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    Otherworldly Historian
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 235


      Ooh cool. I love crazy worldbuilding. I usually focus more on science and history in my world-building than math or language, however. I had actually considered a base twelve number system but got annoyed.

      I am @folith-feolin’s twin (as mentioned above). I like tabletop games, history, drama (the acting kind), and fantasy. Speaking of which I saw you mention Name of the wind. I don’t want to reiterate what @folith-feolin said but I am interested in your opinion. I really like fantasy and would recommend the poppy war though just like in name of the wind there are some things I don’t agree with in it (the book and worldview are just very interesting in the poppy war) (there is nothing terribly inappropriate though (just foul language and a few scenes that are brutal in terms of gore (specifically Golin Niis)).

      Honestly one of the things that has probably convinced me to keep writing is the fact that I want to write a darker fantasy without stuff like foul language and that has more Christian themes (like not glorifying drinking (I feel like kingkiller has a problem with this)).


      Okay enough of me talking. Now time for questions:

      1. What real languages can you speak/are learning how to speak?

      2. What (if any) historical events inspired your worldbuilding/story?

      3. If (all hypothetical) (but real internet argument) Brandon Sanderson’s stormlight archive was made into a TV show should it be animated or not (anyone else who has read stormlight may comment here)?

      4. What is your world’s (‘planet’s’) technology level?

      5. Do you believe in the Raymond hypothesis ( besides being some math thing I have no idea what it means (this question is just written on the whiteboard in my school’s quizbowl room with a number of talleys below it for everyone that believes in the Raymond hypothesis))?

      Through darkness,
      light shines brightest

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1318

        Hi @esther-c !

        1. *takes a long inhale… my favorite thing about math is that it is a discovery of fundamental truth. I like to think that math is God’s paintbrush, and whenever I discover some small new detail of truth, I feel like I’m seeing His painting a little clearer, but it makes even less sense with more questions, and I find my self yearning to make sense of it. It get’s into philosophy, which many do not realize is there. Such as there are mathematical structure’s we can create that seem to represent our world, but then we can create other structures that don’t seem possible in our world. Are these structures real, or did we really just take things too far? Are there other universes made from these structures? One of these for example is the Banak-Tarski paradox, derived from Set Theory. To spare you the details, it states that you can take the infinite points on the surface of a sphere, and apply a few operations to those points, then you will end up with two spheres with the same size. The axioms in Set Theory say that this must be true, but is it true to our world? I like to think this may be but a hint to Creation, how God can say let there be light, and it is so, making something more out of something less. As for topics which is what I guess you were looking for, I enjoy many pure math fields, such as Set Theory, Topology, Number theory, ect.

        2. Hmmm, that’s a hard one, because the worldbuilding is a big part for me. That being said, I think writing is one of many medium’s one can express their emotions, thoughts and opinions, experience, ect. I really enjoy writing to discuss complex themes, and as is to my theme, discuss fundamental, divine truths. I can also express my hurts and joys through this medium by making a character, or even a whole culture who deals with an allegory to my experience, then help them learn, and reciprocate back to me to learn.

        3. Hmm, I’m more often than not stuck in my head. So it’s hard sometimes to think of fun places to explore. However I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand, for the language culture, and mostly the food:)

        4. Dog’s are great, but I’ve never really payed too much mind to them, so I don’t really know all the breed names. I do really like the sled dogs though, huskies, I think their majestic and make adorable puppies.

        Thanks for the questions!

        He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1318

          Hi @felicity !

          Yeah the j’s are pronounced “ja” except more like the french j’s.

          Nice to meet you too!

          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1318

            Hi @folith-feolin !

            Nah, I actually only recently have read Name of the Wind. I enjoyed it, it’s interesting where it follows many cliché’s but in a self aware way, but also hypocritical about it at the same time, it just works really well. but it was a bit fowl at moments yes. I personally don’t like it, but I can tolerate some things. I had to drop Children of time because it was way too crass in language.

            I’ve heard of The Blade Itself. I don’t know too much though, I’ll look into that. I haven’t heard of poppy war, so I’ll have to see what that’s about then.

            As far as the Cosmere, I’ve only read Stormlight 1, and all of Mistborn up to Wax and Wane 3. So those are the only ones I really know about so far, but they are both brilliant worlds. I think I’d have to go with Roshar though. It has a grandeur in presentation, in how it makes you feel so small. It has the classic medieval fantasy feel of nobility and dragons, while managing to be not that at all, building so much more depth in this world. Also just making sense, what lives in the tides of storms, CRABS!

            What conlangers always stress when making a conlang, it’s know your purpose before you start. Do you want an England, Artlang, ect. I assume for your purposes, it’s worldbuilding  a verbal Natlang, a naturalistic language. If your like me with languages, you might feel the desire to make a writing system first, but this is a bad idea. I’ve made this mistake too many times, what it does is it ends up restricting your verbal system too much then it feels artificial. The alternative makes more sense all round because writing systems are made to fit verbal systems, not the other way around. So instead, start looking at the IPA, select the set of sounds that you like the most from there. Then I would make the name of your language from some of them, trying to get a feel for how you want those sounds to go together. Then you can start thinking about word order, and syntax, and finally words! Make sure to start from words of irreducible meaning, then derive new words from extending combining shortening ect. There is far FAR more to this than I’ve said, but that’s a good start. I would recommend the YouTube channel Biblaridion if you really want to get into it. The key thing above all else I would say though, is if you want to make a good NatLang, think naturalistically, what would the order of events that lead to this language be. Study real languages far different from your own to see how information can be expressed completely differently.

            Thanks for the questions! (Sorry for my rants…)

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1318

              Hi @otherworldlyhistorian !

              I’ve heard a lot about you from my sister. I find that interesting that you point that out about history and science, because science is just built from math, in when I apply math to my world, I’m essentially making the science of this world, and linguistics is a big part of history, just a part I’m particularly intrigued by.

              As for your questions:

              1. I’m studying French the most, but I’m also trying to get into Arabic, Thai, and Vietnamese.

              2. I know that lots of historical events I’ve learned about have subtlety inspired me in a lot of ways, but I wouldn’t be able to consciously point them out. That being said, I think a lot more modern day trails I’ve seen I’ve made more allegories to, though I don’t really think of myself as the allegory type.

              3. Ooohhh, yes, that is an excellent question. I think that it could be awesome if made into live action if given enough budget, because even with a sizable sum of money, it would be very hard to do it justice. So in that case, I think it would be safer to make it animated, because you can poor more money into the style and make the fight scenes a lot easier with Shard plate and stuff. That being said, I find it hard to imagen Kaladin being animated well in my head, but I can’t imagen Syl being created in live action well either. They could easily do well either way in that regard, but still. So if I had to choose, I think Animated would be the better, and safer opption. Either way I would watch it, be it would NEED to be done well.

              4. Your the historian, you of all people should know that technology level is not static for a world:) Regardless my “Planet” or septrum we call them has seven distinct eras. each era is many centuries long, and technology tends to reset at each one because transitioning between eras tends to be perilous. The only story for the first era I’ve made so far is actually set on its tip end. It is dystopian style in many ways, with high level technology, taking advantage of both magic mechanics, and the secret four dimensional geometry of space they discover. Then it all gets purged. The third era I have the most developed, and is actually far more medieval-renaissance level of technology. As for the last era, this is still a mystery even for me.

              5. Hmmm, I would say it’s most likely true, I understand the Raymond Hypothesis only a little because it’s not my area of interest, but it’s one of the biggest unsolved problems there is. If it is solved, then that will either instantly prove or help prove multiple other big theorems and disprove others, but if it’s disproven, it would also prove or disprove many other big theorems. One recent break through suggests that there might be positive real solutions other than .5 they call “Seagull zeros”. This suggest that it might be false, which would be sad to many, but happy to others. I still say that it’s probably true, but in the end, I will not let my bias say what the truth will turn out to be.

              Thanks for the questions!

              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 807


                Stormlight as a film adaptaion should definatly be in live action in my opinion, I feel like it just wouldn’t do well in animation. The story is too epic and would fit so well cinimatically

                My favorite scene to imagine is the ten heartbeats when Dalinar is summoning his blade to face of the ChasmFiend. Though many other moments could be captured beatifully

                Sadly, like @thearcaneaxiom said it would be really difficult for them to do a live action version. I have not read the LOTR books but I watched the movies and I loved them, but in this case I’m not sure if they would be able to devote enough money and time to Stormlight as I would want them to.

                I would watch it either way, animation if given the proper style could make it look fabulous and maybe more family accesible. But I would simply prefer live action. Again like my brother said, both would have to be done right

                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1657


                  Hi Nat!

                  Yeah, @princesachronicle22 told me you didn’t realize before, we had a good laugh:)

                  Lol, yeah! I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out until now 😅 Well now I know!!

                  1. That is so cool!! Yeah, @princesachronicle22 told me some about the multiverse, It’s very interesting! I love the diversity and uniqueness of your different “planets”.  Lol I like all the ‘S’ names for it!

                  And yes, it made sense, don’t worry 😉!


                  2. Oh my goodness that’s so sad 💔!! It’s such a terrible trial. But yeah, I feel like his situation is relatable too. Very relatable. It could be a great example of overcoming trials and could be symbolic. And those emotions are very real, they really are. I can’t wait to see where you take this character and his story 😉😊!


                  3. Wow okay cool! So you’ve got many different languages that are similar? That’s awesome!! I don’t know how I would ever begin to create one language, let alone several 😅😂

                  Thanks for the questions, sorry if my answers are a little to lengthy:)

                  No it’s fine!! As I told you last night, I enjoy reading long responses 😉😊😅!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3754


                    Your gonna co-author with your brother? Cool! We’re writing books in the same universe and magic systems, but we haven’t done any crossovers… yet

                    Yep!! It’s about superhero siblings. The plot is not very fleshed out yet though. But we do have a moodboard! (Ok… I have a moodboard… he doesn’t really care about the moodboards. XD)

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3754


                      1. *takes a long inhale… my favorite thing about math is that it is a discovery of fundamental truth. I like to think that math is God’s paintbrush, and whenever I discover some small new detail of truth, I feel like I’m seeing His painting a little clearer, but it makes even less sense with more questions, and I find my self yearning to make sense of it. It get’s into philosophy, which many do not realize is there. Such as there are mathematical structure’s we can create that seem to represent our world, but then we can create other structures that don’t seem possible in our world. Are these structures real, or did we really just take things too far? Are there other universes made from these structures? One of these for example is the Banak-Tarski paradox, derived from Set Theory. To spare you the details, it states that you can take the infinite points on the surface of a sphere, and apply a few operations to those points, then you will end up with two spheres with the same size. The axioms in Set Theory say that this must be true, but is it true to our world? I like to think this may be but a hint to Creation, how God can say let there be light, and it is so, making something more out of something less. As for topics which is what I guess you were looking for, I enjoy many pure math fields, such as Set Theory, Topology, Number theory, ect.

                      Ok, really cool!!

                      2. Hmmm, that’s a hard one, because the worldbuilding is a big part for me. That being said, I think writing is one of many medium’s one can express their emotions, thoughts and opinions, experience, ect. I really enjoy writing to discuss complex themes, and as is to my theme, discuss fundamental, divine truths. I can also express my hurts and joys through this medium by making a character, or even a whole culture who deals with an allegory to my experience, then help them learn, and reciprocate back to me to learn.

                      That’s awesome! Deep themes are really great!!

                      3. Hmm, I’m more often than not stuck in my head. So it’s hard sometimes to think of fun places to explore. However I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand, for the language culture, and mostly the food:)

                      Lol. That’s awesome! I still have yet to try Thai food, but I’ve heard it’s really good!

                      4. Dog’s are great, but I’ve never really payed too much mind to them, so I don’t really know all the breed names. I do really like the sled dogs though, huskies, I think their majestic and make adorable puppies.

                      YES!!! HUSKIES!!! *clears throat* We own a husky, so I am obviously biased. XD

                      Thanks for the questions!

                      Of course!


                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 807


                        Yep!! It’s about superhero siblings. The plot is not very fleshed out yet though. But we do have a moodboard! (Ok… I have a moodboard… he doesn’t really care about the moodboards. XD)

                        Lol! Ah superhero siblings? Sounds cool!

                        YES!!! HUSKIES!!! *clears throat* We own a husky, so I am obviously biased. XD

                        Aww!! I love huskies!!! They are soo cute!

                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5970


                          Ok, the chirality flip idea is really cool. Disturbing, but cool. My brother and I were talking about that once.

                          One question: How and why did you decide to include four-dimensionality in your universe?

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          Gwyndalf the Wise
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 404


                            #1. Ohhhhhhh XD I thought you were saying you were able to do math homework, do worldbuilding on your story, work on writing the story, and develop the languages at the same time. My bad. XD
                            That sounds cool, though.

                            #2. DUDE WHOA that’s….terrible, but makes a great story! *is very interested*

                            #3. Ah.

                            #4. I haven’t watched Avatar the Last Airbender, but I have watched the others. I like LoTR and Marvel (more of the beginning films) the most at of those, though.

                            #5. Cool, the only one on that list that I’ve read is the first LoTR.

                            "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                            (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1318


                              Thanks for the question! The easy answer is because I said so. But to be serious, as I’ve said I’m really big on math. Dimensionality is just something I’ve developed a good intuition for, and it simply fascinates me, it is a central part not only to the chirality flip, but also to the septrums, “planets if you haven’t heard that from when I was speaking with others”. The septrums are secretly four dimensional superstructures, making a three dimensional cross section in the three dimensional plain. This allows me and my sister to basically go wild with the worlds we create on a three dimensional scale. one phase my septrum goes through for example is Omialia. It is a space of closely pact planetoids with there own gravitational fields, so the nature of up and down is completely different. With this method, I can create even more bazar alien worlds than that. So basically, it’s fun, and it is a HUGE worldbuilding hack.

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1318



                                If you wouldn’t mind though, I would highly recommend Avatar the Last Airbender with many MANY exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! The worldbuilding is simple, but BEUTIFUL, and the depth of the characters is unlike almost anything I’ve ever watched or read!!!! It’s also enjoyable to all ages!!! Clean, yet very deep and profound, and becomes more so every time you watch it!

                                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5970

                                  @thearcaneaxiom Awesome! The idea of four-dimensional Septrums (Septra? just my amateur Latin scholar making me think that’s the correct plural even though it isn’t) in a three dimensional world is interesting.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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