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  • #184582
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Oh yes!! I think I’ve seen the quote ‘through darkness, the light shines brightest’ in a couple of kp signatures, which is kinda what you’re saying.

      I think I like writing things that can be dark because it’s relatable. I find that some of the Christian places I’ve known in the past aren’t willing to deal with the idea of intense hardship. I mean most of us live in a developed country, have access to food and water, and don’t have any kind of life threatening persecution. We feel safe. When somebody in the church starts going through something extremely hard, it’s hard to admit these bad things can happen to anybody, and our good God allows it. Even when we do everything right, God lets really really bad things happen to us. I’d like for people to be able to understand that, not just as in ‘oh i had a bad day and my car broke down’ but more of in the sense of life altering and traumatic events. God can help us heal from such things, but it doesn’t mean he’ll spare everyone from experiencing them.

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1103


        God can help us heal from such things, but it doesn’t mean he’ll spare everyone from experiencing them.




        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4740

          @rae LOL that’s happened to me. My brother has a male character named Eirwen (who I named), and I learned shortly after naming him that’s a female name, but it’s exotic enough that I suppose not a lot of people will notice.

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3564


            RAE!!! I caaaaaaaan’t share this!! Secrets keep me going! Plus it wouldn’t read understandably without context. Nevertheless, thank you for the support LOL XDXD

            *googles how to hack computers*



            Yeah, I get that…in a weird sort of way. Sharing my new ideas and charries keeps me writing so I guess it’s the same just switched. *shrugs*

            Oh no 😖😂 I learned the whole gender-assumption lesson in the past. Now I always check multiple sources before assigning a name. Marcel sounded like it could be a feminine name so I did extra checks, but turns out the feminine version is Marcelle. Sounds exactly the same, just spelled differently. It would be so much easier if every name in the world had a direct gender-switch option.


            Though, on that same note, can you imagine what the boy version of Ruth would be? Root? Rut? Ruthenio?!!!!

            Also, have I ever told you how much I like the name Marcel? I haven’t used it before, though, mainly cuz I just can’t imagine a Marcel without bubblegum curls XDXD

            Maybe Tomoko was named after a female relative? Someone who was extremely important to his parents? If his mom died in childbirth, it could be her.

            His mom is named Lienn. Though, that’s only cuz I saw it on a random LEGO brick set in Walmart so, yeah…we could possibly change that…

            As far as relatives, I know he has one named Niko and possibly one named Tadashi. Though his father is probably named Tadashi….idk, I’d have to think about that.

            Or on the comedy side of things, the doctors mixed up the baby info and told his parents he was a girl. And they signed the certificate before changing his diaper for the first time.

            …Which would be weird. But weird things have happened. *Coughs*

            XD. I’ll have to think about this…

            Though, I’ll probably just leave it alone.

            My usual approach to this situation is change the spelling slightly. Like, one of Nahim’s older brothers was named Nihan. Originally I thought it was unique, but then I discovered there was a girl’s name spelled and pronounced the same way! So I added a silent k to the front. But I don’t think I can do that with Tomoko. Tomoco just looks wrong, ya know?

            Side note, I am also writing a short story which I would post on here if finished

            IF YOU DON’T TAG ME IF AND WHEN YOU POST IT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



            Ooo Rea, that sounds pretty cool! I’ve really enjoyed the stuff you post, so I’m excited.

            I find it interesting when you mispell my username, cuz Rea is the name of the Realn capitol island and later planet.

            Also thanks. I think you’re the first person to actually say that. That’s why I don’t post many scenes, just stuff about charries.



            Eirwan? That honestly sounds like a boys’ name. But maybe that’s cuz it’s so similar to Irwin.

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4740

              @rae probably lol

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1103


                I honestly do enjoy it.

                Ooopse, sorry for misspelling it. lol!

                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1407


                  For example, the heroine Sophie in Keeper of the Lost Cities has technically killed a bunch of sentient ogre families because she drowned a city. Her entire friend gang helped her.

                  Whatt??? I always thought they just flooded the city. 🤔

                  • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by hybridlore.

                  “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3564


                    You’re good 🙂

                    Btw, irl I’m called Ruth (my real name) Ruthie, Ru (roo), Ruee (roo-ee) and Ruee Hamster Hooey (by my little brother and our neighbor’s kid. Don’t ask why he started calling me that! I have no idea!) Then on here I’m called RAE which are my initials, so at this point, call me whatever. As long as I know you mean me, I’ll respond to it.

                    Oh, and my nicknames are Peanut, Chipmunk, Morning Sunshine, Beauty (old VBS friend called me that), Sweety Pie, Rabbit, and Honey.

                    So you have about a dozen things to choose from XD.

                    “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2455


                      Hamster Huey is from Calvin and Hobbes, so that’s probably where they got it from.

                      Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2455

                        Still kinda a weird thing to call someone XD

                        Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                        The Ducktator
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 726


                          Do you think the townsfolk will ever find Hamster Huey’s head?

                          Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2455


                            I doubt it.

                            Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3564


                              I know, I just don’t understand why my little brother added my name onto it. Like, what thought linked those two things together. I don’t believe it to be for sake of poetry, because Ez has terrible poetry. His rhyming is really off.

                              Don’t get me wrong, I love the name (I think it’s cute and I secretly love it when Ez calls me that in public or our neighbor yells a greeting while running up to me). I just wonder how he got there XD

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3564

                                @whalekeeper @ellette-giselle @keilah-h @anyonewhocares

                                Okay, I think I’m ready to share my Alpha AU NO. 2 (NO. 1 was about a year ago, and wasn’t well explored)

                                I will use these abbreviations: Itrt= In the Real Timeline

                                Itau= In the Alternate Universe


                                Okay, to get started…

                                The beginning of how Alpha came into existence is the same itrt and itau. Over the course of a few decades, Grathmere personally chose the DNA that would go into the perfect warrior. Someone who would eventually inherit his empire after the Realn died forever. The list of the creatures and people is unknown, other than genes from himself and a child. Oddly, a Realn child, with an odd mutation, causing his sclerae to be red. Coupled with his naturally read irises, his eyes were the most defined feature set in his young, pale face. This was what caught Grathmere’s attention, so he decided his warrior would bear the same image as this child. He waited until the child left the Realn System before sending one of his servants to kidnap the child. After he had served his purpose, Grathmere ordered the child’s memory be swiped before leaving him in the middle of nowhere to face fate.

                                itrt: When Grathmere’s warrior, Alpha Elqin Grath was around four, the Realn raided the lab. The other Assassin Clones were killed by the scientists, sparing Grathmere’s son. Alpha was captured. The warriors, seeing how the child looked so much like their emperor, took him to the most powerful Realn. Realn Emperor, Nahim Alfred Nayhelm took the child under his wing, not knowing this child had been trained to kill him as soon as the news of Nahim rising to power had reached Grathmere.

                                itau: The raid does happen, and the other Assassin Clones are dead, but Alpha is never captured and even kills his first Realn. This pleases Grathmere very greatly. While he could have easily ordered another small of army of Assassin Clones to be made, he believed Alpha could be strong enough to make up for all of them. Alpha was half from him, was he not? Alpha goes through intense training with Grathmere, becoming more powerful in the next thirteen years than Grathmere imagined he could in such a short time. Alpha’s only weakness was the Grath that afflicted him.

                                Once his training was complete, Grathmere gave him his first extreme challenge: be the first to penetrate the Realn capitol and kill Nahim Nayhelm, the emperor. Alpha carries out his bloody mission, killing also the young emperor’s wife and three children. As well as Lord Nahor of the Ward, Lord Elijah of the Helm, Mandin Owen Ward, friend of the emperor. Lords of the Driel, Galad, Firehead, Florana, Dordicsher, Tama, Daren and some others also died along with over a dozen Masters, including Mandin’s brother-in-law, Master Honorin and the famous High Blood, Master Finra Florana. In his wake, Alpha left over two thousand Realn. Lords, Masters, Guards, Civilians, an Emperor, an Empress and children, all dead. The only injuries he sustained was from Master Finra and the Lord of the Florana. The rest never even had a chance.

                                itrt: Alpha is raised by the loving Nayhelm family, struggling against Grathmere’s hold on him, planning his victory over the most powerful being in the Wondian Galaxy. The only way he can see to truly defeat Grathmere and ensure the Realn’s safety is to kill Grathmere and then himself. He falls in love with a girl named Emerald who convinces him he isn’t a danger to the Realn.

                                Emmie dies not long after.

                                itau: Alpha continues destroying the Realn, doing the work of armies. The Realn try and try again to kill Alpha, but Alpha turns their armor to dust, turns back their bullets and crushes their bones with his fingertips. Even when they do injure him, he keeps going as if nothing happened.

                                In one of these battles, he destroys the helmet of a young warrioress, and stops his advance for a moment, taken away by her beauty. Ending the battle, Alpha kidnaps the girl, taking her back with him so she could be his servant. Alpha later also kidnaps her family, using them to force her servitude (cuz apparently not even Alpha can tame a determined girl. Idk). He convinces Grathmere to allow it, saying he will make Emmie forsake her Honor, and a Realn is no Realn without Honor. As for her family, once their purpose was served, Alpha would kill them.


                                From here on, I will only be in the AU since the events in the timeline are under revision.


                                About a year, Alpha’s efforts are off the almost extinct Realn, fighting against many nations in the Galaxy.

                                Understandably, Emmie hates Alpha. Alpha, even though he originally took Emmie only for her face, he begins feeling genuine feelings for her.

                                I’m gonna speed through a decade or so, since basically the only thing that happens is more war, and Alpha trying to be nice to Emmie, but that doesn’t go well since he doesn’t understand such things. And she hates him.

                                Eventually, Emmie slowly feels sorry for Alpha, seeing how all he knows is a life of pain and war. He longs for something that he can’t name, something that Emmie knows as peace and happiness. Through her pity for the warrior, she begins to be nicer to him, hoping to let him know what those things are that he longs for. Even though he’s a monster, he still deserved the right to smile for real.

                                Through her softening, Alpha softens, letting her visit her family often, being kinder to her, allowing her more freedom. His affection for her grows, and he slowly realizes who he is compared to the joyful, gentle, and kind warrioress.

                                When Grathmere sees Emmie has become compliant with Alpha, he says her family serves no purpose anymore. Alpha sends an ignorant Emmie to visit her family as he goes to his father and says he will fight Grathmere for her family. If Alpha wins, they are at his mercy, if Grathmere wins, they will die. Grathmere wins the fight.

                                Grieved that he couldn’t save her family and that he once again hurt Emmie, Alpha attempts suicide, but Emmie stops him.

                                A few years later, Emmie becomes pregnant, and Grathmere’s demands the child be killed, saying he doesn’t want some halfbreed of Realn and Lab Child. Alpha stands up to his father once again, this time killing Grathmere. Alpha takes over the empire, raising a family with Emmie at his side.

                                Sometimes he was cruel, sometimes he was merciful. Alpha’s reign was not as terrible as Grathmere’s, but it wasn’t paradise, even with the influence of Emmie.

                                And yes, Alpha found peace and happiness.



                                Yeah, so that’s it. Thoughts? I’d really enjoy your input. Nothing is set in stone yet, so if you have suggestions for the story, feel free 🙂

                                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1103


                                  Wow! This is making me want to read the whole thing!!!


                                  Okay, I do have a thought. As Christians authors  we have a voice, and so when given the chance I think we should use it to point to Christ. Sooo, where is that in your book? Anyone can write a story about finding happiness. Your character is searching for peace and happiness, and it looks like he gets it. But from where? Marriage? The world? His kids? His kingdom? None of this is going to see him very far. It’s shallow, and if he tried to build anything on it, it will shatter. The only way he can have true peace and true joy is through Christ. I’m just wondering where that truth comes in.

                                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

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