Monthly Prompts!!!

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      @smiley Aww, tysm!!! ❤️❤️

      ahh, ikr??? 😍😍 that was my fav part of writing it XD


      Awwww, girl, I totally get that…everyone goes through a time like that. Just know that you’re not alone <3 I also listen to music for inspiration too, if you’d ever like to try that 😊

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        Awwww, girl, I totally get that…everyone goes through a time like that. Just know that you’re not alone <3

        Thanks girl!!

        I also listen to music for inspiration too, if you’d ever like to try that 😊

        Yeah I was just listening to some music, and you’re totally right, it helped quite a bit

        And that one prompt… Scary prank (to be honest when I was posting the prompts I already knew who I’d use…

        I’ll give you a hint, he’s a twin and it’s a fanfic


        Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @smiley ❤️❤️❤️

          Yes, music is sooooo helpful!!! <3

          And that one prompt… Scary prank (to be honest when I was posting the prompts I already knew who I’d use…

          I’ll give you a hint, he’s a twin and it’s a fanfic

          🤩🤩 OOHHHHH, can’t wait!!!!!!!!! 😍😍

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            @esther-c @acancello @euodia-vision @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @hybridlore @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

            Alright here’s mine for day 3

            Scary prank

            It’s a fanfiction, so uh… only Hannah is my original character XD

            Hide and Seek

            Hannah walked beside Vision, checking every crevice and closet as they continued down the hallway.

            “I’m still rather confused why we’re playing hide and seek,” Vision stated.

            Hannah looked at him and grinned as she explained. “Because Steve and Natasha wanted everyone to work on their ability to work as a spy, and Pietro wanting to have fun took that as playing hide and seek,”

            Vision nodded and then gave another confused look. “So if you find it unnecessary, then why are you playing?”

            “Because I want to wipe the smug look off of Pietro’s face when I find him,”

            Vision and Hannah walked silently for a little while until Hannah looked at him again.

            “So why are you playing?” Hannah said, smirking to herself, already knowing the answer.

            “Well, after Pietro convinced everyone-”

            “Including Wanda,” Hannah added and then nodded for Vision to continue.

            “Right… when he convinced everyone including Wanda, I suppose I didn’t want to be boring and not join in also,”

            “Right totally, but if Wanda was also staying on the sidelines, would you still be playing?”

            Vision turned to look at Hannah. “And if Steve had been the one trying to convince you instead of Pietro, would you have said yes?”

            Hannah went back to walking. almost in complete shock. “Wow… I didn’t know-”

            “That I could make quick remarks also?”

            Hannah couldn’t help but notice an almost proud face on Vision. “I guess so,”

            “At the start, we made a rule that we’re not allowed to use our powers, do you think Wanda or Pietro followed that rule?”

            Hannah thought about the question and then swayed her head back and forth. “I… doubt it,”

            “So with Pietro’s superspeed, he could’ve taken Wanda and him all the way across the building,”

            “And that would probably land them in the training room!” Hannah stated, already in a full sprint.

            Vision was a little surprised by the enthusiasm but he followed behind Hannah, not being able to fly or anything, he wouldn’t break the rules.


            Hannah made her way through the dark training room, she didn’t know where the light switch was and she slowly felt the bear wall as she continued.

            She looked over at Vision, the stone in his head glowed, but not enough to break the eerie darkness.

            “I still don’t see them,” Vision stated.

            “Me neither…” Hannah said in a whisper. She stuck her hand out, (as to feel for something she might run into) trying to feel something or someone.

            After a minute of searching, Hannah heard footsteps, causing her to look around.

            “Found you!”

            Hannah let out a shriek turning with her pepper spray in hand to see Pietro.

            Before noticing who it was, she pressed the button on her pepper spray. Pietro managed to run away before the pepper spray could reach him. But he imminently turned back to her once he was at a safe distance.

            “So this is the thanks I get when inviting you to play hide and seek?”

            “I’m supposed to find you, I assumed you knew the rules, and that’s what you get when you scare me,”

            “Who carries pepper spray when playing hide and seek?!”

            “You should be lucky that’s the only weapon I had on me today,” Hannah crossed her arms, as the lights flickered on, Wanda and Vision standing by the light switch. “Besides you cheated,”

            “Did you really think I wouldn’t?” Pietro asked, smirking.

            Hannah scowled.

            “What is going on here?!” Steve asked, clearly confused as to why everyone was in the training room, and not training.

            Everyone turned to see Steve and Natasha walking into the room.

            “And why is their Pepper spray in your hand?” Natasha gestured to Hannah’s right hand.

            “She tried to attack me with it,” Pietro said pointing to Hannah like they were elementary kids or something.

            “And what were you guys doing?”

            “Playing hide and seek,” Wanda stated.

            “And I totally won,” Sam said entering the room.

            “Seriously?!” Steve gave a sarcastic disappointed look.

            “You said to work on our spying skills, what’s better training than hide and seek?” Pietro acted like it made perfect sense.

            Steve gestured everyone out, but Hannah stayed to talk to Pietro. “I won,”
            “You never found me!” Pietro protested.

            “You cheated!”

            Pietro went silent but gave a heartfelt smile. The chemistry was clear between the two, and everyone could see it. The constant teasing and competition was just their stubbornness coming off, but the truth was, they’d cared about one another, deeply.

            Pietro would never let a single person lay a finger on Hannah, and Hannah would more than be willing to use her pepper spray on anyone who posed a threat to Pietro.




            Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              LOVE ITTTT! I enjoy seeing young Bucky and Steve. 😍

              I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @euodia-vision aww, tysm!! Haha, me too <3

                AHHH, I LOVE IT!!!

                Hannah&Pietro is just…perfection🤌😍

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  I know right!? I love them XD

                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    I’m gonna write something else soon for prompts 4 and 21…y’all be prepared for some Angst and greif and sadness but also silliness


                    y’all be prepared for all the emotions XD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      am I going to cry??!!! Because I already cried once today (Might have been watching some sad Marvel scenes on youtube… XD)

                      But I’m excited to read whatever it is

                      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @smiley uhm…maybe?? XD I did…so yes, it is very probable 😅 @acancello @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @euodia-vision @whalekeeper @anyone-else

                        So I wrote a short story for prompts 4 and 21, Leaves and Acorns.

                        This is a short story that takes place in between Leon/Riker’s 2nd and 3rd novels…

                        Leon, ma boi ❤️❤️😭❤️❤️

                        October 1951

                        Leaves fell, landing on the grass of the park.

                        “Take that, leaf, and that!”

                        Glancing up from the book he was attempting to read, Leon rose an eyebrow at his middle child. “Albert, what are you doing?”

                        Albert stomped on another leaf. “Crushing the leaves, Daddy. I must get rid of them…I am the leaf destroyer!”

                        Maybe Albert had read too many comic books.

                        Leon chuckled and went back to reading, sitting on a bench close to where Albert was playing.

                        “Daddy, Daddy, look!”

                        Leon closed his book and turned. He wasn’t getting any reading done today, that was for sure. “What, Elias?”

                        His six-year-old son, a front tooth missing, opened up his closed hands. “I found acorns, Daddy! Look at them, Daddy! They’re pretty!” Elias’ bright blue eyes sparkled with awe.

                        “Here, let me see,” Leon offered; he lifted Elias off the grass and placed him in his lap, “oh, they are pretty…where did you find them?”

                        “Under that tree.” Elias replied simply, pointing at an old oak tree.

                        “Do you know what kind of tree that is?”

                        “An Eiche!”

                        Leon chuckled and nodded in approval. “Yes, it is an oak tree. You may wanna try to answer in English next time though.”

                        Elias giggled and set the acorns down beside them, playing with the acorns by rolling them around and tossing them up into the air.

                        “What are you doing, Elias?”

                        “I found acorns, Albert! Look! Hey, no-don’t take any!”

                        “Elias, he can have one.”

                        Elias nodded, but his lower lip jutted out in a pout. Albert took one acorn and looked it over. He handed it back to Elias. “Okay, I’m done…you can play with it.”

                        Elias smiled from ear to ear and rolled the acorn in his hands.

                        Leon watched him with a smile. Elias could find beauty in almost anything, and it was beautiful.

                        “Hi Daddy, hello Elias.”

                        Elias held up the acorn. “Isabel, Isabel, look! I found acorns!”

                        Isabel gasped and went to her baby brother, admiring the acorns he found. “Wow, Elias, they’re so pretty. Did you find these under the oak tree?”

                        “Uh huh!”

                        Isabel smiled and sat on Leon’s other side, laying her head on Leon’s shoulder. “It’s so pretty today, Daddy.”

                        Leon planted a kiss on his twelve-year-old daughter’s forehead. “It is. Are you having fun-?“

                        “Daddy, what’s she doing?”

                        Leon followed where Elias was pointing. A woman sat on another bench, feeding her baby a bottle full of milk.

                        “She’s feeding her baby, Elias.”

                        “Who is she?”

                        “I don’t know, Elias…she’s just that baby’s Mommy.”

                        Elias studied the woman for another minute, before setting down his acorns. “…I don’t have a Mommy.”

                        Greif slammed Leon in the chest.

                        He thought his heart was finally healed, but scars could be opened.

                        It was no longer a gaping wound, but that didn’t mean the scar was healed.

                        Five years.

                        Five years since he lost Aadelheide.

                        October marked her birthday…and Leon missed her more than he ever had.

                        He would give so much to have her back. Not everything, but so much.

                        He didn’t entirely feel whole without her…his other piece was missing and always would be.

                        Half of a whole.

                        The pain in his heart…the numbers tattooed on his arms…the whip scars on his back…all reminders of all Leon had endured and all he had lost.

                        His heart ached for what could have been and what was supposed to be.

                        Leon hung his head. “God, I can’t do this…”

                        Elias and Isabel both looked at him, and Albert, seeing Leon, walked over, eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

                        And a voice, still as it was gentle, sounded in Leon’s ears. ‘You can with me.’

                        Tears stung Leon’s eyes and they coursed down his cheeks, cooling them.

                        He pulled Albert into his lap, setting one son on each knee and pulled Isabel closer, holding all three of his kids close.

                        “I love you so much.”

                        Isabel nestled against him and smiled. “We love you too, Daddy.”

                        Elias and Albert both cried their own choruses of “I love you, Daddy”, and Leon held them all closer.

                        He would always cherish the memories of yesterday, and he would look forward to the dreams of tomorrow.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2210


                          I was really close to crying… but I managed to not

                          But Leon!!!!! I know everyone loves Riker but Leon is my favorite 😍😢

                          Poor boi

                          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2973


                            Awww that was really sad and really sweet. ;(

                            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              aww that was cute! I love Peitro XD

                              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @smiley @mineralizedwritings Aww, thank y’all so much!! ❤️❤️❤️


                                Awww, Miley, that makes me so happy knowing Leon is your fav…I feel like he gets overlooked sometimes XD

                                I love him tho…he’s second only to Riker 😍😍

                                I feel so bad for the poor boi 😭

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @freedomwriter76 that was SO. CUTE.

                                  A little sad considering he lost his wife…..

                                  BUT STILL.


                                  And that little sibling story with Steve and Bucky was PRICELESS.

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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