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  • #183249
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2210

      And no hate on Hans!!!! I mean he’s done evil but still…….. he’s like one of the saddest villains

      the poor boy just wanted love



      that’s all I’m going to say

      now if you guys go after Jakob or Leon things will be going down!!!!!! Cause those two are my favs!!!

      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

      The Ducktator
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 725



        Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @freed_and_redeemed I LOVE THE COVER IT LOOKS SO PROFESSIONAL

          the only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of is the weird connections between the s’s and t’s (I know those are called something, I just don’t remember the name), but that’s just me.



          That is too funny!!

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3428


            Oooh, he looks so cool!!

            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1094


              I assume you’re speaking of Nathan?

              Thank you! I’m glad you like it!

              Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3428

                Yep! Sorry, my post was a little late, lol

                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1094


                  Oh no that’s ok! I’m glad you like it!!

                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643

                    @mineralizedwritings @freed_and_redeemed @esther-c @grcr @smiley @whaley @godlyfantasy12 @rae @savannah_grace2009 @highscribeofaetherium @loopylin @kyronthearcanin  @anyone-else

                    Heyyyy everybody! 🫶 I’m so sorry for disappearing from the face of the earth for a few months😅 Life has been crazy busy! I just got back from two back-to-back summer youth camps that my church does and I’m just now catching up on lack of sleep and getting back into the swing of things hahaha 🤭 But I wanted to come check on y’all. How has everyone’s summer been? I will be trying to get on here more often now that everything’s settling down a bit!! Love and miss you guys! ❤❤




                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2973


                      Hey girl! I missed you so much! XD I was so happy to see this notification!

                      I’m glad you got to go enjoy those summer camps, it sounds like a lot of fun! Yeah, sounds crazy busy, hope you get to catch up on that sleep.

                      My summer has been really rough, lol. My chronic illness has gotten worse and I’m not sure I’ll be able to go to college this year. I’m working with a new doctor who is a Christian though, and she really thinks she can help me. She says it sounds like lyme disease, which is kind of scary. My mental health has been terrible, but I’m learning a lot about what I need and the kind of people I need to surround myself with to be healthy. Just trusting that God will help me get through this, even though I don’t know what the future looks like.

                      On the positive side, we moved to the state next to us, and we’re still trying to sell our own place. It’s really nice to live in a safe neighborhood. Because of my plans to go to art school (If they work out) my parents got me some new supplies, and I now qualify for student discount on adobe creative cloud. I can have photoshop now, and I’m having a lot of fun learning how to animate in it. I’m still writing, atoh is getting near 40k. Freedom and I read Lord of the Rings at the same time, and that was really fun. You should read it if you haven’t already : )

                      Oh, and I’ve been working on my comics now, I’m trying to figure out a process that looks nice, but isn’t too slow, because some people take like 10 years to finish their comic books and I don’t want to one of them lol.


                      Anyways, besides the camp, how are you doing? Is it nice to be in summer break, or are you already dreading the start of school lol? <3


                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2535


                        OH MY GOODNESS LIGHT!!!!!!!!!

                        You’re fine!!!! I was starting to worry about you XDXD

                        Yes my life’s been busy too! but instead of actually taking a break from KP and writing…I distract myself with being busy with KP XD not the healthiest thing to do but oh well lol

                        Oof sounds fun but I bet you are soooo tired! I always get sick after camp because my body can’t handle the lack of sleep :/

                        My summer’s been soooo busy! I’m trying to get my show animals ready for our fair and it’s exhausting! but I’ll get a lot of money after I sell them so it’s worth it! I’ve also been working on writing a LOT as well. It’s slow but worth it!

                        My mental health’s been not the greatest either…I might be neurodivergent (me and my mom think I have a subtype of ADHD…ADHD isn’t just distractions but it can lead to bad thoughts and shame and other feelings that neurotypical people don’t experience as strongly) and I’ve been dealing with a LOT of anxiety and stress and loneliness! So not fun. But I know God’s gonna help me through it ❤

                        How about you?!?!

                        Aww miss you too girl!!! <333

                        LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643


                          Aww tysm!! Hahaha yes, slowly getting there😴

                          Oh my goodness I’m so sorry girl 🥺 That sounds so scary!! I’m always here if you ever need anything. My grandparents yesterday were actually just talking about when my uncle had Lyme disease when he was a teenager and the doctors gave him an antibiotic that cured him.

                          Keep me updated on how you’re doing!!! Do you think you were bitten by a tick?

                          *sending tons of virtual hugs*


                          Praying for you, girl ❤ You will get through this, I promise.


                          Oh my goodness that’s awesome girl!!! *big hug* You totally deserve it, you’re amazing at every kind of art there is!! Digital art is so cool and I know you’re gonna do great things with it.

                          I’d love to see some of your artwork whenever you share some!! And yeaaah I completely get that. Timing is so hard to figure out, especially when you’re a perfectionist. That’s one reason I can’t ever find time to draw, because I take like 5 hours trying to fix one feature of a face or smh 😭 I would love to draw and create comics though😍

                          And oh my gosh yess!!! I’ve actually already read LOTR and I agree, it’s amazing!!!!! I definitely need to read it again soon. Who was your favorite character? I think I can already tell who’s @freed_and_redeemed was, judging by her pfp 😂🤭


                          I’m doing good!! Trying to figure out all the emotions and craziness of being a teenager, but ultimately, I’m doing well :)) I’ve been able to grow closer to my family lately and I’m so grateful for that, because about a month ago things weren’t doing so hot 😅

                          I am still really enjoying summer, and yes even though school starting back is always that ominous deadline around the corner, I’m not dreading it too much! Well, except maybe math 😝 I love fall and the seasons that come with school starting, so that’s probably one reason why. And I’m homeschooled, so school really isn’t a chore for me (again, except for math) and I get to spend time with my family and I love that <33

                          I haven’t written in who knows how long though, but maybe when school starts back I’ll get some motivation😂


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3560



                            I had to temporarily quit horseback riding and anything to do with physical strain (the doom of an active farm girl teen) because of three tick-borne diseases right after each other. Didn’t help I never had been on antibiotics before so my immune system was not pleased. Oh, and NEVER bite down on Doxycycoline (if I’m spelling that correct) it’s worse than soap! Anyways, doing much better now.

                            This summer, I started rowing classes. Wasn’t interested at first but Dad wanted me to go and I figured it’d be a good way to build up my strength again so I can go back to the stable. Despite my negative attitude in the beginning, I find it very enjoyable.

                            As far as writing goes, I’m currently taking a break, but I got to almost 45k words.

                            Plus, my birthday’s this Sunday, and we’ll be getting a jersey cow Friday!!!!!!! I’m really excited that we’re actually getting the sweetheart! Her name’s Maple. She’s not a birthday present, but she’ll be my responsibility, which is great cuz I’ve never actually taken care of a cow! We’ve always done goats. So yeah, things are really starting to finally improve this Summer. I’m getting back my physical health, my mental health has improved a bit, and I am starting to figure out the confusing knot of events and thoughts around me.


                            So…how’s the writing doing?

                            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1643


                              *HUGE HUG* Girl awwww hahaha😝 You’re so sweet❤❤

                              Yes my life’s been busy too! but instead of actually taking a break from KP and writing…I distract myself with being busy with KP XD not the healthiest thing to do but oh well lol

                              Oof yess, I’ve done that before too 😅 But girlie if you ever feel the need to step away for a few weeks or however long you need, don’t be afraid to do that! We’re always here for you but we understand that we all have lives outside of KP and sometimes taking a small break can be super beneficial 🫶 And if not, that’s great too!!


                              I am hahaha, it’s okay though, the lack of sleep was worth the spiritual experiences I got to have 😴 Oh my gosh yes girl, that is so me 😭 This was like the one time that I didn’t get sick after camp

                              My summer’s been soooo busy! I’m trying to get my show animals ready for our fair and it’s exhausting! but I’ll get a lot of money after I sell them so it’s worth it! I’ve also been working on writing a LOT as well. It’s slow but worth it!

                              Oh wow girl!! That’s awesome and sounds so tiring!! *hands you the few hours of sleep I got* here I think you need this more than I do 🤭

                              My mental health’s been not the greatest either…I might be neurodivergent (me and my mom think I have a subtype of ADHD…ADHD isn’t just distractions but it can lead to bad thoughts and shame and other feelings that neurotypical people don’t experience as strongly) and I’ve been dealing with a LOT of anxiety and stress and loneliness! So not fun. But I know God’s gonna help me through it ❤

                              Awwww girl, I’m so sorry😭 That sounds so rough. Several of my extended family members have dealt with mental illness and ADHD so I’m relatively familiar with it. I want you to know that I’m here for you and I’m praying for you!! You’re gonna get through this, girl. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you ever need anything! Love you ❤


                              I’m good!! Things are hectic and, like I said to Min, the craziness of being a teenage girl is sometimes overwhelming, but I’m getting through it!! I’m so grateful to have such amazing friends like y’all and a  wonderful supportive family, as well as a Father in heaven who loves each of us. 🥰

                              I haven’t had time to write much, but hopefully I will soon XD I’ll keep y’all updated!!



                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1144


                                Hiiii Light! I’ve missed you! Long time no see!! 😄😄

                                Ooo two camps! That sounds like fun! I bet that is exhausting.


                                I’ve been ok. Alive and, well, just living lol. Slowly progressing on everything. My sister and I may be auditioning for our first play next week though! We’re really excited for that, even though we’re just hoping to be in the ensemble… nothing too major lol. also, my brain decided to quit on me. 😑


                                It’s really great to see you again! 😄😄 💛💛


                                Fin knew. Riker knew.
                                Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643



                                  I had to temporarily quit horseback riding and anything to do with physical strain (the doom of an active farm girl teen) because of three tick-borne diseases right after each other. Didn’t help I never had been on antibiotics before so my immune system was not pleased. Oh, and NEVER bite down on Doxycycoline (if I’m spelling that correct) it’s worse than soap! Anyways, doing much better now.

                                  Oh nooo girl!! I’m so sorry, that’s terrible😭😭 *hug* I’m glad you’re doing better now!! Ugh I hate ticks so much. Everytime I go into the woods I ALWAYS find one on me and it’s so scary😅 They always find me. Last week when I was at camp, my friends and I were doing our yoga class outside and there was a big one on my arm!! And we weren’t even near the woods at that moment😦

                                  This summer, I started rowing classes. Wasn’t interested at first but Dad wanted me to go and I figured it’d be a good way to build up my strength again so I can go back to the stable. Despite my negative attitude in the beginning, I find it very enjoyable.


                                  Oh my gosh rowing classes? Like canoeing?? That sounds so cool. I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy it now that you’re warming up to it!!

                                  Wow girl!!! Congrats on the almost 45k words!

                                  And HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAYYYY 🥳🥳🥳🥳 AND OH MY GOODNESS REALLYY?!? Awwwww she sounds so sweet 🥰 That’s awesome girl. I really would like to get a jersey cow someday!! They are sooooo cute🥰🥰


                                  *hug* I’m glad <33 I’ll continue to pray for you!! So glad you’re doing good!!


                                  Umm…writing isn’t really existent right now😂, but I’m hoping to get some done sometime soon!


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