Monthly Prompts!!!

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  • #149907
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @keilah-h Aww, I’m so glad I can make this more fun for you!!! 💖💖

      I’m trying to work on one for the headache/migraine prompt…but writing’s going SUPER slow with the puppy, lol

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        I’m writing one for comfort items (Kind of angsty XD)

        And November is a favorite

        might prefer Arthur just a little XD

        Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2210

          @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @euodia-vision @zemira @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper @anyone-else-lol-idk-XD

          I have one for comfort and pillow day (Kind of forgot what day that was XD)

          Ellie lay on the bed, letting out a soft moan. The flu was the worst, the absolute worse. Than again needles were the worse. So getting the vaccine wasn’t an option, at least not for her. And while she’s not proud of lying to her aunt, she wouldn’t let the doctor come with in fifteen-feet of her with the needle.

          “How are you feeling?” Ellie looked up to see Adrian.

          “I think I’m dying,” Ellie moaned.

          “I’m going to miss you,” Adrian said smirking.

          “Oh shut up,” Ellie through a pillow at him, with a laugh.

          “Guess what we have?” Sophie said with a smile from ear to ear, as her and Harper entered into the room.

          “Ooh let me see,” Ellie shot straight up in her bed, like the once pain sickening cold didn’t bother her any more.

          “Why do you look happier for a gift than me?!” Adrian pretended to be offended.

          “I’ve seen you before, and honestly you’re not that interesting.”

          Adrian threw the pillow back at her, making Ellie giggle.

          “Alright let me see,” Ellie went back to focusing on the gift.

          “We brought Daisy!” Sophie pulled a stuffed bunny, out from behind her back.

          “Daisy!” Ellie grabbed the stuff bunny, hugging it like she was a toddler, and not a teen girl.

          Adrian raised an eyebrow, clearly not getting the importance of the droopy bunny, Ellie was clinging to so tight.

          “Daisy was a gift from my Mom, she embroider my name on her ear.” Ellie stated, seeing Adrian’s confusion. “She uh… she means a lot to me,”

          Adrian looked at Ellie, her eyes filling with tears. He then looked at the stitched name on the Bunny’s ear. Eliza.

          “Eliza?” Adrian look confused, everyone knew her name was Ellie, short for Elizabeth.

          “That was her special nick name for me, her one and… only Eliza, she used to say.” Ellie looked at the bunny. “Her one and only Eliza,” The words seemed to sink in, she hadn’t realized how few times she would hear her Mom say that.

          Sophie and Harper’s faces went gloomy.

          Adrian looked at all three girls, he felt for them.

          “I brought soup!” Grandma announced as she entered the room.

          “Aww thank you,” Ellie grabbed the tray from her Grandma, her face brightening.

          “And how is everyone doing?” Grandma asked with a gentle smile, that cheered up the whole room.

          “Good, just remembering,” Harper replied.

          “So do you guys have Daisies too?” Adrian asked looking at Sophie and Harper.

          “Of course, but mine is named Lily, and Sophie’s is Iris,”

          “There’s a flower theme,” Sophie shrugged.


          Ellie looked at Adrian, everyone else had left. But Adrian hadn’t than again they usually spent the whole day together. After all they were best friends, and since they were cousins, more like siblings, they didn’t have any weird pressure to be anything more than friends.

          “What’s wrong?” Ellie could see the distress in Adrian’s eyes.

          “Nothing, it’s uh… selfish,”

          “It’s not selfish to be hurt, but it’s selfish if you help me in my struggles, and I don’t help in yours.”

          “I just… never had a Mom or a Dad, I mean I had a Mom, but uh… she focused on her work,” Adrian hesitated. “I knew my babysitters better than I knew her,”

          “Adrian…” Ellie set her hand on top of his hand. “I’m so sorry,”

          “I just never got special gifts, gifts sure, lots of them, but never gifts that meant anything.”

          Ellie looked at Daisy and then Adrian. “I guess I was lucky for the parents I had, even if it was for a short time.”

          “Probably, but you had a harder goodbye, I didn’t even know my Dad,” Adrian shrugged the pain off. “I just never really had anybody,”

          “Well,” Ellie looked up at Adrian and smiled. “Now you do,”

          Adrian grinned, looking at Ellie. “Yeah, now I do,”


          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308


            I want to read some SICKFICS XD XD

            ACK! I’M TRYING!

            (Implying that November is everyone’s favorite ginger even tho there isn’t any real data to prove that…) XD XD

            Oh, I’m sure there’s data somewhere, there has to be.

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4732

              @smiley aww I love it!

              November counts as “the favorite ginger” if only because there isn’t anyone else to compare him to….so…

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2210


                Okay (I’m going to sound like an idiot, but what does ginger mean?) XD I thought it just meant favorite, but my confidence in that has lowered XD

                Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4732

                  @esther-c Wowwww!

                  I’m so glad Derek and Adrian both get redeemed. There’s too much opportunity for them not to be.


                  Also I loved Lukas and Skylar’s little scene. Their ship name still makes me laugh so hard…


                  (Sorry that was late.)


                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4732

                    @smiley wow I somehow missed that scene…..I like it!!

                    You’re just trying out as many ships as you can, aren’t you…..😏 Ha, I do that too sometimes.

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @keilah-h @esther-c @euodia-vision @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper @koshka @smiley

                      I FINALLLLY WROTE DAY 5 XD

                      Day 5: Comfort Item 

                      Continuation of day 2!

                      After getting Paxton settled, Ara had quickly gotten to work filling in her family on the boy’s sudden turn and his raging fever. Ima had been worried, immediately bustling into his room and coddling over him, as any good mother would.

                      Though the boy was still getting used to his new family, and home, Paxton seemed to appreciate the gentle touches and soothing voice of his new Ima; a stark contrast from what he’d come from.

                      “Oh, sweetheart…” She cooed, hands pushing strands of hair from Paxton’s eyes. Sweat beaded against his brow, his usually fluffy hair now oily and sticking to his face. Ima glanced at Ara, worry creasing her face, causing small wrinkles to form on her brow.

                      “Have you contacted the doctor?” Ara nodded.

                      Paxton groaned, shifting in his bed, making both women turn, the pitiful sound striking a chord in each of them. He shook his head weakly, blue eyes watering.

                      “N-No…No, no d-doctor,” a cough wracked his small frame, making the bed shudder violently. Ima gasped, gently rubbing one of the boy’s shoulders. He winced at the touch, whimpering. She backed away, eyes softening, glancing at her daughter for advice.

                      Ara sat on the bedside, gently easing the little boy back onto his pillow. “Easy, easy buddy. Why? Why no doctors?”

                      Paxton just shook his head, a few tears falling from his eyes. He raised his hands to his face, squeezing his eyes shut. Ara frowned, trying to coax him into looking at her, but he refused. Ima sat up, placing her hands into her lap.

                      “Perhaps…I’ll leave you two alone?” Ima offered a small smile, placing a soothing hand on Ara’s shoulder before standing to exit the room, casting one last glance at her new, sickly little boy, eyes growing glassy.

                      Ara listened as the door shut behind them, the silence overtaking the room for a moment. A small sniffle escaped from beneath Paxton’s hands, his blankets shivering.

                      “Pax? Do you want to talk?”

                      Paxton shook his head, another cough racking his body. He peeked out from behind his hands, breathing in a few gasps of air. “W-want…w-want!”

                      Ara tilted her head, bending down a bit, concern marking her features. “Want what, Snow? What is it?”

                      “Want!” He cried a bit, sniffling. Heat exuded from him, the bags under his eyes now shining a bit of a deep purple, his cheeks flushed. His hand gently touched Ara’s, skin clammy. “Wh-where she? Where…?”

                      “Snow, I don’t know what you want…I’m sorry…” She sighed, scanning the boy. He was covered tightly…were the blankets too warm? Maybe…he was hungry? Or thirsty? Or…

                      She gasped, finally understanding what she saw.

                      Or…didn’t see.

                      “Hope…” She whispered. “Oh, Hope. Where…where did she…” She looked around, eyes brightening as she spotted the small, brown teddy on the floor. She smiled, lifting it up and dusting it off.

                      Definitely not the finest of toys, by any means, and while Paxton could have his pick now, Ara knew that Hope was and always would be special to him. Ragged and coarse as she was, she’d always been there for him. He’d told Ara many times how the bear had helped him through difficult trials. How the tears and rips seemed to…almost, in a way, represent him. To show that, no matter what, he could get through things too.

                      Just like Hope.

                      “Is this what you’re looking for?” She asked, holding out the bear. Paxton sniffed, but his blue eyes lit up at the sight of the fuzzy stuffy. He reached out with small arms, wrapping around the object and squeezing it tight, face brightening with contentment as he pushed his face into Hope’s head. He sucked in a deep breath, and Ara couldn’t help but smile.

                      Until, mid-breath, the boy began to cough violently, having to sit up and grip the sides of his bed. Ara’s eyes widened as stood, wrapping her hands around the boy from behind, gently coaxing him to breathe.

                      “Pax…” She sat down next to him and laid her head against his.

                      “I…I d-d-don’t…” He pulled into her chest, gripping her top and whimpering. Hope’s head lolled as she was squashed between them. “Don’t feel, feel good…”

                      “What’s wrong? Your stomach?” The boy nodded, rubbing his nose against his bear’s ears. “Here, let me go get you something to feel better,” Ara said, gently trying to lay the boy back down.

                      She also knew that if it got worse…Paxton might need something to…well…

                      “No!” He said, gripping Ara tighter. He pushed his face into her chest, Hope tucked into the crook of his elbow. Ara gasped, holding him tighter so as not to jostle him too much.

                      “Pax, I-!” She paused, looking down at the young boy. She sighed. “Paxton, you’ve got to let me go. I’m just going to go get you some medicine, and I’ll be right back. I promise.”

                      “D-Don’t l-leave!” He cried, tears wetting Ara’s dress. Ara swallowed, rubbing the boy’s back as he started to sob. Ara closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh, heart faltering as her brother continued to cry.

                      Why hadn’t she realized?

                      Since finding him, all that time ago…Paxton had…always been afraid of being left. Always afraid of being alone…

                      And since taking him in…Ara had promised him she’d never leave him…

                      Was it really any surprise he wouldn’t want to be left alone now?

                      “Paxton…” Ara held him close, running her hand through his locks. “I’m not going anywhere. Alright?” She lifted his chin, smiling. He sniffled, meeting his big sister’s eyes.


                      “Promise,” she smiled, scooting further onto the bed. She lifted him onto her lap, cradling him close and rocking him, blankets wrapped tightly around his legs and tummy. He laid against her chest, yawning. She hummed a song as she rocked, continuing to rub his back, hoping it would help him feel better.

                      “Pax…? Why don’t you want to see the doctor?”

                      Paxton puckered his lips, shifting a bit as he squeezed Hope tighter. “Never…never s-seen one. D-dunno, d-dunno…”

                      “You’ve never seen a doctor before? What about when you were sick?”

                      “L-left a-alone…”

                      Ara’s heart fell into her stomach, tears springing to her eyes. She squeezed her brother tighter, kissing the top of his head.

                      She knew her brother’s birth family…if you could call them that, were cruel…harsh…cold…

                      They’d hurt Paxton in ways that…would take years to heal from.

                      Done things he still hadn’t told her about.

                      But still…it never ceased to break her heart, every new thing that came out about his past.

                      “You’re never going to have to go through that again. Ever,” She said, fierce determination, protectiveness, rising into her chest. She looked down, smiling at the sight of her baby brother, nestled in her arms, Hope held tightly to his chest. “I love you, Snowflake. And now, you’ll never be alone.”





                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Day 6: Vitamin C (Alt)

                        Jocelyn and November IS NOT A SHIP OBVIOUSLY!!!! November and Jocelyn become BEST FRIENDS, like brother and sister XD I love it.

                        CW: Blood. Nothing too bad, just some old scars come open and they have to bandage them.

                        November stared into the makeshift mirror, which was really nothing more than a piece of silver polished to perfection. He frowned, turned from left to right, scanning the red bumps on his skin. It resembles a slight rash, but November hadn’t eaten anything unfamiliar recently, or stepped in anything poisonous to his knowledge.

                        Plus…that wouldn’t explain some of the other strange things…

                        November set down the piece of silver and then pulled the collar of his shirt up, hoping to cover a few of the red spots. He bit his bottom lip, tapping his foot against the wood of the shack he sat in. He rubbed his wrist, wincing at the pain as he did so, and then glanced down at his legs, stretching them slightly.

                        It almost felt as though his bones were…grinding together sometimes, or like there were sores inside he couldn’t see. Either way, he couldn’t do anything about it.

                        “Hey, November, have you seen my-” Jocelyn paused, spotting the young man sitting on the floor. She raised a brow, leaning against the doorframe. “You alright?”

                        November flinched, shoulders raising against his neck. He gripped his pants tight, anxiety making his palms sweat. “Uh, y-yea…fine.”

                        Jocelyn narrowed her eyes, stepping inside with arms crossed. She leaned over, lips puckering as she scanned the ginger-haired lad. “Why don’t I believe you?”

                        “I…don’t know?” He chuckled, pulling at a curl. “Trust me, Lyn, I’m fine. Really…”

                        “You’ve been acting kinda weird lately. Going off by yourself. Tired all the time…Sulking…”

                        “I’m not sulking!”


                        “I’m not!” He shook his head, a small smile on his lips. Jocelyn chuckled, putting out a hand to help him up. November took it, rising to his feet. Jocelyn’s smile faded, brows furrowing as she stared at November. He blinked, rubbing his face. “What? What is it?”

                        Reaching out a hand, she moved away one of November’s collars, suspicion clouding her expression. “What is that? A rash?”

                        November’s face paled some. He pushed her hand away. “It’s…it’s nothing.”

                        “Doesn’t look like nothing. What’s going on, Nova? Is this why you’ve been sneaking around?” Her eyes widened and she gasped, “Are you sick?”

                        “What?! No! Shh, someone will hear you!” He covered her mouth. She grumbled underneath his palms, pushing his arms away.

                        “You are! Something’s up!”

                        “I’m not sick! Just…I don’t know what it is, okay?” Jocelyn scowled, crossing her arms. She lifted November’s chin, studying the rash-like spots on his face. “It doesn’t look normal, whatever it is…You need to let Grimm see it.”

                        “It’s nothing to worry about.”

                        “Nova, if you start your self-deprecating junk again, so help me-”

                        “I’m serious, it’s not-” Jocelyn moved his chin again before her eyes went large as saucers, face paling. She grabbed the boy’s hands, rolling up his sleeves.

                        “Hey! What are you…!” He blinked, watching as Jocelyn stared at his arms, covered in the same rash-like spots as his face, all in different patches. What was also notable, however, were the red and blue spots along his arms.

                        “Nova!” Jocelyn cried. “Why didn’t you tell anyone about these?!”

                        “I didn’t think they were very serious…just…a rash or something…” November said, pulling his arms away, flushing with embarrassment and shame.

                        “Oh, Nova,” Jocelyn stared into the young man’s blue eyes, concern creasing her brows. “Have you been having any pain recently? Joint pain? Any old wounds flaring up?”

                        November swallowed, nodding slowly. Timidly. “Some…w-why…?”

                        Jocelyn’s breaths quickened a bit. “Why didn’t I notice it before…” She muttered.

                        “Lyn…you’re kinda scaring me…”

                        “Open your mouth.”


                        “Open your mouth! Let me see!” Jocelyn grabbed his face, forcing his mouth open. His eyes widened in shock, hands grabbing Lyn’s wrists.

                        “Grah!” He yelped. Lyn peered inside, as best she could on tiptoe.

                        “Okay, doesn’t look too bad yet…but it is bleeding…Nova, you self-sacrificing fool!” She released his mouth, the force pushing him back slightly. Grabbing November’s hand, she led him to the door. “We’re going to see Grimm.”


                        “No buts!”


                        Why hadn’t she noticed?!

                        The signs were all there…and so obvious…

                        Corkscrewed hair…though…with his curls it was a bit more difficult to tell…

                        Easy bruising…

                        Then again, November was already sensitive…

                        But joint pain! And the rash!

                        That he kept hidden…

                        GAH! It was still no excuse!

                        “You can’t blame yourself. We all should’ve noticed…” Grimm said.

                        Jocelyn shook her head, glaring at nothing in particular. “I know the symptoms. I should’ve seen it.”

                        “You were a kid when you learned about that illness. And you never had it yourself.”

                        “I’ve seen plenty of people who have had it though.”

                        “If anyone should be blamed Lyn, it’s me,” Ara walked up to the two, exiting the room November now lay resting in. She lowered the curtain behind her, face worn from worry. She sighed, closing her eyes tight. Jocelyn frowned, a hand reaching out to her friend.

                        “That’s not true Ara.”

                        “No…it is. If anyone would’ve noticed anything, it’s me.”


                        “What matters,” Grimm interrupted, “Isn’t the blame, but November.” He looked at Ara. “How’s he doing?”

                        “He’s resting now, albeit fitfully. The pain seems to have worsened…I’m glad you found out about this when you did. Looks like he took a turn right after you did…”

                        “Guess it’s the Light One’s way of looking out for us.” Lyn smiled.

                        “How’d this even happen anyhow? I thought only fisherman or pirates got scurvy.” Nyx hopped onto Lyn’s shoulder, ears flicking.

                        “Anyone can get it. Scurvy is brought on due to vitamin c deficiency. And…we haven’t exactly been eating high class meals,” Grimm said.

                        Jocelyn leaned against a wall, crossing her arms, mind whirring. She turned to Ara, thinking back to her time as a child, back at Cirque, when the sailors who manned the boats would bring in the crowds from offshore. Many of them would fall ill with scurvy, or a lesser form of vitamin c deficiency due to their travels, and would have to take rest in Cirque for a while to heal.

                        “I’m worried about any injuries he’s had…they could come open and not heal properly. I’m especially worried about his eye…”

                        “Those scars are old…do you really think they could come open?” Ara asked, gripping her blouse.

                        “I knew sailors who had age-old injuries break open from scurvy. Caused a heap of problems, and they never wanted to heal up right after that.”

                        “What do we do?” Ara asked.

                        “Jocelyn, you know more about this than I do,” Grimm said, “Any ideas?”

                        “We need to increase his intake of fruits, specifically citrus fruits. Give him citrus juices, such as lime, lemon and orange on a daily basis. Probably best to do twice a day or more. I also know of a plant we can use to make a medicinal, but I’m not sure if it can be found here.”

                        “I can search for it,” Grimm said.

                        “As for the joint pain, maybe some of your herbal remedies and medicines can help?” Jocelyn asked Grimm. He nodded.

                        “What if the rest of us get scurvy?”

                        “That…brings up another good point. We should all increase our fruit and vegetable intake.” Jocelyn said.

                        A groan from the other room made the foursome pause. Ara turned, eyes wide. She ran to the curtain and lifted it. She gasped, letting out a sharp cry of alarm as she disappeared into the room. Jocelyn’s nerves tensed and her feet moved before her brain could catch up, disappearing into the room behind Ara.

                        “What’s wrong?!” She asked, unable to see past Ara.

                        “He’s bleeding!” The brunette cried.

                        In a flash Lyn and Grimm were at November’s bedside, opposite of Ara. Jocelyn went ashen at the sight of November’s left side of his face covered in a red, sticky substance. Grimm immediately got to work, ripping off a piece of his tunic and wiping away at the blood that seeped from November’s now open scars.

                        Ara’s hands hovered over November’s head; frozen, as if unsure of what to do. Her face was white as the first specks of snow. A few tears leaked from the edges of her distant eyes, chest heaving.

                        “Ara…Ara!” Jocelyn reached over, shaking the girl from her stupor. Ara looked up at her, dazed, as if she’d forgotten where she was. And…for a moment, Jocelyn wondered if she’d been with them at all…

                        “I…” Ara shook her mind free, pouring her attention back to the task at hand. “Sorry…sorry!”

                        “Go get the bandages from the other room,” Grimm said, still holding his piece of tunic against November’s wound, trying to keep pressure on it. Ara nodded, rushing away. Lyn met Grimm’s eyes, wondering if he was just trying to get the girl out of the room for the moment.

                        Nyx’s ears were flat against his skull, tails tucked under and around his back legs. He looked away, shaking his head as he lay on the floor a few feet away from the cot.

                        November stirred, but only slightly. His good eye flickered open and shut, a few groans escaping his chapped lips. He reached a fumbling hand towards his face but Grimm pushed it down with his own free hand.

                        “Just relax, Nova,” Jocelyn said, forcing a smile. She wasn’t sure if November saw it, though, because his eyes seemed to be fluttering in and out of consciousness.

                        But…the smile wasn’t just for him.

                        Ara rushed back in, bandages in hand. She offered them to Grimm, who began to quickly and masterfully wrap up November’s open scars.

                        The young man fought a bit, though it was weak, and it didn’t take much to convince him to stop: especially once Ara stepped into the picture. Soon enough, his left eye was neatly bandaged, resembling a bit of an eyepatch that extended to his skull.

                        The three stepped back, breathing a sigh of relief.

                        “Let’s never do that again,” Nyx said, scrunching up his nose. He sat up, shaking himself off. He then proceeded to run from the room as though his tails were on fire, ears twitching the entire time.

                        Jocelyn couldn’t help but chuckle at her furry friend, but her eyes wandered back to November, once again sleeping on the cot. She smoothed back her ponytail. Tightened it. Loosened it again.

                        Grimm was cleaning up.

                        And Ara…

                        She was sitting on the bedside, a hand on November’s wrist, eyes distant. Teary.

                        The room was quiet for a moment; the silence driving Lyn mad. Worse than nails on a chalkboard. It filled her mind with an incessant buzz. She needed to say something…

                        “You alright?” She asked.

                        Ara looked up. Smiled, though her eyes were tired. “Yes. It’s just…for a moment…” She looked back at November, her thumb running over his wrist. “I was back home again. In the catacombs, where November got his scars…and…” She looked down at her lap. “It felt like I was losing him all over again.”

                        Jocelyn swallowed the knot in her throat. She placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder, offering a small, but encouraging smile.

                        “He’s gonna be okay. I know he is. It’ll take more than a lack of vitamin c to take him out,” she winked.

                        Ara laughed.




                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2210


                          Awwwwwww I love them!!!

                          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12 @euodia-vision @smiley @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @livingwoodchronicles @esther-c @whalekeeper @anyone-else-idk-XD

                            I wrote this for Day 10!!!

                            (probably my fav so far 😂😂)


                            But there is also fluff towards the end 💖💖

                            (OH, and this happens around the same time as Bucky is sick from an injury, like in my other scene I shared for Day 1.)

                            Day 10: Medicine/Injection

                            She carefully unraveled a new roll of bandages.

                            She hated this place…hated it with a passion…but she still felt as though she was supposed to be here, at least for now.

                            A door slammed open, and Madelene jumped.

                            Two uniformed men marched in, The Asset held in between them. The men quickly laid The Asset down on the medical table, strapping down his arms and legs to prevent an escape.

                            Blood stained his flesh fingers, and several cuts covered his face, along with fresh wounds on his chest.

                            Madelene turned to the men that had brought him in, raising an eyebrow. “What happened? Why is he injured?”

                            One of the men rolled his eyes. “Hasn’t anyone taught you to not ask questions-!?”

                            “Agent, that is no way to talk to a lady, and especially our best nurse. Leave the room, both of you.”

                            “Yessir,” the two men replied, and they quickly made their leave of the room.

                            Alexander Pierce walked into the room, letting the two Agents pass. He smiled at Madelene. “Good evening, Nurse Turgenev. I hope that you are doing well, even if you may not have had much to do.”

                            “I have had a fine day,” Madelene took in a deep breath, “but sir, may I ask…what happened to him? He’s obviously been injured, and-“

                            “A mission gone wrong, Nurse…and because he failed a mission, punishment followed.”

                            She merely nodded, unsure of how else to respond in a kind way.

                            She had plenty of words she could say, but none of them were kind.

                            “I should tend to him now, then,” Madelene set down the bandages, instead grabbing a damp cloth, “and he should recover within a few days.”

                            “Tomorrow at the latest. The Asset is needed for something else.”

                            Madelene just nodded. She wiped blood away from The Asset’s cheek, but he still partially shied away from her touch.

                            Pierce’s eyes narrowed in disapproval, but he didn’t say a word.

                            The door slowly opened. “Nurse Turgenev, Director Pierce?”

                            Pierce turned with a smile, his demeanor instantly changed, and greeted Dr. Stein with a small wave. “Ah, Dr. Stein…only the second greatest mind Hydra has ever had.”

                            Stein chuckled.

                            Madelene turned her attention back to her patient, and she smiled gently at him. “I won’t hurt you, I promise…” She whispered.

                            She gently, but firmly, pressed the cloth against one of his wounds, to force out possible pus and more blood so she could clean it thoroughly, but The Asset cried out, and she pulled her hand away.

                            Pierce and Stein both turned with raised eyebrows. Pierce frowned. “Does The Asset always give you trouble?”

                            “N-no sir, I believe I just pressed too hard.”

                            “Well, you must clean the wound thoroughly,” Stein set down his medical bag, “but The Asset may need a sedative to keep The Asset asleep while you work.”

                            “Doctor, is that truly necessary?”

                            Pierce nodded. “If Stein believes it is, Nurse Turgenev, then it is necessary. Doctor, do you have any on you?”

                            “Yes, Director, I do,” Stein pulled out a small vial and needle out of his bag, “but Nurse Turgenev, would you like to give it?”

                            “Uhm, n-no, you can. I’m not good at giving injections.”

                            A lie, but she refused to do anything like that to The Asset. She knew he hated needles…for whatever reason he had.

                            Stein held the injector, but The Asset saw it out of the corner of his eye. His eyes widened and filled with fear, and he began mumbling words, begs, in Russian.

                            Madelene understood every word, and tears threatened to fall.

                            Pierce watched, arms crossed, a frown of disapproval on his face.

                            The Asset tried to pull away from Stein, even trying to break free of his binds…which he was partially successful at.

                            One of the binds began to rip.
                            “Asset, enough. Calm down…this instant.”

                            The note of a threat in Pierce’s tone caused The Asset to still, and he laid down completely, no longer trying to pull away from Stein or break the binds that bound him to the medical table.

                            Stein quickly and carefully injected the sedative, and within moments, The Asset’s eyes closed…and he drifted off to sleep.

                            Madelene awoke with a start, sweat perspiring from her forehead.

                            She threw blankets off of herself, quickly tied up her hair, and left the bedroom she was sleeping in.

                            She had to go to the medical room…maybe Bruce needed her help.

                            She desperately needed a distraction.

                            The nightmare, the memory, was still fresh on her mind, even when she entered the room that was being used as a medical room.

                            Bruce looked up from where he was looking at a clipboard, seated at the desk in the room. He raised a tired smile. “You’re up early…it’s not even 3 AM.”

                            “Bruce…I’m so sorry. I should have been here to help you,” Madelene sighed, “but I left you to do everything alone.”

                            Bruce merely shrugged. “It’s alright. I was fine to do it on my own.”

                            Madelene nodded…but she still felt guilty. She glanced around the room. Bucky slept in bed, likely deep asleep. Steve sat slumped against one of the corners, his head leaned back, knees up to his chest, asleep.

                            But Madelene had no clue how he could even sleep like that.

                            She faced Bruce. “Is Steve okay over there?”

                            “He’s exhausted,” Bruce yawned, “and he’s probably been asleep for four hours now…”

                            “I think you need to sleep.”

                            Bruce shrugged. “Maybe, but I have a patient.”

                            “I-I can take care of him…”

                            “You sure? I mean, I know you’re a nurse, but…”

                            “I can do it, Bruce…I’m pretty awake now anyways, and I don’t think I’ll be going back to sleep…I can keep an eye on Bucky.”

                            Bruce nodded, smiled, and stood. “If you’re sure. I gave him ibuprofen two hours ago, so he shouldn’t need any more for a while. I’ll be back in a few hours to check on both of you.”

                            Madelene smiled. “Thank you. Go get some rest, Bruce…you really need it.”

                            Bruce smiled and left the room, softly closing the door behind him.

                            Bucky mumbled something beneath his breath and awoke with a start.

                            Madelene quickly went to his side. “Bucky…Bucky, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.”

                            Bucky took in and let out a deep breath. He slowly laid back down and smiled gently. “Hey there…”

                            “You okay?”

                            Bucky slowly nodded. “Yeah…yeah, I think so.” He yawned. “Still tired though.”

                            Madelene smiled gently, tucking a strand of Bucky’s brown hair behind his ear. “I understand that…”

                            Bucky raised an eyebrow. “…But are you okay?”

                            “Yeah…I am…just,” Madelene paused; Bucky would understand more than many, “I had a memory and woke up.”

                            “What was it?”

                            “Just one of the many from Hydra…it had you.”

                            Bucky grabbed her hand, the cold metal chilling her fingers, and squeezed it, gently. “…You know none of it was your fault, right?”

                            “Of course,” Madelene lied; she smiled a forced smile, “but more importantly, now I get to see you all the time.”

                            Bucky smiled. “I don’t know what I’d do without you and Steve…”

                            “Mmm, probably nothing good, if I could only guess.”

                            Bucky chuckled. “Probably.”

                            Madelene laid a gentle hand on his forehead. Still burning. “You still have a fever.”

                            “Yeah…I can feel it…I just ignored it…it’s not as bad as usual.”

                            Madelene raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

                            Bucky smiled and slowly sat up. “Because you’re here with me,” Bucky’s lips gently pressed against her cheek, his beard slightly scratching her cheek, “and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              Y’all….I love them so much XXD😍😍

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2210


                                Awwwwwwww!!!! I loveeeeeee it

                                they’re both so tragic

                                but they’re so sweet together

                                Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2973



                                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

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