Into His Marvelous Light

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        Your answers!

        1. It’s Holy Ghost, but not a big deal lol.

        And everything else is correct! Yay!


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @joy-caroline @mkfairygirl


          Ready for lesson 3? (Sorry I didn’t post it yesterday!!)

          Here we go!

          This is a short lesson and the last lesson.

          Lesson 3: The Epistle

          As we read the Epistles, we will notice how strongly the Apostles felt about the gospel (good news) of salvation. This is not because they were being judgmental. It is because they knew the Word Jesus had given them to proclaim was going to judge all men.

          What Did Peter Say?

          “Ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth…being born again… by the word of God…and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you” (1 Peter 1:22-25).

          Obedience to God’s Word purifies our souls!

          Peter Asked…

          “What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17,18).

          Paul Answered…

          “The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power” (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).

          It is eternally important to obey the gospel!

          What Did Paul Say?

          “But there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ, but though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:7-9)

          There is only one gospel!

          What Did James Say?

          “Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth
          what manner of man he was” (James 1:21-24).

          The Word is able to save our souls!

          James tells us that if we see something we need to do as we look into the “mirror of the word,” we should do it. Let us now consider what we will do with what we have heard.


          Conclusion (Answer with Yes or No)

          Do you believe the word of God is true and will judge us?

          Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior?

          Do you believe it is necessary to repent by determining to turn from sin and giving your life to God?

          Do you believe water baptism in the NAME of Jesus Christ is the biblical way to be baptized?

          Do you believe the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for you today, and when you receive it you will speak in other tongues, just as they did in the Bible?




          If you believe these things, pray right now, asking God to allow you to experience all that He has for you!






          Supplemental scriptures

          (1) Matthew 7:13-24
          God’s warning regarding false prophets, and the importance of being a doer and not just a hearer of the Word.

          (2) Matthew 16:15-19
          Peter was given the “keys of the kingdom” because of his revelation of who Jesus Christ was.

          (3) Other “Great Commission” Scriptures
          In Matthew 28:18-20 the word “name” is singular in this command to baptize. The Apostles obeyed this command when they baptized only in the name of Jesus, and did not use the titles mentioned here. (See Acts 4:12). Mark 16:15-18 stresses the importance of water baptism and describes the signs that will follow believers.

          (4) Matthew 16:15-19
          Peter, who was given the “keys of the kingdom,” uses them to open the “kingdom door” by preaching the original apostolic message of salvation for the first time.

          (5) Acts 8:35-39
          Philip must have mentioned baptism when he preached Jesus to the Ethiopian official because the Eunuch asked to be baptized in water. The Greek root word for “baptize” is bapto which literally means “to cover wholly with fluid, to dip.” (See also Romans 6:3,4.)

          (6) Acts 10:34-43
          Peter preached the life and lordship of Jesus Christ as well as His death, burial and resurrection.

          (7) 1 Peter 3:20,21
          According to Peter, baptism is an essential part of the plan of salvation.

          We encourage you to read through the Gospels, Acts and Epistles in detail…and continue to walk “into His marvelous light!”




          More questions.

          Have you repented of your sins?

          Have you been baptized (wholly submerged in water) with the name of Jesus Christ called over you?

          Have you been filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? Have you spoke in tongues?

          If the answer to these are no, please let me know. The Lord is willing to grant you this salvation, and I will stop and pray as soon as I see any message from you. This is the ONLY way to be saved, and, though I don’t know y0u in person, I love you all. So I ask that if you are willing and seeking to be saved and used of God, and I’m sure you are, reply to this and let me know what I can do to shed some more light, or just pray with you and seek his face.

          If you are stirred all you must do is pray, repent and allow him to forgive you, and then open your hearts to receive his Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Find a church or someone that will baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ. A truth believing pastor, etc.

          I hope that you’ve all enjoyed this and I sincerely hope you find truth in this word. (:


          (Feel free to ask questions or anything else)


            • Rank: Chosen One
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            (Note, if you receive the Holy Ghost, you must speak in tongues! Despite what some say, merely believing or crying is not receiving.)


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1379


              Awesome! Here I go…

              Conclusion (Answer with Yes or No)

              Do you believe the word of God is true and will judge us? Yes

              Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? Yes

              Do you believe it is necessary to repent by determining to turn from sin and giving your life to God? Yes

              Do you believe water baptism in the NAME of Jesus Christ is the biblical way to be baptized? Yes

              Do you believe the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for you today, and when you receive it you will speak in other tongues, just as they did in the Bible? Yes and no (I believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is for me, but I don’t believe in speaking in tongues when it is received.)

              More questions.

              Have you repented of your sins? Yes

              Have you been baptized (wholly submerged in water) with the name of Jesus Christ called over you? Yes

              Have you been filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? Have you spoke in tongues? No (I’ll have to respectfully disagree on the subject of speaking in tongues. Being Adventist, I don’t believe the same about tongues as Pentecostals do.)

              Thanks for another great lesson! I always enjoy looking up the verses. By the way, I bold my answers so they’re easy for you to spot. 🙂

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                @godlyfantasy12 Thank you so much for this lesson!!!!! 🙂 I really enjoyed reading through these and the Bible verses!!!!! Thank you so much for doing these devotions!!!!! 🙂

                "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
                Fall in love with Jesus

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @koy-caroline Welcome!

                  If you don’t mind my asking, what is it that Seventh Day Adventist’s believe? If you don’t feel comfortable sharing that’s perfectly fine but I’m totally open to discussion!


                  Aww ur so welcome!!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                      I don’t mind at all!

                      Seventh-Day Adventists believe that speaking in tongues is one of the gifts Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 12:27-28, and that not everyone should seek the experience. We don’t believe it has anything to do with salvation, that it’s rare, and that we should be cautious with the way we view it. We also believe that a person speaking in tongues will be speaking in their own language as they would in everyday conversation, and others around them will be able to understand in their own language. So it’s a way to witness to people who don’t speak your language.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @joy-caroline (WARNING LONG POST LOL) @mkfairygirl (Thought u might be interested in this too!)

                        Sorry it took so long to get back with you on this subject!!!!! I asked my dad to give me some notes and scripture to help me share the difference between the Gift of Tongues and the Evidence of Tongues, and it took a while to get them, so thanks for being patient!! Hope this is informative!


                        As we learned in our Bible Study, speaking with tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost, and it is a MUST to be saved. You cannot be saved without the Holy Ghost, and if you have not spoken with tongues then you do not have it.


                        (I will be using scripture and notes from the book New Birth and Beyond by Evangelist Tim Downs)


                        Part of the new birth as spoken in John 3:5 is to receive the spirit of God (otherwise known as) the Holy Ghost.


                        John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.


                        It is very important that if you have not received the Holy Ghost since you have repented and have been baptized in Jesus name that you seek for the Holy Ghost as often as possible until you receive it.


                        In the Bible, there was no doubt when people received the Holy Ghost. You see there was a sign that was given to show the Holy Ghost was given, and that sign is speaking in tongues.


                        Speaking with (or in) tongues is “supernatural gift of speaking in another language without its having been learnt.”

                        Speaking in tongues is not gibberish….Those who speak in tongues speak in genuine languages, even though the speakers themselves do not understand what they say….The languages can be either human or angelic in Nature (1 Corinthians 13:1). Speaking in tongues is not accidental, irrelevant, unimportant, or a rare phenomenon; it is a gift from God and a significant part of God’s plan for the New Testament church.


                        Acts 10:44-46 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.


                        Now, I know that you don’t believe that speaking with tongues is for everyone, due to what Paul spoke of, but if I may I’d like to shed some light on that subject (:


                        The Gift of Tongues is not the Evidence of Tongues.


                        Paul speaks about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14, but you must understand that these letters were sent to churches that were ALREADY spirit filled. Meaning every saved person in that church had ALREADY spoken with tongues to give evidence that they had been filled with the Holy Ghost.


                        Verses 4-11 show that there are many spiritual gifts but ALL come from the Spirit of God for the benefit of the church. The gifts Paul listed are these:

                        The word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.


                        The gift of tongues is given to those who are already filled with the Holy Ghost, those who are chosen to speak God’s word through tongues, but as Paul says in chapter 14, speaking in tongues will not edify anyone but the speaker unless there is interpretation.


                        The Evidence of tongues is to show you have received the Holy Ghost, which is a MUST if you are to be saved.


                        Cornelius, a centurion spoke in tongues. (Acts 10:44-46)

                        The Ephesians spoke in tongues (Acts 19:6)

                        The Samaritans spoke in tongues. While there isn’t much detail in Acts 8, it does say that the Samaritans were baptized with the Spirit, and for the writers of the Bible to truly know that then there must have been a definite, supernatural sign. We know there must have been a sign also because Simon, a magician was so impressed he wanted to buy the miracle for his magic show.

                        Acts 8:14-19

                        Paul spoke in tongues.

                        Acts 9 indicates that Paul received the Spirit but it gives no description of this event. As a result, the passage does not mention speaking in tongues, HOWEVER Paul spoke in tongues frequently for he later said, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” (1 Corinthians 14:18. Since he taught speaking in tongues came by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10), it is consistently to assume that he first spoke in tongues when he received the Spirit, just as everyone else did.


                        Tongues in and of themselves do not save. Nevertheless, the relationship between the Spirit baptism and tongues is similar to that of faith and works. We are saved by faith, not works, yet works always accompany genuine faith. Likewise, tongues cannot save us, yet the Spirit baptism produces tongues as the initial sign.

                        Doe tongues always accompany the baptism of the Spirit? The Book of Acts indicates this to be so; it describes tongues and nothing else as the initial sign associated with the individual filling. A Spirit baptism without tongues is a non biblical concept; the Bible does not discuss this possibility. We should always expect speaking in tongues when someone receives the Holy Ghost.


                        So, as you can see, if you have not spoken with tongues, you have not been filled with the Spirit. And if you have not been filled with Spirit, you cannot be saved.


                        John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.



                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1379


                          Interesting! I don’t mind long posts; I enjoy hearing what other Christians believe. 🙂

                          I’ll have to say though, that the Adventist and Pentecostal churches do have different beliefs, so I respectfully disagree. I believe that tongues are not connected to salvation and is not something everyone should/can do.

                          However, you’ve raised some very thoughtful points. If you don’t mind, I’d like to save them on a separate doc. When school starts again in two weeks, I’d like to ask my school chaplain for more about our Adventist viewpoint. I must admit, tongues is not something I’ve studied extensively, and I want to learn as much about the Bible as possible!! Thanks for giving me the nudge to seek guidance on this. Appreciate it very much!

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6689



                            Hey gurl! I’m curious if u ever got to talk to ur school chaplain!!! What did he say about what I taught??


                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1379


                              Yes, I did! He gave me a lot of clarification on Adventist beliefs, so I can explain it clearly to you now:

                              As we learned in our Bible Study, speaking with tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost, and it is a MUST to be saved. You cannot be saved without the Holy Ghost, and if you have not spoken with tongues then you do not have it.

                              First, the Bible never states that not speaking in tongues mean you are not saved. Without a doubt, if speaking in tongues was a must to be saved, Jesus would have taught it, John the Baptist would have taught it, and the apostles would certainly have mentioned it in their writings. Tongues are in fact a spiritual gift and not everyone has this gift.

                              In the Bible, there was no doubt when people received the Holy Ghost. You see there was a sign that was given to show the Holy Ghost was given, and that sign is speaking in tongues.

                              When Jesus baptized, there is no mention of any of those He baptized speaking in tongues.

                              Speaking in tongues is not gibberish….Those who speak in tongues speak in genuine languages, even though the speakers themselves do not understand what they say….The languages can be either human or angelic in Nature (1 Corinthians 13:1). Speaking in tongues is not accidental, irrelevant, unimportant, or a rare phenomenon; it is a gift from God and a significant part of God’s plan for the New Testament church.

                              When people speak in tongues, they CAN and SHOULD understand what they are saying. Spiritual gifts come with discernment and God would not allow someone to speak in tongues when the person doesn’t even know what they’re saying. Speaking in tongues is most definitely a sacred thing, and not something that everyone should go about freely doing. I would disagree with you on the point that tongues are common. They in fact are a rare gift.

                              I won’t copy and paste them all since you provided quite a few examples that would make my response very long, lol, but you speak of places in Scripture where converts spoke in tongues. Adventists believe that these were incidents where God gave the spiritual gift of tongues to baptized converts, in order that they could witness in that way and show God’s glory through them. Speaking in tongues at Pentecost, as well as all other places in Scripture where speaking in tongues happens, was done so that those who witnessed or heard could marvel at the miracle, and believe in God. This is also the reason all miracles in the New Testament were done – so that people could marvel and believe in God. Miracles were needed during that time period in which many false wonders were done by pagans, sorcerers, etc.

                              Of course, God still does miracles; people think that He doesn’t, but that’s because they’re mistaken in how they interpret miracles. For example, a sick person being kept alive on a ventilator and eventually getting well is a miracle from God, it just doesn’t happen instantaneously, which is why many people don’t think of it as a miracle.

                              Tongues are not a sign of salvation nor a condition for salvation.

                              I want to say, too, that even though we disagree I enjoy these discussions and don’t mean to offend you. I think of it more of just friendly sharing instead of trying to sway you over to how I believe or anything. Just wanted to make sure you knew I never mean any offense. 🙂 <3

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree. You see, we cannot take John the Baptist and Jesus not speaking with other tongues themselves as meaning we do not need to. You see, the Holy Ghost (Jesus’ spirit) DID NOT COME live within us until Jesus was CRUCIFIED.

                                Acts 1:4-5

                                “And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.”

                                You mentioned the Apostles mentioning it in their writings. Well, that’s simple. Their letters were written to churches, and read aloud in the congregations to those who were already saved. Therefor, why did they need to dwell upon the salvation message to those already saved? Instead they deal with how to stay that way and what to do afterwards and how to help others, lead, serve the Lord, etc.

                                As for it being a gift, yes I mentioned there is a separate gift of tongues and interpretation (I put it in the above lessons (;

                                But as for being able to understand what they’re saying….I can tell you….


                                whenever I speak in tongues I have no idea what I am saying. I know we have different beliefs, and I don’t want to offend. My only concern is salvation, and that is all that I care about, because I honestly just love people and want them to be saved. So yea….anyway…ah.


                                guess I just kinda gotta leave the ball in your court now lol!!! But anyway!!! I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed our Bible study and it got you asking questions!!! If you ever wanna do something else let me know!!! 😊



                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  Also yes I’m so glad God still does miracles woop woop!!


                                  have you ever heard of the Azuza street revival?! Some of those testimonies are INCREDIBLE!! I want to (and have seen) miracles take place that are beyond INCREDIBLE!! People walking who were in wheelchairs, people being able to hear who were deaf, etc! One testimony is of a woman many many years ago who had a leg shorter then another and it GREW IN FRONT OF HER EYES TO THE LENGTH OF THE OTHER LEG IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!

                                  The Lord is amazing!!


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