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    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1325

      @koshka @mineralizedwritings

      YESSSSSS!!!!! I need something like this oh, so much.

      I really like those challenge ideas too. (WFS! Maybe Green Ember, or even some of the classics like Pride and Prejudice.) We could even illustrate a verse! I mean, I get very vivid mental images for verses a lot, and drawing can be a form of memorizing….

      Anywayzies, this is exciting. Count me in. XD

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Elishavet Elroi. Reason: Auto correct doesn't speak the king's english

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1325


        THAT’S AWESOME!!!! Congratulations. I’m looking forward to (maybe someday?) reading it.

        And of course we love your characters; they’re quite lovable. (other than the villains, of course, but then we like disliking them.)

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3060


          XDXD Can’t wait!


            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 812


            I know you’re on your break now so you probably won’t see this until you come back but….Girl, I’m so excited for you! You’re a great example to me to keep going and persevere. I love how we can all help each other out when stuff gets tough and push through together. Way to go!!!! I just know all your books are going to be amazing and I’m so thrilled for you!!!!!


            He must increase, but I must decrease.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3060

              @freedomwriter76 (when ur back XD0 @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin @loopylin @esther-c

              Ok so this is super embarrassing but I’m going to share some old writing… XD Because I read it and thought it was miserable and must be shared. I started writing last summer, so it’s been almost a year! Woo-hoo! This was my first official writing, and the names are all different. Just to make things a little bit less confusing, Tauren used to be Desmond and Desmond used to be Tauren. I switch their names again at the end or something lol. I know none of you guys have seen any of my most recent writing, just know that it’s a major improvement lol.

              Why am I doing this 🤦🏻‍♀️

              Desmond’s feet pounded on the rusted metal floor as he ran homeward.

              “Left… then down the right hallway all the way to the end..” -He recited the worn over memory of the directions back from lesli’s house in his head.

              “H-Hey!” His dad’s voice echoed down the metal hallway. It sounds like Eliezer made it home first.

              The Faulkner twins were turning 17 today, and Desmond couldn’t wait. He had been promised a new pair of glasses for his birthday to replace his old ones, which were looking worse for wear with one eye glass broken.

              Desmond burst through the dark metal door to there small home, the family name stood still on the frame, blued into the metal.

              “And there’s the other birthday boy!” His Dad, Tauren, turned to look at his son.

              Desmond’s dark brown eyes beamed with excitement. The whole family surrounded the dark wood table, it’s shining topcoat reflecting the warm incandescent light coming from a single light bulb that jutted crooked from the rocky ceiling.

              “You can open it now”. Desmond’s mom gestured with her hand at one of the gifts on the table, her warm smile reflecting the supposed safety of there nook.

              He picked up the present, rapped in brown butcher paper and tied neatly with twine. He looked eagerly at his family around the table. His mom and dad sharing knowing glances, they both knew what was inside. His brother Eliezer, smiling with anticipation, equally as exited for Desmond as his parents. Unwrapping the butcher paper revealed the shine of a brand-new pair of glasses. Tortoise shell rimmed with hints of green. He examined the lenses, scratch free, but everyone knew they wouldn’t be for long.

              “Thanks” He said gratefully, looking at his parents.

              “Take good care of them, okay? We can’t afford to do that again.” His dad said calmly. “But we are glad to be able to have done it once.” His dad’s blue eye’s contrasted with the warmth of the room as he glanced at Lily, Desmond’s mom.


              Eliezer looked down at the gift in his hand, a small black box. The gold lettering stared back at him from the side of the box. He lifted the tight-fitting lid from the box to reveal a metal watch. It looked sturdy, with a sectioned metal band, which was adjustable. A compass in the upper right corner quaked with each movement of the box, it’s red needle frantically running to the north.

              “Wow thanks! I didn’t know what to expect.. I guess I ask what the time Is enough.” He said with a laugh. They passed it around, each taking a look at the shining metal-work of a craftmen.

              “Okay.”  His dad said with a sigh, standing up and planting both hands on the wooden table. “I have something for you.” He looked Eliezer in the eye. He reached down below his chair where he had been hiding something.

              He brought up a leather sheath and pulled a small but sturdy knife. A serious feeling filled the table, falling in suit with Tuaren’s grim but hopeful expression. He pushed the knife over too the other side of the table where Eliezer sat.

              “This is…for me?” Eliezer looked confused. “I mean It’s really nice but why would I need it?”

              “Well… Tuaren looked over to where Lily was sitting before, quickly turning his gaze back when he realized she had retreated to the kitchen.

              “We have been waiting to tell you something.” He said.

              “uurg. Uh-“ He struggled to find the words as he rubbed his chin.

              “Outside—I mean outside outside, not the hallway we usually use that to refer too—there is a war going on.”

              “Your mom and I retreated to this home, and I escaped the draft.”

              “It is a shameful thing to do and if I could do it over I would. But you get to do it over for me. I want you too go out there and prove to the world that this is not who the Faulkner’s are.” By this point Tuaren was leaning farther across the table, looking deep into Eliezer’s eyes. Tears shining as one fell from his eye and slowly trudged across his cheek.

              “I want you to go to war.” He said looking away.

              “be brave. Be strong. Be what I couldn’t be for our country.”

              Eliezer looked in fear at his father. He heard stories about war when he was little from Lesli’s dad. Her dad held to the opinion that war was horrible, and they would never participate in it.

              He sat frozen. By fear, abandonment, or utter shock, we won’t know.

              “Make us proud.” His father said, his voice breaking from his very words, taking hold of his son’s hand and squeezing hard.

              Eliezer nodded. He didn’t like to show emotion and the family might not know how he felt about it until the next day. He left to his room, pausing at the doorway, deep in thought.

              “Oh, and.. Thanks a lot.” He said.

              “Your welcome.” Tuaren said.

              He turned now to Desmond. “I’m..uh.. really sorry..”

              “About what? I really like the glasses.” He said, putting them on again.

              “Oh.. that’s not what I ment.” He said, troubled by the situation. “See… I just didn’t think you could make it in war so.. I didn’t say I wanted you to go.. I guess it’s up to you?”

              “It’s not like I thought you would die.. It’s just.. your different than your brother. Your strength is in a different place.. and uh.. yeah.”

              Desmond looked at his father realizing this was serious.

              “Oh, it’s okay. I didn’t want to go. I’m really happy here.” Tauren looked troubled again as the peace left his eye’s.

              Tauren looked back at Lily, who was stirring a pot of stew on the stove.

              There eyes met in a glance that spoke words. The language? Only one they understood.

              Feeling uncomfortable, Desmond went back to the bedroom he shared with Eliezer.




                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4250

                Ladies and gentlemen. I have had an epiphany.

                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1657


                  Aww I loved it Min!!! It was definitely different than the story that you’re writing now, but I really liked it 😀 I like how you changed Desmond to Tauren lol! In your current draft, does Tauren still have a twin brother?


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1657


                    Wonderful! Do tell 🙂


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4250


                      I read the section, and it was cute! 😊 It’s so cool to see how your writing has changed


                      Oh, I won’t go into the details, but I basically figured out 50% of my worldbuilding while taking a shower (does this happen to anyone else? 😂).

                      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1657


                        Oh that’s awesome girl!! Great job! 😀

                        And yes, I do that too! The shower is a great place to think 🙂 I’ve been greatly inspired while in the shower… And sometimes when I wash the dishes. XD


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3736


                          Lol, I love that. 😂

                          I haven’t read much of your recent writing (tho I need to 😉 ) but it’s so cool to see how your writing changes over even a short period of time.

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3736

                            So I shared part of this story before, but this part made me laugh. I remember being really proud of writing this part. I thought I had nailed the dialogue and descriptions. 😂

                            So, for your enjoyment…

                            Holly led us far out into the town. It was getting dark quickly so we hurried along. Balls of tumbleweed blew around our feet. The area of Buffaloty we were in was deserted. The wind was blowing and making me cold. Occasionally a wolf would howl only 20 yards away. “This place is scaring me,” I said, staying close to Lucky and Holly. I saw a outlined shadow of what looked like a woman. Slowly the figure came closer to us. “Guys,” Hunter said when he started to see the shadow. “I can handle this. Just stay behind me and you will be safe.” Holly and I walked behind him. I rolled my eyes and Holly just giggled. The woman started talking in a southern accent, “Hello, youngins’. My name is Dahnna. Folks ‘round these parts call me Dahnna the Deceitful. But I don’t never!, live up to my name. I’m just tryin’ to get ya to join Jacques and do the right thing!”  “Ummm…” Hunter said. “We are not!, going to join Jacques. We are going to defeat him, Ms.Dahnna! And you are NOT going to stop us!”  “OH! Really?!” Dahnna said walking around us. She put a cold, pale hand on my arm. “You see, Jacques gave me money, food, and shelta’. That’s the most I’ve evah been loved. I was just takin’ a walk here tonight. Not expectin’ to see anyone! But I took the chance to help yah, and apparently, you just aren’t going to accept it! Good luck! Oh, wait! I forgot! You are out of it!!!” Dahnna took a black, square remote out of her long coat and pressed a red button. The ground beneath us opened up and we all fell in; Lucky flew in after us. Dahnna laughed maniacally, pulled out a hoverboard, and hovered in after us.

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3736

                              Oh, and btw, I did write this when I was like 8 or 9. Nothing recent. 😂

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4250


                                Oh my goodness what… variety XD I’m not sure what happened there

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2163


                                  😂😂😂 Don’t worry . . . my writing back then was *cough* interesting XD

                                  Ok, I was probably 10 or so when I started 😅 so I have a lot of writing from when I was 11 and 12, but I stopped for a while and I’m just picking it back up again 😉

                                  @euodia-vision @kyronthearcanin @hannahn @crocheter12 @mackenzie @orangearmadillo @mineralizedwritings @acancello @sarafini @awsumfaith @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @anyone-else

                                  So, just wondering, is anyone on here in the plotting stage?? I’m reading a book right now called Fast Fiction — it’s about completing a first draft in 30 days. I know a lot of people have already started writing whatever they’re working on, but I figured I would ask if anyone wanted to do it with me!! I guess it helps with accountability 😆

                                  Anyone interested?? 😁

                                  The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

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