reunite/first kiss

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      @gracie-j @precious-y @abigail-m @daisy-torres @other-people-who-want-to-add-their-two-cents

      welllll here’s a reunite-and-kiss scene I did; it’s not meant to be too long, since they’re teenagers and you know *cough * the whole family is watching. Anyways, these two have been separated for months and thought the other was dead; I wanna know what you guys think of their reactions. Aaaanyways, here it is:

      Elenor let go of his [her husband’s] arm and ran to her brother. “Kaunon!” she shrieked.

      He turned and when he saw her his face lit up like sunshine conquering a storm. He grinned and hurried to meet her. She shrieked again as he hugged her, and she cried, hugging her brother and laughing at the same time. Dannahk squealed in protest at the sandwich he found himself involuntarily shoved in. After a few minutes Elenor finally let go, and brushed Kaunon’s arms and shoulders off in a fussy manner, “You alright? Are you hurt?”

      Kaunon smiled wearily, “No, not anymore, I was pretty beaten up for a while there.”

      Elenor then changed her joy for a glare, and punched his shoulder, though not very hard; she was still very weak, “That’s for running off!”

      Kaunon gasped in mock hurt, “What did you do that for? I’m here, aren’t I?”

      Elenor laughed shakily, the excitement wearing her down quickly. She looked very pale all of the sudden, and Kaunon looked concerned, “What’s wrong?”

      Elenor shook her head and looked down, “This little boy is the culprit.”

      Kaunon’s jaw dropped, “Wait, you— that’s— so you’re saying—” he shook his head, dazed, “that’s… your baby?” he whispered.

      “Yes.” Elenor said quietly.

      Kaunon shook his head, “You’re a wonder.” he hugged Elenor again, and then stepped back, looking up at Thado, “Hello, Thado.” he said, but his smile was gone.

      The prince averted his eyes and walked into the manor without another word to find Dorok and Ayerna.

      [action scene that would make no sense without reading story]
      “Kaunon!” a voice shrieked. Analyce came running down the hall to him and she screamed again out of joy, colliding with him as she burst into tears. He picked her up and held her tight, the emotion of finally being back with his family welling up.

      Kaunon quietly walked toward the sitting room, carrying his seven year old sister with him. As he entered, Ayerna gasped and then smiled. Kaunon sat down on the couch, still holding Analyce who was now quietly sobbing instead of shrieking.

      Dorok was too engaged in an interesting book to notice his son’s arrival, so after five minutes of this, Ayerna grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at him, hitting his knee with it. He started, looking at her with surprise at such an out-of-character action, “What?”

      Ayerna nodded with a smile toward Kaunon and Dorok grinned.

      Analyce finally let go of her brother’s neck and sat down beside him, rubbing her eyes. Kaunon put his arm around her and hugged her tight. She cuddled up next to him, and then burst into tears again, “I didn’t think you would come back!”

      Kaunon’s eyes darkened, “I didn’t, either, Ana, but I’m here now, alright?”

      She finished wiping away her tears and nodded. Kaunon stood up and walked over to his father. Dorok smiled proudly at his son and hugged him tightly, before stepping back and slapping his shoulder, “You don’t look much worse the wear, son!”

      Kaunon grimaced, and Dorok hesitated, “Well… not too much worse.” he added, now seeing the scars on his son’s neck and hands, he looked up with solemn blue eyes, “You had a rough go of it, didn’t you?”

      Kaunon nodded, and then shrugged with a signature grin. “It was worth it, though.”

      Dorok laughed, “Well, then! All worth it!” he hugged Kaunon again, before walking out of the room to do something.

      Kaunon turned to his mother, who stood smiling with open arms. He gently hugged her, and then stepped back. She smiled through tears, “You made it back. I’ve missed your sass, son.” she said with a mock scolding frown, and ruffled his hair.

      He grinned, “Now you shall have a full dose.”

      Ayerna laughed and then shook her head. Her face went serious again, “But honestly, Kaunon, I’m glad you’re home.”

      Ayerna noticed that though Kaunon nodded and his eyes held his excitement, his usual smile was not there. He looked twenty, not almost seventeen, and seemed to be weary. It worried her slightly, but she masked it with a loving smile, then puckered her face, “You smell, child! Go wash! Go!”

      Kaunon almost snorted and then grinned. “Everyone says that…”

      “Well then maybe you smell!” his mother scolded.

      “No… I’m pretty sure someone would have told me.” he said with an impish grin.

      Ayerna rolled her eyes, “Go on.”

      He kissed her cheek, then walked away, “Well, mother, I shall report for duty later!”

      Ayerna laughed, “Very good, soldier, now march!”

      He grinned and then walked with stately posture, like the prince he was, towards the Knights’ Wing of the manor. He was intercepted, however.

      A screech of absolute joy came rocketing down the hall, and the effect it had on Kaunon was worthy of recording forever; he jumped three feet in the air and turned with absolute shock on his face.

      Someone stood at the other end of the hall, looking just as shocked as he did.

      They screamed again in joy and ran to him, “Kaunon! Kaunon! Kaunon!”

      Kaunon’s face was a mix of joy and tears as he caught the blur of movement heading his way, he hugged her tight and wept, lifting her completely off the ground. The two stood in silence for a moment, and then sobs escaped Alinna as she clung to Kaunon. It seemed like she would never let go, and Kaunon didn’t want her to.

      Finally Alinna let go and stood in front of him, still sobbing with joy, hands on either side of his face, and then she squealed again and hugged him tight. He hugged her back, and then gently pulled her head back and kissed both her cheeks. She smiled at him and then sat down on the floor and cried.

      Alinna was too busy crying to realize all the residents of the manor were watching their reunion. All these people were also confused by both parties’ reactions; no one had seen Kaunon cry, and Alinna was acting like she thought Kaunon had died.

      Ayerna watched this with a smile on her face, remembering when she’d seen Kaunon meet Alinna.

      Kaunon pulled Alinna to her feet and then grinned, handing her something. She gasped, and looked up at him with wonder, then back down at whatever he had given her. She smiled and then cried some more.

      Analyce had been waiting impatiently for her turn to say hello, and was getting bored, “Why doesn’t he just kiss her already?” she whined in a loud voice.

      Dorok laughed out loud and Ayerna gasped, “Analyce! You should not say such things!”

      “But why don’t they?” she demanded.

      Kaunon grinned and then looked at Alinna and quickly kissed her, then Kaunon grinned at his sister, “How was that?”

      Analyce turned up her nose, “Quite nice.”

      “Oh ho! Quite nice, is it?” Kaunon laughed.

      Alinna was standing, looking dazed, she blinked mutely and looked at the many faces staring at her, then at Kaunon, who smiled sheepishly, face going red, “Well, they asked for it. So did you, with all that crying.”

      Alinna smiled shyly, and then stood beside him, her heart thumping, and face positively glowing. “I think I need a better one than that.”

      Kaunon smiled, then leaned down and tenderly kissed her. Alina wrapped her arms around his neck and prolonged it a bit. Kaunon then drew back, straightening again with a radiant smile that reached his blue eyes and made them glow.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Elfwing.

      I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

      Daisy Torres
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 691

        @elfwing I think it’s good! I am completely not a romance writer though, so that’s just my opinion XD I’ve only had a set of characters kiss once, and they were interrupted instantly by a dagger, so–*cough* I bet Gracie will give much better advice tho XD

        "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 486


          thanks! Lol yeah I’m not much for it either but I figured I have to have some since these two are absolutely besotted with each other XD

          ow! That kiss sounds painful! Was the dagger from one of them or someone else though? O.O XD

          I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 486

            @gracie-j @precious-y sorry! It’s pretty long lol

            I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 486

              @gracie-j I think it ate your response; it didn’t show up in email but it says you did on the topic description  xD

              • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Elfwing.

              I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                @elfwing NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I LOVED IT!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 486

                  Thanks! By the way am I the only one having trouble loading the page??? It’s been acting weird today. Wouldn’t load the website and errors and stuff…

                  I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    @elfwing You’re welcome! Yeah, it was acting funny a minute ago, but I’m good now. Maybe it’s your wifi?

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 486

                      @gracie-j ok, yeah it wouldn’t let me respond for almost half an hour , then it finally loaded the response box 😂

                      my wifi is fine, it might be my account?

                      I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                        @elfwing Hmm…yeah. It’s been acting up, saying there’s a gateway error or something like that, so it may be KP itself. *shrugs*

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 486

                          @gracie-j yeah I’d say it is KP because that’s happening to me too

                          at first it scared me because I thought maybe my computer had a virus or something, XD but I tried my phone and it did the same thing 

                          I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                            @elfwing Don’t worry! KP goes through stuff like this every now and then.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 486

                              @gracie-j ok! good to know XD, thanks!

                              I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1789

                                @elfwing Of course!

                                Daisy Torres
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 691

                                  I responded the other day, but it seems my comment was eaten!

                                  Haha that does make sense XD

                                  Well, thankfully it was the villain stabbing a nearby guard and not the actual kissers XD The’re both safe atm ::::))

                                  "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

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