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  • #70866
    Bella B.
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 96

      Okay, so I planned out this awesome short story that I was going to write from the PoV of the… It’s hard to explain.  Haylie a bad guy nearly the whole story till she decides about 3/4 of the way through that she’s better off helping the protagonist (Macx,) becoming the main-ish protaginist herself by the end.

      I’ve started writing it and I love switching PoV’s so I decided I’d mainly go by Haylie’s PoV, switching back and forth every once in a while.

      Now, I’ve switched to Macx’s PoV (the protagonist) and I just can’t seem to get off his PoV so I’ve decided just to keep it as his.

      Would it be strange if kept it as Macx when most the plot is based around Haylie (though I’ll change it slightly so he’s not just following her around or something) and switched to Haylie’s PoV for only about 500 words every three or so (most my chapters will be around 2250 words)?  I’m fine with either, I just want some other writers/readers opinions on what to do.  Thanks!



      *insert awesome signature because I'm a bit too lazy to come up with one*

      NC Stokes
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1156

        @ashlyvye I was recently talking about POVs with my fellow writer friend (Hi, @princessfoo ! *waves*) and something she pointed out about multiple POVs is that one is often more interesting than the other. So, the question is, is Macx’s POV more interesting to readers than Haylie’s? Will they wish you would switch back to Haylie’s more often, or even be temped to skip some of Macx’s chapters? It’s no problem if the parts told from Haylie’s POV are interesting and readers look forward to them, but if Macx seems to be “getting in the way” of Haylie, then it might be better to tell more from Haylie’s POV.

        Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 194

          @daughteroftheking *waves*

          I think it would be really cool to have the POV character actually be the “bad guy” for most of the story, then switch sides part way through. If you switched to mostly Macx POV, I think you would lose a lot of that.

          On another note, it sounds like from your description that Haylie is actually the protagonist of the story. The plot is more about her and her choices, and it is her decisions that affect the story most, not Macx’s. She may be the “bad guy”, but she is still the protagonist. It is possible for a story to be told by someone to be told by someone who is not the MC (Sherlock Homes, anyone?) but it isn’t common.

          Bella B.
            • Rank: Wise Jester
            • Total Posts: 96


            Those are good points, I think about those things while I’m writing it, thank you!

            *insert awesome signature because I'm a bit too lazy to come up with one*

            Bella B.
              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 96


              True, that’s the main reason I wanted to keep Haylie who’s PoV I write from, though after I wrote a little of Macx’s I found I liked it more than Haylie’s.  I do think that it would still be losing some of what would be there if I did Macx’s PoV instead of Haylie’s though, so I’ll just try to do as much of Haylie’s as I can to try and keep some of that.  Thank you!

              *insert awesome signature because I'm a bit too lazy to come up with one*

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