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- This topic has 105 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
Mary G.
August 17, 2021 at 1:55 pm #103542
@akbaer you should! I want to get some character merch but I’m kind of embarrassed lol
What kind of history do you like?
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 2:27 pm #103543don’t be embarrassed! Anyone who doesn’t like Sméagol merch does not deserve to see it. If that made any sense. Anyhoooooo, I like medieval-ish history cause lots of interesting stuff happened then.
August 17, 2021 at 4:16 pm #103546@akbaer words to live by lol. Although I don’t think I would get smeagol merch for myself lol
I don’t really know that much about medieval history, but that’s really cool that you know a lot about it! I really like 1900s history 🙂
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 5:16 pm #103549What character merch would you want? I am reading a book set in the mid 1900s I think, and it is so cool! I think that that will probably be the next time period that I obsess over, so that’s funny that you said that!
August 17, 2021 at 5:30 pm #103550@akbaer what book is it? I have a ton of history recommendations if you want 🙂
The 1900s is interesting because there was just so much that hapoened in those 100 years. Two world wars, nuclear technology, a depression, the internet…there’s also a lot of lesser known aspects of history within the big events. I really like to read books about those parts of history, because I’m not going to learn about them in school 🙂
Kenma from haikyuu 🙂 so far he’s my favorite character. I’m waiting until I finish the series, though, since I’m only 11 episodes in. I like to make sure I really like sonething before I commit to getting merch lol
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 7:03 pm #103551I am reading Lockwood and Co., it’s really good! It is pretty much about paranormal activity in 1900s London. @e-k-seaver let me borrow it!
August 17, 2021 at 7:09 pm #103552@akbaer the name sounds really familiar, but I’ve never read it before. I don’t really like scary stuff lol
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 8:13 pm #103553@calidris Heey nice to meet you!!
A bit about me: I am an oldest sibling, published my first book at 15, published my second book at 17 *cough* this June, I love art of all forms and dabble in a bit of everything: textiles, writing, poetry, painting, drawing, music, wood-burning, everything XD I also love languages, and even though I’m entirely not Asian at all, I’m learning Chinese and Korean. I’m also not Russian at all but I’m learning Russian, and I’m also not Spanish at all (despite the pseudonym XD) but am learning Spanish XD I am still afraid of the dark, (and also heights), I prefer white chocolate over regular, and I absolutely love vanilla. I have also sold book covers professionally for over three years now so if you ever want one, feel free to ask! I’d gladly design one for free, but I wouldn’t be against you buying my book as payment ;D
I loooove Alice in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables (It’s seriously my favorite book series and I relate to Anne on almost every level), Keeper of the Lost Cities (the first books) and I am currently reading “Held Captive” by @gracie-j
Now that you know some about me, I have some questions for you: Why did the chicken cross the road, in your opinion? When did you start writing? What is your favorite pizza? Are you a chic-apartment-in-the-city kind of person or a rustic-house-in-the-forest kind of person? Dogs or bats? What is an animal you like that isn’t commonly known about? What is your biggest dream, no matter how silly? (Mine was to be a mermaid for a good 3+ years at age of 12 so nothing will be considered too outlandish to me XD). If you could dye your hair, what color would it be? (Or would you do it at all?)
It’s nice to have you join us!!!
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
August 17, 2021 at 9:35 pm #103559Lol. I don’t think that’s too embarrassing. When I was like, nine, I “saved” a bird by chasing it across the street, into my neighbor’s yard, through a fence, and into tomato bushes, finally capturing it and returning that little baby ROBIN to a MORNING DOVE’S nest. It didn’t thank me.
I will watch Haikyu a shot, when my schedule is clear.
Oh, the Silmarillion! I have not read it, my brother and my dad certainly enjoy it, and we own it. I should read it. Thank you for this reminder. If there is an audio book, I can have it finished by next week, but otherwise, it may take me a while.
August 17, 2021 at 11:33 pm #103563@calidris oh cool! yeah that makes sense. WHAT?! You’re from Seattle?!! I was born and lived the first few years of my life near there!! Well, in Mukilteo, then Sultan, but still!
Hehe my favorite character in my WIP is hard… the bratty prince Keithen Dainighon, and the quiet mysterious heroic Sathor Wolfbane would tie XD in my sci fi it would be the clone baby, Natalie. Ruby’s (main character) ‘ward’, I guess you would say. She’s cute, and could get away with murder XD well, not literally, but you know what i mean XD
as far as my sci fi…. I’m almost embarrassed because the first fifty of the eighty pages so far done were written in one day where I was in ‘mad-cap hair-brained writer’ mood and so the plot is miserably needing better shown and explained. XD I like the sound of yours! So, how does this bomb alter reality?
Also, it has been a year or so since I read the Silmarillion, and I wondered why your tag name was so familiar… XD Galadriel is still one of my favorites. Another would be Beren. But Galadriel is my top fav. She’s like, of the first generation of elves born in middle earth and she’s seen it all, man!!! Like, talk about a wise warrior queen!!!
@akbaer WHAAAAAT?! A fellow Smeagol imitator?!! I scared the eebie-jeebies outta a group of guys one time at a camp, but it was so worth it because of the looks on their faces! Especially the fellow Tolkien-nerd I had just been talking to about favorite LOTR characters a few minutes before. XDD I did the “is it sofffft… is it taaaasssssty… is it CRUNCHABLE!” XD so mean, but so worth it, and no one seemed to care after they realized it was just the weird homeschooler Tolkien nerd XDI'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 17, 2021 at 11:39 pm #103564@calidris my favorite Vala would have to be Ulmo. He’s so stinkin cool! I mean Orome the hunter is too, with his golden-hooved horse and all, but Ulmo is so much cooler lol. Second favorite would be Yavanna
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 18, 2021 at 12:46 am #103566@daisy-torres we’re the same age! That’s so cool that you’re learning so many languages! I have some Japanese heritage, and I’ve definitely considered learning it, but I just don’t pick up languages very easily. That’s also really cool how you sell book covers! Thank you for the offer 🙂 speaking of my biggest dream, I’m actually hoping to turn my current project, Spire, into a video game. Idk why the chicken crossed the road, but we have tons of wild turkeys where I live, and they feel completely free to slow traffic down by slowly walking down the road… so maybe the chicken just wants to exercise power over us lol. I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school, but I haven’t done it recently. I want to live in a chic city apartment and a rustic cabin at the same time…I would love to live in the woods, but within driving distance of a city 🙂 no offence to dogs, but bats are super cool. They’re so cute lol. Have you seen the honduran white bats? I love California condors! I really life vultures in general, cause there’s such a stigma against them. People think they’re gross and creepy cause they’re associated with death, but they are so crucial to cleaning up their ecosystems! We have turkey vultures in our area, and they’re so cool! California condors have a wingspan of 9 ft, and they mate for life. The entire population (about 22 birds) was taken into captivity in the 1980s as a last ditch attempt to save the species. The captive breeding project was a success, and now theres 500 i think 🙂 theyre still incredibly endangered though. They sometimes accidentally eat bullets in carcasses left by hunters and get lead poisoning. Fortunately, there’s treatments available to save them 🙂 ask me about pigeons if you want, but do so at your own risk lol. I would dye my hair dark blue if I could, or maybe a warm pastel pink. I think that my natural hair color probably looks the best on me, though. What are your answers to these questions?
*laughs as one fey*
August 18, 2021 at 12:57 am #103567@Elfwing I love ulmo too! I think that my favorites are probably Manwë and Mandos 🙂 I love Manwë because he’s just so sweet and innocent. He’s a great leader in the sense that he is genuinely caring, but he is also very flawed because he has a hard time listening to and understanding others. I really like Mandos too, mainly because he’s so brutally honest. I feel like is very socially incompetent too. One of my favorite parts in the book occurs after Fëanors rebellion, and Manwë is weeping and mourning over Fëanor and the kinslaying, and he makes this poetic speech about how good might still come of feanors evil decisions, and Mandos is just like “feanors evil and he’s going to die soon.” I felt like that was kind of an awkward contrast between their personalities lol. Also when feanor claims that he’ll be the “first elf slain in valinor” and Mandos is just like “not the first” and everyone ignores him… i also really like Nienna 🙂
*laughs as one fey*
August 18, 2021 at 11:10 am #103568August 18, 2021 at 12:28 pm #103571@anatra23 there is an audiobook! I haven’t listened to it, though. It’s very good, but it’s oncredibly dense, so feel free to take your time lol
@Elfwing hehe I have a bratty prince as well, but he’s thousands of years before the Spire arc. Also, Sathor Wolfbane is an incredibly cool name 🙂
@devastate-lasting you might like this too 🙂Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out my plot as well. My story is in a weird transition phase because it was originally more of a stereotypical fantasy setting/plot (but with modern twists). Basically, the fabric of reality is known as the Veil, and it has some sort of a connection with a certain element (it might actually be made of this element – I haven’t really figured it out yet). This element can be mined and put through reactors to unleash massive amounts of energy, but this process runs the risk of potentially destabilizing reality if an accident occurs (destabilized parts of reality are known as “rifts” in the Veil). I think that this element is being put in the bomb because of it’s massive amounts of potential energy, but the people making it are avoiding coming to terms with the fact that unleashing this energy would likely cause a rift in the Veil.
@Elfwing I love Galadriel! One of the things about lotr that is just so interesting to me is that we’re really seeing the apex of her character development. Of course to Frodo and the fellowship, she seems like she’s always been wise and gentle, but once you’ve read the Silmarillion you realize that this is so far from the truth lol. Also the fact that she managed to survive both the events of the first and second ages is such huge testament to her strength, both physical and emotional 🙂*laughs as one fey*
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