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- This topic has 42 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
Keilah H..
February 3, 2023 at 12:20 pm #131347
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
LOL. Yeah, I meant in regard to writing but that totally counts. As for me, I’m just trying to survive AP Bio.
“severed heads of roses” please tell me you’re including that line in the poem
Hmmm, I don’t think I really have one but I love any pen that has a sharp point. Not those irritating ball-point pens, the ones with the points that cut. *sighs with satisfaction*
(You’re so welcome! I’m so glad you joined!!
February 3, 2023 at 1:38 pm #131369@joy-calle
And btw, I love your forum signature.
Thx!! It’s always a great reminder when I’m writing or doing anything. Especially when I write something really good. XD I have to be like: Girl, you couldn’t have done this without Him. He deserves all the glory.
But yeah. I’d probably say that that’s my life motto.
This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
February 4, 2023 at 12:32 pm #131619@joy-calle
I do too; Theology is amazing because our Savior is amazing, and that makes it impossible not to talk about, sometime.
But at least we’re still in the struggle and keep getting up.
(It isssssss!)
Really? I’d love to hear about it! I actually have another one too that I’m doing with my twin sister, but it’s just for fun. I can understand that. I really don’t quite feel qualified to write mine yet either, especially when it comes to writing trials when they aren’t mine personally. The longer you let it simmer, though, the better developed it will eventually be, so waiting really isn’t a bad thing.
1. Sounds like me and cheesecake. XD
2. Ah, Greek. That’s a good one. Mine is obviously Hebrew, but I love both. (Funny, I’ve been playing with Hebrew on Duo.)
3. AHHHHHH. I’m actually sewing a full, 1860 outfit for my senior project. (We seriously need more petticoats in modern fashion)
4. She sounds amazing. O.O I love her already.
But are you sure you do? *Gives appraising nod*
Percy is one of the squires at the school Alwin and William go to to train for Kingdom work as knights. He’s a prankster with an infectiously friendly personality and just… If you didn’t really know him, you might not realize how anointed and dedicated he is. In other words, he’s basically the epitome of a Bible College student, and I love him for it. XD
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
February 5, 2023 at 5:28 pm #131787Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
@esther-c That’s awesome! I actually have soli deo gloria as part of my dedication for Where Faith Remains. (The book is dedicated to God since it’s my first book, and I knew from the moment I started writing it that I wanted my first book to be solely His.)
February 5, 2023 at 5:42 pm #131792Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
Funny that we’re talking about revamping our theology discussions, because this fantasy allegory idea of mine is alllll about theology. More specifically, Seventh-day Adventist theology, since I’m an SDA Christian (I think I might’ve mentioned that before, but in case I didn’t). By theology heavy, I mean theology heavy. That’s why I don’t think I’ll be writing it for several years yet. First, because the entire plot and characters are shaped by the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, and I think I need to study those two books deeply and come to a much greater understanding of my own faith before I write it. Second, because at this point in my writing journey, I believe God is calling me to write books that aren’t SDA-theology-heavy, because I believe faith in Jesus is the most important thing and I want to write things that aren’t niche to my own denomination. Though I do very much hope that when I do write this allegory thing, Christian readers from all denominations will enjoy it and be blessed by it in some way; but I have taken into account that it is very niche-y, and the theology within will likely be controversial to some. (That’s another thing – I definitely need to do a lot of praying, Bible-reading, and reflecting before writing this, because theological differences can be very tough to navigate.)
Phew. That was a mouthful. And I believe I said “theology” in some form about thirty different times. XD
I’m actually sewing a full, 1860 outfit for my senior project. (We seriously need more petticoats in modern fashion)
YES YES YES AND YES. THAT IS AMAZING. You must be a really good seamstress! How/when did you learn?
Percy is one of the squires at the school Alwin and William go to to train for Kingdom work as knights. He’s a prankster with an infectiously friendly personality and just… If you didn’t really know him, you might not realize how anointed and dedicated he is. In other words, he’s basically the epitome of a Bible College student, and I love him for it. XD
He sounds terrific! XD You know, just from your description he reminds me a lot of Chaplain Piccadilly from Yours is the Night by Amanda Dykes. . . .
February 5, 2023 at 6:52 pm #131795.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Elishavet Elroi.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
February 5, 2023 at 7:44 pm #131803@joy-calle
That’s awesome! I actually have soli deo gloria as part of my dedication for Where Faith Remains. (The book is dedicated to God since it’s my first book, and I knew from the moment I started writing it that I wanted my first book to be solely His.)
So cool!!
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
February 5, 2023 at 9:46 pm #131820@joy-calle
Oops! I accidentally sent in a draft of that post. *Facepalm* I hope it wasn’t too rough.
Anyway, Your allegory sounds interesting! The end times are a bit difficult to write an allegory for anyway, with or without doctrinal differences, but it could make for a powerful read. My last book is technically over the end time harvest, which I’m excited about, yet also anxious about writing.
And the balance of different doctrines is difficult sometimes. My own series is a little doctrinally specific, but since it is all based upon the Bible, I also hope those of other Christain denominations will enjoy it and be blessed by it. Above all, I want my scribblings to be a tool God can use to draw someone closer to Him: to be a seed of yearning for more of Him.
Now, I’m Apostolic Pentecostal personally, (I actually don’t think I’ve mentioned that…) so it is important to me that my allegory is strictly based off Scripture, even if those of more mainstream denominations may not quite agree with everything in my books. I’m just gonna have to do it through prayer, trusting that if God wants me to write it He’ll help me.
Of course, I also need to do a ton of praying over some other elements, like the balance of allegory and fictional tale.
Needless to say, Heir of Ashes is easier on that side considering it’s thematic instead of allegorical.
YES YES YES AND YES. THAT IS AMAZING. You must be a really good seamstress! How/when did you learn?
Um… I’m still learning. Lol! My mama thinks I’m pretty good, but I’m still very much an amateur. Thank you for the compliment! I should be really good by the time I finally get it done. XD 🙂
He sounds terrific! XD
He is, although there are some times when William could clout him over the head. XD Poor William is just a little too serious at times; he needs to lighten up a little. XD
And when Percy begins to suspect quiet Alwin has been developing a really good friendship with a certain lass named Winifrith, I feel a little sorry for Alwin. Percy makes it rather awkward for him, you see. XD
But then again, Alwin needed to realize just how much he wanted to be really good friends (for life) even if it did make him extremely self conscious. XD
You know, just from your description he reminds me a lot of Chaplain Piccadilly from Yours is the Night by Amanda Dykes. . . .
Ok, the book sounded familiar, but I’ve never read it, so I had to look it up. From what you said on the book review I happened to run into (yeah, the internet suddenly feels very small and tied up), he does definitely sound like Percy.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
February 6, 2023 at 2:30 pm #131857@joy-calle
Hello there!! I ‘m sure I’ve met you before, but if not then hi for the first time!
- Favorite movie/TV show if you have one?
- Opinions on reptiles?
- Do you care anything for electronic music? IDK, I was just listening to the Minecraft soundtrack (which I highly recommend even if you don’t play the game, it’s great!) and I thought of that question.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
February 6, 2023 at 6:43 pm #131952Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@joy-calle. Also…I had a question. This may seem kinda odd or weird, but your middle name for your pen name…is it pronounced like “Ca-yay”? Or is it pronounced like “Cal-lay”?
I was just curious…because I’ve been taking Spanish this year and last year, and I know that the double L sound makes the “ya” sound…so I was just curious.
Sorry, I’m just a very curious girl…and I think of the most random questions! 😅😂
I hope you’re doing well today! 🥰🥰🥰
February 6, 2023 at 7:22 pm #131957Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
The end times are definitely tough to write about, but they certainly provide some very dramatic events to be used in a story 😅
Yes! “A seed of yearning” – that’s an excellent way to word it. My prayer is that everything I write will bring others closer to Jesus; if I accomplish that, I’ll be more than satisfied <3
Nope, I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned it, but that’s so cool! I totally feel you on the difficulties with doctrinal differences. Adventists have some pretty unique beliefs, which I’m sure Pentecostals do too, and it’s sometimes a struggle to know how to stay true to our own beliefs and not water anything down while at the same time being kind and respectful toward those who may believe differently. I think prayer is definitely the best thing we can do for our stories, whether they’re complex end-time allegories or just historical fiction! XD
I don’t think you’ve told me about Heir of Ashes yet (if you did and I just forgot, please forgive my slow brain 😅). What’s it about?
Um… I’m still learning. Lol! My mama thinks I’m pretty good, but I’m still very much an amateur. Thank you for the compliment! I should be really good by the time I finally get it done. XD 🙂
You’re so welcome! If you have the ability to sew an entire dress, I think you’re past the amateur stage by now. 😉
He is, although there are some times when William could clout him over the head. XD Poor William is just a little too serious at times; he needs to lighten up a little. XD
Oh, man. XD Actually, I have a character who sounds quite similar to Percy in the Russell & Eliza series (the series of which Where Faith Remains is the first book, in case I hadn’t mentioned that before). I won’t say her name because spoilers, but she’s Eliza’s sister-in-law (the series follows Eliza from childhood to her adulthood with her husband and five children, with the later books led mainly by her children), and she’s awesome. She’s a renowned circus performer and is quite crazy and hilarious, always doing things to exasperate Eliza and her husband. XD But like Percy, she’s extremely devout and spiritual, and she’s actually an abortion survivor/pro-life advocate. I love how she’s so funny and eccentric yet so dedicated to sharing truth with the world, and needless to say, she can also be very emotional, passionate, and serious.
And when Percy begins to suspect quiet Alwin has been developing a really good friendship with a certain lass named Winifrith, I feel a little sorry for Alwin. Percy makes it rather awkward for him, you see. XD
But then again, Alwin needed to realize just how much he wanted to be really good friends (for life) even if it did make him extremely self conscious. XD
Poor Alwin! XD XD
Ok, the book sounded familiar, but I’ve never read it, so I had to look it up. From what you said on the book review I happened to run into (yeah, the internet suddenly feels very small and tied up), he does definitely sound like Percy.
If you saw my review, then you probably know that I love love LOVE that book. It’s so close to being my favorite book in the world, if only it weren’t so hard to choose! If you’re ever looking for good historical fiction, I’d definitely recommend it.
February 6, 2023 at 7:43 pm #131960Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
Yup! Hi again! *waves*
1. I’m not a big movie or TV show watcher, but I really loved Encanto. XD When it first came out I was o b s e s s e d and wouldn’t stop singing “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” and annoying my friends. It’s still awesome and arguably the best movie Disney has ever made!
2. I think reptiles are cool. A reptile wouldn’t be my first choice for a pet, though, because I love cuddly and soft animals for pets, not scaly ones. XD They are really cool creatures though, and some are quite pretty.
3. I never listen to electronic music (I’m very much a contemporary Christian kind of girl), but you’re making me want to try it!
February 6, 2023 at 7:49 pm #131963Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
Not a weird question at all – ask all you want! : D So it’s actually Ca-yeh (short e sound)! Though I’m sure a lot of non-Spanish speakers would pronounce it Cal-lee, which is fine by me. XD
I’m doing great, thanks! Same to you! 💙💙
February 6, 2023 at 7:55 pm #131965Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@joy-calle. Ooh, good to know!!! 😁💖
My Spanish is pretty rough, so I don’t always remember all the sounds, lol. 😂😅
Glad to hear you’re doing well!!! I’m doing pretty well today…the emotions come and go, y’know? But I’m doing better today. 💜💜💜
February 6, 2023 at 9:46 pm #131986Anonymous
- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 110
Thank you! I can definitely relate to that, girl. Glad to hear you’re doing well 💙
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