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  • #19236
    Michael Stanton
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 72

      Hey Everyone! Your friendly forumhood spider-man here (i.e. Marketing Director) with our first ever “User Generated Leadership Yelp-Session” or UGLY-S for short (I know it needs work; that’s why you’re here).

      Generally speaking, we want to figure out what we’re doing right and what we could do better to serve you here at KP. I am intentionally keeping this vague and brief because I don’t want to accidentally mind-trick you into giving me the answers I’m looking for.

      So… Have at it! Clarifying and other questions are also welcome!

      Kate Flournoy
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3976

        Nobody answer him! He’s a spy from the dark side!!!

        Okay, okay…

        But how on earth can you guys on the staff possibly think there’s anything more you could do for us? I literally cannot think of a single other thing KP could do that it isn’t already doing. I’ll let you know if I come up with something, but for now I really have nothing. πŸ˜›


        • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Kate Flournoy.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3515

          These are not the droids you’re looking for. πŸ˜€
          Oh, Star Wars, I love Star Wars–wait a sec. You’re trying to mind trick me into liking Star Wars into giving you the right answers, aren’t you? Well, it only works on the weak-minded, which I am not.

          You guys are too nice. The site is already amazing! But I’m with @kate-flournoy I can’t think of anything.

          β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ ENFP β˜€ β˜€ β˜€

          Sarah Hoven
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 669

            @Michael-Stanton I can’t think of anything either. You guys are amazing. πŸ™‚

            The Bean
              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 65

              Just wondering, would it be possible to create a phone version of the site?

              Michael Stanton
                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 72

                @kate-flournoy (love that pic of the dragon by the way, lol!), @dragon-snapper, and @sarah-h, thank you all so much for your very positive feedback! It is nice to hear when we are doing well. Would you mind to take a second to let me know what parts of the website you use most often? (Also, just because I wear a mask and spandex, that does not make me a spy! In fact, I know of very few spies that dress in this manner).

                Just wondering, would it be possible to create a phone version of the site? @the-bean

                I am right there with you, @the-bean. That is one of the things I am pushing for just because I use my phone so often for this sort of thing. We are trying to get a quote from a web designer to see just what it would take to get everything moved over to a responsive design (i.e. resize to phone and tablet). It might be an easy fix, but we want to be sure we do it right the first time as it could change some of the layout of the site. Please keep the suggestions coming, @the-bean! It is super helpful (super pun intended; I am spider-man after all).

                Mark Kamibaya
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 318

                  I haven’t submitted something for publication by kingdompen for a long time, but last time I did I experienced a really long wait time beween submission and publication (two months I think). I was fifteen so I got a little irritated when my article had to be published later during a month where it had absolutely nothing to do with that month’s theme. Has the wait time been cut down to a couple of weeks? @Michael-Stanton

                  I blog on story and spiritual things at

                  Kate Flournoy
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3976

                    @Michael-Stanton undoubtedly the forum and the home page. I just keep both separately open in my browser and reload the page as necessary.

                    Sarah Hoven
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 669

                      @michael-stanton I use the forum most often. Aside from that and the home page, I don’t really go on the rest of the site (although I really like it and I’m glad it’s there.)

                      Michael Stanton
                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 72

                        @mark-kamibaya, unfortunately, the long wait time on publication is normal for an E-Magazine. 2 months is actually on the shorter end for this industry. However, we would like to make that process as short as possible in the future. In addition, we will likely start letting everyone know the monthly themes several months in advanced so that you all will have plenty of time to write and submit work in time for it to be published under the monthly theme. I hope you will consider submitting some more work in the future! I personally have really enjoyed your “Fight Scenes: 101” articles. Side note: Your articles are still getting repined on Pinterest and getting more readers every month, so you are definitely doing something right! Keep it up! And keep the comments coming. Any way we can improve is worth knowing and sharing.

                        and @sarah-h, would you mind telling me about what you like about the forum or what functions of the forum you use the most? Or really anything that comes to mind about your experience on the forum?

                        Kate Flournoy
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3976

                          @Michael-Stanton now that you mention it, I thought of something that would help a technological dinosaur like me find their way around the forum more easily. In the first days of the forum, there used to be a little sidebar on the bottom right with all the newly replied-to topics listed. Something like that would save a lot of time digging through the different forums, and I know it would be a lot easier, at least for me.

                          • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Kate Flournoy.
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 160

                            For me, it’s still there, just found directly under the short-stories and beside the poetry now :).
                            Also, if you are in a topic, there’s a little “topics” button at the top of the page which will give you an expanded list, which I’ve found helpful for stalking purposes. *cough* I mean. uhh… yeah, stalking random topics…


                            I agree with you and @the-bean , a phone version would be very helpful! Other than that, KP has been super the past couple years. A huge shout out to all of the KP staff and board for all that y’all do!

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4238

                              Ah, Hannah, that lists the most recently created topics. What Kate is talking about was something that looked the same but showed the most recent comments.

                              I would second that if there is any way to change it back so that it shows the most recent comments, that would be very helpful.


                              Kate Flournoy
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3976

                                @Aella— yeah. What @Daeus said. πŸ˜‰

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 160

                                  @daeus @kate-flournoy
                                  Ohhhh! That makes sense, sorry guys!

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