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  • #103606
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 365

      Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Goedendag, and Anyoung haseyo! (And yes I did just look those up 😉) Glad to make my acquaintance… errr your acquaintance 🤔. I’m new here and  don’t know much about scratchen with the old quill pen, so if you need sage advice I recommend conversing with one of the more learned individuals! By the way, did I introduce myself? You may call me *drum roll* !Power! or the Black Mongoose. Whichever is fine. (Please don’t call me Whichever.) Oh, and welcome!!! 🎊🎊🎉


      You will love what you spend time with.

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 109

        @power nice to meet you!  Do you like making up stories?  I don’t really do that much writing either, but I love worldbuilding and making up stories 🙂

        *laughs as one fey*

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 365

          Yes, most of the time.

          Same here. I plan out stories, but find it hard to put them on paper. I make maps and have made a massive family tree. 😆

          You will love what you spend time with.

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 109

            @power same here lol

            Do you have any projects you’re working on right now?  I would love to hear about them if you’re alright with it 🙂

            *laughs as one fey*

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 365

              I’m working on a series called the Miska Chronicles.

              Sure, I’ll create a post called the Miska Chronicles, and put some stuff on there so I don’t blow this page up.



              You will love what you spend time with.

              Daisy Torres
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 691

                @calidris *gasp* how cool!! I haven’t met anyone that’s my age on here yet XD (that I know of…). That’s awesome that you have some Japanese heritage!! My younger sister and best friend are learning Japanese XD Personally, I love Duolingo for languages, and Youtube has a lot of amazing content for picking up languages without it feeling difficult. It’s really best when you can find music and movies in your target language (with subtitles). That’s my favorite way to learn XD And absolutely! Any time you need a cover, just let me know!

                Ooo that’s a cool dream!! My brother wants to learn to design video games! He has a buuunch of ideas for them XD HAHA that has to be the best reason for the chicken to cross the road XD Personally, we raise chickens and I feel like they secretly dare each other to see who can venture farthest without getting ran over….

                Ooo yeah I can relate XD I would love to live in a cute apartment across from a library and an aesthetic coffee shop…. but also while being a hermit in the woods with my own lush garden growing everywhere. Is that too much to ask? XD

                Aww XD I have a dog named Kola that I love, so sadly, my answer is Dogs XD I’ve never heard of a Honduran White bat before! I’ll have to look it up!! Thanks for telling me. I actually plotted a few characters off of watching vultures once XD I was hog hunting and had shot a couple, so I was sitting there with my sketch book and watching like 9-10 vultures, which just gave me this image of like a broody-evil-but-not-really-prince-type XD Ooor a mean old banker. Not sure which tbh XD They can be fun to watch though! Oh woww, I didn’t know that about the condors. That’s really amazing! I’m glad it worked!

                Haha I love pigeons XD I don’t study up on them much, but I love watching them. Shoot!

                Honestly same about the hair XD I looove pastel pink and blue. My hair is kind of a dark dark blonde to light brown though so I think a lighter color would look best, like maybe an aqua blue.

                This was so much fun! It’s not every day I get someone that’ll answer my long list of random questions bahaha XD

                "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                Linyang Zhang
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1700

                  @kathleenramm I bought it at Barnes and Nobles, because my library didn’t have it, sadly. I think it was the first manga I actually bought. I’ve seen the live action too, but not the anime yet. What did you like about it?

                  Lately, it's been on my brain
                  Would you mind letting me know
                  If hours don't turn into days

                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 35


                    Lol! It’s a great way to make the right friends! My current friends tolerate me but none of them would write Sméagol on their cups. XD

                    Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 133


                      I don’t write as much as I should, but when I do, I usually write comedy, horror, adventure, action and…


                      (If you’re confused, don’t worry so am I.)

                      What’s your most unpopular writing opinion?


                      Flawless and handsome (as ruled by my grandmother.)

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 109

                        @daisy-torres hehe look up baby turkey vultures.  They’re cute lol

                        Yeah pigeons are actually really good pets since they’ve been domesticated for so long.  I’m going to have a pet pigeon someday 🙂

                        What kind of chickens do you have?

                        Also, you hunt hogs?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that before 🙂 tell me more!

                        I like pastel colors, but I’ve found that they don’t look very good on me 🙁



                        Idk if this is what you’re asking, but I don’t really go to bakeries 🙁there’s a coffee shop in our town that has really good baked goods, though 🙂

                        Unpopular writing opinions?  I think that mary sues are overrated.  I really only see people complaining about female characters with mary sue qualities, even though there’s a lot of male characters that pretty much fit the same description.  For this reason, I’m just going to start referring to them as poorly written characters, since thats pretty gender neutral and also acknowledges that there is room for improvement (instead of just labeling it as a bad character and moving on).  What about you?

                        *laughs as one fey*

                        Daisy Torres
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 691

                          @calidris Okay!! *googles* Aww XD It’s like they wanna look mean and emo but can’t because they’re tiny fluffballs and people keep petting them XDD That’s adorableee.

                          Oh that’s so cool!! What would you name it if you ever get one??

                          Hmm we have a lot of different breeds XD We have some with puffy balls of feathers on their heads, a couple with mohawks, one with looong gorgeous feathers (like the roosters you see at a Mexican restaurant XD Look up Pheonix Roosters. They’re beautiful) and a few with feathery legs (We named them Pants, Britches, and Capris XD) and some others. They’re really fun to watch because there’s such a variety XD One of our ‘mohawk’ chickens thinks it’s our ‘fourth dog’ and likes to sneak inside our house for dog food. I’m telling you, that thing puts burglars to shame XD Her name is Valentine because she has small heart shapes in her feathers.

                          Oh yeah, a tooon of people hunt them where I live! They get really bad here and tear up our fields and ranches. The boys usually taste weird so we don’t mess with them as much, but the girls taste just like regular pork from the store, so we’ll eat them XD Some people who haven’t been raised doing it thinks it sounds gross, but like I said, they’re just like regular pork from the store, just wild XD

                          Aww XD I mean, if you reeeally like them you can just wear the colors and ignore how it looks XD I once saw a girl with long, straight black hair and the bottom half was dyed a dark blue and it looked sooo goood. It seriously looked almost natural but like in an ethereal way XD I loved it.

                          "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 109

                            @daisy-torres ikr!  They’re so cute!  I part of their appeal is that people usyally associate them with being gross and creepy.  They’re still kinda gross, though.  They throw up as a defense cause they can’t fight.

                            I think it depends on what it looks like.  If it’s a white pigeon, probably Cloud, or something else white and puffy lol.  I feel like Silk would be a cute name, too.  Look up Jana on youtube!  She has an adorable white pigeon named Cricket, and she uploads short videos of her petting him 🙂

                            Oh my goodness, phoenix roosters are so gorgeous!  I didn’t even know there were roosters that looked like that!  Are your roosters phoenix roosters?  I don’t own chickens, but I really like silkies and orpingtons 🙂

                            Honesyly, I think that buying pork from the store is grosser.  When you eat a wild hog, at least you know that it’s been living in normal conditions (for a hog) and has been eating normal hog food.  That isn’t guaranteed when you buy pork from a store 🙁

                            *laughs as one fey*

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 109

                              @daisy-torres true!  I do like my current hair color though.  It looks naturally good on me and also fits my aesthetic 🙂

                              *laughs as one fey*

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 486

                                @calidris haha yeah Tolkien did a great job of giving the Valar their own personalities. It’s hard to compare them all because they’re so different. XD Yeah, Galadriel is so epic! Hot-headed and then you have Celeborn, who’s almost her opposite and yet they love each other and have been able to put up with each other for over a thousand years. That says something about both of them XD

                                Poor Manwe; he laments his heart out and Mandos is like “Yep. He gonna die. His fault.”

                                Yavanna weeping over the trees is one of my favorite parts… I don’t know why it so vividly stands out in my mind but it’s the one part I’ll always remember. Something about that part just reaches my heart…

                                bratty princes are fun to do, and I’m glad you like the name Sathor Wolfbane, because it’s one of the MCs in my book XD speaking of which, would you like to read it? I need beta readers. If you’re not comfortable with giving emails that’s fine. I have provided email on my beta readers needed post topic if you’re interested 🙂

                                Also, did you know dodos were in the pigeon family?

                                LOLOL  I mean *cough * I, umm, will not be responsible for uh, harm or i-injuries caused by said imitations…

                                I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 109

                                  @Elfwing I have to admit, I was 100% with Mandos on that one.  I was getting so fed up with Feanor.  I really did not care what happened to him because I disliked him so much.  However, once I reached the part where he was about to die, I remember my heart just sinking.  I actually felt sad when he died, even though he was so awful!  The whole book actually felt less enjoyable because he added so much fire and drama to the story.  He’s one of my favorite characters now, but I still think he’s awful lol

                                  Speaking of awful Tolkien characters, I have to say that Finwë might be my least favorite.  One of the best and worst parts of the story imo was when Manwë was punishing Feanor for threatening to murder Fingolfin.  He exiled him for what, 15 years?  Which is literally time out in the corner in the lifespan of an elf, but Finwë got so offended that he decided to abandon both his throne and his family and move out with him.  I would be more concerned about the fact that one of my sons threatened to commit the first ever murder in valinor against my other son, but I guess Finwë had different priorities?  The scene with Yavanna werping over her trees is very beautiful.  I really love her relationship with Aulë, and how even though it’s not perfect, they still truly love each other.  Also, the argument over the dwarves was funny lol

                                  What’s the book about?

                                  I’ve heard it befire, but I had completely forgotten it.  Too bad they’re extinct 🙁

                                  *laughs as one fey*

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