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  • #180048
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2535


      omc i love that sooo much!!! especially since i relate to hallie a LOT.

      *grabs cookie and runs*

      LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3428


        Yesss, I love the big family dynamic so much. They also have a pretty big friend group, so right now the beginning of the book has some Hobbit vibes, where all the dwarves are suddenly introduced and thrown into Bilbo’s house and you have no idea what’s going on, lol. But I introduce everyone in more detail later.


        I personally think my people skills are “meh” though, so sometimes I have to pause before writing Hallie’s dialogue to make sure it’s actually coming from her and will sound good, instead of it coming from me and making her seem totally out of character. XD


        Thanks!! I’m super excited about this story. I think I’ve finally found my niche genre, but we’ll see.

        I’m glad she’s relatable though! That’s what I’m going for. 😉

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3560

          Are you all ready for the life of Tenz as far as I have it?


          This is kinda a sad story, just so you know.


          Tenz was actually originally the name given to the clone who was to be Alpha’s second-in-command and replacement commander in case Alpha was ever killed. He had about 5-10% more Grathmere DNA than the other Assassin clones, but way less than Alpha.

          If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, this was the Assassin clone project Grathmere had created that was how Alpha was born.

          Sadly, Tenz and his other brothers were terminated in their development due to the Realn breaking into the lab. The only reason Alpha also wasn’t killed was because no one wanted to kill the child that Grathmere called his son. Alpha does remember his brothers, since he saw them in their stages of development in the lab and even helped name some.


          fast forward into the Fettian age. Grathmere is supposedly dead and his servants killed or scattered in hiding. Alpha has married a Fettian naga named Silkana and they have their 33rd child (yes, this was not a typo. naga families are naturally very large), a boy they called Leith M. Grath . Shortly after Leith’s birth, however, he disappeared without a trace. Despite his efforts, Alpha couldn’t find his infant son.

          Leith had been taken by the remaining scientists who created Alpha along with some of Grathmere’s more powerful servants who had secretly united to try and rebuild a new empire from the one Grathmere left behind. They needed Leith to rebuild the idea of the Assassin clones since Alpha had hunted down every remnant of his DNA that the scientists still had back in the Galaxy Age. Using Leith, they began experimenting and trying to recreate the Assassin clones.

          They called Leith “Tenz” because in their minds, Leith was the one taking Alpha’s place.

          Tenz wouldn’t step foot outside of the lab for over 14 years, being trained and raised by a woman scientist who began to consider him a son. She was the only one kind to Tenz, who despite his age, often had a child-like manner. Most likely from a brain injury. Tenz never asked about parents or family, because he figured he didn’t have any. And he never tried to escape or disobey because he was basically a dangerous power-wielding trained fighter who acted like a kid until it came to fighting. And someone who never remembered any other life than the one he lived at that moment.

          Just so it’s clear, Tenz acts like a child, until he needs to fight, then he fights similar to Alpha. He is very good at controlling his power (since he was trained the way Alpha was meant to be trained) and is physically strong, quick to adapt to situations and often catches on quick to an opponent’s tricks. He also has fangs like Silvanis, with the same kind of paralyzing venom. He cannot, however, see in naga vision, but that doesn’t bother him much since he has excellent eyesight and good senses. In shorter words, Tenz is a dangerous warrior in a fight but otherwise a six-year-old.

          Tenz eventually does leave the lab, after his scientist mother tells him to. She actually ended up saving his life by doing this, since he was deemed too child-like to be of much use anymore. The scientist lies to her superiors, telling them she killed Tenz, and she continues work, silently sabotaging the entire operation. Before Tenz left, she told him to find a man with black hair, red eyes, and reacts in some way to the name Tenz. She also tells Tenz to make sure he shows his face to this man. This man, of course, is Alpha. The reason she told him to show his face, is that even though Leith was just a baby, Leith has blue eyes with slit pupils, black hair, and one triangular scale on his cheek that is a purple-blue. features that even as an adult/teen would be recognizable.

          Tenz ends up on a different planet, and comes into the company of an older brother and his sister, who inform Tenz that he indeed must have parents (and that water can be used for other things besides just drinking) and they end up going with Tenz to see if they can find the man Tenz’s scientist mother talked about.

          I don’t have everything figured out yet, but Tenz does eventually find Alpha.

          Yeah, that’s the somewhat sad story of Tenz (Leith Martin Grath) but when it’s actually going to be told, it probably won’t feel so sad, because Tenz has that childish innocence and doesn’t realize that most of the stuff that happened in the lab wasn’t good and Tenz also has comparatively little trauma compared to Alpha. For instance, he doesn’t extremely negatively react to syringes like Alpha, but instead has an attitude like “Get it over with, please.”


          Hopefully that all made sense. I might one day add Tenz into an rp because his POV is very fun.

          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732

            @rae wow naga families are that big??? that’s crazy.

            also Tenz’s story is sad, but he sounds like a really interesting character! I like him already!


            (Is he related to any of your other characters besides Alpha? Nahim, Silvanis, etc…? Just wondering, because I feel like I see a pattern here.)

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3560


              Naga families can get up to two hundred children. So far, Leith has 52 siblings and who-knows how many in-laws! I haven’t named all of Alpha’s children yet, and therefore haven’t decided how many are married.

              Silvanis is actually Leith’s older brother, being Alpha’s first child.

              And Alpha was adopted by Nahim. And Alpha was created to look like Nahim, so over 5% of Alpha’s DNA is Nahim’s actually.

              Leith is related to Nahim, Noranay, Lord Elijah, Lordling Maren, Narray, Nae, Nathan, Nehemiah, Marco, Silvanis, Ninyah, Grathmere, Leahae, who-knows-who, and Fives and Pearl and three other full naga families of anywhere from 50-200. Plus his siblings, in-laws and parents. Not to mention, he’s related by a teeny thread to Realn Emperor and Fettian warlord Arln Forehead which means Gloria and Glacen must be added to the list, along with Gloria’s husband Tubal Deathbringer and Glace’s wife Adelia and their baby girl.

              Can you imagine the family reunion?!

              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 658


                *takes cookie*



                AHHHHH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! 🥰🥰😭


                but Tyler



                but EEEEEEEEEE, i love it so much!!!!

                I really love both of their arcs!!! <3

                What is strength?
                Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 658

                  @esther-c @savannah_grace2009 @smiley @koshka @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper @rae @anyone-else-lol-XD

                  Recent writing snippet!!

                  (this is the scene I’ve been working on, and thought I’d share a snippet here!!)

                  Would Isaiah, Fin, and Jennie lie? Would Isaiah lie about the fact that God was merciful? Would Fin lie about his past and how God had changed him entirely? And would Jennie, sweet, beloved, wonderful Jennie, his Mama, lie about the fact that Riker was loved and deemed precious by both her and God himself?

                  He knew they deserved his respect and his kindness, even his trust.

                  So, could he trust that what they said about himself and about God…was true?

                  Franz never kept his promises. His father hardly remembered what he’d said only moments before. His father had backed out of his word time and time again. His father had lied, countless times, to Jennie, to Angelina, and to Riker. So, if he lied…if he never kept his promises…if he backed out of his word time and time again…were his words, his belief that Riker was a mistake…a lie all along?

                  Had Riker believed a lie his entire life? Had Riker built his every belief…his life itself…on a lie?

                  Did God love him just as so many said? Did God want Riker Schind, despite his flaws? Did God want to forgive him, no matter how many sins Riker had committed?

                  People said he only had to believe, repent, and surrender himself to the creator of the universe. God was holy, yes, but was it possible that he was also loving, forgiving, and merciful as so many claimed?

                  Was God not the cruel, distant, unforgiving God Riker always believed him to be? What if God was loving? What if God wasn’t waiting to strike sinners down with lightning? What if Riker could walk into a church without the roof caving in above him? What if everything he’d believed…everything he’d trusted to be cruel yet true…everything he thought he knew about God…was also a lie all along?

                  What if redemption wasn’t impossible? What if he wasn’t too far gone for mercy? What if there was hope? What if he was wrong and so many others were…right?

                  Something inside told him it was impossible; another part of him said it was true. But all of him…all of him hoped that he was wrong all along, that there was indeed still hope of redemption for the likes of Riker Schind.

                  What is strength?
                  Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3560


                    Me: Awww, Riker the poor boi

                    Also me: Will you just realize that God wants you as his child no matter what already!!!

                    Ya know, where you love them and feel emotion for them but at the same time feel a little bit frustrated.


                    Nice PFP!



                    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by RAE.

                    “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2210


                      *dabs tissue at eyes* I’ve been waiting for this say so long lol


                      Yesss Riker ask those questions!! Don’t believe the lies anymore!!

                      I love the scene and it’s a nice change of pace compared to his poor scenes where he’s more questioning his value to anyone

                      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3560

                        @keilah-h @anyone else

                        Tenz scene! 

                        Tenz stared out over the large of water, his eyes wide and mouth agape.

                        “What is this?”

                        Misty laughed. “It’s a lake silly.”

                        “Oh.” Tenz stared in wonder before walking forward as if expecting to walk over the water. When his foot didn’t step on top of water, he drew back in surprise. “It’s not solid!”

                        “Of course it’s not! Don’t be dumb, water is liquid.” Roan crossed his arms. Misty dropped to her knees to splash her face.

                        “Water? But I thought it was lake.” Tenz looked at the two in a mix of surprise and confusion.

                        “Lake is the name they gave this body of water.” Misty explained. “C’mon Tenz, get wet. It’s very refreshing on hot days.”

                        “But water is only for drinking!” Tenz looked horrifyingly at Misty.

                        “No it’s not. We use it all the time for things like washing.”

                        “Washing?!” Tenz was shocked.

                        “Of course, don’t tell me you don’t bathe.”

                        “I do, but, but it’s a pale grey liquid with sometimes a pink shine, not with water!”

                        Misty looked questioningly at Tenz. “You’re a strange boy.”

                        Roan came up and pushed Tenz forward into the shallow water. Tenz immediately scrambled back to the shore. “Don’t do that! Water’s only for drinking.”

                        “Did you grow up in a desert or something?! You don’t have to use water for only drinking!” Roan yelled at Tenz.

                        “Hey, don’t yell so loud. You could disturb someone’s work.”

                        “What?! Who’s work?!”

                        Misty splashed the two of them. Roan stopped yelling, but Tenz looked even more horrified. Misty stood waist-deep in the lake, arms crossed.

                        “The water’s swallowing Misty!” Tenz cried out in horror.

                        Roan crossed his arms. “I thought we shouldn’t be so loud because we could disturb the work of someone who we can’t see.”

                        Misty giggled. “No, you silly. The water’s not swallowing me, I’m fine.” She splashed Tenz again. “Come and get me!” She turned and was about to swim away, when Roan told her to stop.

                        “If Tenz hasn’t ever seen a lake, and doesn’t use water for other than drinking, then he can’t swim. And I don’t feel like dealing with a drowned person.”

                        “I can swim.”

                        Roan stared at him. “You can swim, but have never seen a large body of water?”

                        “Who said I swam in water? I learned to swim in the light grey stuff without the pink shine. Water is for drinking.”

                        Roan pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “This is very confusing.”

                        “Do you know how long it takes to fly over this lake?” Tenz stared with newfound interest across the surface of the lake.

                        “No, of course not! People can’t fly!”

                        “I can fly.”

                        “No you can’t!”

                        Tenz crossed his arms. “Yes I can!”

                        “No you can’t!”

                        White light formed around Tenz, and his hair was whipped around by a strong wind. “Yes I can!” His blue iris’s glowed pure white, and he took to the sky, speeding away. He was back in less than a minute. “24 seconds there and back.”

                        Roan and Misty just stared at him.

                        Sorry, it’s really rough.

                        Misty is Tenz’s age and Roan is a few years older.

                        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3428


                          Thanks so much girlie!!

                          Oh I know, I’m looking forward to but also not looking forward to writing that scene… 😭


                          Yes Riker!! Yesssss (I’m so excited for him XD)

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 658

                            @rae I understand completely😆💖

                            trust me, I want him to just figure it out too XD

                            Thx for reading tho <3

                            And thank you. I am officially a LOTR fan now😂😛


                            Yeahhhh, it’s been a long time coming XXD

                            Ty. Yesss, a very good change of pace💖

                            Yw!!! <3

                            Ahhh, I can imagine😭😭

                            Yayyyyy!!! (I’m excited too, but also a little worried…bc I know what else I have planned🫣)

                            What is strength?
                            Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560

                              @loopylin @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @theshadow @linus-smallprint @highscribeofaetheruim @whalekeeper @keilah-h @esther-c

                              If you didn’t know, my cat named Marbles had a litter of four little treasures around two weeks ago. This is the Canva link to some pics of the little things!

                              Many thanks to Shadow, Loopy, Highscribe, Linus, and the Ducktator for helping me pick out names!

                              Hope this brightens your day!

                              -RAE and Marbles and Treasures

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2455


                                Awwwwww they’re so precious ❤️🥺

                                MY HEART IS MELTING.

                                Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3560

                                  I just realized their FOUR WEEKS OLD not two weeks! How could they grow up so fast on me 😭😭 💗

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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