Hey y’all! Mind if I get some help?

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  • #120900
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 147

      Hey yonder’s! Peeps! Writers! Calling all those who’d like to help!!

      For those of you who know me briefly, you’ll know that I’m a published author of the LivingWoodChronicles. For those of you who don’t know me…well…my name is Wilder and I’m an author lol and I’m in need of some help. Just like everyone else, when I’m not dreaming 97% of the time I’m plotting new ideas. And I have one now that I would LOVE to make a real thing.

      Here’s the gist: I have a good buddy of mine who is turning 18 this coming summer and I wanna give her a gift that could possibly blow her mind. What is that gift? Well, it’s this book I’m putting together. But right now, I’m struggling a bit. I have a good idea, a great plot, characters built and world building done, but right now….I’m really struggling with this one part I can’t seem to get down. So here is my question….


      How do I write about single-fathers stewarding their children?

      I just, I have this single father who I can’t seem to get built…his name is Calder. He’s 28. Single-dad, wife died a car accident a year ago. Has a five year old daughter named Alice…oh she is a sweetheart! Calder has a job as a sheriff for the county ( which gets tied in bc this book is a murder mystery)…all that is great…but I’ve never read about single-dad’s. Only know one. And I’m just not sure how to make this happen. Do y’all have ideas? I want Calder to be a amazing character that the readers connect to for emotional support. I want him to love, struggle, and fear…I want him to be life-like. Alive.





        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 635


        Woah, it’s really cool how your writing a story for your friend. To have someone write a book specifically for you, man, that’s special.

        As for your question, the best thing I think to do is talk with the person you know who is a single father. And maybe, if it isn’t too touchy, mention that you are writing a book with a single father and ask if there are any important elements and nuances you shouldn’t overlook while writing the character. Ask if there is anything you should put in or leave out, and how you should approach the way he raises his daughter.

        I think talking and asking questions with a person whose actually experienced the subject you are writing about is the best way to most accurately capture it in a story.

        If for whatever reason you can’t talk with them, then your next best bet would be to research the topic as best you can while keeping in mind that every individual’s experience is different and no one article or person online can speak for every single father.

        I’m not sure if that answers your question, but, those are my thoughts! Good luck on your story!


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @wilder-w. I’d agree with everything @kathleenramm said, tbh. 🙂

          But I love the idea and that you’re writing it for a friend! That is SOOO sweet! 😀

          Best of luck!

          I love Calder already…xD

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            I don’t believe we’ve met yet. I’m Lightoverdarkness6, a teenage homeschooled girl who loves writing. I love your character Hope, so much!! She’s so sweet. And @freedomwriter76 I’ve been shipping Hope and Rueben as soon as they met. They’re so cute together! That’s cool that your writing a book for your friend! Im doing that too!! Though it’s more of a long short story. See you around!! Can’t wait to get to know you!!

            Wow I just read that over and it makes no sense😂🤦🏻‍♀️. Sorry!


              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 311



              I think one of the best ways to answer your question would to be to google stuff about single fathers and to ask any fathers (single or not) that you know about raising children.

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