the baking supplies.
“Wait… Really?!” Alwin excitedly got up and ran to the pantry. The rest of the team was panicking as they mixed the wrong ingredients with each other.
“Step aside.” Antin pushed his teammates away and cracked his knuckles. “You there, uh… What’s your name? Dia?” He asked the girl standing next to him.
“Daiwa.” She corrected.
“Right, right. Thank you. Daiwa, go run and throw this batter in the trash… where it belongs.”
Daiwa rolled her eyes as she carried it to the trash and dumped it.
“I need two eggs, a stick and a half of butter, flour and sugar!” Antin demanded.
“Yes sir!” Alwin yelled as he ran into the pantry.
“Wait what is happening?” Vitaliya came back carrying eggs, looking confused as ever.
“I’ll be taking those.” Antin said as he snatched the eggs from her hands.
“Daiwa and… what is her name again.” He pulled Daiwa to the side to ask Vitaliya. “You two, go help Alwin.” He pointed to the pantry where Alwin, being short, was having a hard time reaching the top shelf with the flour.
“YUCK! Why are our cookies so salty!?” Sebastian yelled and spat the batter into the trash.
“It can’t be that bad?” Buddy tried a little of the batter and spat it into the garbage. “Your right, it’s worse than bad, it’s horrible!” Buddy gaged.
“Come on guys, I think you’re exaggerating…” Owiti stuck in his finger, tasted the batter, and as expected, gagged and spat it into the trash.
“What happened?!” Walter threw away the batter.
“I know what happened, one of you idiots used salt instead of sugar!” Aurora pushed down Owiti after she yelled sharply.
“Hey! What was that for?!” he frustratedly got up from the floor.
“You were the closest idiot standing next to me!” Auroa said.
“Ew… someone messed with our sugar too!” Judith wiped her finger.
“What?” Beatrice took some of the batter. “Bleh! Why did one of you morons switch the salt and SUGAR! Was it you Arizona?! Are you the Vandal!” Beatrice pointed at Arizona.
“Wha- NO! I swear I am an honest player!” She cried.
“Alwin! Bring me the sugar.” Antin ordered. Antin tried some of the sugar. “Yuck! It seems somebody mixed the sugar and salt!” Antin exclaimed.
“Well… Looks like a Vandal just struck!” Allen burst out.
“Can we get more sugar?” Josephine asked.
“Nope! Good luck!” Allen disappeared back into the doors he burst out from.
“It’s okay… We’ll use a different sugar.” Antin ran into the pantry and grabbed the brown sugar bag. “This will have to do.” He ran back and opened the bag, but when he looked down at the batter bowl, he stopped. “What is that?” He pointed at a banana peel that was sitting in the mixture.
“What? Ew.” Jaydan picked up the banana and threw it into the trash.
“That won’t be enough. We’ll have to start over!” Antin dumped the rest of the dough into the trash.
“Why?!” Jaydan asked.
“Because they dumped other stuff in it too.” Antin walked back over to the counter and began to work again.
Soon the cookies were out and looking as delicious as ever. “Mmmmm, looks amazing!” Vitaliya sniffed the scrumptious aroma wafting from the cookies.
“Quickly, the Athenians already submitted their cookies!” Antin grabbed a plate, took a few cookies from the tray, positioned them on the plate, and placed the plate on the judge’s table. “Done and done.” He said proudly, walking away while wiping his hands on his apron.
“Well, well, well, look who actually did something after all!” Robert teased.
“It’s not my fault my friend is so convincing; I only have the best of everything… including my friend.” Antin ignored Robert’s teasing.
“I must say it; I am really impressed!”
“Why thank you- ahh!” Antin walked by Robert as Robert tripped him.
“There, now were even!” Robert said, helping him up.
“You- I-… Thank you….” Antin said timidly, walking away.
“For what?” Robert’s questions were never answered.
“Yikes, we don’t have any dough, Rachel still isn’t back, and the cookies we do have are black!” Katerina mourned.
“Welp… were dead…” Boyan starred at the cookies.
“Maybe we could hide them?” Blaze suggested.
“What do you mean?” Katerina raised an eyebrow. “If we take this frosting… than cover them in frosting…”
“Then they will look like frosted cookies!” Boyan grabbed a knife and smeared the cookies in blue frosting. Alyona was, at this point, lying on the ground in despair. Meanwhile, Rachel approached Robert’s table. “Hey, what are you doing?” She spoke.
“Not much.” Robert quickly replied.
“Hm, is your team letting you down too?”
“Nope.” He smiled warmly.
“Oh.” Rachel went back to her team, but to her horror, her team had already placed the cookies on the table. “WHAT?! WHERE ARE THE COOKIES?!” She yelled.
“Uh, we took the… uh cookies… to the judging table…?” Nathan cautiously explained. Rachel fell on the ground next to Alyona. “We’re doomed…”
“If we add more sugar, do you think that it will balance out?” Sebastian said wearily.
“It might as well work.” Buddy shrugged. They poured in some more brown sugar, stirred the batter, and soon the cookies were placed in the oven.
“That will have to do.” Rosamund sighed. When they were ready, Walter took one and broke it in half.
“Do you want the other half?” He asked Buddy, ignorant of what Buddy could eat.
“Uh..heh, no thanks… And Sebastian won’t take it either…” Buddy warned. Walter shrugged and handed it to Joshua.
“A little sweet…” Joshua’s nose wrinkled.
“It’s all we have.” Owiti frowned, taking a plate and arranging a few cookies upon them.
“AHHHHH! FIRE!!!!” Judith screamed.
“What? WHOAH!” Pawel jumped back from the open over door, a large fire blazing inside.
“Okay, um… Calm down! Where is the fire extinguisher?!” Arizona frantically looked around.
“There!” Daiwa grabbed it and gave it to her friend.
“Thanks!” Arizona rushed back to the fire. She examined one of the knobs, touching it hesitantly.
“What are you doing?!” Beatrice screamed, her eyes the size of marbles as she stared at the flames.
“I don’t know how to use the extinguisher!!” Arizona yelled back, fumbling as she shoved it into the nearest person’s hands, who happened to be Edgar.
“WHAT IS GOING ON?!” Arizona and Beatrice cringed under Allen’s shout, and Edgar froze.
“N-nothing.” Eric forced a smile, slamming the oven shut and whirling round. “Everything is fine.”
At that moment, the fire alarms beeped, and smoke poured forth from the oven.
Quinn strolled in, “Sorry guys, I had to use the bathroom. What’d I miss?”
About 20 minutes later…
“Time for the judging!” Allen announced. “Okay, Edvaldo and Ziporah, you two will judge the cookies without knowing who’s whose.”
“Here is the first batch!” Allen placed the first team’s plate before them.
“Ooh! I love frosted cookies!” Ziporah and Edvaldo both reached for one.
“They feel a little hard…” Edvaldo looked concerned.
“BLEH! GROSS!” Ziporah spat out her charred mess into a napkin.
“Ew, I give them a one!” Edvaldo spat.
“Well… I feel like they spent a lot of time on them… and they spent time decorating… so I give them a seven!” Ziporah rated.
“A seven?! Are you insane?!” Edvaldo was horrified at her rating.
“Here is the next batch.” Allen handed them.
“Hm, they are a little too sweet.” Ziporah put down her cookie. “I give them a six.”
“WHAT?! How do you give the decent cookies a LOWER score then the CHARRED cookies!” Edvaldo was all worked up by now. “I give them a seven.”
Allen placed the next batch in front of the two judges.
“Mmmmm! I love these cookies! Ten!” Ziporah smiled.
“For once I agree, a nine!” Edvaldo put down his cookie.
“A what-?!” Antin said from the sidelines.
“A nine? They aren’t the best cookies you have ever tasted?! Impossible!” He marched off… again.
“Here is the fourth one!” Allen gave them a normal enough looking cookie tray. “Meh, not bad. A little salty. A five.” Ziporah said, and Edvaldo made a face at her and gave them a six.
“Here is the final batch. Make sure to actually rank it well… I should have told you that for the other four.” Allen remarked.
Ziporah took a bite out of one, her face contorting into disgust. “What is in this?”
Edgar couldn’t swallow his, and spat into a napkin. He reached for his water bottle and chugged half of it. When he was done, he slid the tray away from him. “A two. Definitely.”
“That’s a little mean, don’t you think?” Ziporah protested, “I’d say at least a six.”
“That is all of them! Time to reveal the scores! The winners are, which might surprise you, The Olympians! Who knew that Antin COULD, in fact, step up his game?!”
“Yay! Vitaliya your going to live another game!” Ziporah cheered.
“Don’t cheer for long! Because the Argonauts and Harpies are our losers!” Allen announced.
Later, at the stage…
“So, what have you guys got to say?” Allen questioned.
“I think I know who the vandal is! It’s Alyona!” Nathan accused.
“I agree, she was the one who messed up our whole team!” Boyan agreed.
“Not true! Blaze was the one who poured in the gross mixture!” Katerina defended. Alyona was still lying on the ground.
“Katerina, you never took the cookies out of the oven, remember?” Blaze reminded her.
“You all are wrong, want to know why? BECUASE YOUR ALL THE REASON WE FAILED!” Rachel shouted.
“I think that Rachel is the vandal…” Robin pointed. “I agree!” Josephine shouted from the back of the seating area.
“Hey! Your not supposed to be here!” Allen yelled.
“I know!” Josephine shouted back.
“Oh, well then, lets continue.” Allen gave in.
“You’re not going to remove her?” Robin whined.
“No. I think we’re done with the Harpies… Argonauts?”
“Who was supposed to be watching the cookies?” Beatrice asked, her arms folded as she glared at her teammates.
“Eric was supposed to do it.” Arizona pointed out begrudgingly.
“Me?! Eric rolled his eyes, “Judith was supposed to.”
“No I wasn’t!” Judith protested, “I heard Beatrice tell you to do it, but you were too busy talking with Quinn.”
“No he wasn’t.” Quinn said, scowling.
“Oh, stay out of this.” Arizona growled, her eyes narrowing. “You weren’t any help either.”
“Well, who put Beatrice in charge anyway? Maybe if we had more clear directions then we wouldn’t have had this happen.” Eric said.
As the argument wore on, Edgar and Pawel glanced at each other. Pawel shook his head and sighed, leaning back in his chair. It was going to be another long day.
After about five minutes, Allen cut short the arguing. “You all should go get some rest! You have a long day ahead of you! And one of you will be going home.”
“I wonder who will get out… I am a little nervous…” Beatrice wondered. And the day slowly waned into night.
The Harpies
[A] Rachel [B] Nathan [C] Robin [D] Katerina [E] Blaze [F] Boyan [G] Alyona
The Argonauts
[L] Edgar [M] Eric [N] Quinn [O] Arizona [P] Judith [Q] Beatrice [R] Pawel
[X] Maze running [Y] Boat building race [Z] Survive the night
“Our house is full of ducks!!!!”
January 25, 2025 at 2:45 pm #196042Yikes, that would be a chaotic kitchen 😅 D, Q, & Z.
"Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.
January 25, 2025 at 3:10 pm #196043Okay! Thank you for voting!!!! Also how did you read it so fast?!
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
January 25, 2025 at 3:12 pm #196044I’m kind of a skimmer. 🫣
"Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.
January 25, 2025 at 3:23 pm #196047I really liked this chapter!!!!!!!
G, L, and Z
Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
#AnduthForever (💕)January 25, 2025 at 5:32 pm #196055oh…
Really?! Yay! TY!!!!
Also why don’t you like Edgar or Alyona? (just curious, LOL)
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
January 25, 2025 at 8:44 pm #196061“What are you doing?” Katerina pulled Alyona back a little to see.
“If we can’t win, then I won’t let anyone else win!” She said, her eyes lighting up with glee. “I am making the most vial, but invisible, concoction! I will go around and pour it into other team’s batter and make theirs ten times more disgusting!” She finished mixing and began to pour it into separate cups.
This is why I don’t like Alyona
And the Edgar one was an accident. I mixed him up with someone else not on his team.
Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
#AnduthForever (💕)January 25, 2025 at 10:49 pm #196062Oh, makes sense! I love her tbh… but maybe that is because authors like their more evil charries
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
January 25, 2025 at 11:28 pm #196063since you guys are the only people who voted, what do you think of the charries?!
Who is your favorite and least favorite so far? (I know this is kinda early to ask though 😅😂)
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
January 26, 2025 at 9:03 am #196066Who is your favorite and least favorite so far?
My favorite is Robert, but other than him I kinda like Blaze.
And I don’t like literally any of the girls.
Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
#AnduthForever (💕)January 26, 2025 at 9:47 am #196068Really?
Yikes, maybe these three short stories we will release soon will help change your mind…I mean… you didn’t hear anything!!!!!
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
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