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  • #139820
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Ok the title might sound a bit weird but I wanted an interesting name XD

      Basically this forum is for all things MY SERIES!! That sounds a bit uhh prideful but yea XD


      so! First things first, not to be…idk whatever XD, but I would like to keep this forum close to topic, tho I don’t mind talking about y’all’s stuff and how it relates to my series and stuff but try to keep things fairly on topic to my series and everything.


      this is basically to unfold EVERYTHING or mostly everything about my series and WIPs without having to put it across multiple forums’. It might be in a sort of order, or it may stray WHO KNOWS XD XD!!


      but yea some of y’all seem interested in my series which makes me so happy!! S if ur interested here it is! Some things will be repeated that y’all already know and have seen but yea! Soooo now for some tags!!!

      @gwyndalf-the-wise @awsumfaith @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @lightoverdarkness6 (for when you get back) @thearcaneaxiom @euodia-vision @loopylin @kyronthearcanin @whalekeeper @joy-calle @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

      I’ll probably post sporadically on here


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12 yayyyyyyy!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍

        *sits down with popcorn and waits to hear even more about your series*

        Gwyndalf the Wise
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 404

          @godlyfantasy12 OOOOO yay! *eagerly awaits your infodump* *joins Freedom*

          "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
          (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6691

            Okay everyone, so first I want to announce….


            I have started my newest draft!!!


            So I have counted up and I’m calling this draft number 4. Idk if that’s totally accurate but that’s what I’m going with. I don’t have much written obviously but yea, I will be sharing what I write here!

            So this is how this forum will work, just so there’s a bit of order, whenever I post a new scene or anything I’ve written im going to put it like this


            (Chapter title)

            scene title-POV Character

            (words so far)


            and if the scene is complete or incomplete.

            As for anything else, I’ll be posting that here too!

            Im going to be posting a full overview about my characters on here, but it will be later because I’m not at my computer.

            After I post about my characters I’ll let y’all decide what I will post on next!

            An overview of my worldbuilding-races I have so far/ideas for, going land by land, etc.

            Books overview-plot, each thing that happens including character arcs, etc

            Side characters- villains, minor characters, etc.


            but whatever u pick we will remain on that subject till it’s over so it will take a while which means you’ll need to pick wisely. We’re not picking rn tho 😂


            anyway I hope this all makes sense but this is kinda how this forum will work!

            For now tho I really want to post what I’ve written so far in my draft even tho it’s not a lot at all. I just wrote it today!


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6691

              (Opening Image)

              Avoidance Is Bliss-Arabella

              (Dunno How Many Words XD)

              Never make a deal with death.

              “Greetings my dear, how are you this fine morning?”

              “Fine, and you Judge?”

              “Princess, please, I’ve known you since you were a babe. You’re practically my niece, call me Daniel, I insist.”

              “Then I insist you call me Ara, as I’ve said many times before. None of that ‘Princess’ mess.”

              Daniel smiled wryly, “Touché, we both seem to be equally good at ignoring each other’s wishes.”

              Ara laughed, “I suppose so.”

              Death doesn’t keep his promises.

              Daniel fell in step beside the younger, clasping his hands in front of him. The prayer tassels at the ends of his robe swayed as he walked and his face held a solemn reverence as he smiled.

              “Your Saba has been asking for you.”

              “You’ve been speaking with him?”

              “I visit him often.” A look of fondness crossed the middle-aged man’s expression. “As I remember…You used to as well. He misses your company. Speaks often of the stories you’d read him.”

              He leaves behind scars.


              Daniel tipped his chin. Ara’s gaze rested on her own reflection in the marble floor. “I haven’t been in much of a reading mood, as of late.”

              “Nor a visiting mood, I presume?” Daniel raised a brow.

              Ara’s fingers tightened, nails digging into her own palm. “Is this why you’ve paid me a visit? To tell me Saba misses me?”

              Daniel paused his steps, facing the young girl. “Does it not matter to you?”

              “I…” Ara pursed her lips. Her tone had been too harsh. Rough. Abrupt. “No, I didn’t mean…”

              And his bite holds no remorse.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12 YAY, I’m so excited!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁 Love the scene, btw!!!! Also, I love how you’re naming the chapter AND the scene!!!! Anywhoooo, I just can’t WAIT to hear more!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍

                I don’t even name my chapters 😂


                *hands you popcorn to snack on*

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6691

                  @freedomwriter76 lol! Thank you so much!!! Yea so the scene is very much incompleted.


                  actually I’m using what’s called Save the cat writes a novel so the chapter “names” are actually the Beats in my outline.


                  the scene names however are just fun crazy names I wrote to remember what the scenes are/what needs to happen in each scene XD and it makes it more fun. In the actual book I don’t think I’ll have chapter names but yea!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12 Yw!!! <3

                    Ohhh, cool!!! That’s interesting!!! 😊

                    Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 718


                      Ooooooohh I love this!!! Ara is so great from the bits and pieces I’ve seen of her. Can’t wait to read more! 😃😃

                      Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5703

                        @godlyfantasy12 Whoa, nice! I like the scene so far (even with hardly any context)

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 110


                          Ooh, this is such a great idea!!! I’ll definitely be stalking this forum and can’t wait to learn more about the series!!

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 807


                            Oh cool!! Yes your series sounds really interesting from what I’ve gathered so far, and I think it makes sense to have a specific place for one series

                            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                            And guess what? His is eternal (:

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1308


                              *squeals* I love it!!!!! *steals @gwyndalf-the-wise and @freedomwriter76 ‘s popcorn*

                              I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6691

                                ALRIGHT MY PEOPLES!!! I will now begin telling u about my characters, in depth, and answering any questions u may have about them!

                                BTW! (This would make my life, and yours since I don’t want to be tagging every time so u may not get tagged) a whole lot easier!) If u push Notify Me of Follow-Up Replies Via Email, below, then you’ll be notified whenever this chat is updated, that way I don’t have to tag u.

                                ANYWAY FOR NOW I WILL TAG PP @keilah-h @gwyndalf-the-wise @awsumfaith @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @lightoverdarkness6 (for when you get back) @thearcaneaxiom @euodia-vision @loopylin @kyronthearcanin @whalekeeper @joy-calle @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

                                Alright my Peoples, we will begin, of course, with our first MC! Our Heroine! The Princess in Shining Armor!





                                Arabella Fabel


                                MC Number 1


                                In the first book she is 14. At the end of the series, she is 17, nearing 18.

                                A Few Facts About Arabella-

                                Ara is a princess, the only child of her family, thus is set to take over the ruling of her kingdom one day.

                                She has a purple scar that resembles a tattoo. It looks like a vine and is ever growing from her right wrist up her arm. It’s something she tries to hide in the first book and even a bit in later books.

                                She always wanted a sibling; her parents couldn’t have anymore children

                                She’s a miracle baby

                                November was and is her only real friend, despite her being the princess

                                Riven is the only person she’s ever truly hated, despite the horrible things others have done. She can’t quite explain it…Though Lilith did come in close second.




                                Ara’s backstory isn’t filled with the traumatic family life like most of her friends. In fact, her family life is one most of them would have desired. Her family is one of love, honor and patience, and they all love Ara dearly.

                                Ara herself was your average child; adventurous, spunky, and…a bit on the wild side.

                                Born with a love of exploration, and wanting nothing more then to strike out and have adventures of her own, like her grandparents used to, Ara had a large imagination, and would often play grand games of pretend with November, after he came to A’Grend.

                                But often, their games went a bit too far, their grand adventures teetering a bit too close to danger then young Ara was ready for. Not that she saw it that way.

                                One day, at eight years old, after being scolded, in front of her best friend, Ara goes off to sulk in the Gardens, at the Great Tree. She swings from her swing set, not understanding-as most children don’t- how a harmless little adventure could get her into trouble.

                                When a Serpent appears in the Garden.

                                Beguiled by the creature-Who she know she shouldn’t speak to, for serpents represent death- Ara can’t help but be intrigued as it promises her a life of grand adventure.

                                And, wholly deceived, young Ara allows the creature to bite her, poisoning her.

                                She nearly dies, and spends a week in torment, one which she doesn’t truly tell anyone about until many years later, but is saved miraculously by her grandmother.

                                Who takes the poison upon herself…dying in the process.

                                When Ara awakes…she’s left with an ever-growing scar, seeded in her right wrist by two small bite marks, and…

                                The news that her grandmother has died.

                                The guilt changes her forever, and she vows from then on to never make a mistake like that again. To never allow her emotions and feelings to get the best of her.

                                Essentially she locks away the piece of herself that holds the whimsy and adventure, believing it is dangerous. Emotion is dangerous. Perfection is required.

                                No more mistakes. No more hurting others.


                                And years later, that’s where our story begins.



                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6691

                                  Her Aesthetic-


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