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      I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @euodia-vision @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper

        HERE IS PART 2!! This will be a three-parter!!!


        Prompt 18: Fever Dream/Hysteria

        TW: Blood, Kitnapping, Mention of animal slavery/abuse/skinning, needles, death

        I know the TW make it sound rough but it’s actually not as bad as it sounds? XD

        Nyx’s limbs struggled against the force that held him still; everything inside of him crying out to be free. His jaws snapped relentlessly, grabbing hold of whatever he could find, eyes growing dim.

        He could still feel the sharp, burning pain in his hip from where the needle had been inserted. That…disgusting piece of metal….inside of him…administering who knows what into his system…

        The thought of it…the feeling of fur and skin breaking, even for just a second…

        Nyx just couldn’t help himself. Could no longer tell friend from foe. All he could see was pitch blackness and blood, like ink, dripping past his vision.

        He’d fought hard. He really had. But in the end, he couldn’t help but succumb to the numbing anxiety coursing through him as his labored breaths caught up to him. The tiredness and fear from before finally forcing itself onto him, making every piece of him sluggish.

        At last, he gave into the overwhelming urge to just….





        Dew dripping from the vines.

        The soft, dark tan fur that nuzzled up beside him, filling his senses. Her smell, like the wildflowers that surrounded them; wild but wonderful. Earthy as the soil. 

        Her nose dove into his fur, a contented trill echoing from her maw as the cool wetness touched his warmth. She smiled, settling in around him. 

        The small kit tucked his head up from his mother’s curling grasp, a single ear shot up; the other drooping.

        He yawned. Blinked.

        Another kit ran by, jumping over the mother fox’s front paws, his black fur shining in the sunlight. He squealed as he was chased by another kit, this one similar in color to the mother, and the smaller one in her grip, though with cocoa brown accents.

        The black furred kit continued to run in his chase before tripping over an extended branch, tumbling headfirst. He sat up, shaking his head and three tails. A halfway grin lit his face as he squealed with laughter, his sister stopping to laugh with him.

        A fourth kit, this one a beautiful, pearl white in color, stepped out from the den behind the mother; hidden in the plain sight. She blinked in the sunlight, glancing up, ears perked.

        The smallest of them, still tucked near Mother’s bosom, lifted a paw, preparing to take a step out. He slipped, sliding down his mother’s side, tails flailing.

        His siblings glanced at him, all bigger and brighter then he. They grinned, the blackest one snickering.

        Mother snapped, a small click coming from her throat as she lifted her youngest in her mouth, setting him on the grass.

        “Don’t tease,” She spoke, voice firm but gentle, her tongue licking out at the youngest kit as she cleaned him. She glanced at the other kits, raising a brow. “Shouldn’t you be heading out? Father is waiting.”

        The black kit straightened, seeming to blush a bit as his sister laughed. The three obeyed, rushing off through the grass, making little to no noise, as they’d been taught.

        The littlest kit squeaked as he watched his siblings go, nose scrunching as he frowned. He fell to his stomach, placing his head onto his front paws, pouting. Mother smiled, nuzzling him with her nose.

        “Ah *****. You’ll join them one day. I promise. You just need to get a bit bigger.”

        Little one huffed in annoyance, burying his face as his mother continued to clean him.



        The littlest kit awoke, blinking a few times before yawning. He scowled as his mother poked his head and then his side. He swatted at her, only for her to pick him up by the scruff. He squeaked, eyes widening.

        “We need to go. Now.”

        Little one blinked, glancing up at his mother.

        Her bright brown eyes shook with a look he’d never seen in them before, yet…one he seemed to know immediately.


        She jumped from the den, keeping her head and body low, hiding and lurking through the grass as she left. 

        Little one looked up, noticing the moon was out. He looked around. 

        Why was his siblings not home?

        His father?

        He Squeaked.

        “Shhh *****.”

        His mother ducked under a limb, crawled under some bush. Paused. Her eyes narrowed as she sniffed the air, setting Little One down for a moment.

        He sat stock still, staring at Mother with intensity, scanning every nook of her face.

        He wasn’t sure what was happening…or…why he was feeling the way he was feeling…

        Or what this feeling even was…


        He knew he didn’t like it.

        Mother glanced at him. Forced a smile. “Stay here, *****.” She bent down her head, touching Little One’s nose with her own. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

        Little One squeaked as his mother backed up and then disappeared into the dark brush, leaving the tiny kit alone, the cold wind beating against his fur.

        He shivered, sniffling. He hunkered down, tails swaying. 

        It seemed like hours passed as he waited. Perhaps it was only a few moments.

        Where was Mother?

        It was so cold out here…

        And…he was kinda hungry.

        Why had they left?

        And where was Poppa and his siblings?

        Little One whimpered, laying down and shivering.

        For a moment…he wondered…

        Was Mother ever coming back?


        He wasn’t sure when…but at some point, Little One must have fallen asleep.

        Until he was awoken by the sound of a shrill cry. 

         He jumped, tails wrapping under his legs, eyes widening as the cold air chilled him to his core.

        It was pitch black now, the forest around him looking darker than ever before. He squeaked. And squeaked again, wishing his mother were here. Calling for her.

        Another shrill cry.

        He took a step, peeking out from the brush he was hidden in as the cries grew more frantic. More…





        Little One shrieked as his mother’s eye caught his; the look of pure desperation and fear making him freeze in place.

        She let out a screech that sounded like she was being murdered, her eyes bulging as a rough, coarse hand tightened around her neck. She writhed and clawed at her attacker, fangs bared, but it seemed to be no use.

        But…after watching for a moment, Little One realized that, his mother wasn’t screaming because she was being hurt, or she was frightened for herself.

        But because…she’d spotted him.

        “*****! RUN!”

        Little One stood in place, unable to move, head still poking out from the brush as his mother fought against the two large men trying to catch her. Trying to stuff her into the rusted cage they held.

        “This one’ll fetch a pretty penny, eh? Fur’s real nice, not coarse like that male we caught yesterday.”

        “Yup. Them kits we caught’ll fetch somethin’ nice too.”

        “Be a shame if they skin’em. My daughter’ed love one of’em as a pet. Hear they’re pretty smart.”

        “As if you could afford one!

        Little One watched in horror as they continued to wrestle with his mother, finally subduing her. 

        “Feisty one, eh?”

        “Yup, prolly the momma.”

        Little One squeaked as he watched one of the men lift the rusted cage, readying to put his mother inside.

        What were they doing to her?! They were taking her away! They…they couldn’t do that! He…

        He wouldn’t let them!

        He yipped, jumping out as best he could considering his size, extremely small fangs bared. He yapped and squeaked at the two men, running on uncoordinated paws.

        “*****!” Mother screeched, eyes widening once more. She clawed at one of the men holding her, catching him near the cheek. He let out a large cry, releasing his hold.

        The other man grappled with her, allowing her to bite him.

        “You little-!” He yelled. 

        Little One continued to yip, eyes closed now, tears falling as he stood as tall as he could, trying to look strong and brave.

        He’d chase them off if it was the last thing he did!

        His mother continued to claw at the man who held her by the scruff, catching him by the wrist, and then the neck with her claw, and then the chest. He yelled out in pain, and then, in anger, throwing the mother fox wildly.

        With a thud, she hit a nearby tree, whimpering on impact.

        Little One opened his eyes at the sound, watching as his mother rolled to the floor. He squeaked, crying as he ran to her. 

        Mother coughed and wheezed, shaking her head and limping to stand. She growled, baring her teeth at the two men as Little One nuzzled her.

        “Stupid animal! Go get the sedatives!”

        “Gah,” the man who’d been clawed glared, rushing to do just that.

        Mother glared, growling and watching with narrowed eyes. She glanced at Little One, eyes softening, tails wrapping around him protectively.

        “So, ya got another kit. No wonder ya so wild,” the man hissed, eyeing the small kit. “Tiny thing,” he huffed. “Probably won’t fetch much of anything. If he even survives long.”

        Mother screeched eyes blazing with fire as she lashed out at the man, injuries forgotten. Little One cried out as she leapt, ears dropping in fear at the sight of his mother’s sudden fury.

        Latching onto the trader’s arm, Mother’s jaw locked, refusing to release. The trader cried out in pain, shaking his arm wildly to try and make the female fox release, but it was no use.


        The one called Gabe ran back over, two glass objects in hand. His eyes widened at the sight of his partner, practically dancing around with the female fox on his arm.

        “Sedate her!”

        “With you flinging around?!”

        The trader growled, eyes turning practically red as the Mother’s grip grew tighter around his arm, blood seeping from his sleeve. Seeming to have had enough, the trader spun around, grabbing the vixen by the scruff and violently ripping her from his arm, pulling skin with her.

        “THAT’S ENOUGH!” He screamed, hitting her against a tree multiple times before finally dropping her to the ground.

        Little One screeched as his mother fell limp to the ground, beaten and bruised. The tiny kit’s eyes widened at the terrible sight. He took a step towards her, but not before being scooped up by a rough hand.

        He screamed, kicking out wildly, though with his small stature, it did nothing.

        Though, he did manage to get in a small bite, latching onto the man’s hand.

        “GAH!” The man cried, pulling the kit off. “STUPID-LITTLE-“ The man held Little One up, eyes blazing with a fury that made the small kit wish he could disappear.

        “Hey, take it easy! C’mon, he’s just a kit. Sides, you already got rid of one. We need this one.”

        Little One shivered, eyes full of tears. His sights flew to the bedraggled, lump of fur still lying near the tree. Her chest didn’t move. Her ears didn’t twitch. Tails didn’t flick.

        There was no spark to her eyes.

        No earthy, wild smell…





        Though he’s never truly had to deal with it before…Little One had seen death. In the prey they ate. What they’re father, and his siblings hunted. But now…

        He knew death firsthand

        Little One squeaked in pain…

        But not physical.

        “Did you hurt’em?”

        “Nawh, I didn’t do a thing, kit’s just stupid. Prolly won’t get nothing from him. If we’re lucky some collector will want him.” The man who held Little One…the one who’d killed his mother…pulled him into his chest, holding his limbs still and his maw closed. 

        Little One fought, whimpering and squeaking as tears streamed down his cheeks. 

        “Just sedate him already.”

        “Fine,” Gabe sighed, approaching with one of the metal objects in his hand.

        Little One shrieked, as the object came close, a sharp tip on its end evident, and coming ever closer to his skin, until finally…


        Everything went dark.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          Btw, this is about how big Nyx would be in this memory 😭 


          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732


            AWW Nyx! poor thing!!!

            I hate how some people do that to animals in real life. Like, they kill them for no reason but money or for fun.

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1405


              Awww … that’s so sad!!! 😭😭 What do all the asterisks mean?

              “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @hybridlore Nyx doesn’t remember his given name…only his name now; Nyx


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1405


                  Ohhh ok.

                  “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper @esther-c @euodia-vision @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h


                    haven’t written it yet but the next one will show how Nyx came to be in Lyn’s care and received his name


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1405


                      Ooooohhh I can’t wait!!!

                      “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 842

                        @godlyfantasy12 @hybridlore @lightoverdarkeness6 @anyone!

                        I haven’t done a prompt in a long time, but had a great idea for one today! It takes place in my other WIP, “The house of Jade.” About a mother in 1899, raising 7 children in a mansion with her husband. Hope you like it!

                        Day 9- I’m not sick. (Its also kind of like a mix of a few more)

                        “Mommy, please let me go! I feel fine.” Whined a little child around seven, sitting in a Victorian style bed with a silken canopy over the top.

                        Jade leaned over and kissed the burning forehead. “Tomorrow darling, if you are well.”
                        “But I have to go. Everyone will…” The child leaned forward and coughed violently.

                        Jade nodded grimly. “No, you must stay home. If you dont you will get worse and not be able to go for a long time.”

                        The young child finished coughing and looked up at Jade, eyes full of tears.

                        “Sometimes it is rough being a kid. You get so excited over something, unlike adults and most of the time it doesn’t work out.”

                        Jade smiled and ran her fingers through his blonde hair. “Goodnight darling, I will check on you in the morning and see how you are feeling.”
                        “I will be better! Oh yes I will!” The child cheered, bouncing up and down as Jade closed his door.

                        James, her husband, was waiting outside the door. “How’s little Orion doing?” He asked.

                        “He is sick, but with what I don’t know. Poor child wanted to go to the brand new cinema downtown with all his little friends but his condition is terrible.”

                        She smoothed her red dress and sat down on an elegant chair. “Sometimes it is hard being a mother. I feel so awful telling the poor child he can’t go to something he was looking forward to.”

                        James just sighed and stared out the window.

                        Jade took out her embroidery and began to sew by the evening light spilling through the elegant stained glass window above her.

                        Little did they know that Orion was planning on how to get better.

                        “So Orion, how do you feel?” Asked a little girl, a few years younger than Orion. She wore her hair in two pigtails and had a pink dress that reached her ankles.

                        “Great.” He said hoarsely. “Never b-b-better.”

                        “You don’t sound to good.”

                        “I’m fine.”

                        “Well I know how you can get better.”
                        Orion looked up from his pillow. “You do? Can you help me?”

                        The girl pulled a small bottle out from her pocket. “This should do the trick.”
                        Orion reached for the bottle but she pulled it back. “You can only have it if you give me all your weekly allowance.”

                        He scrunched his eyes shut and balled his little fists. “Fine. You are not very nice Raven.”

                        She made no answer but walked over to his piggy bank and knocked out the contents.

                        “Only take the amount Raven.”

                        She showed him the change in her hand, it was correct.

                        Orion sighed and pulled his blanket up to his chin. “Now can I have the medicine?”
                        “Yes, of course.” She replied, handing him the small brown bottle. “Drink it all in one gulp and you can join us at the cinema.”

                        Orion eagerly uncorked the bottle and sniffed it. “Yuck! It smells like…like. Like something.”
                        Raven shook her head and walked out of the room.

                        Orion thought hard, sniffed the bottle one last time before drinking it all in one gulp.


                        Jade and James heard the scream and ran upstairs where they found Orion clutching his throat, choking and sputtering.

                        “What happened dearest?” Jade asked, falling to her knees pulling him into her lap. “What hurts?”

                        Orion was turning red and croaked. “R-r-r-r-raven.”
                        James looked serious. “What about Raven? What did she do to you?”

                        Orion hid his face in Jade’s dress fold and pulled out a bottle from his pocket.

                        James took it and smelled the contents. “Lemon juice.” He said.

                        Jade took a deep breath. “Poor darling! Your throat must be so painful.”
                        Orion nodded and coughed a few more times.
                        “You better go to bed now.” Jade ordered. “And James, find Raven.”
                        The two adults did their tasks and soon, Orion was put to bed and Raven stood at the foot with Jade and James next to her.

                        “Now Raven.” James said in a deep voice. “Why would you do that?”
                        Raven paled. “I only meant fun! I did not really expect him to drink it.  I am sorry and look- I even gave the money back!”
                        Jade turned towards her daughter. “You did wrong Raven and believe you feel bad for it, your punishment will be to stay home from the new cinema today and you will be able to go when Orion feels better. As you will be taking him and paying for his ticket.”

                        James nodded and led Raven out of the room.

                        Jade stood in the darkness watching the little body on the bed rise and fall with each breath. It was hard being a mother, hard, fun, exciting and full of joy at every turn.

                        She looked around at her surroundings. Pictures on the walls, a large window behind her, candles lit on the wall. Lovely children and a lovely husband.  She was truly blessed.

                        "Would you kindly...?"

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1308


                          NYX! AH! That was so sad. 😭😭😭

                          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1405


                            Oh wow… Poor Orion 😅 A whole bottle of lemon juice…

                            “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1643


                              NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 That was HEARTBREAKING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

                              And now I’m crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭

                              I love foxes so much, I hate how people hunt and kill them for sport. They’re so beautiful and they are God’s creations, just like we are.

                              Poor Nyx 💔💔💔😭😭😭


                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 842


                                Yep… Raven just loves to mess with her older brother. 🙂 The Bell family is so much fun to write about!

                                "Would you kindly...?"

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4732

                                  @acancello Nice scene! Ah, Raven, little annoyance…lol

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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