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- This topic has 105 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
Mary G.
August 16, 2021 at 11:06 pm #103487
Hi, I’m calidris and I’m brand new here!
I don’t really know where to start here lol
I really like art and birdwatching. I also like making up stories and worldbuilding. I’m going to go ahead and upload some of my art to the art forum 🙂
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 12:02 am #103492A little more about me:
I really, really, really like tolkien 🙂
My favorite fiction books are lotr and the silmarillion, and my favorite movies are also lotr. Currently, my favorite show is “Haikyu!!” I’m only 11 episodes in so far, so we’ll see how it goes! I also really like books about lesser known points in history (I have plenty of recommendations if anyone wants). Right now I’m reading “A Short History of Nuclear Folly,” and it’s incredibly interesting, although in a rather disturbing way. It also inspired a lot of aspects of my current story 🙂
I’m currently working on a project called “Spire,” which is basically a fantasy story set in a modern setting (or rather, a story set in the dustant future of a fantasy story). It focuses on a cast of characters living in the city of Spire, which is home to a set of reactors that are feeding their nation’s side of a brutal arms race. The corporation controlling Spire is seeking to supply their homeland with a bomb that would inevitably end up altering the fabric of reality itself. The characters are involved in a resistance cell aiming to prevent this, but they soon discover that there’s more to their squad than meets the eye…
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 12:15 am #103493@calidris no waaaaaaay!!!! A fellow birdwatcher?!! I love birds!!! Have you heard of the Merlin Bird ID app? It’s so useful! what are your favorite birds?
sorry for the outburst of enthusiasm. XD
Well, you can share some things you enjoy, so you’re off to a good start 😉
I like worldbuilding too!! I will see that art! Also, to tag people, look at the name under the top; the one that has @ in front of it, and if you copy and paste it, then it will let that person know. So like, this reply should show up for you in whatever notifications you get. 🙂
I’m Iris, aka elfwing. I’m a Tolkien nerd, and bird watcher, and history lover, and love writing fantasy. I don’t bite unless provoked and I think mangos are the best fruit God ever created.
*cracks knuckles as I revel in being the first to greet you * Okay, down to business I have important questions:
1: What is your favorite fruit
2: Do you like matching socks, and do you sort them by color or size, or do you sort them at all?
Anyways, I will tag some peeps.
@gracie-j @daisy-torres @devastate-lasting @not-so-secret-secret-assasin @abigail-m @everyone-else
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 17, 2021 at 12:28 am #103494@not-so-secret-secret-assassin @akbaer
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 17, 2021 at 12:30 am #103495@Elfwing oh my goodness it’s so rare that I meet other people who like birdwatching! I know about merlin, but i don’t have a phone 🙁
I really love owls. So far I’ve seen great horned owls, northern pygmy owls, short eared owls, and a barred owl. We have tons of turkeys and California quail where i live (i actually was able to feed a wild turkey by hand once 😮), and i really love them as well. I also like sandhill cranes and nighthawks too 🙂 what are your favorite birds?
1. Honestly, mangoes are great. I think my favorite fruit is probably pomegranates though. I really like pineapple, too.
2. I like to match my socks lol. It feels weird when i have to wear them mismatched. I really like colorful, quirky socks 🙂 i have a black and white pair with ferns that i really like. I don’t bother sorting them lol. What about you?
What’s your current writing project about?
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 1:16 am #103497@calidris Aw that sucks because it’s a great app. But the lab that supports it is amazing as well and if you sign up (it’s free!) you can submit your sightings and observations as well as access their library and bird pictures and sound recordings and stuff! I use it a lot.
I know right?!!! birds are so unappreciated in forms other than roasted XD Also, have you ever thought about how rude we are to the chickens in the store?! We call them skinless boneless chickens! Think of it in a context other than food and it’s *shakes head solemnly * such a fowl joke.
Sorry, I came up with that right now so it might be really lame XD
oh my word YES! Owls are so amazing!! I love the Great Grey best. I have had the privilege to see a few. I live in British Columbia, Canada and we don’t have many turkeys or quail 🙁 that is so cool you fed one by hand!!!
and Sandhill cranes are also one of my favorites! Did you know they have a seven-foot windpipe curled like a hunting horn which is why they make such weird noises? *breathes *
XD At one point my family lived in (very) northern Alberta, a prairie province, and where we were was right on their migration path and some even stayed, but there were hundreds in the spring and fall, eating the leftover grain and bugs and such in the dugouts. They took their jolly time leaving and were fat as elephants by the time it got cold enough for them to go XD
Favorites: Great Grey Owl, Sandhill Crane, Yellow Warbler, Bald Eagle, and top favorite is Robin Redbreast ( an English little bird not related to American Robin)
ooo yeah I admit pomegranates are really good too. Very good little color bombs that are so unassuming and unnoticed until used. Hehehe don’t ask whether I tested it out on my siblings… XD
haha yeah wearing socks mismatched is a trespass worthy of a good smack on the head in my opinion. People waste money buying these things!! I could be a millionaire if I sold all my mismatched socks.
My current works in progress are
1: a fantasy series that I’m working on editing and getting beta readers for.
2: A sci fi novel about mutants surviving the attempts by the lab trying to capture or kill them and the other mutants trying to survive and stay under radar so they don’t end up wishing they were dead back in the lab… and them learning how to interact and be ‘normal’ since they’ve only ever been aggressively defensive and mistrusting, so a journey of learning how to trust. I haven’t gotten too far in it but I did it in part because I wanted to expand my genre list I’ve written. XD Also, because I wanted to write it for my cousin who likes sci fi.
3: a collection of poetry and short stories I’ve done. My dad encouraged me to, so I’m kind of doing it for him.
what about you? what are yours? What genre do you like best?
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 17, 2021 at 1:19 am #103498@calidris btw I don’t sort socks either and I actually have a pair with owls on them. Well… I just moved out on my own so I won’t be sorting socks no more, hallelujah!! I used to dig through the pile until I had them all matched XD (there’s eight people in my family, hence the reason I could actually dig in the sock pile XD )
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
August 17, 2021 at 1:46 am #103501@Elfwing ebird? I’m on ebird! I really love it, but i hate logging all of my observations after a long birding outing lol. The heats been absolutely brutal recently, so I haven’t been able to get out. I’ve always wanted to see a great gray, but they’re kind of rare in our area (i live in the pacific northwest :)). There’s been occasional sightings though, so I have a chance!
I have to get going soon, but I’m looking forward to chatting more tomorrow!
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 7:34 am #103504@calidris Oh my word someone else who watches anime! I haven’t watched Haikyu before but I know a lot of people like it.
Yo, your WIP sounds so cool! I love like modern fantasy type of things. It’s what I write too. I would love to hear more about Spire!
Anyways, I’m Linyang, a lot of people here call me Lin, I like writing fantasy, crime, realistic, time travel stuff. Let me pull out a list of questions to ask you…
1. Where’s the most interesting place you have been?
2. Any favorite movies?
3. Favorite dessert?
4. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
5. Does a straw have one hole or two holes?
Anyways, looking forward to seeing you around the forum!
Lately, it's been on my brain
Would you mind letting me know
If hours don't turn into daysAugust 17, 2021 at 10:51 am #103506@devastate-lasting it’s really good! I really like it because the main cast is incredibly flawed and obnoxious. One of the main focuses of the show is character development, which I really like. Do you have any anime recommendations? I’m just getting started lol 🙂
Aww thank you! It makes me so happy when people like to hear about my project, because I’m rarely able to tell people about it in a way that sounds decent lol. I don’t know if anyone else has this issue, but it’s really hard for me to talk about a project without it sounding stupid, probably since you really have to just talk about the bare minimum/big picture. Do you have any current projects? I say projects because I haven’t actually written anything in Spire yet, so it’s really all in my head and sketchbooks. Maybe you guys will inspire me to get back into writing 🙂
1. That’s a really good question.
2. Definitely lord of the rings (Extended edition hehe!) I also really liked Interstellar and into the spiderverse 🙂 what about you?
3. I think it’s always changing lol. Right now I’m in the mood for cherry pie!
4. Honestly, I feel like I have no right to answer this because I’ve actually never tried it. I used to be vehemently opposed to pineapple on pizza, but now I think I’ll take a stance after I’ve actually tried it. Right now, I actually kind of want pineapple pizza, but I think it’s just that I’m craving fruit lol
5. I think a straw has one hole with two openings 🙂
@Elfwing @devastate-lasting Do you have a favorite character in your projects?
@Elfwing your sci-fi novel is actually incredibly similar to Spire in some aspects! Both the main character and her nemesis either escaped (or were released, I’m not actually sure how she got out, but he definitely escaped) from a lab, and her character arc centers around learning to trust others as well 🙂*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 11:24 am #103507@calidris Give me some genres you like, and I’ll recc you some anime, heh. There’s a lot of different stuff out there.
Yee, I have a ton of current projects. Yesterday I just started a short story about alter egos and reality. And, yeah, I totally get having everything in your head. I used to be like that too.
I love Interstellar as well! And I also like Inception and Tron: Legacy.
Oh, you should try pineapple pizza. And then make a decision.
I have too many favorite characters, haha. What abut you?
Lately, it's been on my brain
Would you mind letting me know
If hours don't turn into daysAugust 17, 2021 at 11:24 am #103508Hey! Welcome to the forum! It’s awesome to have you here.
I’m Kathleen, and I live most of my life in fictional worlds rather than in reality. May not be the best decision, but at least I can come up with a bunch of cool story ideas. XD
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Haikyu, but haven’t watched it. As of now, probably my favorite anime is Erased.
How long have you been writing?
What made you start, and why do you still write today?
Also, do you prefer sunny or rainy whether?
Again, it’s great to have you here! Catch you around!
August 17, 2021 at 11:48 am #103510@devastate-lasting i completely forgot to answer your first question! I visited a mining museum that was super cool. It just looked like a little shop, and the the tour guide just opened a door and led us into a tunnel undeground. It was super cool! There were these cool blue mineral deposits on the walls, and he talked about the history behind it (i think the area had a mining history).
I don’t really have a favorite genre yet, but I don’t really like horror 🙂
I’ve heard really good things about Inception! Inception and Tenet are on my watch list, cause they’re both Chrustopher Nolan movies lol. I’ve never seen any of the Tron movies. Are they good, or are some better than others?
So far, my favorite character is Misu. He’s a disguised angel whose been wandering around the earth helping people in need for the past 2 thousand years or so (He’s very much based off of Olorin/Gandalf in that aspect). His final task is to aid the protagonist in Spire. He’s just very nice and inncocent, so I really like him. He’s very fun to include, because he’s kind of an unorthodox, out of the box thinker. Also, he’s a link to the lore involved in this world, because he saw it first hand. My second drawing that I uploaded is a part of a character sheet thing I made for him 🙂
@kathleenramm erased was recommended to me by a friend 🙂 I’ll have to check it out!I’m not sure how long I’ve been writing. I remember writing in 4th grade, but I know I was making up stories long before then. I think it’s sonething that I just have a natural inclination for. I think that my favorite oart of writing is the visual aspect, where you get to describe cgaracters and scenes. I haven’t written for over half a year now, but I think I’m going to try to give it another shot!
I love rainy weather! I lived in the Seattle area up until 5th grade, and it’s stuck with me ever since 🙂 what about you?
*laughs as one fey*
August 17, 2021 at 12:00 pm #103513August 17, 2021 at 12:12 pm #103514@akbaer I’m sorry Annika, I don’t like smeagol. He irritates me lol
I would ask you the same, but judging from your profile picture I think I already know the answer 🙂 what do you like about smeagol? I’ll admit, he’s a very compelling villain.
*laughs as one fey*
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