Monthly Prompts!!!

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  • #148961
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3718

      Oh boy… that was a long one… but I loved writing it so much!!!

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2243


        Awwwwww I love it

        after writing and reading proposals my future husband is going to have to do something awe-inspiring, because I have high expectations

        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3718


          Thanks!! 😊

          Ha! Ikr?? 😂 I’ve read two proposal scenes in two different series and they were so creative!! I loved them!! Actually, I think you might enjoy the two series. They’re Christian fiction (not cheesy at all!) and they have a lot of romance. They’re both written by Robin Jones Gunn. The first one is the Christy Miller series. It covers her high school years, but there are also series that cover her college, married, and parenting years. (I haven’t read the married or parenting ones for obvious reasons. XD) There’s also the Katie Weldon series which is about Christy’s best friend. This covers her senior year of college and a little bit after that. Both are incredible!!! I highly recommend them!! Robin Jones Gunn is an amazing author!!!

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @esther-c @godlyfantasy12 @smiley @euodia-vision @mineralizedwritings @zemira @keilah-h

            Sooooooo, I’ve missed SEVERAL days, and there is no way I’ll end up writing all of them, lol, but I’m gonna take after a couple others here and combine a couple of them and write them, lol.

            So, I have this scene from the 2nd fanfic in my 5-fanfic series 😏

            Combining Days 21 (pretend/fake relationship), and 14(“how do I look?”), I have this:

            Fake Ship (not actually a ship in this fic, that’s why I used Day 21, alright? XD)Steve&Natasha

            Side Characters: Several 😂😂

            “This is essential to taking Viola down…this is one of the only ways we can sneak into this party. She won’t know we’re here unless she sees us, but we have to be careful.” Bruce said into the communicator, standing as communications leader back at the mansion Tony had rented for all of them to stay in.

            Steve tapped his communicator, making Bruce’s voice a little quieter. “We’re about to head in. Have to wait for Nat.”

            “Where is she, anyhow? What could be taking her so long?”

            “Tony, you’re really impatient.” Bucky retorted through the communicator.

            Steve sighed. “Guys…don’t fight. We don’t have time for that right now.”

            The door to the women’s bathroom opened, and Natasha stepped out, dressed in a long, dark green evening dress and high silver heels.

            Natasha flipped her styled blonde hair back and smiled. “How do I look? Wait, were you waiting for me? What a gentleman.”

            “I couldn’t exactly go in alone,” Steve replied, offering her his arm, “and it wouldn’t be right of me to just walk away, would it? Also, you look great.”

            “Such a gentleman. You could have left me; I would have been fine.”

            “Yeah, I know. But we have to go in together anyways.”

            Natasha shrugged. “I guess so. Come on, let’s get into this party.”

            Steve walked with her down the hallway and down the staircase into the massive ballroom of the mansion.

            With any luck, none of them would be recognized.

            “Don’t seem so nervous. First rule of being on the run.”

            “I thought the first rule was not running.” Steve replied with a grin, reminding them both of their time on the run from SHIELD. Well, Hydra actually.

            Natasha smirked. “What if I changed the number one rule?”

            “How confusing. How rude to confuse an old man.”

            A woman came over, offering them both a cup of punch. “Good evening, guests. Enjoying the party?”

            “The party is magnificent,” Natasha took one of the offered cups, “my congratulations to the executive celebrating his new promotion.”

            “Thank you.” Steve thanked, taking the other cup.

            The woman raised an eyebrow and studied him for a long moment.

            Steve held his breath.

            “Have I seen you before?”

            “Doubtful,” Natasha squeezed Steve’s arm that she was holding onto, “we’re fairly new to the area but old friends of the executive’s. This is my husband. We just celebrated our one-year anniversary.”

            The woman smiled. “Oh, congratulations! Feel free to enjoy the rest of the party.”

            “Thank you,” Natasha grabbed Steve’s arm and pulled both of them into the crowd, “now that was too close.”

            Steve glanced back at the woman.

            She was on the phone…and studying them too carefully.

            Natasha followed his gaze to the woman. “We’re going to have to make this convincing. Here, finish your punch.”

            Steve raised an eyebrow, but he obeyed and drank the rest of the cup. Natasha took his cup and hers and tossed them both into the close by trashcan.

            She walked back over to Steve. “We’re going to have to make this very convincing…that woman over there is already suspicious.”

            “And how do we-?”

            Natasha grabbed his hands, setting one of his hands on her shoulder, the other on her waist. “Come on, Steve…let’s dance.”

            “I don’t know-“

            “I’ll lead you through the steps,” Natasha tapped her communicator, “and Madelene, Bucky, you two need to make your relationship convincing too.”

            “We will.” Madelene replied through the communicator.

            Peggy was supposed to have been the one to teach him how to dance.

            “Steve?” Natasha asked, looking up at him, as she led him through the steps.

            “I’m sorry,” Steve bit his lip, “just got distracted.”

            Natasha smiled faintly and shook her head. “…Don’t apologize. I know you still miss Peggy, and I don’t judge you for that, Steve, not one bit.”

            “I should be happy, and yet…”

            “Steve…there’s nothing wrong with grief.”

            Steve sighed. “I know, but-“

            Natasha reached up, and her lips briefly met his bearded cheek. “And in my opinion, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2243


              But does it have to be fake? look how cute they are, (I ship Steve and Nat until the end of time XD)

              but I loveee it (even if it is fake)


              but no one would blame you if you completely changed your five-book fanfic just to do Steve and Nat, no one would blame you, *me whistles*

              Just kidding XD

              I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
              ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @smiley Ok, but a relationship isn’t fake…just a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship…Steve & Nat are AMAZING friends in my fics…


                yeahhhh, i’m sure EVERYONE would be fine with that…XD

                just messing with you more, lol 😂😂

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @smiley I understand tho…Steve&Nat do make quite a cute couple 😜

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3718


                    Aww, I love it! 🥲❤️

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3718

                      @smiley @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @mineralizedwritings @zemira @keilah-h

                      Ok guys…

                      So this is kinda based off of multiple prompts and…

                      It’s with my villain and his wife.

                      Here you go… (I was actually really excited to write this.)

                      (Annndddd, it’s another long one. XD)

                      – – – – –

                      Derek took a whiff of the smells wafting from the kitchen. He walked in to see his wife stirring something in a pot. Derek crept up behind her. As she lifted the spoon to taste it, he tickled her sides, causing her to jump and spin around. Food from the spoon flung onto Derek’s face. He burst out in laughter as Evangeline caught her breath.

                      He wrapped his arms around her, still laughing. “Did I scare you?”

                      “What do you think?” She said, pecking him on the cheek with a kiss. She pulled back and grabbed a towel, wiping the food off of Derek’s face.

                      He used a finger to take some of the soup off his face, and then licked it. “Hey, this is really good!”

                      Evangeline chuckled. “Good. But that wasn’t the way I was planning to find out.” As she set the spoon down, Derek wrapped his arms around her waist and grabbed her hands.

                      He buried his nose in her hair and gave her a kiss. Evangeline rested her head against his chest as the couple swayed back and forth.

                      They were silent for a few moments, enjoying each other’s company. Then Evangeline broke the silence. “Derek…”


                      “I need to ask you a question,” a small smile crept onto her face as she stepped out of his embrace and looked into his eyes.

                      “What is it?”

                      Her smile grew wider. “Do you want to be a father?”

                      “Yes of course I wou—” He paused and his eyes grew wide, the realization dawning on him. “Wait, Eva, are you serious? Do you really—? Are you… Evangeline are you pregnant?”

                      She nodded and burst out into joyous laughter. “Yes!” She squealed. “I am. I just found out today when I went to the doctor’s office.”

                      Derek smiled wider than he believed he could. He put his hands to his head and laughed. “I can’t believe it! I’m gonna be a father!”

                      Eva giggled and gave him a hug. She pulled back and looked up at him, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Yes, Derek. You’re going to be a father.”

                      Derek pressed his lips against hers. When he pulled back he looked into her sparkling silver-blue eyes. “I can’t wait.”


                      Derek looked into the blues eyes of his newborn son. “Welcome to the world, Adrian,” he said, smiling down at the tiny baby in his arms.

                      Lying in the hospital bed, Evangeline lifted her hand and gently caressed Adrian’s head. “He’s beautiful,” she said softly.

                      Derek nodded in agreement. He looked over at his wife. “I want him to look like you.”

                      Eva smiled. “I want him to look like you. Then we’ll have a handsome son.”

                      Derek chuckled. “Maybe he’ll look like both of us. Then we’ll have the most good-looking son around.”

                      Eva laughed and smiled. “Alright then. We’ll just wait and see as he gets older.”

                      “I can’t wait.”


                      “Derek,” Evangeline said, grabbing her purse. “I need to run to the store for a few things for dinner.”

                      Derek frowned and got up from the couch, walking over to her. “I don’t know if it’s safe. There’s been too many riots and there are rumors of an uprising.”

                      Eva smiled and placed her hand on his cheek. “I’ll be okay. It’ll only take a little bit.”

                      Derek bit his lip. He sighed. “Ok. Just stay safe, okay?”

                      “I will,” Eva said with a nod. “Adrian will probably wake up from his nap soon, okay? I’ll be home in half an hour.”

                      Derek smiled and winked. “I can’t wait.”


                      “I’m sorry, Derek. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you and your son. My deepest condolences.”

                      Derek nodded and pasted on yet another fake smile as another visitor left the house. As soon as he shut the door, tears  started streaming down his face.

                      He couldn’t take it anymore.

                      It was all his fault.

                      Only a week ago, things were perfect. He and Evangeline were happy and their little son would be going to kindergarten soon.

                      But then things changed…

                      It was all because of him…

                      If he had kept Eva home that day, she never would have died. If he had gone to the store instead of her, then it would’ve been him who died. Not her.

                      He collapsed to his knees and his tears dripped to the floor. He pounded the wall with his fist.


                      They were all gone.

                      All of them…

                      Because of him.




                      And now Evangeline.

                      “I’m sorry,” Derek said through sobs. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.”

                      He buried is face in his hands, letting himself weep. He had put on smiles when people came to visit and offer condolences, but now…

                      He let it all out.

                      Never would he be able to smile again…

                      Until something was done to fix this.

                      This broken world.

                      All of those he had lost had died because of the cruelty of mankind.

                      Derek had to do something to bring peace. If there was peace, there was no war… no fighting… no danger…

                      Then he wouldn’t lose anyone else… He couldn’t lose anyone else.

                      “All gone,” he murmured, his sobs subsiding. “They’re all gone…”

                      “Daddy?” A little voice said. A small hand was placed on his shoulder. “You still have me.”

                      Derek looked up to see Adrian standing beside him, his silver-blue eyes full of concern. “Adrian… you look so much like your mother.”

                      “Does that mean I have to leave?”

                      “No, of course not. Why would you leave?”

                      “Because then I would remind you of her.”

                      More tears slipped down Derek’s face. “No, no, no, Adrian. That’s a good thing.” He gave his son a small, forced smile… He grabbed Adrian’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. “And whatever happens, I don’t want you to ever stop reminding me of her, you understand?”

                      Adrian nodded.

                      “Even when you’re all grown up.”

                      “Yes, Daddy. I won’t let you forget Mommy.”

                      Derek smiled… a real smile.. and pulled his son into a tight embrace.

                      “I’ll remind you every day,” Adrian said, patting him on the back.

                      Derek chuckled, despite his pain. “Yes, Adrian.” He paused for a moment. “I can’t wait.”

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @esther-c Girllllllllllllll!!!!!!! tears just formed in my eyes…and…I…I…just….💖😭🥹💖

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3718


                          Ahhh, ik!! 😭

                          Now you can understand why I pity Derek so much. 🥺 And Adrian as a little boy… that was just so precious to write. 🥹


                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @esther-c I’m a sucker for the sympathetic/tragic backstory villains, girl…what are you doing to meeeeeee??? 😭😭

                            is it too much to hope that Derek could get redeemed??? pleaseeeee????

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3718


                              I’m a sucker for the sympathetic/tragic backstory villains, girl…what are you doing to meeeeeee??? 😭😭

                              Ahh!! I’m so sorryyyy 😭 But I know exactly how you feel!! 😢💔

                              is it too much to hope that Derek could get redeemed??? pleaseeeee????


                              He does get redeemed!!! 😆 He and Adrian both get redeemed in the sequel (or two sequels…) and they work through their grief and their personal struggles together. Because as time went on, their relationship become frayed. So they repair their relationship as they both get redeemed. I’m really excited for it!! 🥰

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156



                                He does get redeemed!!! 😆 He and Adrian both get redeemed in the sequel (or two sequels…) and they work through their grief and their personal struggles together. Because as time went on, their relationship become frayed. So they repair their relationship as they both get redeemed. I’m really excited for it!! 🥰


                                THEY GET REDEEMED!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHH, I’M SOOOO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3718


                                  Ikr?! I’m so looking forward to it!!! 😆❤️

                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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