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  • #180818
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2334


      I am… the Psychic Butt-Kicker. 💅


      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2973


        Lol you messed up my tag! I saw your reply by chance though


        ok, I’ll try to make this short XD

        So, my cryptid story is an urban fantasy/scifi/comedy/idk genres are dumb/mystery that’s set in a little town in Arizona. It’s mostly about the two main characters, Maggie and Rory, going around and hunting for evidence of the supernatural (ghosts, Bigfoot, moth man, reptilians, etc.). There’s more to the story but that’s just the main idea.

        interesting! Arizona is a setting I don’t often hear of XD

        Inky is a more recent story that’s kinda a giant mix of a bunch of my old abandoned stories. It’s a fantasy steampunk world with a magic system based off of Ink, a natural magical substance that has the power to give life and animation to anything it touches.

        Dude that’s sick!!!

        And I don’t often say that bc I’m scared of being cringy 😂

        Love that idea though! I’ve thought about picking up some of my old story ideas myself. Tauren actually has been in two stories… I guess I’d have to make a new mc.

        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3428


          Okiii XD

          So um, Ramah dies… in episode three or four (can’t remember which), but the suddenness and effectiveness of it reminded me of what you’re doing with Lena here. Honestly, if I hadn’t accidentally read a spoiler before we watched that episode, I would have been completely shocked. But I think it’s going to work so well!! It’s playing into Thomas’s arc so perfectly and—oh my goodness—his reaction when he saw Lazarus brought back to life after previously watching Jesus let Ramah die… 😬 I know it’s not in the Bible, so we don’t know if something like that did happen, but I really like how the creators are using this.

          ANYWAY, my point is that it’s something unexpected like what you did with Lena, and it makes readers/viewers mad, yet it works sooo well.

          So yeah, my little ramble for the day, lol. XD

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2334


            interesting! Arizona is a setting I don’t often hear of XD

            Arizona is a vibe. People should write more stories about it.

            Or just stories about the US in general. I know there are plenty of stories set in the states, but very few of them actually feel grounded in the setting, you know? Like, you could probably move the story to any other city in the world and it would hardly change a bit. The setting itself should be a character.

            Anyways, I’m rambling…

            Love that idea though! I’ve thought about picking up some of my old story ideas myself. Tauren actually has been in two stories… I guess I’d have to make a new mc.

            Thanks! I’m still trying to decide how thriller or lighthearted I want that story to go. It has potential both ways.

            You should! Picking up old stories is fun.

            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 658

              @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @rae @savannah_grace2009 @keilah-h @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @grcr @theducktator @esther-c @anyone-else-idk-lol-XD

              I have an (UNFINISHED!!!) Riker scene I want to share👀

              anyone ready to see Riker’s life turn even more????







              “She’s alive, Riker. That’s more than some can say, and that’s sometimes more than can be expected from a bullet wound.”

              What his sister offered as comfort and even solace brought upon the reminder that peace nor solace was something the likes of Riker Schind didn’t deserve.

              “That’s not—”

              “What? It’s not enough that Lina is alive—that she won’t suffer? She’s alive, Riker…”

              “She should have never been there. She should have never been with me. I should have-should have…” His voice trailed off.

              Slowly, gently, Angelina laid a hand on his right shoulder. Her blue eyes dimmed, and her red lips pursed with what he knew to be concern. “Shouldn’t have what?”

              Riker’s fists clenched; his fists released. His heart pulsed behind his ribcage and his mind pounded within his skull. “…I shouldn’t have even gotten involved in Lina’s life. She wouldn’t be recovering from a bullet if I had just not gotten involved where I don’t belong.”

              Angelina smiled faintly and stepped aside, her heels clicking against the kitchen floor, brushing back her black bob. She lifted plates off the table and shrugged. “I haven’t heard anything like that from Lina.”

              Anything like what? Lina didn’t truly understand—she was only five. She didn’t understand the gravity of the situation—she didn’t know the deep depths of Riker’s sins.

              “She’s thankful for you in her life. She loves you dearly and wants you to be in her life forever. I went to visit her just as you asked, since you don’t want to get near her for fear of hurting her again, and she asked where you were…how you were doing. She told me: ‘Riker loves me more than anything. Riker showed me that I’m more than cripple.’. Do you think that is something you should be ashamed of? You showed her, such a little girl, that she is loved despite the things the world says is wrong with her. You showed Lina that she could be loved no matter how injured she was, no matter how much the world told her no one would love her.”

              Riker chewed his bottom lip and leaned back further in the chair beside the kitchen table. He folded his arms across his chest and drummed his fingers. No…no. Lina was injured and being treated in the hospital again because of what he’d done…because of how much he’d allowed himself to get involved in her life. She was…she was—“I messed up her life again…just like I did to so many.”

              “Riker,” Angelina set the dishes aside, stepped in front of him, and crouched just slightly, placing their eyes at eye-level, “I don’t know everything that happened during the war, and I don’t know what part you played in it, but I do know some. And if there is anything I know about you, Riker Schind, it’s that my older brother is more than a heartless murderer and does things far from ruining lives.”

              Riker allowed a wry smile and a slight tilt of his head. “I think you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”

              Angelina frowned and socked his right arm. “Liar.”

              Riker stood and smiled sadly. “You don’t know what I’ve done.”

              “What I do know is that you wouldn’t have done whatever you did willingly. Whatever sins you committed, Riker, they’re not unforgiveable.”

              “I’d have to say murder is unforgiveable.”

              “It’s not.” Angelina countered, standing her ground. She side-stepped once more, placing her smaller frame in front of Riker’s muscled, folding her arms across her chest. “Nothing is unforgiveable. Not by God’s standards.”

              Riker sighed. “That’s what everyone says.”

              “So, everyone is wrong and you’re right?”

              He was unforgiveable. God didn’t want anything to do with him. Riker had known that his entire life. He accepted it…though harsh, he accepted that it was just how things were meant to be and would always be.

              “Ang, I—”

              A door slammed. Footsteps carried across the floors, heavyset and echoing. With a low growl and a few long strides forward, Franz’s hard hands gripped Riker’s shoulders and he forced Riker’s back against the counter.

              Riker winced and risked a glance up. “Father-?”

              Palm met cheek, and stars formed in Riker’s vision. Franz cursed; his grip on Riker tightened. “You never went to work today. Herr Kotler found out you never showed up to work because you were speaking with Amerikaner—”

              Americans? He hadn’t—he’d been questioned about what happened involving Lina, but—“I was being questioned about something that happened, that’s it.”

              “You were, were you? Should’ve known—you were a traitor now and you still want to work with the ones who destroyed our—”

              “The Nazis destroyed Germany!”

              Another slap, another growl from Franz; his father loomed closer, alcohol in his breath. “You’re a mistake. You’re a disappointment. You’ve never been worth anything, and you’ll never be as good as your brother would have been.”

              Riker pulled from his father’s grip. His…his…his…what? Riker’s breath hitched and his heart lurched in his throat. “My…my brother? I don’t…I don’t have a—”

              Franz’s eyes widened and he stepped away, mumbling to himself. “You didn’t hear anything. Forget I spoke to you…forget I’m here.”

              “Riker has a…brother? I have another brother?” Angelina whispered, soft, eyes wide, lips parted, a single hand overtop of her stomach growing heavy with a child.

              “No. No!”

              “You said I had a brother,” Riker took one step closer to his father, his breath heavy, every word shaking, “but that’s not true. It’s only me and Angelina…you and Mama always said so.”

              Franz’s fingers rubbed against his head. He whispered ineligible mutterings beneath his breath, swayed on his feet, stumbled, and slowly met Riker’s gaze. “…He died before you were born. T-two…two months. He was…he was seven. H-his name…his name was…was…it was…Nolan. N-Nolan Franz Sch-Schind.”

              Riker blinked.

              Angelina gasped and covered her mouth with her fingers.

              He had a brother that died only two months before he was born? He had a brother that had died at the age of seven? He had a brother and his father…his mama…never once said that he did?

              “Why didn’t you say anything?” Angelina cried, her words trembling.

              “It was never important.”

              “Never important!?” Riker yelled, though in his ears his voice sounded tiny, weak. “It was never important to say that I had a brother? It was never important to mention that you had a son before you had me? It was never important to mention that there was another son that you had that you loved more than you loved me or Angelina!?”

              Franz’s dark eyes seemed to darken, and he stepped towards Riker, towering over him as he always had. “I love and always have loved Angelina. But you…you, boy, Riker Franz Schind, you will never be half the man I know your brother would have become if he got the chance.”

              All of the phrases Franz had spoken, all of the words he’d spewed for all of Riker’s life, all of the things Riker had done to please his father but never could. All of the pain, the shame, the abuse, the beatings, the nights alone and the nights spent trying to drag his drunk father home. The days where all Riker wanted to do was run away, the days where all Riker wanted to do was disappear.

              All of it stemmed from the fact that Riker would never be, could never be, as good as his older brother would have been if Nolan had just lived long enough.

              His head spun and his heart pounded. His thoughts collided and his breath evaded him.

              So, as he’d done so much of his life, Riker ran.

              He shouldered past Angelina, through the small hallway, out the front door. Down the steps, across the walkway, zigzagging down the streets, avoiding where he knew people would ask questions and try to stop him.

              What is strength?
              Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 658

                My baby

                *sniff sniff*

                What is strength?
                Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 658

                  This might be the first time Riker has ever yelled at someone in my writing🤔

                  What is strength?
                  Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4732

                    @freed_and_redeemed RIKER NOOOOO


                    aww but Lina wants to see you buddy! It’s not your fault!!


                    Franz, why you gotta be so MEAN to the poor guy??

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732

                      what happened to Nolan though???? I need to know!

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      The Ducktator
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 723


                        Please make Franz get eaten by a walrus. Poor Riker. 😢

                        Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4732

                          @theducktator LOL!!!

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2535




                            Please make Franz get eaten by a walrus.

                            Better yet…make Wyoh haunt Franz for the REST OF HIS LIFE.

                            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                            The Ducktator
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 723



                              Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 658

                                @theducktator @savannah_grace2009



                                What a thing to say




                                He was 7; I’m thinking he got sick with (insert disease) and though Franz/Jennie (who also got sick) recovered, Nolan didn’t, and it took his life two months before Riker was born.

                                Jennie saw Riker as a gift from God, to help them heal from the pain/loss; Franz, however, didn’t quite see it the same way and due to his grief over Nolan, who he loved dearly, began drinking, something he actually hadn’t been doing (at least not to the point of getting drunk) before Riker was born.


                                But neither Riker nor Angelina knew Nolan ever existed, so, for Riker, 28 years before he ever even learned that his mother and father had a child before they had him 😢

                                What is strength?
                                Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 658

                                  Anyone wanna see some character images??? 👀👀

                                  @savannah_grace2009 @theducktator @grcr @rae @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka


                                  We’ll start with Leon. 😜

                                  What is strength?
                                  Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

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