I’ve started my draft, would you guys keep reading this story?

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  • #121973
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2974

      @felicity @folith-feolin @theloonyone @loopylin @whalekeeper @freedomwriter76 @anyone

      Ok so I’m not entirely done with chapter two… but I’m too excited to wait 😂.

      and @folith-feolin you guys know a bit more than the rest of us about the new character here because I’ve roleplayed with him and your characters. Try not to spoil anything… but I’m a little curious if you guys can figure it out his motives with that in mind 😊.

      And a drawing of Tauren:

      Idk if I’ve shared this one on Kp before, you might have seen it already.

      Also Lesli is my pfp now 🙂


      Chapter 2:

      Tauren grips his pickaxe tightly and stares down the rocky wall.

      I think in 5 more swings I will have a bucket full? No, make that 6.




      Tauren glances at his watch.

      Wow, 7.  it’s late. At least I’m almost done.


      Tauren smiles at his overcalculation.

      It’s the little things in life.

      He walks down the mine hallway, leaning heavily to his left to counterweight the metal bucket.

      Is that going to make my back all wonky?

      Tauren straightens, relying on his strength to keep himself walking upright.

      Nah I’m to tired for that nonsense.

      Shaking the bucket, the rocks fall into the minecart clanking heavily.

      I bet I’ve done this 2,000 times in my life.

      The sounds of the rocks echo down the small rail track, blocked off from the rest of the rail system with a heavy lock.

      I could ask Martha. She’s really good at calculations like that.

      Nah. I should wait for the tension to settle a bit first.

      Tauren turns down another mine, looking for a shortcut back. His headlight beams yellow from his hard hat, flashing against the scabby walls with each turn of his head. Breathing in, Tauren takes in the smell of metal, grease, and sweat from the many workers that were their earlier.

      Tauren lightly jogs down the path, ducking at the wooden supports that line the mines every 15 feet.

      I can’t wait to get back home.

      I should check on Lesli. I guess this night was just as bad as the one before.

      Goodness, she’s got it rough.

      Tauren stops at a four way intersection, reading the numbers spray painted in black on the walls.


      154. I think that’s where I’m trying to go.

      “WOoooOO!” The squeal of excited girl running through the mine’s echoes through the hallways.

      Lesli does not make that sound.

      And as it is now… she is the only girl who works here.

      Walking closer to the sound to investigate, Tauren drops his pickaxe on the floor.

      “You sure it isn’t dangerous here?” The girl yells ahead of her.

      “Nope! Don’t you worry about a thing.” A boy calls back to her. “You’ve got me with you after all.”

      “Kieryn! Wait up!” She yells.

      “Alright! Alright!” Keiryn laughs with confidence.

      “You know for sure?” She says quietly, catching her breath.

      “Yeah! I talked to somebody who’s been here before.”

      “Really.” She says, questioning the integrity of his statement.


      “And what else?”

      “That’s all I’m telling you. Sorry.”

      “C’mon! Mine 401.”

      Tauren furrows his eyebrows.

      401?! Do they have any idea how far out that is?

      “You sure it isn’t dangerous?” Yeah right. Like he knows a thing. Mine 401 has been around awhile, but nobody maintains it.

      Hold on, they aren’t even allowed to be here. Unless they are new employees, which I doubt it.

      Suddenly forgetting his intention of going home, Tauren runs closer to the voices.

      Jogging through the dim lighting, Tauren points his headlight down every off shoot of the main hall. The weight of each muscles seems to pull at his body, but curiosity draws him to the source of the sound.

      I think I’m pretty close…

      Tauren’s headlight illuminates the two figures, about 20 feet down the mine from where he stands.

      Oh man, I didn’t think this through. Now I have to find some way to confront them without being mean, but also without being lenient. I’ll bet they’re just being mischievous and wanted to walk in the mines like their parents do—

      “Hey.” Keiryn puts his hands on his hips. Tauren’s light glances yellow highlights through his choppy black bangs, which sweep to the right.

      A girl about 14 stands behind him.

      “Aaah!” She lets out a small scream at the sight of Tauren standing in their exit.

      “Hey, could you guys…like leave?” Tauren says nicely.

      “Do you work here or…” Tauren tries to dig a little deeper, before noticing the girls dress and Keiryn’s short blazer and slacks.

      Woah, they definitely aren’t from here.

      “Don’t you worry Lila! I got this.” Keiryn calls back in an air of confidence, as if to ignore Tauren standing directly in front of him.

      Tauren looks down at him by nearly half a foot.

      “No.” Keiryn says in a cocky voice. “We have a purpose in being here. Just go on your way. We aren’t going to bug you.”

      “What’s your purpose?”


      Keiryn smirks but says nothing before tearing off into the mines, taking the girls hand along the way.

      “Hey, let’s go!” He says, turning to face her with a smile as he runs alongside her.

      She lets out a small giggle and runs next to him. Their flats clack obnoxiously against the metal floor braces.

      Well, that’s my new experience for the day.

      Tauren lets out a small sigh, noticing his sore feet as he stands, and watching them run off into the distance.

      Wow. I just let them get away with whatever they are here to do.

      I’m such a great miner.

      Tauren laughs to himself.

      I’m too tired to pursue stopping some stupid kids’ shenanigans anyways.

      Tauren walks back to the break room, throwing his pickaxe which he had picked up on the way back into the closet with a loud clank. Hanging up his helmet on the appropriate peg, he glances down at Lesli’s.

      I’ll check on her sometime. I’m sure this is all really rough for her.

      Walking over to the sink, Tauren runs his glasses under the water, watching as the dust melts away down the drain. He places them back on, too tired to care about them dripping water down his face.

      “But I mostly just noticed how dirty you are. You’ve got this sooty lookin’ stuff smeared all over your face.”

      Tauren remembers Lesli’s words from a day ago.

      Wow I guess I’m one of those people now. Isn’t that weird.

      Tauren looks down from his calloused hands to the hole working its way through the stitching on his boot.

      I’m one of those ‘dirty miner’s who’s so tired they forget how awful they look’

      Almost 17 years old. Not exactly what I thought it would be like.

      I’m not going to be like that. I’ll clean up when I get home.

      Tauren walks down the hallways, crossing the rough dimly lit mining halls to the residential units.

      I’ll bet they all tell themselves that. ‘I’ll take care of myself unlike the rest.”

      I’m actually going to though.

      Tauren looks over at Lesli’s door.

      Y’know, I think I’m too tired. If she really wanted to, she could come see me.

      Tauren’s keys jangle as he searches for the right one. He pushes the small key into the doorknob, and the hinges creak open with a small shove.

      “Hey honey!” Amelia, Tauren’s mom calls from the couch as she sorts papers.


      “You’re home really late today!” She says, her eyes still fixed on sorting through the stack.


      “I’ve got some dinner for you whenever you’re ready.”

      “Thanks.” Tauren says tiredly.


      “I think we are almost here…” Martha looks down at her map of the mazes and tunnels that scatter across the west.

      “Yes. Ok, just a couple more turns.”

      Lesli remains silent, readjusting her backpack with a sigh. Coming down the grand hallway, her shoes hit the stark metal floors of the professions district. She looks around at the business of the place. Teenagers in formal school uniforms bustle down from the hallway to her left, which leads to the school. A small group of girls in dresses sitting at aa coffee stand chatter and giggle.

      Lesli stops for a second, trying to take it all in.

      Y’know, I’m really glad I didn’t wear my overalls. I would have stuck out like a sore thumb.

      “Martha! Hey! So great to see you.” A man a couple inches taller than Martha emerges from the crowd of people.

      “Hey! So great to see you, Owen!” Martha says, embracing him and smiling.

      “It’s been so long! Wow, look how tall you’re getting Lesli!” Owen’s says, his large voice radiating friendliness.

      Martha moves to the side to prevent Lesli from hiding behind her.

      “Oh… uh yeah.” Lesli stutters awkwardly.

      “This is your uncle Owen.” Martha says, turning towards Lesli. “You met him when you were a baby.”

      “Oh. Nice to meet you.” Lesli says in a shy voice, shaking his hand.

      He seems pretty nice.

      “Uncle Owen has a son not too far in age from you too!” Martha says excitedly.

      “Yes, Yes. We’ll have to introduce you two when we get back home.” Owen says.

      “Ok! So. Off we go!” Owen says, clapping his hands together. “It should be a pretty short walk.”

      Lesli walks behind the two of them, holding onto her backpack straps tightly.

      Wow, there’s so much going on here.

      The group of girls, now walking with their coffee while they talk, turn to look at Lesli as she passes by. Lesli ducks her head to the left to avoid their gaze.

      My dress is really faded. Is that it? I guess I look a little different.

      Lesli looks down at her dress, suddenly noticing every loose thread and wrinkle.

      It’s funny, I never cared too much what other people thought of me.

      Lesli listens to the sound of the conversation ahead and her uncles patent leather shoes clicking to the metal floor.

      “…Yes, he’s doing well in school.” Owen says.

      “Oh! That’s great. Has he chosen a trade yet?” Martha replies.

      “No, not really!” Owen laughs. “Hopefully he’ll pick up mine. It would make things easier for the both of us.”

      “Lesli what about you?” Owen says. Martha turns behind her.


      “Do you have a trade in mind?”

      “Uh—” Lesli gives a questioning look to her mother.

      “Oh, we haven’t talked about that much. Don’t worry about it. He just means—hmm. Like what you want to do to make money when you are older.” Martha says.

      “Oh. Hmm.”

      I dunno. It was ‘mine or raise a family’ at home. Wow, I can’t believe we picked up and moved over here so quickly—

      Lesli looks around at the shops. Dishes clank against tables at the restaurant to her left. Each shop that lines the grand hallway opens to the walking area, providing a small sample of the culture inside.

      I’m not gonna cry about it.

      Lesli holds her breath in, stifling the uneasy air that threatens to escape.

      “What do you think about all this newness Lesli? Exciting, isn’t it?” Martha says cheerfully. “You’re awful quiet back there.”

      “Hm? Oh. Just thinking.”

      Lesli’s eyes wander around the various moldings and architectural feats that line the ceiling.

      “She a quiet girl?” Owen whispers to Martha.

      “Um? I guess sometimes.” Martha says uneasily.

      “Oh! Lesli I nearly forgot, I found this in our mailbox right before we left.” Martha hands her a small pice of paper.

      “Oh, thanks.”

      Lesli reads it in silence, keeping half her eyesight on the people to her sides so she can keep out of their way.

      Hey Les! Didn’t see you at work today, I thought maybe you were sick. Anyways, hope see you in the mines soon!


      Your friend Tauren


      Lesli clenches her jaw, trying to suppress her emotions.

      “Was that from Tauren?”


      “One of her friends?” Owen asks Martha.

      “Yes. They’ve known each other for a long time.”

      “Oh nice.” Owen says, his focus turning to the unit entrances lining the walls.

      “Ok! Here we are.” Owen says, turning a key into the ornate door handle. He swings open the door effortlessly and walks into the unit. Lesli looks up as she enters, noting the high ceilings and molding along the wall joints.

      “Different huh?” Martha says.

      “Yeah.” Lesli says, quietly.

      “Well thank you Owen for letting us stay with you guys. It will be a big help.” Martha says, giving him a sincere smile. Martha looks over at Lesli.

      “Yeah, thanks.” Lesli says.

      “No problem! I mean, we understand.” Owen says, his voice briefly turning more serious.

      “Let me see…” Owen says, taking off down the hallway deeper into the unit. He knocks on a door.

      “Hey! Come meet your aunt Martha and her daughter!”

      “Coming!” A muffled voice responds from inside the room.

      Lesli shifts her weight between her feet uncomfortably. They listen as the door burst open.

      “Dad! I can’t get a single problem on this stuuupid math—” The boy elongates the word stupid to signify its importance in the sentence.

      “Hey ok, ok. We can look at that later.” Owen says, facing down the hall.

      A boy about 14 emerges from a room down the hallway, wearing the same school uniforms Lesli had seen earlier. He rolls his eyes at the delayal of his homework’s completion.

      “Ok so we have your Aunt Martha here—”

      “Nice to finally meet you!”

      “Hi. You too.” He shakes her hand.

      “—And here we have your cousin Lesli.”

      “Hi.” Lesli says.


      “And this is Keiryn. I wasn’t sure how much your mom told you.”

      Lesli nods.

      “Ok! I will show you too some empty rooms we have. One of the two I was thinking would be best is currently being used for storage—but we can take care of that.”

      “Right down here please. Keiryn, would you start moving some of our special plates from the extra bedroom into the cupboard? I think we have space there.”

      Keiryn sighs. “Sure.”


      Ok that’s all, the chapter doesn’t end very seamlessly imo so I might add a bit more.

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2974

        UUh! So i tried to italicize the thoughts and spent awhile going back to fix it, but KP didn’t let me! It’s back how it was now! So yeah, you’ll have to work it out what is thought and narration, sorry!

        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2974


          Forgot to tag you above! 🙂

          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 812


            My sister and I read this together! You should have seen our expressions when we read about Keiryn at her Uncle’s place! We both looked at each other and said, “Wait, what??!!” as we realized he was the same confident kid leading Lila into the mines! You’ve got us hooked! Can’t wait to read more!

            He must increase, but I must decrease.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2974


              That makes me soo happy! 😁 Exactly the effect I wanted with Keiryn.

              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334


                I finally got around to reading this and I love it! Can’t wait to read more! Also the perspective on that drawing is amazing 😍

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2974


                  Aw thank you, glad you like it! 😀

                  Also the perspective on that drawing is amazing 😍


                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2974

                    @theloonyone @loopylin @freedomwriter76 (why do I try to put a dash in your name like every time?!) @lightoverdarkness6 @folith-feolin (I can finally spell your name without using something for reference 😂)  @whalekeeper @felicity

                    @anyone @arien @starofthenorth

                    Hey if yall are interested heres some of my story! If you want to read it I recommend going back in this topic a bit and finding chapter one and two first 😃

                    I’m doing something different this time, instead of attaching some random art I made an illustration of one of the scenes, it’s somewhere in there.


                    Keiryn sighs. “Sure.”

                    Lesli peeks into the room full of boxes and random accessories.

                    “Oh!” Lesli steps out of Kieryn’s way as he returns for another arm full.

                    “Why don’t you two sit in the living room? I’m sure you are tired from that long walk. I’ll get us some dinner in a second and we can talk some more.”

                    “Sure! Thanks again.” Martha responds, picking up her bag and walking out to the living room. Lesli follows.

                    “Well? What’s on your mind? You haven’t said much.” Martha asks, turning to Lesli as she sits down on the sofa.

                    “They have a lot of money.” Lesli whispers, leaning over towards her mom.

                    “Y-yes. That would be true.”

                    Lesli looks up at the high ceiling.

                    How many hours of mining went into that space?

                    Lesli imagines herself being the one to mine it out, carefully taking each bucket back to the minecart and dumping it out.

                    She walks up the scaffolding to reach a higher spot. She looks at her watch. Almost break! Woo! Stepping down from the scaffolding, she grabs her pick before running of to the break room. Oh! I forgot I had raspberries in my lunch today. Only get those once a year. She sits down in her usual spot against the wall, waiting for Tauren to finish his shift.


                    “Oh uh.. sorry! Did you say something?”

                    “Yeah, just wondering what grade your in.” Kieryn asks.

                    “Oh! I graduated a while ago. I’m 17.” Lesli replies.

                    “How—Oh you skipped a grade?” Kieryn says, looking confused.

                    “Hm? No, I—Oh you guys have a different system here. Never mind.”

                    Lesli sits on the edge of the sofa, staring at her feet in discomfort. She turns towards the adult’s conversation to try to mitigate the awkward silence.

                    “Yeah, so the taxes here—” Owen gets interrupted.

                    “—Dad! My math homework—”

                    “Kieryn! I said later! That’s getting rude. You can wait.”

                    Kieryn sighs.

                    “—Sorry. So, as I was saying,” Owen continues.

                    “Are you good at math?” Keiryn asks Lesli.

                    “Oh—uh no. You don’t want me helping you with that.” Lesli smiles faintly.

                    “Oh.” Keiryn gets up and starts walking to his room. “—I’ll just do it by myself then.”

                    “Like always.” He says with an exaggerated sigh, swinging the door shut behind him.

                    Not sure there was much I could do. I mean, his math is likely much harder than anything I ever did in my 8th grade education.




                    Tauren weaves his way through the busy Saturday morning kitchen.

                    “Oh honey, it’s really crowded in here, what do you need?” Aleshia asks.

                    “Oh! I just wanted some tea.” Tauren replies holding out his canteen.

                    “Sure, one second. I just need to stick this back into the oven…” Alesha says, putting a pan into the oven with a clank.

                    “Thanks! Do we have chamomile?” Tauren asks, leaving the kitchen to make some space.

                    “Yes we do!”


                    “Going to hang out with Lesli in the shopping district I assume?” Tauren’s dad, Desman, asks from behind his newspaper.

                    “Yeah!” Tauren says.

                    “That’ll be fun. She’s usually free on Saturdays?”


                    “How is she doing by the way?” Martha asks. “Here’s your tea.”

                    “Thanks! Oh uh—”

                    How much to share…

                    “She’s been a little down—” Tauren takes a sip of his tea. “But uh—yeah hopefully I’ll see her at work again soon.”

                    Martha turns around in surprise.

                    “What, you mean she so down she hasn’t been at work?”

                    “Umm, yeah.”

                    “Oh my. Well, tell her I said Hi—” Martha stops.

                    “You mean like she’s depressed?” She finishes.

                    “Oh um—just y’know, life circumstances…”

                    “Ok, well I can tell you don’t want to tell and it’s something personal. That’s really not good though!” Martha says.

                    “Oh, yeah. I’m heading out now.” Tauren says, taking out his keys.

                    “Ok! Have a good time!”


                    Tauren locks the door behind him. Walking towards the Mintz home door, he knocks. Tauren brings his canteen closer, enjoying it’s warmth and the steam rising onto his face. He smiles.

                    “Hello?” Lelsi’s dad answers the door.

                    “Hi! Just wondering if I could talk to Lesli.”

                    Lesli’s dad’s face falls.

                    “Oh um—she uh—I guess you didn’t hear?”

                    “Hear what?” Tauren stops focusing on his tea as his expression turns to worry.

                    “She’s uh—I mean hate to be the one to break the news— She and Martha moved to the professions district.”

                    “She—She moved?” Tauren says, shocked.

                    “Yep. Check your mailbox, I’d be surprised if she didn’t leave you something.” Lesli’s dad says with a sigh.

                    “Wha—oh. Ok. Well, thanks anyways.”

                    “No problem.” He responds, closing the door.

                    Tauren still stands in the hallway, still staring at her door.

                    Why didn’t she tell me?

                    Tauren takes a sip of his tea.


                    “Why is everything here so stinkin’ expensive?” Tauren says to 15 year old Lesli as he fingers a couple small metal pieces in his pocket.

                    “I don’t know!” Lesli says with surprise turning to face him. “Isn’t it so grand though!”

                    “Like, look at all the people! There’s so much action! I’ve been waiting to take you here for soooo long.” Lesli says with pride.

                    “Oh really? It is kind of cool I guess. I’ve never seen so many people in one place.”

                    “Right?” Lesli laughs.

                    “I can almost afford a tea from that stand. It’s just half a gram.” Lesli adds.

                    “Yeah. I’d rather save up for a newer pen though. I don’t like mine.” Tauren walks a little faster to come up next to her. “We can always make tea at home and bring I here too.”

                    “Oh yeah! That would be fun.” Lesli pauses to think. “Next Saturday sound good?”

                    “Yeah! We could even sit at the tables like the people who bought there’s, I mean nobody would know the difference.” Tauren says.

                    “Ha-ha, yeah. Nobody would suspect a thing.” Lesli says, skipping as she turns around to face him.

                    Tauren spots a blank run with no people opening up.

                    “Race you!”

                    Lesli takes off after Tauren, barely taking the lead. The two of them reach the other side, crashing into the wall.

                    “Hey you’re getting faster! What happened?” Lesli says, panting. “I think that was nearly a tie!”

                    “No, it was a tie.” Tauren says proudly, crossing his arms, still out of breath.

                    “Oh fine.” Lesli says, ruffling his hair. “You’re going to be faster than me before we know it.”

                    “Yeah. I guess so.”

                    “Let’s start to head back. I told your parents it would be quick.”

                    “Oh, ok.” Tauren says with frustration.

                    “Next Saturday at 9 work?”


                    “Sounds good!” Lesli says.


                    Tauren fiddles with the doorhandle of his unit, jerking it up to engage to old hinges.

                    Well, I guess that tradition is broken now.

                    Tauren reaches over to the small mailbox perched next to his door, pulling out a note with scribbled handwriting.


                    I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner I’m moving to the professions district with mom and it might kinda be my only chance so I had to go and I don’t know what’s going to happen but I hope you write me soon I put my address at the bottom of the page

                    Love you



                    What now.

                    Tauren busies himself with folding the note perfectly in half, creasing it with his fingernail against the wall. He takes the note and folds it in half again, putting it in his pocket.

                    I last saw her a couple days ago—

                    Wow she left really quick.

                    Tauren pushes his bangs over his eyes, trying to hide his emotion from a couple passersby. He fiddles with the door-nob again, pretending to be busy.

                    “Those stinkin’ doorknobs! Mine’s just the same!” Greyson booms as he passes by in the hallway.

                    “Mm. Y-yeah.” Tauren stutters a response, his mind still in another place.

                    “Hey, you alri—”

                    “I’m fine.” Tauren cuts of the end of his sentence with a quick response.

                    “Oh, ok just askin’. You have a good one.”

                    “You too.” Tauren turns back towards the door.

                    Ugh. that is so embarrassing. I hope he didn’t notice I’m kind of losing it over here.

                    Tauren walks inside, setting his tea on the table and hanging up his bag.

                    “You’re back early!” Desman says, leaning out of the kitchen as rinses of some dishes and stacks them into the drying rack.


                    “Hey, why the somber tone?!”

                    “Oh, Lesli moved to another district.” Tauren says, sitting down at the table.

                    Aleshia whips around in surprise.

                    “She what? Moved?! Why? Her dad has lived here for 3 generations!”

                    “Oh uhh—I guess I can tell you guys. Her parents got divorced.”

                    “Really?” Both parents say in synchrony, Aleshia’s voice hinting a tone of disapproval.

                    “I thought she would have told me.  Y’know I’ve known Martha since we were both newlyweds. We were best friends.”

                    “I thought you guys still were.” Desman says.

                    “Oh, we really grew apart the last few years. Not sure what did it, but it did make me sad.” Alishia says.

                    Tauren starts walking back to his room.

                    “Oh! Tauren you should get on Mr. Ledgers mailing list. He should be coming around sometime.”

                    “Oh sure. I figured I would just use you guys’s name to mail to her.”

                    “Yeah, but he likes kids to get there own at some point. I don’t fully understand it, but it’s really important to him.”

                    “Oh sure.”

                    Tauren puts his boots back on and stands outside the door. He looks down at his watch.

                    9:28. He should be around here soon.

                    I guess I just wait.

                    Tauren looks over to the mines entrance. A feeling of slight disgust intrudes his mind at its appearance. It’s wooden supports bar part of the entrance off from anyone but the workers, and the dim glow of incandescent lights creates a sickly yellow aura throughout the dusty air. A couple walks in with the mines manager, towing a short teenager behind them. He looks around inquisitively.

                    Getting ready for his first day on the job I bet.

                    Tauren sorts through his confused emotions at the sight. A couple years ago, it would have made him happy.

                    That kid has no idea what’s to come when he’s older. Seems like all fun’n games until it’s not.


                    “Tauren! You made it!” Lesli screams down the mine at the sight of Tauren. She drops her pickaxe, letting it clank to the ground and runs to meet him.

                    “Hey Les!” Tauren yell while clumsily running to meet her, attracting some confused glances.

                    The two run towards each other.

                    “Eeeeeee! You’re here!” Lesli says, squeezing Tauren around the shoulders as she hugs him.

                    “Yeah! I can’t wait!”

                    “Here, let me show you around.” Lesli says while running, picking up her pickaxe along the way. Tauren giggles as they run down the hall together.


                    Ah! I should stay alert.

                    Tauren looks down the hall at a figure in the distance. He waves.

                    “Hey! Mr. Ledger! How’s it going?!” Tauren calls down the hall.

                    “Going well Tauren! What can I help you with?” He says with a big smile while approaching.

                    “Oh, I wanted to get on your mailing list. My mom said I should.”

                    “Yes! Ok sounds good. Let me see…” Mr. Ledger searches through his satchel bag, pulling out a large binder.

                    “Ok! Let’s see F…” He says, flipping through the pages. “We got Fairchild…” His facial expression turns to surprise. “Wrong binder!” He digs into his bag again, pulling out another binder identical to the first.

                    “You sure have a lot of customers these days.” Tauren says, wondering how many binders he has in his bag.

                    “Oh! Uh—yes. yes. That’s for sure.”

                    “Ok! I need a couple contacts for you that are already on my list…” Mr Ledger looks at Tauren for an answer.

                    “Hm? Oh like…” Tauren says in a confused tone.

                    “Well! You see we have your parents… what about your friend Lesli? I have her new address on here”

                    Wow he really does know everything about the people around here. Mom wasn’t wrong.

                    “Oh uh yeah. Lesli works fine. And my parents”

                    “You got another one?”

                    “Uh… I don’t know many people. What-um-like why do you—”

                    “—Oh! I get that question a lot. My purpose here is to simply get you your mail no matter where you are—I like to provide good service of course. So, in order to do that, I need a list of people to ask in case I couldn’t find you. Make since?”

                    “Oh yeah. I suppose.”

                    “Let’s see if I can help you out here… one sec.” He says flipping through pages.

                    “You do know Layson Pembrick perhaps? I have him on my list.”

                    I mean… I don’t know him the best… but it doesn’t hurt?

                    “Sure yeah. I know him.”

                    “Ok! Well I’d assume you are going to be writing Lesli a lot then. You two were inseparable as kids.”

                    “You should go visit her sometime! I’m sure she would appreciate it.” He says, shoving the binder back into his satchel. “It’s a short walk.” He exclaims.

                    “Short?” Tauren says furrowing his eyebrows.

                    “Yeah! —Oh I’m sorry.” Mr. Ledger shakes his head in frustration. “I have not had my morning coffee today and my brain is just—” He puts his hand on his head and squints his eyes shut. “Just not workin’ how it should. You’d think a man with as much exercise as me wouldn’t need coffee!” he says with a large laughter.

                    “Oh! No worries. Thanks for getting me on there.” Tauren says with a smile.

                    “Yeah! Anytime.”

                    “Oh and… how hard is the walk over there?”

                    “Well, let me tell you I’ve made that walk many times… Hmm. But I’ve never used the route you would take.” Mr. Ledger says, mumbling the second half under his breath.

                    “I can’t say for sure… but I think if you got ready fast you could definitely make it there and back today.” Mr. Ledger exclaims with a sharp nod.

                    “Oh!” Tauren exclaims, it not having occurred to him that the long walk was an option.

                    “I could?” He says, glancing down at his watch.

                    “Yes, I think so. Anyways, good luck and tell your parents I said hi!”

                    “I will, thanks!” Tauren says, smiling as he shuts the door.

                    Wow, I might just be able to see Lesli today! And we could get all caught up in person, no need ot write a bunch of letters, as much fun as that can be.


                    Tauren rushes inside, frantically gathering his things in his bag. He grabs some food from the pantry to eat along the way and starts filling his water canteen under the faucet.

                    “Where are you off too?”  Aleshia asks, scooting aside to make more room for Tauren at the sink.

                    “Oh! I forgot to ask—Could I uh—go visit Lesli?” Tauren asks eagerly, glancing at his mom.

                    “That’s 6 hours of walking in a day y’know. I suppose if you are up to it, you could.” Alesia says.

                    “Yeah, I want to go. I have some food with me, and I think it’ll be fine.” Tauren says, cramming a muffin from the day before into the top of his bag.

                    “Well I hope that goes well for you. Tell her I said Hi would you?” Aleshia says.


                    “Oh, me too!” Desman says with a smile.

                    “I will.” Tauren says, swinging his bag onto his shoulder.


                    “What?” Tauren asks.

                    “Oh I just have to learn to not worry about you so much that’s all.” Aleshia says with a laugh. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

                    “Yeah, I asked Mr. Ledger and he says he’s walked there before.”

                    “I think Mr. Ledger could walk just about anywhere he wanted to and say it was easy.” Aleshia says.

                    “I guess.” Tauren says, looking off into the distance.

                    “Oh I should tell you, I’ve never been there before, but the culture is really different there, It might be a little shock.”

                    “Hm, I think once I find Lesli, I’ll be okay.”

                    “Ok, well then have fun.” Aleshia says.

                    “Oh! Just know that people might stare a bit.” Desman adds, sipping his morning coffee.


                    “Yeah. The professions district has everything brought to them by merchants, so many of those kids haven’t seen a labor worker in their life.”

                    “Really?” Tauren replies.

                    “Really. It’s a different life.”

                    “Oh.” Tauren says, turning to face the living room mirror and suddenly realizing how unsophisticated he must look in comparison to them.

                    Never in their life have they seen someone like me? Who would even want to live in a bubble like that?


                    Expect it to be awhile for another update, I’m moving into the more mid-section of the story and need to work out some plotting issues.

                    Thank you guys for taking the time to read, I appreciate it a lot! And critiques are fine too!



                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 446


                      Hey if yall are interested heres some of my story!

                      Yaas! Ready to

                      “Oh.” Keiryn gets up and starts walking to his room. “—I’ll just do it by myself then.”

                      “Like always.” He says with an exaggerated sigh, swinging the door shut behind him.

                      Haha, poor Keiryn 😂 I feel the pain though, no one in my house can help me with math 😫

                      Ooh, I love the art! Poor Tauren, he doesn’t know she’s gone…

                      “She’s uh—I mean hate to be the one to break the news— She and Martha moved to the professions district.”

                      Wait… why did only they move? Is there something up? 🤔🤨

                      Her parents got divorced.

                      Oh, ok, that makes sense


                      It’s the brainchildren! 🤣😂

                      I loved the chapter! Go find Lesli, Tauren.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2974



                        Yeah poor Tauren 😥 and Kieryn

                        Lol you recognized the brainchildren! 😂🤣 I wasn’t sure if anyone would catch that! It’s some really early foreshadowing, I don’t expect anyone to figure it out though, it’s a bit too early.

                        Idk if you remember, but in chapter one Lesli tells Tauren her parents got divorced, that’s the scene where he’s comforting her.

                        Glad you liked the chapter!

                        (I nearly forgot to italicize my emojis! 😫)

                        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156


                          (why do I try to put a dash in your name like every time?!)

                          Hehe, I don’t know. XD I mess up tags all the time. XD

                          Hey if yall are interested heres some of my story!

                          Totally still interested!!! 😀

                          “Oh.” Keiryn gets up and starts walking to his room. “—I’ll just do it by myself then.”

                          “Like always.” He says with an exaggerated sigh, swinging the door shut behind him.

                          Feel you, man. XD Thankfully, I do have my dad who can help me, but still, I despise the math. XD

                          Ahh, the art is soo good! Tauren is sooo cute! <333

                          Tauren fiddles with the doorhandle of his unit, jerking it up to engage to old hinges.

                          Well, I guess that tradition is broken now.

                          Tauren reaches over to the small mailbox perched next to his door, pulling out a note with scribbled handwriting.


                          I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner I’m moving to the professions district with mom and it might kinda be my only chance so I had to go and I don’t know what’s going to happen but I hope you write me soon I put my address at the bottom of the page

                          Love you



                          What now.

                          Tauren busies himself with folding the note perfectly in half, creasing it with his fingernail against the wall. He takes the note and folds it in half again, putting it in his pocket.

                          I last saw her a couple days ago—

                          Wow she left really quick.

                          Wow…I really felt the emotion in that…*sobs* Poor Tauren!!!

                          “Oh I just have to learn to not worry about you so much that’s all.” Aleshia says with a laugh. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

                          I love his mom so much. XD She may be my fav right now, other than Tauren and Lesli, of course. XD

                          Expect it to be awhile for another update, I’m moving into the more mid-section of the story and need to work out some plotting issues.

                          Thank you guys for taking the time to read, I appreciate it a lot! And critiques are fine too!

                          Totally understand!!!! 😀 🙂

                          And you are sooooo welcome!!! It’s been an absolute JOY to read! <333

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2974


                            Thanks!! <33

                            I remember digging through my marker bin like hmmm… purple sweater?🤔

                            Yeah I’m doing that 😀

                            Oh I’m honored to have made a reader feel the sad!! 😂

                            I’m so glad you like Aleshia! I didn’t know people would like her! I haven’t done really any character work with her, but I should try to develop her some more.

                            Thanks for reading and really glad you’re enjoying it!! 😁

                            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 446


                              Lol you recognized the brainchildren! 😂🤣 I wasn’t sure if anyone would catch that! It’s some really early foreshadowing, I don’t expect anyone to figure it out though, it’s a bit too early.

                              Lol, yeah, I noticed! 😂😂

                              Idk if you remember, but in chapter one Lesli tells Tauren her parents got divorced, that’s the scene where he’s comforting her.

                              Oh yeah, I forgot! It’s been a little but since I read that first chapter 🤣

                              (I nearly forgot to italicize my emojis! 😫)

                              Oh no! That would’ve been terrible! 😣😥😫😫🤣🤣🤣

                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 193


                                So I finally got the chance to read through everything you’ve posted on here, and . . . WOW. Good job with the emotions! I can totally see this as a graphic novel!

                                I did have one question though . . . what kind of setting is this? Like, is it a type of fantasy, or historical fiction, or some kind of futuristic world? Or none of the above?

                                Be brave. Be strong. Be bold.
                                -Christopher Blakewell

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2974


                                  Thank you! I love writing emotional scenes soooo much 🙂

                                  I’m actually not telling the setting because it’s so crucial. It’s one of the things I want to use to keep the reader hooked. I’ll put some not super major spoilers below, skip them if you want.





                                  MINOR SPIOLER WARNING


                                  Ok so Lesli and Tauren live underground. I’m not sure how obvious that was, but the title of the series is currently “The west hills bunkers” which will definitely help the reader understand that. I might include dates in the finished version, If set in our world it would be around 3,401. Thanks for bringing that to my attention though, I really do need to bring in the background  soon. I’m withholding information about the outside mostly because I want to the reader to experience the new experiences Lesli and Tauren have with just the same lack of knowledge they have. Like, when the mc’s learn something new, so do you. Lesli and Tauren have no idea what the world is really like, and I want that shock to be experienced with the reader. The world grows throughout the series… if that makes sense. Lesli’s dad is involved in some of the history of the bunker, so I’ll probably put that in soon. I’m glad you liked it! 😁 Thanks for taking the time to read!

                                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

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