Monthly Prompts!!!

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  • #151399
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Same here, I’ve just been stalking XD

      “Everything is a mountain”

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1405


        Yep XD

        “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @godlyfantasy12 I’m good with that!!

          I still haven’t figured anything out. Mostly I’m here to read everyone else’s great scenes…

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308


            Oooh, I like this idea! I think that would make room for me to write more of the prompts. In my head, if I  miss a day I can’t go back. 😂😅

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @esther-c @koshka @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @whalekeeper @anyone-else


              I WROTE FOR A PROMPT!!


              Prompt 10: Medicine/Injection

              TW: Needles/Fear of needles, panic, slight hyperventilating, begging. My baby doesn’t have a good time…

              By the way…I think I’m going to expand on this and write this as a Nyx’s Origins story…. So this sickfic will be a two parter!. Btw, Nyx’s past is a bit blurry for him as he was an extremely small kit, having been weaned off his mother only a few days prior but still kept under her care. He was the runt of the four kit litter.


              “He needs it, Lyn.”

              “I don’t care! You’re not doing it, I won’t let you!”


              “No, Grimm. I’m not going to make him do this.”

              The couple went back and forth, the tallest of the two’s brows furrowing with a mix of understanding, but also serious intensity.

              This needed to be done…they both knew it.

              But Lyn was not about to let her darling…her love’s fears be invalidated. 

              Was not about to put him through this.

              Grimm glanced to his left, where the small ball of fur lay, curled into a tight ball, shaking like a leaf blown about by the wind. His tails covered most of his body, and his nose tucked into his legs, ears folded. His eyes were squeezed shut and his fur was the most light, cream color Grimm had ever seen it.

              Grimm looked at the item in his hand; the one that had caused the fiery, always screeching kit to collapse into a shriveling mess. He’d been expecting a fight: shrieks and hisses and flashes of white teeth.

              But not…not this.

              “Lyn…listen, I understand…I do. I knew a lot back home who…struggled just like this,”

              Jocelyn shook her head, a few tears glistening in her emerald eyes. She stood in front of the crumpled furball, body trembling as she tried her best to protect her friend…her heart…from the very thing he needed.


              Grimm came close, setting down the syringe in his hand on a nearby table. He gently took her by the shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “Shh…it’s going to be alright. I promise. He’s going to be alright. I’ll make sure that…that he’s taken care of.”

              “He’s so scared, Grimm. He’s always been scared of…of needles. Sharp objects. A-anything like that..” She hiccuped. “I don’t want him to-to hate me…”

              “Jocelyn…he would never hate you. Trust me.” Grimm laid his chin on Lyn’s head, rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to calm her as she cried into his chest. “You two are knit with a string that can never be severed.” He backed up, holding her gaze. “But…I do need you. To help me. Nyx trusts you, and while I can and will take the brunt of his anger, I need you to keep him calm while I do this.” Jocelyn pinched her lips shut, eyes crinkling as she shook her head. “Can you do that? For me?” Grimm tucked a strand of her hair back. “For Nyx?”

              Lyn sucked in a stuttering sigh, fingers shaking as she gripped Grimm’s hands in her own. She nodded, turning to look at her darling, still curled up in the corner.

              “Okay…I’m…I’m ready.”

              Grimm tucked his chin, lifting the syringe once again. Lyn stepped towards Nyx, getting down onto her knees beside him.

              The kit was curled round tightly, like a spring coiled and ready to burst at any moment. He’d gone from shuddering every moment to twitching anxiously every few seconds.

              Lyn’s hands hovered above him, hear wafting from her skin. The kit sniffed, smelling her nearby, and lifted his nose slightly, eyes narrowed. His fur was pale, eyes thinned into slits and…wet around the edges.


              Tell him to leave,” He hissed, low and raspy. A threat.

              “Nyx you know I can’t…”

              I won’t let him near me. I won’t.

              “Nyxie…it’s alright to be afraid,” her hand went down, touching his fur as gently as if he were made of glass.

              He jerked violently, making her heart leap, but her hand remained on his fur, stroking him.

              “But we’re here for you. I’m here for you. And Grimm, he’d never do anything to harm you.”

              I won’t. Let. Him. Touch me,” Nyx growled, head poked out a bit more, fangs bared. His hackles raised as he growled.

              “Please, sweetheart…” Jocelyn laid her other hand against Nyx’s scruff, smoothing it down, “We’ve got to do this. You can trust me, you know you can.”

              Nyx’s eyes gleamed with a wild look, panic flashing in his expression as Lyn continued to try and calm him. He hissed and scowled as Grimm took a step forward, syringe hidden behind his back.

              “Love…trust me…” Jocelyn placed a hand under Nyx’s chin, and the other on his neck fur, gently turning his head. Though it took a bit before he quick growling and spitting at Grimm, he eventually turned his panic eyes to Lyn.

              His ears drooped, all malice gone and replaced with utter fear and desperation as he stared at the blonde. The one he’d come to call family. His Lynnie. His girl.

              Please, Lynnie…Please,” Nyx whimpered; a sound that made Jocelyn’s stomach want to scoop the kit into her arms and take him far away from any of this pain.

              “You’re safe, Nyx,” Jocelyn said, feeling as though…maybe…those words would somehow help ease some of the fear in his large, brown eyes.

              Grimm stepped forward, making Nyx jerk his head, trying to pull it out of Lyn’s grip, but she held it firm, rubbing his fur to try and soothe him.

              “Easy, easy…”

              Nyx fought to free his head and neck from her hands as Grimm knelt beside them, syringe still hidden behind him. Not that it did any good.

              Nyx screeched, the sound coming out like a wail instead of his usual angry yells. No words escaped as he continued to cry out, a few tears sprouting from his now wide eyes, which were wildly trying to get a glimpse at whatever Grimm was doing.

              Lyn’s body heaved as she tried with all her might to keep her sobs inside, hands shaking as she held her Nyx’s head in her hands, refusing to release him.

              Despite everything she’d done in her life…this had to be one of the hardest…

              “You’re doing great,” Grimm said, ever the calm type. His eyes met Lyn’s, as if letting her know the words weren’t only for Nyx.

              He took his free hand and grabbed Nyx’s back, close to his backside and back legs, firmly but not hard enough to harm him. He held him down, not allowing the kit’s kicking and wailing to unnerve him. Nyx’s tails twitched and flung wildly, but couldn’t do anything else.

              “Alright, Jocelyn, I need you to hold his head with one hand and his upper body with the other. Can you do that?”

              “I-I…” Lyn sucked in a breath, tears streaming down her cheeks. She nodded, “Alright.” She did as Grimm asked, heart wrenching as Nyx writhed under her hold.

              Lyn! Lynnie p-please! D-don’t! Don’t l-let him!”

              “Oh, Nyxie…” Lyn breathed, rubbing his fur with her thumb. “It’s going to be alright, I promise. I promise. When this is all over, we’re going to do whatever you want. Anything at all!”

              Grimm met Jocelyn’s eyes as he lifted the syringe, positioning his hands and firmly pressing down to keep Nyx still. The kit squeaked and wailed at the sight of the glinting needle, eyes widening. His breath quickened, tails wrapping as best they could beneath his legs.

              “I’m going to administer it now,” Grimm said, despite Nyx’s begging. He rubbed Nyx’s fur, trying to soothe the dismayed animal as best he could. He frowned, a small sigh escaping. “Nyx…I know you don’t trust me…but you have my word, I wouldn’t be doing this is if it weren’t important. And…whatever happened that made you like this…We’re not going to hurt you.”

              Nyx calmed for a second, though the tears didn’t stop. He twitched and shuddered as Grimm continued to rub his hip with his thumb.

              “You ready?”

              Nyx shook his head, whimpering.

              Grimm lowered the syringe and inserted the needle right where Nyx’s back paws and hip met. The kit let out a small shriek that made Jocelyn jump.

              “Easy, easy!” Grimm said, putting away the syringe as Nyx began to kick and writhe, fangs bared again. This time his eyes glazed over, as if he were in an entirely different place. A different time. He nearly bit one of Lyn’s fingers before she found hold somewhere else on his head.

              “What’s wrong with him?! You said it wouldn’t hurt him!” Lyn sobbed.

              “It’s not,” Grimm said plainly. “Give him to me.”


              “Give him to me!” He didn’t ask anymore, scooping the flailing kit into his arms. Nyx scratched and bit at any and all exposed skin, but Grimm barely flinched, wrestling the kit into a tight hold in his lap. He took every lick Nyx gave him, until finally the fox began to tire, breaths heavy and eyes dimming.

              Jocelyn watched in concern and horror, pulling her knees to her chest. Wishing it was all a nightmare.

              “What’s wrong with him…?”

              “I’ve seen it before. Back home. It’s just an…instinct. This…savage, raw behavior that comes out sometimes when you’re shoved into a corner. Everyone has it, but sometimes when you’re an animal… I guess…I guess when Nyx felt the needle, he just couldn’t take it anymore.”

              “Is he going to be alright?” Jocelyn whispered, as if afraid of the answer. She put out a hand, gently touching Nyx’s ear as the kit drifted into a leery, fitful sleep.

              “He’ll be fine. Honestly…I’m more concerned about whatever caused him to react this way…”

              Jocelyn met Grimm’s eyes, unspoken words passing between them.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3144



                You know, they should’ve done what a nurse did to my brother the other day – just don’t tell him they are gonna give him a shot, and stick it in ‘im while he’s distracted.

                Word of advice, it works like a charm.

                “Everything is a mountain”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @whalekeeper yea, though I feel like Nyx would’ve caught on (especially being a fox) plus sometimes when it’s someone with an actual phobia u want to make sure their fear isn’t invalidated ya know? So I tried to make sure it wasn’t, and make sure Grimm and Jocelyn were caring and compassionate and not just like “suck it up, you’re fine.”


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    The next one I’m going to write is hysteria or whatever and it’s going to be continuation of this one, to show why Nyx is so freaked out by needles


                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732


                      Aww, Nyx….

                      Although I feel like needle trauma is something a lot of characters have. Especially if they’re unique in some way–which meant they were often experimented on or studied.

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2973


                        That was really good! Also, Grim seems really sweet. Not sure why I didn’t know that about him before.

                        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @mineralizedwritings he is! I kinda wanna break the “Grumpy, loner, stoic trope” if that makes sense. That’s the type of trope he’d fall under in normal circumstances but I like trying to turn tropes on their heads! So instead he’s more like…


                          Hm, if you’d ever watched the animated series batman, he’s like that batman, (not sometimes the one you see portrayed now.) he is stoic, calm, and yes he has his moments where maybe he can come across as moody but in truth he’s just quiet and speaks only when he has something to say or add. He’s more of a listener, but his emotions are actually very deep and his heart is extremely large, which is why he feels so deeply.

                          If anything he might feel deeper than some of the others, and is more in tune then some give him credit for.

                          He’s been through a lot though, so he’s also wise beyond his years and had to grow up extremely fast, (just like Bruce Wayne/Batman) so yea. They’re kinda similar.


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1405


                            Oohh, cool!! I really like the turning the trope thing, and I love his character! I agree, he seems really sweet ❤

                            “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ~ Anne Shirley.

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1643


                              Nyyyyyyxxxxxxxx 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 The babyyyyyyy

                              WhO DiD tHaT tO hIm?! AnD wHaT dId ThEy Do?!?!?!?!

                              And Grimmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰 I love him so muchhhhh

                              Poor Jocelyn 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2973


                                I really like that!

                                I totally thought he was that stereotypical dark moody boi until this, I love that he has some empathy and understanding (even more than others).

                                I’m not familiar with anything batman sorry 😭😭

                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @lightoverdarkness6 you’ll see 😏



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