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- This topic has 105 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
Mary G.
August 20, 2021 at 1:14 pm #103684
@calidris Hi! I think we’ve already met. I’m Keilah, as my username says, but you can call me K. The name I use for fictional character me is Jaye, but I haven’t approved anyone to call me that yet. Like @devastate-lasting, I LOVE the Tron series. I’ve seen both movies–although Tron Legacy is totally better–and the 1-season TV show, Tron Uprising. (It made me mad that they never continued it.) I also think Star Wars and Marvel are awesome, although I know a lot more about the former than the latter. I love to draw, write tons of fanfiction (head on over to the fanfic topic to see one), and make up fantasy creatures who look human but have animal ears and tails. I also like catching lizards.
What are your hobbies? Do you have any siblings? How old are you? I’m only 14, and am not exactly used to the idea that many people on here are above the age of 18.
I did this on a drawing app called Procreate. I traced a picture of one of my favorite characters from the most recent Star Wars animated series, The Bad Batch, and turned him into a dragonman–my favorite fantasy creature, and one I made up. Then I gave him a cool background! He’s the star of one of my fanfiction short stories.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
August 20, 2021 at 2:54 pm #103689Ok! Just sign this here paper (legal reasons) and it will be official!
I, ____, Hereby declare that I will not be responsible for any mental illness or harm done to victims of the Sméagol voice.
That should be good! XD
August 21, 2021 at 1:12 am #103701@calidris They throw up as a defense?? I didn’t know anything did that XDD Poor babies. I mean, they do what they have to I guess XD Have you ever heard of a ‘wolverine frog’/’hairy frog’? They have a preeetty weird defense mechanism…. Think of Wolverine from X-Men (I think that’s the right superhero group XD I haven’t seen it) but it’s a frog doing the same thing….It’s high-key terrifying XD
Ooo I loove the name Silk for a pigeon. You could also do Cotton XD Okay! I’ll look her up!
They are!! They’re oddly majestic for a chicken XD There’s an even lovelier one that looks similar to a peacock (in that they’re very colorful and majestic) but I can’t think of the name right now… If I do think of it I’ll tell you XD We have one (plus some mixed) Pheonix rooster and a female! Sadly, he’s pretty mean though. He’s like the Alpha of the coop XD We only keep him around because he’s so pretty and he’s a more expensive breed. And he’s good at surviving (we have wild animals around that tend to eat our chickens…). His name is Snake Biter because he eats snakes. He thinks he’s so macho XD Yes!! I like silkies too! We used to have one a while back. Something got her though T_T I’ve never heard of an Orpington *googles* Ooo okay, those are actually most of what my grandparents have XD I always called them ‘normal chickens’ bahaha XD
Oh yeah, I’ve never thought about it like that before. That is true though XD I’ll have to remember that next time someone says wild hogs are gross XD
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
August 21, 2021 at 1:17 am #103702@calidris Haha same XD That’s pretty much why I haven’t dyed mine. Oh? What’s your aesthetic? (Mine is about 80% cottagecore and 20% light academia XD)
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
Daisy Torres.
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
August 21, 2021 at 3:14 pm #103711@keilah-h hello K! I’ve never seen Tron before, and I’ve only seen one star wars and one marvel movie. I’ve heard that the star wars tv shows are really good, but I’ve already got a show I’m trying to finish, plus I don’t have Disney plus 🙁
I love lizards, but we don’t have that many where I live. So I try to catch giant grasshoppers instead! Do you really like fantasy? My current project is a sort of modern fantasy, but it’s mostly centered around humans (with the exception of two disguised angels and a reality bending mutant lol). I have elves too, but they live very far away and don’t really come into the story.
My hobbies are art and worldbuilding/story creating (I haven’t actually written for awhile now). I also like reading and birdwatching. I have a younger sister, and I am 17 years old 🙂
What about you? Do you have any projects of your own, or do you mostly do fanfiction? Do you have any other fandoms? Mine are LotR/the Silmarillion and “Haikyu!!”
Tell me more about your dragonmen!
*laughs as one fey*
August 21, 2021 at 3:28 pm #103713@daisy-torres yeah it’s especially bad since their diet is literally just rotten meat. Their stomach acid is strong enough to destroy bacteria, so they never get sick from the food they eat. I think they’re super cool lol. I’ve never heard of a wolverine frog. I’ll have to look it up!
Yikes! They’re really cool, but kind of scary lol. I’m not sure I like the hair though…
Snake biter is an iconic name lol. I didn’t know that chickens eat snakes, but I’m not surprised 🙂 they’re kind of vicious lol. I really love orpingtons cause they’re super chunky!
I would say I’m a mix of dark academia and grunge, and just a little bit artsy. I wear a lot of brown, black and white lol
What color is your hair? Mine is a warm medium brown 🙂
*laughs as one fey*
August 21, 2021 at 7:30 pm #103714Heyy, welcome to KP! I’m Ella, sorry as once again, I’m late to the party…. *wonders if that is an official title*
Anyways, I love sports, life hacks, and exciting adventures (not that i have manyXD). I go to a classical xian school and love being around people. I also adore chocolate. *drools*
So! Questions for you: 😊
do you like sports?
do you prefer dark, milk, or white chocolate?
are you more introverted or extroverted? (do you know your Myers-Briggs type? I’m ENFP is u do😉)
Alrighty, that’s all for now folks!
Oh wait, I also write dystopian/thriller/suspense/mystery books, and your WIP sounds awesome!
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
ella. Reason: tag didn't work
what we do in life echoes in eternity
-gladiator, 2000August 21, 2021 at 7:48 pm #103721@nova21 hi ella! I know a girl named ella who goes to a classical christian school! I don’t think she’s into writing, though. I don’t do sports, but I might someday! I started wanting to do volleyball after watching haikyu lol. I love all kinds of chocolate, but I have to say, milk chocolate is probably my favorite. I like people, but I’m definitely more introverted. I don’t remember what my type is lol.
Thank you! What’s your wip about? What’s your favorite type of chocolate?
*laughs as one fey*
August 22, 2021 at 7:31 pm #103734@Calidris Yes, the shows are great!! Especially The Mandalorian (which is live action) and The Bad Batch (which is animated). That second one is my favorite out of the SW shows, and it’s also the newest.
The dragonmen are large creatures, sometimes the same size as humans but often a little bigger. They have the faces and bodies of humanoids, but their lower body converges into a lizardlike tail and two taloned legs (some don’t even have legs). They also have scales, but not on their faces. There are many types; some look like humans and others kind of like aliens. Most lay eggs, but some are live birthers. Some have two wings coming from their shoulders, but others’ wings are attached to their arms, and still others have four wings and have both. They all usually stand erect, but most can walk just as easily on all fours.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
August 22, 2021 at 7:31 pm #103735@Calidris Yes, the shows are great!! Especially The Mandalorian (which is live action) and The Bad Batch (which is animated). That second one is my favorite out of the SW shows, and it’s also the newest.
The dragonmen are large creatures, sometimes the same size as humans but often a little bigger. They have the faces and bodies of humanoids, but their lower body converges into a lizardlike tail and two taloned legs (some don’t even have legs). They also have scales, but not on their faces. There are many types; some look like humans and others kind of like aliens. Most lay eggs, but some are live birthers. Some have two wings coming from their shoulders, but others’ wings are attached to their arms, and still others have four wings and have both. They all usually stand erect, but most can walk just as easily on all fours.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
August 22, 2021 at 7:36 pm #103736To be honest I mostly do fanfics. I do have a non-fanfiction picture book series, however. I do like LOTR, and I have both read the books and seen the movies. I’m pretty sure my true fandoms are limited to what I already mentioned, but I do greatly enjoy book series such as Keeper of the Lost Cities, The Endling (a series I just got into and love so far) and The Wingfeather Saga.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
August 22, 2021 at 7:46 pm #103738@keilah-h I get that 🙂 i have lots of books and movies that I’ve enjoyed, but only two true fandoms. Your dragonmen seem really fun! I used to have winged people, but I’ve given up on trying to fit them into my story lol
I haven’t heard a lot about the bad batch, but I’ve heard excellent things about the Mandalorian 🙂 I’ve also heard good things about keeperof the lost cities, and I know that the wingfeather saga is a favorite here lol
*laughs as one fey*
August 23, 2021 at 2:59 pm #103747(I think I’m going to end up setting a record for late replies… *facepalm*) Anyway, welcome to the KP forum! I’m Lydia. 🙂
Oh, Tolkien… I am also a major fan! He is probably the author I admire the most.
Ooo, I’m going to go check out your drawings! I love seeing character art. 🙂
Wow, Spire sounds super cool! My WIPs at the moment (I have four… lol) are a contemporary romance, a romance set in the 1860s, a fantasy, and a contemporary coming-of-age type story.
I’m not sure what questions have been exchanged, so I suppose I’ll play it safe and just ask my favorite. Who is your all-time favorite book character?
Once again, welcome! Can’t wait to get to know you. 😀
August 23, 2021 at 3:21 pm #103752@lydia-s hi lydia! I would have to say that my favorite character is probably Gandalf. I really love him. I think he’s a very interesting character, especially knowing his background. That being said, Fëanor is the most interesting character I’ve read, but I don’t like him at all as a person lol
Who’s your favorite book character? What’s your favorite wip about? I’m looking forward to getting to know you as well 🙂
*laughs as one fey*
August 23, 2021 at 4:42 pm #103757*Gasps* No Way!! A fellow Birdwatcher!!!!! At times I think we are more rare than the Sandhill Cranes themselves. Lol 😄
It’s great to have you here! My name is Mary! I also love Tolkien and his books. I also enjoy Christian, historical and dystopian fiction. C.S. Lewis is also a fav of my e too. My mission as a writer is to provide clean, inspiring, thought-provoking books and all for the glory of God.
Your WIP sounds super duper cool!!!
How long have you been writing for? Or when did you start/ discover your love for writing!Oh, just for fun, what is your favorite bird or species of birds?
Also, your artwork is Really Good!!;)
I’m not sure what questions have already been asked so I’ll go out on a limb: If it could snow anything, what would you have it snow?
Welcome to KP! See you around! 🙂
INFJ/ChristianFiction/ IceCreamAddict/ StarGazer/ https://lamplighterletters.wixsite.com/mysite-1
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
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