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  • #200822
    Potato reporter
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Yes! I love studio Ghibli!!!!!!!!!!


      Frieren beyond journey’s

      Got it! I’ll put that on my: to watch, list!

      No I get what you’re saying, sometimes it helps. But tbh, I think the real issue is the people behind the animes not wanting to consider how real people are. Women who are curvy exist but they have more fat on their arms and waist, and might be less athletic. You don’t get to pick and choose one feature because it looks nice and throw out the rest. And also girls who are immodest exist but they are usually like party goers, arrogant, or want attention, people don’t exist that way for no reason.

      True! From Cowboy Bebop, Faye Valentine, the only other girl character, was dressed… immodest. She was a good character, and she did a lot of good stuff and was important to the plot… but her outfit and body was solely for service.  The other girl character was my favorite character from the whole show, and she was a child! So very modest!

      Also something I notice is that fanservice for male and female characters is drastically different. It does exist but it’s done in totally different ways. I hear people talk about it like it’s the same, but when fanservice is done with guy characters they just get to look extremely cool. And people call it fanservice. When girls are used as fanservice, we don’t go ‘woooah look at her cool outfit, I wish I had her awesome hair’ we go ‘ughhhhh….’

      That is the best way to put it XD!!! Like, “service” for guys is, oh they’re shirtless! Or ohhh they are looking really cool in that outfit! But then for girls… ✌️🫥 is my honest reaction!

      lol yeah I actually don’t really like watching sports either! It’s about the dynamics between the characters and the storyline, usually sports is just kinda the medium. For instance, a storyline about not giving up could be done in a battle, sports, or a modern highschool show. Haikyuu might be a volleybal anime but it’s really about teamwork and personal growth, and Blue Lock might be a soccer anime but it’s really about abandoning your old life for one shot at your big dream.

      That’s nice… but I never really liked all those messages… I have had a… horrible…. sports experience… Where you don’t really get any of those messages… instead it is people…. tearing you down. Like in soccer, the way my teammates called me names, and ganged up on me… or how I didn’t have any friends on those teams, and the one friend I thought I had…. ANYWAY! That is why the only two sports I like are ultimate frisbee and swim team! Because those were ones where I actually made friends! On ultimate I only made two friends, and the other players just… hated me… because I wasn’t good. But my friends were there to lift me up in that sport! And with swim, I made a lot more friends! Around six friends! So that is good! Whenever people would talk bad about me, they would be there! So I just… don’t like sports…

      That picture sums it up really well 😭😂 I’m always a bit embarrassed to tell people I watch anime because somehow I have to explain “No like I watch the good ones!” and convince them I actually scoured the internet and found some that aren’t like the others. Have you seen Avatar the Last Airbender? It’s an American cartoon in a anime style and it’s quite tame (maybe one or two unsavory jokes but that’s it) oh wow actually I just looked it up and it’s rated for 7+ 😂. The plot is really good though. I really like the girls from it, they seem like real people and look like real people.

      ngl, I jumped from my seat when you said Avatar, like of joy! I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!!!!! I LOVE AANG, TOPH, ZUKO (😥), SUKI, APPA AND MOMO, SOKKA, AND KATARA!!!! I feel a little bad for Azula at the end when she was crying and all that, but she is kinda the worse XD Oh yeah! I also love Iroh, May, and Ty Lee! Oh yeah, about Ty Lee, there is a theory that her and her family are air nomads in disguise! And I am personally fond of it!





      "There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁

      Potato reporter
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 953


        I have a play tomarrow! The last practice was today, so wish me luck and pray for me and my younger sister! It is fiddler on the roof, and I am Tevye! My younger sister is Hodel!

        So wish us luck!


        "There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁

        The Ducktator
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1388


          Ooh, fun! I’ll be praying!

          Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3073


            True! From Cowboy Bebop, Faye Valentine, the only other girl character, was dressed… immodest. She was a good character, and she did a lot of good stuff and was important to the plot… but her outfit and body was solely for service.  The other girl character was my favorite character from the whole show, and she was a child! So very modest!

            Yeah it’s all over the place. Just watch Frieren if it’s something you’re comfortable with when you’re older. If I ever cosplay one day, I want to do a Frieren cosplay bc her outfit is so pretty and she’s a super cool character.

            That is the best way to put it XD!!! Like, “service” for guys is, oh they’re shirtless! Or ohhh they are looking really cool in that outfit! But then for girls… ✌️🫥 is my honest reaction!

            Yes this exactly! Awhile ago I saw a male anime content creator trying to claim that in defense of guys owning inappropriate anime girl figurines, there’s girls who are obsessed with anime guys and have figurines too. Don’t get me wrong, there’s weird girls out there too but I think the creator is missing the point that most of those figurines he’s defending don’t qualify as wearing clothes and look like they’ve had lots of plastic surgery. I wanted to punch my screen lol!

            That’s nice… but I never really liked all those messages… I have had a… horrible…. sports experience… Where you don’t really get any of those messages… instead it is people…. tearing you down. Like in soccer, the way my teammates called me names, and ganged up on me… or how I didn’t have any friends on those teams, and the one friend I thought I had…. ANYWAY! That is why the only two sports I like are ultimate frisbee and swim team! Because those were ones where I actually made friends! On ultimate I only made two friends, and the other players just… hated me… because I wasn’t good. But my friends were there to lift me up in that sport! And with swim, I made a lot more friends! Around six friends! So that is good! Whenever people would talk bad about me, they would be there! So I just… don’t like sports…

            Aw man I’m so sorry! I guess it all depends on who ends up on your team, that sounds really rough. Swim sounds like fun though!

            Yeah maybe you wouldn’t like blue lock, it’s very much strongest reaches the top and it’s framed as a phycological thriller. I liked it because I don’t play sports so I’m able to be completely removed from the show. I don’t want to be there, I never have been and probably never will.

            Haikyuu is really different and actually really cool because not all of the players are that good and it goes through the other important roles they play on the team, how some players don’t continue after high school, ect. My favorite part is that after getting incredibly far for a small team, the author they let them lose. They were never going to win nationals but that’s ok because the real goal was growing together. It does have fanservice in the first three seasons though 😭 hence why my sister screened for me.

            Oh also I didn’t mention that I’ve seen wind breaker (hehe new pfp from it to) and if I’m recalling correctly it actually had zero fanservice or gross scenes? It’s a fighting anime but it’s surprisingly wholesome because they are fighting to protect their gang ridden town. I think at the end of the 1st season a character for the 2nd season is briefly introduced who is a guy who dresses like a girl but he isn’t a part of the first season : /  I guess there’s always something.

            ngl, I jumped from my seat when you said Avatar, like of joy! I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!!!!! I LOVE AANG, TOPH, ZUKO (😥), SUKI, APPA AND MOMO, SOKKA, AND KATARA!!!! I feel a little bad for Azula at the end when she was crying and all that, but she is kinda the worse XD Oh yeah! I also love Iroh, May, and Ty Lee! Oh yeah, about Ty Lee, there is a theory that her and her family are air nomads in disguise! And I am personally fond of it!

            Oh my goodness yes! Avatar had such a chokehold on me for like 2 years I think. I own the first dvd and I look for more every time I’m at the thrift store! Actually, avatar helped me learn how to world build too. Oh and I made fanart ages ago too lol, I loved that show so much it made me want to cry.

            ooh cool I haven’t heard of that theory! Zuko is my favorite character but I really like all the other ones too. Oh, and ‘tales of ba sing se’ is my favorite episode.

            Have you seen the first live action movie? It was so bad it makes me want to laugh, and they whitewashed the diverse cast too 😭 There’s literally a scene where somebody in the background says “He’s making fire out of nothing!” LIKE YEAH NO JOKE HE IS! Did they even watch the original??


            Potato reporter
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 953


              Thank youuuuu!

              Yeah it’s all over the place. Just watch Frieren if it’s something you’re comfortable with when you’re older. If I ever cosplay one day, I want to do a Frieren cosplay bc her outfit is so pretty and she’s a super cool character.

              Wait, do you mean her outfit is bad or good?

              Yes this exactly! Awhile ago I saw a male anime content creator trying to claim that in defense of guys owning inappropriate anime girl figurines, there’s girls who are obsessed with anime guys and have figurines too. Don’t get me wrong, there’s weird girls out there too but I think the creator is missing the point that most of those figurines he’s defending don’t qualify as wearing clothes and look like they’ve had lots of plastic surgery. I wanted to punch my screen lol!

              Yeah! I mean like, I always just feel awkward and uneasy with all. of that! Even with Zelda, my fav game, there are characters that aren’t dressed well, and that isn’t even an anime XD

              It just feels wrong….

              2nd season is briefly introduced who is a guy who dresses like a girl but he isn’t a part of the first season : /  I guess there’s always something.

              If I had a nickel for every time a man dressed up like a girl from something made in Japan, I would have a lot of nickels……….

              Oh my goodness yes! Avatar had such a chokehold on me for like 2 years I think. I own the first dvd and I look for more every time I’m at the thrift store! Actually, avatar helped me learn how to world build too. Oh and I made fanart ages ago too lol, I loved that show so much it made me want to cry.

              Yeah! there were some episodes that were a little boring.

              ooh cool I haven’t heard of that theory! Zuko is my favorite character but I really like all the other ones too. Oh, and ‘tales of ba sing se’ is my favorite episode.

              Cool! and YES! Tales of ba sing se’ is easily on of the BEST episodes!!!!! Also, I have al three seasons in disk form… except for one episode that is missing… TALES OF BA SING SE’ 😭😭 OUT OF ALL THE EPISODES, THAT IS THE ONE DISC I AM MISSING 😭😂😭

              Have you seen the first live action movie? It was so bad it makes me want to laugh, and they whitewashed the diverse cast too 😭 There’s literally a scene where somebody in the background says “He’s making fire out of nothing!” LIKE YEAH NO JOKE HE IS! Did they even watch the original??

              I would never waste my eyeballs on that! 🤣


              "There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁

              Potato reporter
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 953


                Oop, forgort tag! (The r is there on purpose 😤 XD ^

                "There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁

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