How naming affects characterization

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  • #21649
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 244

      @ethryndal, @jess, @kate-flournoy That’s interesting insight you had. Really interesting.

      The actual alignment of these characters are:

      James Manning: Hero

      Pandora Flynn: Hero

      Amadeus Janssen: Villain

      Marcus Coleman: Villain

      Jackson Levi: Hero

      It was interesting hearing your opinions on their names. πŸ˜€

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Leumeister.
      Mark Kamibaya
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 318

        Never seen this before. Let me try what @leumeister did . . .

        Logan Black

        Gabriella Kamiyama

        Blake Aricson

        Daren Azimalik

        Jonah Cnatonus

        Yukio Kamiyama

        I blog on story and spiritual things at

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          Logan Black sounds almost like a villain. It may be because of the last name Black.

          Gabriella Kamiyama sounds like a good guy, except the Kamiyama could throw some people.

          Blake Aricson… I’d say hero, but I could be wrong.

          Daren Azimalik…. Villain. I think villain.

          Jonah Cnnatonus. I have no idea with this one. He could be bad luck on a ship… πŸ˜›

          Yukio Kamiyama. Again, the name throws me, since it’s foreign. I’d be inclined to say villain, but then there’s Gabriella Kamiyama…I assume that’s Yukio’s wife?

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            @mark-kamibaya I would be inclined to agree with @leumeister, except for Yukio Kamiyama, which doesn’t hit me as villainous. (Sorry, Leu, hope you don’t mind. πŸ™‚ )

            INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              Logan Black- Hero
              Gabriella Kamiyama- Hero
              Blake Aricson- Villain maybe?
              Daren Azimalik- Villain
              Jonah Cnatonus – Hero?
              Yukio Kamiyama- Hero

                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                Of course I don’t mind. Everybody’s entitled to their own opinion. πŸ™‚

                Mark Kamibaya
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 318

                  @leumeister @jess @ethryndal

                  Logan Black–main character (hero)
                  Gabriella Kamiyama–secondary character (good guy, daughter of Yukio btw)
                  Blake Aricson–secondary character: antihero
                  Daren Azimalik–villain
                  Jonah Cnatonus–secondary character (hero)
                  Yukio Kamiyama–villain (big baddie)

                  Interesting how you came to similar, but different conclusions.

                  I blog on story and spiritual things at

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    So, what about hero’s names? What do you guys think would go into a hero’s naming? (letters and sounds and such) (Ah, the English language) πŸ˜›
                    I particularly think that L is a good hero letter, but what else?

                    β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ ENFP β˜€ β˜€ β˜€

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 142

                      I love the letter L! I put it into a lot of names. Sometimes I have to come up with names that purposefully don’t have the letter L or K or R in it. hehe.
                      I tentatively disagree that the villains should only have R names. (sorry guys!) Names like Roric, Eragon, Durin, and Thorin all have R’s in them, and they are all hero’s. I think the letter R sounds strong, so if you have a strong hero (or villain) his name should use the letter R.
                      Thank you for enabling my rant of the day. πŸ™‚

                      The Scattered Writer

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                        @Jenali I am blown away by the fact that you like the exact three letters I do. May I say that you have very good taste? πŸ™‚

                        And I agree about R. (Probably because I have a character named Rodyn πŸ™‚ ) It’s a pretty strong sounding letter, which is why it works well for villains, but I personally like heroes named with an R as well. Just think of Robin Hood. Wouldn’t be half so epic sounding if it was “Louie Hood” or something.

                        INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 142

                          Exactly! Glad you agree. πŸ™‚

                          The Scattered Writer

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @jenali Well, if you use the ‘R’s as Gandalf does, then it can be a villain sounding name. I guess it does depend on how one says it. @ethryndal
                            Huh…I never veer to one letter over the other, but I do tend to be very picky in my names. It can take me more than an hour just to find a suiting name for a character, and lots of internets searching. πŸ˜›

                            β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ ENFP β˜€ β˜€ β˜€

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              @Dragon-Snapper Oh yes, the age long battle over names. I prefer naming fantasy characters, because then I can just make something up. πŸ™‚ But when it comes to real life people…ugh.

                              I also like the letter E for a hero… Eowyn, Eragon, Emolas (he’s one of my characters πŸ™‚ ) Edmund…Eeyore…

                              INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                                @jenali @ethryndal @dragon-snapper Wow! This is super cool! I love this topic. Mind if I jump in?
                                I agree about the E names 100%! Some of my favorite characters from my stories have E names like Erahir, Erdain, Evaleen, Elise, Elseanya etc. πŸ˜„ I made a list a couple months ago of every character I’ve ever come up with for my story world, (no matter how insignificant) and you might be interested to hear that J names are without a doubt the most popular name on my list. There are over 25 Js out of 150 only 2 of which are enemies. The A names can in close second, but there was a pretty even mix of heroes and villains. My Es are next with just over 15 and ever single one belongs to a ‘good guy’. This kinda surprised me since I usually don’t care in general for the letter A. (It’s because it’s fire engine red. Ergh.)
                                I also do the letter thing! Whenever I’m sketching a character I just get this feeling for what their name should be. When I was constructing my Evil Overlord this got me into a bit of trouble. I drew him up a couple of times, and for some reason I couldn’t think of him by any other name except Carlos!! Carlos! Not exactly a name for striking fear into your opponents, eh? ☺️ And I don’t know about you guys but once I find the name that fits a character I cannot change it for the life of me! So. I’m stuck with Carlos, but it turns out he was too much of a sob story to be the Evil Overloard anyway, so I made him the second in command that will repent at the end. The Evil Overloard’s name is Zlorom, and that is much more evil-overlord-ish, don’t you think? πŸ˜‰

                                *is probably geeking out about something*

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @graciegirl That’s a neat idea! I think I’ll make a list too! I happen to use ‘A’s A LOT as well, though in my more recent story it’s E. Hmm… Maybe for sci-fi the letter will be E and for fantasy the letter will be A…interesting.
                                  Carlos, you monster! … Myeah, I think that Zlorom works better for that line. πŸ˜›

                                  Eeyore. That sounds familiar. πŸ˜‰

                                  β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ ENFP β˜€ β˜€ β˜€

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